hazardous materials and industrial safety in disaster management 3

1. Describe the activities associated with incident termination.

2. Describe the transferring responsibilty of the incident scene – compare and contrast two differing events, i.e. only local resources actively involved, multi-state resources involved.

3. Describe how to conduct a debriefing with response and receiving personnel. In addition, describe how, when, and why you would incorporate lessons learned for the next event. Finally, how do you translate the lessons learned into lessons implemented.

Reference to appropriate authoritative resources and official websites. Must be accessible online. Use New Times Roman 12 font with 1” margins and APA style.

Helpful Readings:

– Noll, Hilderbrand, and Yvossa Hazardous material: Managing the incident 4th ed (chapters 12).

– NFPA 472 (8.5 Evaluating Progress) and (8.6 Terminating the Incident).

– Stilp, R. and Bevelacqua, A.; Emergency Medical Response to Hazardous Material Incidents, ISBN-10: 0-8273-7829-7 DELMAR CENGAGE Learning (Chapters 7, and App A).

discussion question defining stakeholders

Describe the responsibility that organizations have to its stakeholders (be sure to define “stakeholders” within your answer).

gender identity crime of art 04

The midterm project is a paper of three or more full pages, word count at least 1000. which thoughtfully and critically analyzes the context and content of an outside text in relation to a critical aspect, controversy, or “crime” of art which we have discussed in class.

  • Papers less than three full pages will be marked as incomplete.
  • The PowerPoint for the Midterm Project in the Course Documents module has a list of themes of topics which we have explored in class.

An outside text can be a literary, visual, or audio text. It can be a novel, book of poems, comic book, art book, film, television show, artistic performance or a sculpture, painting, or other fine art. The text could also be a song, music video, or music album. This list is not exhaustive. An outside text is not a text which we have previously discussed in class.

Midterm Project Specifications:

  • Your project will be three or more full pages, formatted in Times New Roman (or another variable-width serif font), double-spaced, and have 1 inch margins.
  • Your project will use MLA citations and cite any outside texts in a Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
  • Your project will be submitted on Canvas as a Word or PDF document.
  • Your midterm project is due by the beginning of class on Tuesday, February 11th Thursday, February 13th.

What a Satisfactory Project Will Do:

  • Your project will successfully analyze a primary outside text in relation to one or more relevant ideas, themes, or topics from our class. This analysis will be supported by relevant textual details and a close reading of your primary outside text (reading of a poem, chapter, movie scene, excerpts from a song or music video, and so on) and by relevant contextual details (historical or social context, publication, performance, or release history, public reception, etc)
  • You can bring in texts and materials which we have discussed in class which help you establish your topic and discuss your outside text , but you do not need to closely read them or analyze them. The focus of this paper should be on your primary outside text.
  • You are welcome, but are not required, to bring in any secondary outside texts that help you discuss the reception of your text, contextualizes within larger social or cultural discourse, or otherwise establishes what you see as the text challenging something in our society or our aesthetic categories in a way which connects to the themes we’ve talked about in our class.
  • All outside texts, both primary and secondary, must be cited at the end of the paper in a Works Cited page.

What an Above Satisfactory Paper Will Do:

In addition to all of the above, an above satisfactory paper will not only successfully analyze how the primary text relates to one or more ideas, themes, or topics from our class, but will also go beyond this to complicate, challenge, or reassess our understanding of that topic or theme.

Example: The Sphere, a bronze globe statue symbolizing world peace through world trade is one of only two art pieces that remained after the Twin Towers were destroyed on September 11, 2001. The German artist Fitz Koenig had originally meant for the statue to symbolize world peace and unity, but after that horrendous day it quickly became something so much more. It became the common symbol of hope, resolve, endurance, and beauty for the people of New York. My paper will evaluate the acceptance and idealization of The Sphere, a sculpture that questions concerning the roles of beauty and death in western art.

need help in interpersonal communication hw 2

i need you to do two parts.

part 1 is a film review about When Harry Met Sally. i would need you to answer 4 questions and it should be 3-4 pages double spaced. (PLEASE REFER TO THE DOCUMENT I ATTACHED FOR MORE DETAILS)

part 2 is about decorating a box to reflect your personal and social self. i need you to do some explanation about it (PLEASE REFER TO THE DOCUMENT I ATTACHED FOR MORE DETAILS)

final research method paper 200 points

This assignment is worth 200 points.

please use the intro and methods section you used previously. This is a huge chunk of my grade I have to pass. There can be no APA formatting errors or I will fail. Organization is key.

Please read the information below carefully and review the attached rubric (below).

  • The final proposal paper integrates all of your completed and edited sections:

1) Introduction, 2) Method, and 3) Results.

  • It will also allow you to synthesize your interpretation of those findings in a Discussion. This is the time to respond to the feedback you received each week, correct any errors, and integrate all sections of your paper.
  • Check all instructor and CA feedback, make the necessary edits, and integrate into the Final Proposal.
  • Do NOT just copy/paste all sections into the Final proposal.
  • The final paper will include a Title page, Abstract, Discussion, and Reference page.
  • Follow the exact guidelines for writing an Abstract.
  • The Abstract comes after the Title page but before the main portion of your paper. It serves as a summary/overview/synopsis of your paper.


  • Contains at least 150 words, but no more than 250 words
  • Is a summary of your research written in a very concise manner.
  • Includes complete sentences concisely describing your work that summarizes your hypothesis, methods, results, analysis, as well as any limitations discovered in your study.
  • Is placed on its own page after the Title page and before the Introduction.

The ABSTRACT includes the following information:

  • Problem statement: What problem are you trying to solve?
  • Motivation: Why would your readers care about the problem and the results? This section needs to note the importance of your work, any difficulty in studying the area, and the impact of your intended work with this the population.
  • Approach: How will you go about solving the problem? What important variables will you control or measure?
  • Results: What would you expect as results? Since your paper is a proposal, you will note the “expected” results.
  • Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer? Can your information impact the scientific literature? Why or why not? Are your results general, generalizable, or specific to only one specific case?

→ Review the articles that you read for this proposal as well as the authors’ abstracts for additional examples.


  • Begin with brief reasons for reading your study.
  • What did you study? Why?
  • What is your hypothesis? Was it supported by your “intended” measurements?
  • Why or why not?
  • Provide a “general” interpretation of our results, support for your conclusions, and why they are important.
  • Remind the reader what you found and interpret its significance.
  • The section will help to make sense of your potential measurement data, so to speak.
  • Describe any observable experiences or events that could account for your results.
  • Summarize your design and procedures and emphasize the reasons why your design has proved to be successful.
  • Note the reasons why your hypothesis might be incorrect. Could there be any possible explanations?
  • Consider any other variables (i.e., confounding or third variables that were not included but could have contributed to your results.
  • Summarize your conclusions relative to future work. By this part, I mean that I want you to frame this in the grand scheme of importance – why would anyone care? How should these results be used moving forward?
  • How would your research add to existing research? Consider how your research could impact society.
  • Discuss the limitations of your study – consider who you recruited, the measures you used, the procedures, etc.
  • Review the feedback from throughout the course and think about design issues that you didn’t address and could have used.
  • Note any recommendations for future research. If you were to re-design this project, what would you do differently?

Final Research Proposal Assignment Guide & Rubric

  • Review all former announcements regarding the format for the Final Proposal which now includes an Abstract, Results, and Discussion sections.

Elements of a Research Proposal.doc


Final Proposal Assignment Guide.doc


FINAL Proposal Rubric.pdf



FINAL Proposal Rubric

FINAL Proposal Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCover Page and Abstract

10.0 pts


Cover page meets APA standards; Abstract is between 150-250 words. Serves as a concise description of the work that summarizes the hypothesis, methods, results, analysis, as well as any limitations discovered in the study.

8.0 pts


Cover page meets APA standards or contains only minimal errors; Abstract is between 150-250 words, but is vague or underdeveloped in terms of summarizing the hypothesis, methods, results, analysis, as well as any limitations discovered in the study.

6.0 pts


Cover page contains some errors in APA formatting; Abstract exceeds 250 words, but is vague or underdeveloped in terms of summarizing the hypothesis, methods, results, analysis, as well as any limitations discovered in the study.

0.0 pts


Cover page OR Abstract is missing.

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

40.0 pts


Clearly articulates context and significance for the proposed research investigation. Provides adequate information support the background of the research question. Describes the specific question, hypothesis, and IV/DV variables. Explains the proposed significance of these findings. Citations are given.

35.0 pts


Vaguely articulates context and significance for the proposed research investigation. Provides underdeveloped information support the background of the research question. Vaguely describes the specific question, hypothesis, and IV/DV variables. Explains the proposed significance of these findings. Citations are given.

25.0 pts


Vaguely articulates context and significance for the proposed research investigation. Provides underdeveloped information support the background of the research question. Vaguely describes the specific question, hypothesis, and IV/DV variables. Significance is unclear. Few citations are given.

0.0 pts


Very poorly articulates the significance or context and/or none provided at all. Excludes background information or fails to describe the hypotheses, research question, and variables.

40.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMethods

30.0 pts


Clearly articulates the sample characteristics and the participants that will be recruited. Explains that informed consent or participant assent will be completed. Materials are explained, including how these instruments will be scored. Procedures are explained, including what analysis would be appropriate to use. Analysis makes sense for the types of variables described. Citations are given.

25.0 pts


Provides minimal detail about the participants or sample. Excludes information about sampling or recruitment or does not explain the process of informed consent. Vague or underdeveloped information about measures or their scoring. Also, vague or underdeveloped information about procedures or analytic process. Citations are given.

20.0 pts


Participant or sample information is vague or underdeveloped. In addition, sampling or informed consent processes are excluded. Vague or underdeveloped information about measures or their scoring; Minimal information given about procedures or analytic process. The analytic plan is inappropriate to the types of variables included. One of these is either completely underdeveloped or excluded. No citations are given.

0.0 pts


No participant or sample information is provided. Very poorly articulates the materials that will be used or fails to include information about scoring. Or, no materials are included at all. Very poorly articulates the procedures or analytic process. Or this aspect of the paper is excluded.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResults

30.0 pts


Clearly articulates the statistical test that was used. Provides clear description of expected results.

25.0 pts


Vaguely describes the statistical test that was used. Provides only minimal description of expected results.

20.0 pts


Very poorly describes the statistical test that was used. Provides no description of expected results.

0.0 pts


No results section information is provided.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion

30.0 pts


Includes a restatement of the hypothesis and expected results. Provides detailed description of implications of a correct hypothesis and/or an incorrect hypothesis. Discusses how this research would extend or demonstrate a significant improvement over previous research and how it would be beneficial to the field of psychology. Discusses other interpretations of the findings and ideas for future research that might improve on this research. Citations are given.

25.0 pts


Vague or underdeveloped restatement of the hypothesis and expected results. Provides minimal description of implications of a correct hypothesis and/or an incorrect hypothesis. Discusses very minimally how this research would extend or demonstrate a significant improvement over previous research and how it would be beneficial to the field of psychology. Discusses other interpretations of the findings and ideas for future research that might improve on this research. Citations are given.

20.0 pts


Vague or underdeveloped restatement of the hypothesis and expected results. Provides minimal description of implications of a correct hypothesis and/or an incorrect hypothesis. Discusses very minimally how this research would extend or demonstrate a significant improvement over previous research and how it would be beneficial to the field of psychology. Discusses minimally other interpretations of the findings and ideas for future research that might improve on this research. One of these elements may be missing altogether Few to no citations are given.

0.0 pts


No discussion of hypothesis is included. Barely describes extension of this research or next steps. Fails to include any limitations. No citations are given.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormatting and APA

30.0 pts


Little to no formatting errors. Title page and subsequent pages have proper headings. Reference citations have no major errors

25.0 pts


Some formatting errors, but paper is still readable. Title page or headings may have minor errors that do not disrupt the flow of the paper. Reference citations have no major errors

20.0 pts


Several formatting errors that disrupt the readability of this paper. Title page may be excluded or running head not placed on paper. Reference citations have many errors

0.0 pts


Major formatting errors and the paper is poorly written. Or, paper contains major grammatical errors. Grammar and/or formatting disrupts the readability of the paper.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Mechanics

30.0 pts


Little to no grammatical or spelling errors. Paper is appropriately written in past and future tense.

25.0 pts


Some grammatical or spelling errors, but paper is still readable. May have minor errors with tense, but is consistent throughout paper so that it is readable.

20.0 pts


Several grammatical or spelling errors that disrupt the readability of this paper

0.0 pts


Major grammatical and spelling errors. Grammatical errors disrupt the readability of the paper.

30.0 pts

Total Points: 200.0


my question is below 3

What: Watch or participate in something funny. Please do something for at least 30 minutes to treat yourself to this technique’s best benefits. Suggestions include watching a movie, watching a number of SNL episodes, watching “College Humor” on Netflix —- you get the idea. Then write a 350-500-word reflection on the topic. Reflect on why you chose your activity and why? Did it work? How do you feel, both physically and emotionally, after the experience?

Purpose: To achieve “guffaw” laughter, the kind of deep tummy-shaking laughter that is associated with decreased stress levels. Once achieved, this assignment asks you to mindfully reflect on how humor felt, and whether it impacted your stress or anxiety. If so, how did it impact? What did it feel like? Is this something that you do anyway? Would you use it going forward?

required to select a criminal justice related book from the list below and create a powerpoint presentation of at least 10 slides that summarizes and analyzes the book

The list of the approved books for the review presentation is as follows:

  • Arbitrary Justice: The Power of the American Prosecutor by Angela J. Davis
  • Crook County by Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
  • Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison by Bruce Western
  • Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson
  • Misdemeanorland by Issa Kohler-Hausmann
  • Rethinking Rehabilitation by David Farabee
  • Snitching: Criminal Informants by Alexandra Natapoff
  • Stop and Frisk by Michael White and Henry Fradella
  • The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
  • The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison by Jeffrey Reiman & Paul Leighton

The information that must be included in the presentation includes:

  • Author’s Objectives—What is the goal? Why was it written?
  • Summary of the Main Points of Each Chapter, IN YOUR OWN WORDS
  • Personal Evaluation, by answering the following:
    • How does the author support their arguments?
    • What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the book?
    • How has the book helped you better understand the topic?
    • What is the most interesting part of the book and why?
    • Who would you recommend the book to and why?

writing an essay following the instructions below


I need help writing one page and half-two pages answering these questions.

Describe your first encounter with God and Religion? Describe the circumstances surrounding your first encounter with someone from another faith? What questions did you have? What answers to those questions that you would like to share?

** i am muslim, so Islam will be the thing that you going to answer for the first question.

complete 8 slide pp for humanities atc

Choose an artwork from the Greek time period. Give the background of the artist, a full description of the work, and its importance to Greek history. Also include why is this work important to Humanities. Develop a PowerPoint of 8-10 slides. Be creative and include a works cited slide.

finance assignment 99

Your initial investment stake will be $50,000 (the portfolio should use at least 95% of the initial investment amount, but do not use more than $50,000). You may purchase stocks (common or preferred stock), bonds, corporate or U.S. Treasury bonds, mutual funds, futures contracts, or options. You will use the closing prices from the first day of class to determine the price of each issue. Only whole lots of any issues may be acquired: that is no less than 100 shares of common or preferred stock with a maximum dollar purchase amount of $10,000, no less than five corporate bonds and U.S Treasury bonds with a maximum value of $10,000 (par or face value $1000). For mutual funds, your maximum amount of dollar investment is $20,000. Your options, future contracts, and any other related investment instrument cannot exceed $10,000. Take into consideration that transaction costs are a flat 6% of the gross purchase. For the Final Project, Create a model portfolio of investments, which may include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, options, and futures contracts. Include the following: Introduction Describe the risk preferences of your investment strategy. Assess your investment alternatives available to individual investors as they relate to professional investors. Investment alternatives should be stated in term of both risk and return. Body Summarize the various investment securities and techniques you identified in the assignments in Week 1 through Week 4. Explain the impact of market factors that influence them. In your portfolio, you should include your company profiles or fact sheets, your finance analysis, the financial news on your companies, your performance charts, and a securities description. Calculate an annualized return on the portfolio (beginning date of the course to the ending data of course). Compute the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) return on equity for your selected companies’ common stock, and compare it to the current return on equity; discuss if the CAPM return on equity is more or less than the current return on equity provided by a financial analyst. Summarize the risks of your portfolio. Determine which areas you would rebalance in your portfolio and discuss why. Summarize the performance and return of your portfolio. Conclusion Discuss the lessons you have learned from BUS405: Principles of Investments. If you had more time to manage your portfolio, what additional changes would you make? The Final Project, Must be 5 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted