annotated bibliography 739

read the first three pages of the attached file

basically it’s getting 4 academic articles about bullying and kids

and writing approximately 2 pages of 1-summary2- paraphrase a section in one phrase3- paraphrase with a quote4- direct qoute 5- connect the article to another article( you can double dip )

excel assignment 70

1. Responses to each page should be contained within that page.

2. Calculations and responses for labels should be placed in the cell with the orange background.

3. Type your response for interpretations into the cell indicated with the yellow background.

4. Tables and graphs may be placed where you choose, but should NOT be on a separate worksheet (see #1).

5. Calculations and tables must use cell references (i.e., numbers shouldn’t simply be typed w/o work or procedures evident)

6. Include appropriate headings for rows and columns in all tables.

7. Include appropriate titles and axis labels for all graphs.

8. Reminder: this is an individual (not group) project.

need a 250 word response to this discussion thread 1

Need a 250 word response to this discussion thread

Hello class,

Week one is upon us.

Define international terrorism in your own words.

My definition of international terrorism is the use of threats, violence, criminal and/or intimidation to further a political agenda on an international or transnational scale. These acts can be in the form of physical violence, financial institution attacks, cyber-attacks, or the targeting of critical infrastructure such as electricity or water systems, among other acts that seek to leverage political gain in an unlawful manner.

What are the main elements and how does it differ from domestic terrorism?

I would argue that international terrorism differs from domestic terrorism is that it seeks worldwide attention and recruitment while seeking effect beyond national borders. International terrorism is committed with the determination to invoke a state of fear in the general public or in a group of people based on race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc., to intimidate these populations, compel a government. or an international organization to do or to refrain from doing certain acts. There is something people from several different nations, ethnicities, and races can rally around as their so called “cause.” Domestic terrorism stems from extremist political views that are rooted in extreme nationalist leaning ideologies. It is usually contained within national borders and is founded upon extreme racial, religious, or ideological belief lines. Domestic terrorism does not maintain much of an international approach to recruitment or attention.

Elements of terrorism include: The commission of criminal acts (such as killing, kidnapping, taking hostages, arson, and etc.), or threatening to commit criminal acts if tier demands are not met; conducting operations with the intent to spread fear among a population or directly or indirectly coerce a national or international policy in order to get them to take certain action, or to refrain from taking it; when the act involves a transnational it qualifies as international in scope.

Where the Palestinian airline hijacking campaigns and other terrorist attacks in the 1960s and 1970s successful in achieving their goals?

The Palestinian airline hijacking campaigns and terror attacks had what many would consider tactical and strategic success. They were able to garner media attention for their cause. Strategically, they were able to strike punishing and publicly embarrassing blows to a foe far more powerful militarily than they were. Using these very public attacks brought not only Israel, but the coaxed several international powers including Great Britain and the United States of America into negotiation. These acts were more effective than sitting and hoping for good will. They were able to secure the release of several prisoners held in multiple nations in exchange for releasing the hostages taken from the airline hijackings, and the media spotlight was squarely affixed to their cause.

I look forward to your interaction and appreciate the opportunity to learn from your perspective.


Hoffman, B. (2006). Inside Terrorism. Chapter 1. Defining Terrorism and Chapter 3. The Internationalization of Terrorism.

Keeney, G. L., & Von Winterfeldt, D. (2010). Identifying and Structuring the Objectives of Terrorists. Risk Analysis: An International Journal, 30

complete visio conceptual design complete access database file a 3 5 page apa paper discussing the following topics

A small surgery center needs your help to create a database. The office manager has identified the following types of data (entities): patients, doctors, procedures and appointments using the following business rules:

Patients can have many doctors and many doctors can see many patients.

Patients can have many procedures and many procedures are done on patients.

Doctors can have multiple appointments. (hint: these are many to many relationships, so associative tables need to be added)

  1. Please identify the attributes and primary keys needed for each of the entities.
  2. Identify the data types you would use for each of the attributes.
  3. Determine the relationships between the entities and find the one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.
    • Use the ER matrix to determine the relationships.
  4. Create an ER diagram using Visio including the associative tables based on your analysis.
  5. Identify all foreign keys needed in the database design.
  6. Create the database and relationships in Access and populate the tables using the spreadsheets.
  7. To use the database as the main office application, what other entities and attributes might be needed?

A 3-5 page APA paper discussing the following topics:

  • Discuss Database impact on the workplace,
  • Discuss database benefits when businesses use querie,
  • Forms, and reports.
  • Discuss at least two security concerns should be discussed with a proposed solution to mitigate the security issues.

bpa 331 life cycle costing analysis assignment

The LCC method of calculations should be shown on your spreadsheet, followed by responses to the posed questions

A Catholic school is considering refurbishing the lighting system in its administration building. After initial investigation, the school procurement office has narrowed down the options to two.

  • Option 1 is an Ergolight® system that costs $500,000 to purchase and install.
  • Option 2 is a conventional system that costs $100,000 to purchase and install.

Both systems are expected to last for twenty years.

  • The energy and maintenance costs for Option 1 are $20,000 and $2,000, respectively.
  • The energy and maintenance costs for Option 2 are $50,000 and $10,000.

Assume that all costs are to be paid at the end of the year, and the real discount rate is 4 percent.

Create an Excel Spreadsheet in which you address the following:

  • Which lighting system should the school select based on financial considerations? Use the LCC method to address this question.
  • What is capital budgeting? How does it relate to the mission and strategic planning of a nonprofit?
  • What are the major sources of financing for capital projects?
  • read chapter 3 of pp and write a 300 400 words reading response

    These are a 150-200-word summary of a reading followed by a 150-200 word focused response to that reading. Note that your response should be more than saying an article is “great,” or “fascinating,” or “I didn’t like it.” These are all responses, and, as such, a valid, even essential, part of your understanding. But such responses don’t help illuminate the subject for anyone – even you – if you haven’t explained how you arrived at your conclusions.

    use the stage gate model links to an external site to develop a theoretical new product or service

    Part 1

    1,Use the Stage-Gate model (Links to an external site.) to develop a theoretical new product or service. Some of your businesses might be service-based, so you may have to be creative in thinking about a new project. If you have any problems thinking of a product or service idea, please let me know and I’ll help you think of one. Here is another resource on the model. While you will not actually be creating a new product, you can still detail the requirements for each stage as well as the metrics you will use to make a decision to continue to the next stage or stop the project. Since this is a theoretical exercise, you can make assumptions while completing each phase.

    In short, the Stage-Gate model has the following six phases:

    Stage 0: Discover. In this phase, you think of a new product or service idea.

    Stage 1: Scoping. This is where you evaluate the idea on its viability and marketability. A SWOT analysis is often used for this phase.

    Stage 2: Building a Business Case. Further define the product, the manufacturing requirements, a project plan, and estimated revenues.

    Stage 3: Development. A prototype or prototypes are developed.

    Stage 4: Testing and Validation. The prototype is tested. If there is a problem, the team goes back to the development stage. If it works, the product can be prepared for Stage 5.

    Stage 5: Launch. A marketing strategy is developed and the product is made available to customers.

    How about a real-world example? Here’s a Stage-Gate approach from the Centers for Disease Control (Links to an external site.). Note how much more complex it is compared to the version we use in this course. It is included here just so you can get an idea of how much this model can expand and be used not only for product development but also project management. IT may also give you ideas of items to include in your Stage-Gate assignment.

    2,Create a 5 slide presentation that outlines the different kinds of innovations described in the supplemental reading (product, process, and business model). You can supplement your description using chapter 9 from the Entrepreneurship e-book. On the fourth slide, provide a real-world example of each innovation type. On the fifth slide, describe how market research can be integrated in the Stage-Gate model.

    part 2

    Find an article that discusses the two topics of market research and innovation.

    • Summarize the article, noting examples and key points.
    • Next, analyze the article. What do you think about what is discussed? Are there key considerations missing or other issues?
    • Finally, how do you see market research evolving in the future, specifically considering online/social factors and the dramatic increase in available data?
    • Please include a link to the article.

    The essay should be at least 300 words.

    final project research paper microeconomics under armor

    Need this paper written to be submitted by Sunday 10pm. I was given Under Armor as the company to research. Rubric attached as well as a template with detailed instructions. I saw some under armor papers posted but I am not sure they are what I need, therefore I am willing to pay for the proper assignment.

    please let me know if someone is accepting the job.

    litigation adr criminal prosecution

    For each of the following scenarios, state whether you believe litigation, ADR, or criminal prosecution is the appropriate response and explain your answer.

    1. Adele is a secretary for her company. As part of her responsibilities, she can write checks for the purchase of office supplies. One week, she is short on cash and may not have enough money to buy groceries for herself and her daughter. She writes a check out to herself, intending only to do this once and reimburse the account. She never does, though, and finds herself in a similar situation a few weeks later. This happens several times and Adele ends up taking a large amount of money from the account. Eventually, the accounting manager discovers a discrepancy and confronts Adele, who admits to writing checks to herself.
    2. Robert has purchased a doll from a large, multinational company for his infant daughter. His daughter enjoys playing with the toy. However, several weeks after getting the doll, the Robert’s daughter pulls one of the dolls fingers. She puts it in her mouth and swallows it. The doll’s finger blocks her airways. Robert rushes her to the hospital. Doctor’s are able to remove the doll’s finger, but not before lack of oxygen causes brain damage to Robert’s daughter, resulting in extensive medical bills and a heavily impaired quality of life for the little girl.
    3. ABC Company has ordered several thousand light bulbs from XYZ Company. ABC ordered specialty light bulbs to be used in special heating lamps they produce. These lamps require 250 watt bulbs, but XYZ sends 150 watt bulbs. The mistake delays the shipment of several thousand heating lamps, resulting in losses to ABC Company.

    Prepare an essay of at least 1,500 words. The paper should be 12-point font, Times New Roman, and include a list of any outside sources used. OWN WORDS

    part 1 finance and budgeting paper 3 pages with references based on submitted paperwork and table part 2 10 15 slide powerpoint based on paper

    Module 3 – Assignment – Finance and Budgeting


    1. Based on your proposed organization and structure for the GAH and the Community Clinic, we will now focus on financing and budgeting issues.
    2. In order to do so, we will need to define the following requirements and assumptions:
      1. Cost of facility construction, initial medical equipment, and instrumentation, will not be calculated – as they will be fully paid by the state as a grant.
      2. All senior patients will be above the age of 65, and will have only the Federal Medicare health insurance. Research the major constructs of Medicare health coverage as defined by the “Medicare Prospective Payment System.”
      3. The hospital and clinic will be financially balanced, that is, income from Medicare payments will cover in full all operating costs.
    3. “Medicare Prospective Payment System”
      1. The hospital is reimbursed by the government per procedure and/or treatment by a predefined sum and not by the actual expenses performed for and on a particular patient.
      2. For example – a patient requiring open heart surgery will utilize the services of physicians, nurses, OR, laboratory, pharmacy, and occupies a hospital bed on average for six days. If a certain patient is discharged after four days, the hospital will still be paid the six-day amount. Hence, the incentive to operate efficiently and effectively, enabling the hospital to “save money.”
    4. Prepare (based on the table provided), a forecast of profit or loss for GAH for the first year of operation.
    5. Conclusions and Recommendations.

    PART 2 POWERPOINT 10-15 slides based on above paper

    1. Do not attempt to dazzle your audience with psychedelic visual effects, multi colors, and eye-boggling animations.
    2. Do not just copy and paste your case text into the slides.
    3. Focus on the content and what message you want to get across to the board.
    4. Think Audience – Ensure that all slides are viewable (i.e., relevant text in viewable font size.)
    5. “one picture is worth a thousand words” – include graphs, diagrams, etc., as appropriate.
    6. Do not use all caps except for titles.
    7. Keep the background consistent and subtle.
    8. Use only enough text when using charts or graphs to explain; clearly label the graphic.
    9. Keep the design clean and uncluttered. Leave empty space around the text and graphics.
    10. Check the spelling and grammar.

    1. The number of slides per module should be about 10-15.
    2. Prepare and submit the sectional/modular slides for each module
    1. Finance and Budgeting –
    2. Conclusions and Recommendations –