prj2230strategy 1

1. Recall an event or activity that you’ve planned and conducted in the past year. What kind of research, if any, did you do? How could evaluation of that effort help you next time you do a similar event or activity? What kind of research would you do next time?

2. Name an organization that’s facing an issue trending in the news. What are the organization’s internal and external publics? Who are the latent, aware and active publics for the issue? Who are primary, secondary and tertiary publics?

3. Have you ever conducted a survey, focus group or other types of social research? Aside from the cost, what are some advantages and disadvantages of doing the research yourself versus pay for research services?

4. What is a utilitarian argument for why you would make a decision? Is utilitarianism an ethical principle for public relations research? Why or why not?

community nursing 108

Homeless Population

Disaster in the Community

As stated in the syllabus, present the assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font.A minimum of 2 evidence-based references (besides the class textbook) no older than five years.A minimum of 800 words is required (excluding the first and reference page).

  • Identify and discuss the significant health problems among the various homeless aggregates in your community.
  • Mention and discuss three factors that contribute to homelessness and how it affects your community
  • Mention and discuss the stages of disaster management.
  • Discuss the impact of disasters on a community.

Please click and watch the video below.

emerging threats amp countermeas its 834 41 2

First milestone: There were multiple incidents that were chosen such as Target, OPM, Equifax, Home Depot, and so many more.

In the second milestone, you will access the administrative, physical, and technical controls of the particular company then determine which one of these administrative, physical, and technical controls were not secure and led to the security incident.

Based on first milestone, second milestone should be dependent.

Guidelines for follow :

Your paper must have a title and reference page, be submitted as a two page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format. plagiarism should not be detected.

grammar and format fix

Help me correct my grammar and change my format to Chicago format, also check the rubric see if I miss anything. It’s due in five hours, before 3:30 westside.

1 inflation in the long run 15 consider the money demand curve solid line and the social money demand curve dash line in figure 1 where z real balances the real value of buyers money holding

(a) Suppose the Federal Reserve increases the nominal interest rate from i’ to i’’. What is the change in buyers’ surplus, sellers’ surplus and government income?

(b) According to the Friedman rule, what is the optimal nominal interest rate? What is the economics intuition behind the Friedman rule?

(c) Suppose the government runs the Friedman rule by setting i=0. What is the equilibrium level of real balances z? Explain why the Friedman rule is socially optimal.

(d) [Data Exercise] Now we want to quantify the money demand curve. Collect US data on i=nominal interest rate, M=money supply (M1), y=GDP in the last 50 years. Then plot the money demand curve (namely i against M/y).

(e) Find a curve that fits the money demand data in (d) (you can either use a straight line or a polynominal function). Use this as your estimate of the money demand curve.

(f) Using your estimate in (e), what is the change in the ratio M/y as the Federal Reserve raises the interest rate i from 1% to 2%? What is the loss in buyer’s surplus?

writing movie essay

chose one of these movie

The Big Short
The Insider
The Informant
Lord of War
Margin Call
Owning Mahowny

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (documentary)

write 4 to 6 pages,

Synopsis of the film; describe and analyze the fraud/crime committed in the movie
Overall white collar-theme of the film
Description of the protagonist(s) and the dilemma he/she/they faced
Personality, conduct, and motivations of the perpetrator(s)
Components of the Fraud Triangle may be present.
Application of other fraud theories, as appropriate
What harm resulted and who were the victims?
The specific offense at issue, including applicable laws
How was the offense prosecuted, defended, or adjudicated or how might it have been?
Also ,consider:
Victimization and victim psychology
Moral ambiguity and societal response
Immoral and/or illegal conduct
Other observations or responses

mgt 425 assignment 1follow the instructions in the attached files

Read the attached article titled as “Intuitive and Rational Cognition in the Theory and Practice of Management Sciences”by Marcin Nowak, Joanna Ziomek, and answer the following Questions:

  • Explain the main issues discussed in the article titled as “Intuitive and Rational Cognition in the Theory and Practice of Management Sciences”. (500-600 words)
  • What is your opinion about this article in terms of understanding the managerial Decision-Making and problem-solving process as studied in your Management Science course?(300-400 words)

uofphoenix wk project managment with gantt chart

Wk 5 – Apply: Using the Project Planner’s Toolkit [due Mon]

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Assignment Content

    • Outline the steps involved in undertaking a job search and choosing a job. Include an analysis of the advantages and limitations of the tool as well as ideas for ways you can use the tool in business.
    • Build a schedule showing the steps for planning and preparing for your vacation. Include a description of the advantages and limitations of this tool and ideas for ways you can use it in business.

Top of Form

Resources: Ch. 16 of Management: A Practical Introduction, Appendix: The Project Planner’s Toolkit and the Excel Template

Apply the concepts of the tools described in the Project Planner’s Toolkit.

Refer to the Excel Template as an example.

After studying and evaluating the components included in the Project Manager’s Toolkit, evaluate which of the tools (Gantt Chart or Flow Chart) would be most appropriate for each of the following tasks and use that tool to complete the task.

Grading Rubric:

  • Correct tool used and contents comprehensively outlined the process and thoroughly demonstrated the tool.
  • Advantages and limitations of tool were thoroughly explored and inventive uses of tool in a business application were suggested.
  • Correct tool used and contents comprehensively outlined the process and thoroughly demonstrated the tool.
  • Advantages and limitations of tool were thoroughly explored and inventive uses of tool in business application were suggested.
  • Tone and level of discussion exemplify high level of ability to communicate in academic writing.
  • Charts are expertly formatted and convey key information in easy to understand presentation
  • No errors in grammar and spelling

Combine the charts into one file.

I will share ecampus login after you accept assignment.

written summary 6

For this summary, you will have to provide 2 images.

  1. One image from the textbook in Chapter 3 only; not from chapter 2.
  2. One image of your own choice from the San Diego Museum of Art’s website: (Links to an external site.)

For each image, include the following information in “bullet” format (cut and paste the items below to use as your template):

Artwork information:

  1. Artist name
  2. Name of the artwork
  3. Date
  4. Medium (what it’s made of….oil paint, charcoal, etc)
  5. Attach the image
  6. Style of Representation: these are the general forms/styles of representation, or how art “looks”. Describe how it qualifies according to one of the styles. You must describe details of the artwork; anything from color, texture, flat areas, 3-D areas, size, etc– to back up your choice of style. (Please look to the textbook to define and describe the following terms)

• Abstract
• Representational or Naturalistic: Idealized, Expressionist, Surreal
• Non-representational

7. FORMAL ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: Identify the artwork in regards to the noticeable elements & principles with your new vocabulary; you don’t need to address ALL of the elements/principles, just the ones that are dominant. Remember, now that we have a list of things to look for, we can identify them more easily. You MUST use the correct vocabulary (from the textbook) in order to earn credit.

    • FORMAL ELEMENTS: line, light and value, color, texture and pattern, shape and volume, space, time and motion, chance, improvisation and spontaneity.
    • PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: balance, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, unity and variety.

Failure to provide all of the information above will result in loss of credit. Do not upload a document file.

REQUIRED: provide the information in the numbered format above.


  1. Provide the information in the numbered format above.
  2. CITE sources, if you use them (it is not necessary to use another source other than your text book). Your submission will be scanned through for originality. I will use this data to inform your grade. If you do not cite, it will “appear” that plagiarism is taking place.
  3. Limit your Summary to one page. Exceeding WILL result in a grade drop.
  4. Must be submitted as a pdf file.


Written Work Rubric_60pt

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication

17.0 to >15.0 pts

Above Average

Well organized. Creative and very clear use of language and no grammatical or technical errors. Citations provided if applicable.

15.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work had organizational issues, grammatical, or technical errors. Less attention to clarity of language.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Highly unorganized written work with many grammatical and technical errors. Confusing or erroneous language.

17.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

22.0 to >20.0 pts

Above Average

Written work shows a high level of contemplation and insight. Attention to key concepts associated with the related material and use of associated vocabulary and terminology. Vocabulary and terminology are used correctly as dictated in the assignment details. Citations provided if applicable.

20.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work contains less than the required amount of insight and few references to related material with some use of related vocabulary or reference to reading materials. Misuse of some of the terminology and vocabulary associated with the assignment.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Shows little to no signs of insight or understanding. Lacks attention to key concepts and no applied use of related terminology or vocabulary.

22.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFulfills RequirementsAll requirements are outlined under the specific assignment in Canvas.

21.0 to >19.0 pts

Above Average

_Completed assignment with the required format (numbered), length, file type, and image selections from required sites or chapters. Followed all directions completely. Citations provided, if applicable.

19.0 to >8.0 pts


Followed some of the directions, but did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Did not follow the directions at all, and did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

21.0 pts

Total Points: 60.0


using the potential outcomes framework propose a social intervention with its target outcomes then create a table showing the potential outcomes for participants in that program like table 6 1 explain the situation represented in each of the possibl

Using the potential outcomes framework, propose a social intervention with its target outcomes. Then, create a table showing the potential outcomes for participants in that program (like Table 6-1). Explain the situation represented in each of the possible outcomes represented in that table.