read chapter 3 and discuss about it

This is a two part assignment:

1. Leave a comment in response to the reading

Any and all comments are welcome! If you get stuck, use these prompts:

Was your experience reading this chapter about space positive or negative (pun intended! ooooh!)

But seriously, did you learn anything new about depicting shape or volume on a flat picture plane?

Was there a technique that you use in your own work (relating to shape, plane, volume, or space) that you want to talk about?

Do you have any questions about the reading that we can answer for you?

Do you know of an artist that illustrates space in a unique way that you would like to share with us?

2. Respond to one of your cohorts comments. (Try to choose one that doesn’t have a response, if you can.)

write a financial reports for rolls royce holdings


1. The maximum word count for the main text excluding tables is 2,500 words. Exceeding the word count will result in deduction of marks by up to 10 %. Only the main text excluding any tables and diagrams counts, this also excludes the contents page, executive summary, list of references and appendix. (Only use tables to show working and the Balance score card)

2. The assignment must have a front cover stating:

ï‚· Module number and name and seminar group number

ï‚· Title of the assignment

ï‚· Student names and IDs for each group member

ï‚· Submission date

ï‚· Word count as defined above

3. An executive summary is required (not included in the word count), but this should not exceed 1⁄2 page. A short introduction is required (and included in the word count), even if it is not explicit in the assessment criteria.

4. A reasonable number of appendices may be used for relevant supporting information and to demonstrate your calculations and analysis.

5. Only Word documents can be submitted through Turnitin, the University’s plagiarism detectionsoftware, therefore you are advised to create tables in Word and not to cut and paste Excel or other software into the document. The marker will not be able to access your spreadsheets and see your workings.

The rubric by which your report will be assessed will be posted separately. It is important that prior to you submitting your work, you read this and objectively assess your response against the rubric. This will ensure that you have done enough to attain the marks you wish to achieve.


Your work should be word processed in accordance with the following:

  • Font style, Arial, font size 12
  • 1.5 line spacing.
  • The page orientation should be ‘portrait’
  • Margins on both sides of the page should be no less than 2.5 cm
  • Pages should be numbered
  • Your name should not appear on the script.

8 discussions total please see attachments for detail

Discussions 1 and 2 due under 24 hours. The rest due in 7 days. Minimum 300 words on each of the discussion, at least 2 scholarly references (in-text references too please).

critique of a research study 8

Complete a critique of a research study.The article will be provided.The critique should identify areas of strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of the study as well as the quality of the written report.

The articale is attached.

submit your module 5 critical thinking

Submit your Module 5 Critical Thinking assignment as a single Microsoft Word document to the submissions area established for this purpose.

Your essay should address the following requirements:

  • Your well-written PMO recommendation essay thesis should be 5 to 7 pages in length, which does not include the title, reference, or appendix pages. You need to add headings subheadings associated with each of the bullet points listed in the common assignment requirements.
  • Format your paper per the CSU Global Guide to Writing & APA (Links to an external site.) standards, which includes an introduction and conclusion.
  • Include title and reference pages.
  • In addition to your course textbook and the designated case study, cite at least four current (published within the past 5 years) scholarly resources (peer-reviewed, official governmental reports, and other scholarly sources) to support your suppositions, assertions, and conclusions.

writing assignment 567

Analytical Questions for Writing Assignment #4, Video, “Civilians at War, 1936-1945”


The Century: America’s Time, “Over the Edge, 1936-1941”


External Resource

The Century: America’s Time, “Civilians at War, 1936-1945

After watching the video linked on D2L answer the “analysis” portion of this writing assignment by answering the questions below:

  1. Much of the conduct of the nations involved in World War II derived from extreme forms of militarism and ideological fanaticism. Compare Japanese and German racial ideology, begin specific in terms of how they were similar AND different.
  1. “The United States was justified in dropping atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” True or False? Why? In your answer, acknowledge the perspective of the other side of the argument and explain why your argument is better.

Writing Requirements

  • As a requirement for the course, you will complete SEVEN writing assignments based on course readings and selected videos that you will view outside of class time.
  • I will average the grades on your responsive writings and that score will count as 50% of your final average for the class.
  • Each writing assignment must be a MINIMUM 500 words, typed and double-spaced, AND conform to the format outlined below. You CANNOT use a font that is larger than 12 point (I’d recommend Times Roman). Many students find that they can and want to write much more.
    • If your paper fails to meet this MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.
  • You SHOULD NOT AND CANNOT do any outside research to complete these assignments. Papers will be subject to originality analysis by If shows that you have included outside resources, then you will receive a 0% for that paper.

Submission Process

  • You will submit the six responsive writings in the appropriate folder in the D2L “Assignments” feature.
  • If you use the Pages program on a Mac, please submit your work as a PDF or Word document. D2L will not read a Pages doc.
  • I will post your grades and my comments through D2L.

Paper Format

  • Part 1:
    • Head this part, “Summary.” Because you are submitting electronically, you do not need a formal heading with you name, my name, the class, etc. Just put the heading at the top and begin writing.
    • On this page, you should summarize the general content of the reading or video. You need to demonstrate to me that you have read/watched the assigned content in its entirety.
  • Part 2:
    • Head this part, “Analysis.”

write an essay address the following questions

Review San Jose/Bay Area local newspapers (web) for articles that are health related and focus on one of the diverse communities that we will study in this class. Select one article that you found particularly interesting and write answer addressing the following:

  • Why you selected this article? What is the connection between the selected community and the articles?
  • What you found most interesting about the article in relationship to the selected community and their heath?
  • Do you think the author did a good job of addressing the subject matter and portraying the community? Why or why not?
  • What are some additional insights or opinions you want to share?

Please include a copy/scan/picture of the article.

I have attached the grading rubric below.

3 pages double spaced 11

The requirements below.Please read it in detail.

Read the 《The great Gatsby》, do some research and analysis.

technical edits completion

please go through and correct recommendations made on the paper. feel free to ask for clarification.

complete my assignment 3

I need u to read the question and complete the answers you have to add 2 more so the total will be 5

once u get my quastions i will send u the book pictures

Identify five common risks in healthcare clinical projects, and develop contingency responses for each.

  • Accountability is one common risk in healthcare clinical projects because if a team member does not do their part then that can negatively affect everything and everyone else in the project. A contingency plan for this risk is using a chart that was presented in our book called RASIC. It stands for responsible, approval, support, informed, and consult, this chart lists “all project team members’ roles for each task in a project” (McLaughlin, Olson 112).
  • Time is another risk in healthcare clinical projects because if time frames aren’t assigned then it can cause delays and setting the whole project back. A contingency plan for this risk is using the PERT estimating system. This system helps in “knowing when a task should have started and whether the project is ahead of or behind schedule” (McLaughlin, Olson 115), this system is most helpful when it comes to a lot of project tasks
  • Technology Failure is also a risk in healthcare clinical projects because technology is bound to be used and it is also bound to crash and fail at wrong times. A contingency plan for this risk is having an IT employee on standby so that if issues arise then they are fixed quickly. Also if data is being inputted in a device then make sure that device is backed up or that you have paper copies of the data on hand.