this assignment consists of two questions each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long depending upon the depth of the question an answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient

This assignment consists of two questions. Each of your responses should be one or more paragraphs long, depending upon the depth of the question. An answer consisting of only a few short sentences is insufficient, and will receive a poor grade. Please include references where appropriate.

  1. Describe how the human Y chromosome is different from the human X chromosome in terms of overall size and total number of genes. How does the Y chromosome determine maleness in a human embryo?
  2. Almost all calico cats are female. Use the terms Lyon hypothesis, X-inactivation, Barr body, and dosage compensation to explain the mechanisms that give calico cats their patchwork coats. Under what circumstances can a calico cat be male?

reading response 328

It’s time to apply what you are learning to understanding real world events. Pick an article that considers a current economic issue and analyze, using what you’ve learned so far in macroeconomics (and micro!) ) For this assignment you are to read the article, answer the following questions, and explain the economic significance of this article. In 2-3 pages (space and a half)

discussion board 1224

Discussion Board

Being the Leader




400–600 words

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your ideas, analysis, and comments supported with application of course learning materials. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Review the UWEAR and PALEDENIM scenario found here.

You will first meet with the CEOs of each organization, Theresa Tramlin and Mike Miller, to help them understand their important leadership roles for the success of the merger.

The merger is a significant change for both organizations; there is growing anxiety and uncertainty among the employees of both organizations. The goal is to complete the merger in a way that maintains employee performance and allegiance to the merged organization. Both CEOs were promoted from managerial positions, so one of your tasks is to help them understand how to distinguish the two roles.

Please discuss the following with your classmates:

  • In your opinion, what is the difference between being a manager and being a leader?
  • Read research findings by Kabacoff (1998) that, although men and women are perceived as equally effective in leading, women tend to focus more on production, attaining results, and people, while men tend to focus on strategic planning, organization vision, and business tasks. Kabacoff, R. I. (1998). Gender differences in organizational leadership. Portland, ME: Management Research Group. Retrieved from…
  • Considering this, in your opinion, which leadership theory or style will be effective when leading the merger and why?

expand on one of greta christina s several different definitions of sex and explain how that definition is problematic

Here are the full instructions:


An important aspect of philosophical thinking is the ability to do conceptual analysis. Greta Christina’s paper (under attachment) is a great example of this. Throughout her paper, she proposes a definition of sex, discusses how that definition captures several cases that intuitively count as sex, but then discusses some more complicated cases that either show that the definition is too broad (i.e., it includes or counts some case as an instance of sex when intuitively it should not) or too narrow (i.e., it excludes some case from counting as an instance of sex when we intuitively think it should count).

This paper assignment is divided into two parts.

Part one:

Expand on one of Greta Christina’s several different definitions of sex and explain how that definition is problematic. For example, Christina says, “Perhaps having sex with someone is the conscious, consenting, mutually acknowledged pursuit of shared sexual pleasure.” You might explain this definition (or one of the other ones that she considers) by giving a (fictional) example and showing how it exemplifies each of the features listed in the definition. Then, you should explain why that definition is problematic. For example, you could explain how there are cases that we intuitively count (or don’t count) as sex but aren’t (or are) counted as sex according to the definition (i.e., state whether the definition is too broad or too narrow, or both, and show how).

Part two:

This part has two options. The first is less challenging than the second, but the second, if done well, can score higher points than the first.

Option 1 : Clearly articulate a second definition from Christina that attempts to address some of the problematic aspects of the definition you discussed in part one. Then, as you did in part one, explain how even this second definition could be problematic (Is it too broad? too narrow? both? Show how).

Option 2 : Propose your own definition — a definition of sex that Christina does not consider. Show how that definition might handle some of the complicated cases that she discusses. Then, clearly state what the shortcomings of your proposed definition might be. For example, you should clearly state how the definition could be too broad or too narrow (or both) by presenting relevant counterexamples.

You should take as a clear example of good writing the last two pages of Christina’s essay. Notice how she structures the discussion. She considers a definition. Then she discusses how some cases clearly fit that definition, then some cases that don’t (AGAIN either because the definition is too broad, i.e. it includes cases that do not count as sex, or because the definition is too narrow, i.e. the definition excludes cases that do count as sex).

With that in mind, this paper will be graded according to the following rubric:

(10 points) Part One: Clear presentation of definition from Christina. Persuasively shows why definition is unsatisfactory.

(10 points) Part Two: Clear presentation and discussion of a definition of sex that follows up on the definition in part one (either from Christina or your own). In the case that the presentation is another definition from Christina, make sure that the discussion of it is clear and that any problems with it are clearly stated. In the case that you present your own definition, it is important to demonstrate BOTH an understanding of how the proposed definition captures several complications discussed in the reading AND recognizing potential difficulties with the definition.

(2 points) Overall structure: Is the discussion well-ordered and easy to follow?

(1 point) Grammar and spelling: Are there errors in spelling and/or grammar?

(2 points) Style: Is the writing clear and concise (that’s good), or is it obscure (that’s bad)?


Papers should be 3 pages double spaced, 1″ margins, 12pt font (preferably New Times Roman, but anything that’s easy to read is acceptable). To be clear, formatting is not nearly as important as the content of the paper. If you happen to go over or under by a few lines, don’t fret. Especially DO NOT try to make it appear as if you’ve written more than you have. Again, it’s what you’ve said and how you’ve said it that matters, not how the words on the page appear.

needing help with homework 5

I am needing homework help on my history assignment. I will have everything attached below!


essay about how we can help an organization prepare for a crisis information management system for a natural disaster

Natural disaster presents a risk to the information system. In your role as security personnel, you are responsible to help ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the organization’s critical data and information systems.

With this role in mind, visit the national oceanic and atmospheric administration’s website (NOAA) Review and select one national disaster that occurred in 2019.


With your role and organization in mind, prepare a 3 to 5 page (APA format) proposal on how you will help the organization prepare a “Crisis Information Management System” for such a disaster. In your paper address the following:

  1. Define Crisis Information Management System
  2. Discuss the importance of an effective information management system during a crisis.
  3. Identify and present at least three technologies that underlie the communication system during a disaster.

research proposal guidelines 1

I’ve uploaded my previous work named “PREDICTING SPAM AND PHISH COMPLAINS IN OOREDO TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY”. And I want Statement of purpose a document of 10 to 12 pages describing the research question that you are going to tackle. (The documents should include an introduction, literature review, research question, research methodology and references) see attachment.

Read the file attached and write accordingly as below:


The proposal should be accompanied by an abstract of around 300 words, an introduction relating the research issue(s) to be tackled, the methods to be employed and the expected results and the expected thesis’s contribution to the theoretical aspect of the field.

Proposal Document Content:

The research proposal document must include the following sections:

1. Abstract:

A brief description of the research question to be tackled in the candidate’s Ph.D. thesis. The abstract describes the research question under investigation, the location of the research in the literature, methods to be used to address the research question, and the likely outcomes and implications of the research.

2. Introduction

The introduction should cover the following aspects of the study:

a) Background: Outline a preliminary literature review of the research topic

b) Purpose: What does the study intend to do?

c) Motivation: Why does the study intend to do that?

d) Benefit: Who or what or how will the study benefit after it is completed?

3. Literature Review

This section should do a thorough search of all the past studies conducted in the line of research the study intends to follow. The literature review should be written in a logical format using appropriate language.

4. Research Question

This section should clearly state the research question(s) the study intends to ask. The variables to be tested should be clearly stated with proper definitions.

5. Methodology

The aim of this section is to present the research methodology to be utilized by the candidate to conduct the research required to tackle the research question. This section should include, the source of data, the data collection method, the statistical methods to be used, and any limitations or difficulty that might be faced when collecting or testing the data.

6. References

Harvard style.

*** Number of Pages = 10-12 pages.


*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

4000 forum and responses

The following discussion comes from your week 6 readings. Outside research to address these issues is encouraged. I would suggest using the online library for additional sources of information and research. In addition, I would recommend utilizing the legal studies program guide.

There are various factors in making decisions to charge an individual with a crime. There are also stages and rules of trial by jury and rules of entering a guilty plea.

This forum asks you to examine plea agreements and the trial process.

Please thoroughly discuss each of the following:

  1. Discuss some of the reasons why a prosecutor would offer a defendant a plea agreement. Discuss your thoughts on plea bargaining. Discuss the constitutional requirements of entering a guilty plea.
  2. What is the difference between a bench trial and a jury trial. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
  3. Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to determine the charges placed on a defendant? Do you think the prosecutor is given too much discretion to offer a defendant a plea agreement? Discuss why and remember to support your position.


Based on the facts provided to you in week 1 discussion forum #2, the investigation report, the confession by Mayo and the witness statements made by Dietz and Joe answer the following:

1) If you were the defense attorney representing Mayo would you try to negotiate a plea agreement on his behalf or go to trial?

2) The prosecutor is given a lot of discretion in the criminal court process. If you were the prosecutor would you try to negotiate a plea agreement or go to trial? Discuss why and make sure to support your position. Also, discuss the pros and cons to each.


please follow carefully all the instructions

It should be 2-3 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font/Times New Roman or Cambria, regular margins, and in the top left corner of your paper should be your name; CJS 418, and the due date of the paper (there should be no space between those 3 items). Make sure you proofread before turning in your assignment on Canvas. And remember to use ASA or MLA format within text (I do not need a reference page). You will lose points if you do not cite properly within text. No other outside resources may be used without my permission.

writing assignment 1 family rules

What if you were asked to sit down with a family and identify the five most important rules for them to have in their family? Based on your reading of this chapter and your experiences, what advice would you give this family? What examples would you include in your discussion?

Note: Provide specific examples to elaborate your views. Write and organize in complete sentence paragraphs; apply APA style format for in-text citations and listing reference(s); and in 2 pages.