observe and record detailed daily life

What it is

“You can observe a lot by watching.”

This quotation by the great philosopher Yogi Berra highlights one of the important skills creators use. Whether they’re writers, business managers, teachers, janitors, stay-at-home parents, engineers, or anything else, creators make great use of observation to generate, plan, and implement ideas and innovations.

For creators, observation requires more than just looking at a thing and collecting visual data, though. Observation requires a certain mindset. One way to think about this mindset is to consider yourself an alien anthropologist—a curious scholar in a foreign world where everything is new, unfamiliar, and interesting, gathering information in order to make meaning of this strange new world. The curious scholar observes everything around him with a mind and all five senses completely open, absorbing, engaging, and reflecting on the things he sees. Another way to think about observation is to think of it as active reading of your world—reading your world using the same critical reading skills you would use to engage in a work of literature. Making meaning of literature is less about asking “What’s the point of this work?” and more about exploring the possible questions and meanings of a work, and how it connects to other areas of your life and the world.

Effective observation also requires good note-taking. Creators often use a journal to take “field notes” on their observations. Specifically, field notes record the immediate, raw sensory data about the thing being observed, and quick, on-the-fly reflections on the thing being observed.

The alien anthropology assignment will invite you to practice the all-important skill of observation by observing your own worlds with this mindset, and recording field notes on things that grab your attention. Later in this course, you’ll sift through these field notes and other pieces of writing to locate the subject that you’ll develop into a story or short collection of poems.

What to do

Observe your everyday world with a receptive, curious eye. Focus on finding something familiar in what at first appears foreign to you, or finding something unfamiliar in what at first appears ordinary. (Once you adopt the proper mindset, you’ll experience this phenomenon everywhere you go.) When you find one of these “somethings” that really grabs your attention, write down a description of it that captures your immediate impressions. These descriptions are your field notes. The something that you write about can be just about anything, so long as it’s a tangible, physical thing: a person or people, an object, a place, an event you witnessed firsthand.

Your field notes should not be formal pieces of prose—you don’t need to outline, draft, revise, etc. You’re trying to capture your immediate impressions on the familiar in the foreign, or the unfamiliar in the ordinary, so all you need to write are detailed, copious notes. Absorb and jot down all the physical details you possibly can that illustrate what’s familiar about the foreign “something,” or what’s unfamiliar about the ordinary “something.” You might focus on the way a thing looks, moves, sits, talks, feels, smells, sounds, etc., and details of the surroundings, too, if that’s important. In any case, be as specific and vivid in your notes as you can, using as many of your five senses as possible.

Your field notes SHOULD NOT BE WRITTEN IN LIST FORM. Why? Because when we write in “list-mode,” we automatically limit our thinking to very short list items instead of letting our creative brains do their thing with descriptions, etc.

After you’ve recorded the sensory details of your something, jot down a few more notes that reflect on its abstract meaning. Why did this thing grab your attention? What broad questions, ideas, problems, or issues does it raise for you? What might this thing say about a person, or a community, or a shared behavior? These questions are only suggestions; you don’t have to respond to each of them in your notes, and you’re welcome to formulate your own questions/responses. The point of this part of your field notes is simply to record some quick, abstract reflection on the significance of the something you just observed.

How it should look

  • Your completed assignment should have at least five entries.
  • Title each entry with the date of the observation, the name of the observed something, and the location. (For example: “9/1/2016, french fries swimming in mayonnaise, Hawk Haven.”)
  • This assignment should be typed. You can single-space this assignment. All other formatting guidelines apply (see the syllabus).
  • Leave enough space between each entry so that it’s easy to tell where one ends and another begins.
  • There is no length requirement for your entries—being exhaustively detailed is the most important thing, and illuminating the familiar in the foreign or the unfamiliar in the ordinary. As a loose guideline, though, shoot for at least one half page of notes for each something you write about.

What to turn in

  • Submit your assignment to the Alien Anthropology discussion thread on our Canvas site.

How it’s graded

I’m primarily looking for entries that use exhaustive detail of the something you’re describing and its surroundings that uses all five senses, and that illustrate the familiar in the foreign or the unfamiliar in the ordinary. Of course, I’ll also check to see that you’ve adhered to the other requirements spelled out in this handout, including formatting requirements.

business process redesign 3

If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

look at requirements 7

Individual Project

Ethical Decision Making




500–700 words

View this Ethical Dilemma to learn more about Bill and Joe’s relationship. Ethical Dilemma attached

Joe has scheduled a meeting with his management team for next week to talk about the Peninsula Hotel chain contract. He hopes that he will be able to work with them to draft a contract favorable to Peninsula that will ensure its renewal for another year. He is reasonably sure that the contract renewal will ensure his continued success and employment with UWEAR. Bill invites Joe and his family to join them on his yacht for the weekend.

Joe is relieved to get the invitation from Bill because their relationship has been strained lately due to the contract negotiations.

Joe must decide how he will answer Bill’s invitation to join him and his family on their yacht.

Using ethical principles that you have learned thus far to justify your answers, please respond to the following questions in a paper of 500–700 words:

  • What are some reasons why Joe should turn down the invitation?
  • What are some reasons why Joe could accept the invitation?
  • Does Joe’s relationship with Bill meet the definition of a conflict of interest?

eco300 homework

Draw the graph of the indifference curve maps for each scenarios. Put good X on x-axis and good Y on Y-axis. Draw 3 indifference curves and labeled 𝑈1, 𝑈2, and 𝑈3, from the highest to the lowest utility level. ( You don’t need specific numbers here, refer to “four particular preferences” in the slides) a. Good X is economic bad. For good Y, more is better. b. Both of goods X and Y are economic bad. c. Good X is useless good and good Y is economic bad.

2. Draw the graph of an indifference curve map for the utility function 𝑈(𝑋,𝑌) = 𝑋2𝑌. Put good X on x-axis and good Y on Y-axis. Draw at least 3 indifference curves and label the utility level for each indifference curve. Explain why or why not do the indifference curves cross each other on the map.

3. Textbook page 77 Problem 2.3.

4. Textbook Page 77 problem 2.5.

5. 𝑈(𝑋,𝑌) = 𝑋0.7𝑌0.3, 𝑀𝑈𝑋 = 0.7𝑋−0.3𝑌0.3 𝑀𝑈𝑌 = 0.3𝑋0.7𝑌−0.7 𝑃𝑋 = 7 𝑃𝑌 = 6 𝐼 = 84 (a) Calculate and simplify the expression of the marginal rate of substitution 𝑀𝑅𝑆𝑋 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑌. Does this rate diminish as x increases and y decreases? (b) Write the budget constraint. (c) What is the consumption bundle to maximize the utility level? What is the maximum utility level?

6. Good X and good Y are complements. U(X, Y) = min (3X, 5Y). Price of X is $6 and price of Y is $5. The total income is $90. (a) Write the consumption ratio of good X and good Y. (b) Write the budget constraint. (c) What is the consumption bundle to maximize the utility level? What is the maximum utility level?

7. (a) Assume good X is normal. Plot a graph to illustrate the income and substitution effects of an increase in PX, holding PY and I constant. (b) Now suppose X is a Giffen good. Plot a graph to illustrate the income and substitution effects of an increase in PX, holding PY and I constant.

8. Textbook page 122 Problem 3.8.

9. Consider a linear demand curve, Q = 120 – 4P. a) What is the price elasticity of demand at P = 20? b) At what price is demand unit-elastic (i.e. elasticity = –1)?

consumer behavior anomalies research notes

  1. Winner’s Curse
  2. Status Quo Bias
  3. Hyperbolic Discounting
  4. The Cognitive Miser
  5. The Framing Effect
  6. Confirmation Bias
  7. Norm of Reciprocity
  8. The Illusory Truth Effect
  9. Altruism
  10. Analysis Paralysis
  11. Omission Neglect
  12. Anchoring Effect

Research all 12 of the above Consumer Behavior anomalies. Keep notes containing the information you collect on each. Pay particular attention to not only their definitions, but their causes, ways to overcome them (if appropriate), major researcher(s) associated with them, and most importantly, know the subtle differences between them. You should acquire as much additional information as you see fit.

Please also provide examples of each.

You can list the notes in bullet points and please do not copy and paste from the websites and put them in your own words.

The paper is not formal, simply notes. You can format it as

Winner’s Curse

bullet point

bullet point

business process redesign 7

Business Process Redesign

If you have you been involved with a company doing a redesign of business processes, discuss what went right during the redesign and what went wrong from your perspective. Additionally, provide a discussion on what could have been done better to minimize the risk of failure. If you have not yet been involved with a business process redesign, research a company that has recently completed one and discuss what went wrong, what went right, and how the company could have done a better job minimizing the risk of failure.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

question is under requirements 34

After briefly summarizing Kantian ethics (a minimum of 100 words), answer the following questions in three to five sentences each:

1. What are the strengths and weaknesses of deontology in relation to business ethics?

2. How would a Kantian deontologists approach the “Challenger Disaster”?

3. How would Friedman respond? How would Freeman?

assignment 1 specifications and pricing for a new computer

Write a memo to the CEO with the listing of specifications and prices for each option (one computer, hardware, and software) and give him a recommendation as to which you feel meets his need. The specifications should be detailed, including processor make, model and speed, memory installed and any capacity limit, disk space available, and all peripherals.

eclectic approach to crisis intervention

Eclectic Approach to Crisis Intervention

There are a number of crisis intervention theories and models. The goals of crisis intervention theories and models might include restoring survivors’ pre-crisis equilibrium, reframing survivors’ views and beliefs about disasters, crises, or traumas, or helping survivors choose effective behaviors and attitudes to cope with their situations. The developmental stages of individuals impacted by such events, and the interrelationships between such individuals and their environments, are important considerations when developing an effective crisis intervention approach.

In this Discussion, you will apply an eclectic approach to crisis intervention, using three different crisis intervention models.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Consider how an eclectic approach to crisis intervention might be used to respond to disasters, crises, and traumas.
  • Reflect on the crisis, disaster, or trauma you described in Discussion 1 this week.
  • Identify three crisis intervention models you might use to respond to the disaster, crisis, or trauma.
  • Think about how each model might inform strategies and/or techniques you employ to respond to survivors of the disaster, crisis, or trauma.

With these thoughts in mind:


Post an explanation of how you might use an eclectic approach to intervene in the disaster, crisis, or trauma you described in Discussion 1. In your explanation, be sure to provide specific examples of how your selected intervention models might impact the way you respond to survivors of the disaster, crisis, or trauma. Be sure to protect the identity of any real persons used in the example, including you. This is not intended as a venue for self-disclosure of very personal issues. No identifying information should be used.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

contemporary issues correction discussion 7


Answer the following:

  1. Determine if drug treatment is effective in reducing recidivism. Explain and support your response.
  2. Assess if drug courts are effective in diverting substance abusers from prison. Explain and support your response

Discuss your thoughts on the information that has been posted. Discuss its relevance and implications to the field of Criminal Justice. Your remarks can be opinion, but it must be based on your experience, research, and/or prior learning. Use this exercise to converse with your fellow colleagues about issues that are important to the field of Criminal Justice. Of interest is a dialogue of opinions, thoughts, and comments. Be sure to discuss both sides of the issue as noted in the actual question posting. Must be no less than 500 words APA format. APA has a new edition. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (2020). 7th Edition, Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association. I have attached the chapters and the books for cite and reference. Avoid using gender his/her, use they/their


MacKenzie, D. L. (2006). What works in corrections: Reducing the criminal activities of offenders and delinquents. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978-0-521-00120-5

Trotter, C. (2015). Working with involuntary clients: a guide to practice (3rd Ed.) Los Angeles, CA: Corwin Press. ISBN: 978-0-415-71565-2