m8a1 final essay examination excelsior college

Looking for someone to knock this out for me. Need it by 3 March.

Your final essay examination will be a comprehensive overview of elements from the entire term. The examination will give you an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of concepts and issues and to engage in critical thinking. The Final Essay Examination is due by the end of Module 8. This activity aligns with Module Outcomes 1 and 2.

Your final essay exam will consist of five (5) essay questions that are based on the material you covered in the course. Each essay answer should consist of at least 500 words and should be written in APA format.

Please choose 5 of the below questions and answer them:

1. Please explain how social media has the potential to blur communication boundaries. After you explain this, please offer anecdotal examples from your own experiences to help illuminate this issue.

2. Please explain some specific innovative social-media strategies that organizations and businesses can employ in order to better engage consumers and the public. Within this, please also explain some advantages that social media has over traditional forms of marketing and communication.

3. Please explain how the “Attention Economy” helps us to understand the challenges facing contemporary advertising and marketing. Your answer should demonstrate an understanding of the attention economy, and it should be supported by examples.

4. Please explain the differences between product integration and product placement. Use examples to support your explanation. Also: Please explain how the contemporary communication and media landscape makes these innovative strategies so necessary. Your answer should offer several characteristics of the contemporary landscape to support this answer.

5. Please explain how innovative communication technologies have transformed news. How are new organizations using these contemporary media platforms? How are news audiences using these platforms? How have innovative platforms changed the relationship between news organizations and the public?

6. Please take one of the below key concepts and apply it to news media, explaining as thoroughly as possible how it helps us to understand journalism in this age of digital innovation:

The key concepts:

  • News media affect and reflect society
  • U.S. news media are profit-centered
  • News media are always at the cutting edge of technology
  • Few people share identical news media environments
  • An old medium never dies

7. Please explain copyright and fair use and explain how discussions of them relate to the Internet – particularly in terms of potential pitfalls and litigation. How has the very nature of the Internet exacerbated debates over copyright. Use specific examples to support your answer.

8. Please explain your opinion regarding the ethical implications of “mass digitization” (as explained in the module 8 article on that subject) and “What’s a Fair Share in the Age of Google?” Are people such as writers, journalists, and publishers being essentially ripped off because of a cavalier attitude toward copyright? What are the ethical implications for organizations and businesses? Please explain your position and support it as thoroughly as possible.

community assessment windshield survey on hialeah florida 33013

Community Assessment

A community health assessment (sometimes called a CHA), also known as community health needs assessment (sometimes called a CHNA), refers to a state, tribal, local, or territorial health assessment that identifies key health needs and issues through systematic, comprehensive data collection and analysis. Community health assessments use such principles as

  • Multisector collaborations that support shared ownership of all phases of community health improvement, including assessment, planning, investment, implementation, and evaluation
  • Proactive, broad, and diverse community engagement to improve results
  • A definition of community that encompasses both a significant enough area to allow for population-wide interventions and measurable results, and includes a targeted focus to address disparities among subpopulations
  • Maximum transparency to improve community engagement and accountability
  • Use of evidence-based interventions and encouragement of innovative practices with a thorough evaluation
  • Evaluation to inform a continuous improvement process
  • Use of the highest quality data pooled from and shared among, diverse public and private sources

(Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/publichealthgateway/cha/plan.html)

Windshield Survey:

“A windshield survey is an informal method used by community health nurses to obtain basic knowledge about a given community. It provides a subjective view of the various physical characteristics of a communal area as observed while driving or walking through a neighborhood.

.”(Retrieved from;


As stated in the syllabus please present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font. Submit your work through the assignments tab . A minimum of 2 evidence-based references are required (not counting the class textbook) no older than 5 years. A minimum of 1000 words are required. Make sure the assessment is based in the community where you live. I don’t want community health assessment from other communities, once again it must be from the community you live. Please mention the zip code of your community on the first page of the assignment.


  • Community description.
  • Community health status (can be obtain from the department of health).
  • The role of the community as a client.
  • Healthy people 2020, lading health indictors in your community.
  • Conclusion.

Also, you must present a table as an appendix with the following topics and description;



Race and ethnicity

Open space

Service centers

Religion and politics

midterm assignment due february 22

Hello professor,

1. I will post the questions please read them carefully and pick only 2 questions and write about them.

2. I don’t need any outside sources and I need it all from your own words please. I don’t need any plagiarism.

3. this is a very important for me so please do it for me very good so I can get a very good grade on it. No outside sources because he will give a 0 if I bring any outside sources.

Your midterm assignment is based on the essays in the Modern America Examined: A Reader text. You are going to answer TWO of these questions and are going to use the essay material in your answers. The answers should be on the average 2-3 paragraphs long. Good luck on this assignment which will end the first half of the class.

  1. 1. Baydo Essay on Modern Indians. Describe modern legislation towards the Modern Indians since World War II.

  1. Jedlicka Essay on Race Relations Since 1945. What are some of the major trends that have effected minority groups since 1945?

3.. Brudvig Essay on Forgotten Heroes. Describe how these individuals described in this essay are forgotten heroes.

  1. Gonda Essay on the women’s movement since 1945. What are the major trends described in this essay for the women’s movement since 1945?

  1. Kinnersley Essay on modern sports. What are the major trends that have taken place since World War II in modern sports?

6.. Heiting Essay on modern space exploration. Show how the United States Government has made achievements in space exploration since World War II.

  1. Ennis essay on the evolution of the modern media since World War II. Show the trends that have occurred in television and movies since 1945.

paper assignements paper assignment 1 human sexuality in the media due february 19 2020 according to your textbook mass media in the united states are using more explicitly and subtly sexual images in advertisements to sell products unfortunately



According to your textbook, mass media in the United States are using more explicitly and subtly sexual images in advertisements to sell products. Unfortunately, advertisements often reproduce and reinforce sexual biases and stereotypes. They have the power to shape and reflect culture. For this project, you are going to analysis print advertisements concerning how they represent race, gender, and sexuality. Follow the instructions listed below:

1. You will need to find one advertisement representing each of the categories listed below. Print the ad on a white piece of paper (from the computer). If you are using a paper magazine, cut the entire ad from the magazine and glue it on a white piece of paper. On the back of the white paper, label the ad indicating which of the categories it represents.

2. After collecting all of your ads, critically analyze your ads and write a 4-5 page paper that contains at least 1000 word. You will want to analyze the ads in terms of what the images reflect concerning race, gender, and sexuality. I have provided you with some questions to think about during your analysis. Once you have analyzed the ads, integrate it into a well organized paper. Do NOT merely answer the questions in your paper. This is a synthesis of what you are seeing in the print ads.

3. If you have any questions, please contact me and I will help you.

4. It is an AD only if it is selling a product.

Find Print Advertisements that depict the following images:

1. Sexually exploitative image of female

2. Sexually exploitative image of male

3. Sexualization of children/teenagers

4. Sexuality of a male person of color

5. Sexuality of a female person of color

6. Sexuality of an elderly male (over 60 years old)

7. Sexuality of elderly female (over 60 years old)

8. Sexuality of lesbians, gays, or bisexuals

9. Sexual violence (rape culture)

10. Gender stereotyping of a female

11. Gender stereotyping of a male

12. Sexual stereotype of a female

13. Sexual stereotype of a male

14. Sexual objectification of a female

15. Sexual objectification of a male

16. Heteronormativity

Reflective Questions-To write this paper think about the following:

1. What point of view do these ads seem to have toward age and sexuality? How is this point of view conveyed?

2. What message do these images send to young girls about sex?

3. What messages do these images send to young boys about sex?

4. How do the Ads define “femininity” and “masculinity?”

5. How do the Ads define women’s sexuality?

6. How do the Ads define men’s sexuality?

7. What are some differences between ads that feature white people and ads that feature people of color?

8. How are the Ads contributing to the relationship between dehumanization, objectification, and violence?

9. How are women being depicted in the Ads?

10. How are men being depicted in the Ads?

11. How is power being depicted in the Ads? Who has the power?

12. Do the Ads contribute to rape culture? How is this conveyed?

13. Do the Ads contribute to sexual stereotypes? How is this conveyed?

14. In what ways might the objectification of men in advertisements be affecting how men feel about their own bodies?

15. In what ways might the objectification of women in advertisements affect women’s lives?

16. What overall message about gender and sexuality were conveyed in the Ads?

17. How are gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals’ sexuality conveyed in the Ads?

18. Is heteronormativity expressed in the Ads? How is this point of view conveyed?

19. How are the sexual relationships between men and women expressed in the Ads?

20. What do you think the images reflect about our society?

21. Who is benefiting from these ads at whose expense?

Paper Format Instructions:

Please see the attached rubric for evaluation criteria. Paper also needs to include the following:

1. Paper needs to be typed using 12 font (no smaller or larger)

2. Double spaced

3. One inch margins on top, bottom, left, and right

4. Include a title page (your name, date, assignment name)

5. Typed and uploaded as a Microsoft Word document (doc, docx only)–CANNOT be PDF or PAGES (Mac) formats

mgt 403 knowledge

Assignment Workload:

This Assignment consists of 3 essay questions.

Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Course Learning Outcomes-Covered


Demonstrate understanding of overall knowledge management concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organization


Explain issues pertaining to work with tacit knowledge & support its sharing


Explain processes of knowledge management in companies

Submission Guidelines

  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • This assignment is individual assignment.
  • Be very specific and focused on the issue while answering a question.
  • Student must apply Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines and review at least three (3) scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles to support their answer for each question.
  • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it.
  • No marks will be given for irrelevant details.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you should submit all assignments into the safe assignment Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading.
  • If the assignment shows more than 25% plagiarism, the students would be graded zero.

Assignment Questions

Question 1:

Explain the concept of knowledge management. Provide an overview of the history of knowledge management. (300-400 words)

Question 2:

Compare and contrast major knowledge management life cycle models, including the Meyer and Zack KM Cycle, Bukowitz and Wiliams KM cycle, McElroy KM Cycle and Wiig KM Cycle.

Question 3:

  • How is tacit knowledge different from explicit knowledge? Why is it difficult to directly codify tacit knowledge?
  • Explain the following tacit knowledge capturing techniques in detail:
  • Learning history
  • Storytelling
  • Interviews

classroom routines and activities

Identifying family structures helps a teacher to identify and leverage opportunities to support family structures, family needs, and learner outcomes.

In a birth-pre-K classroom setting. During the observations, take note of family engagement strategies and volunteer opportunities that support the learning needs in the classroom environment.

Reflect on your observations and discussions with the classroom teachers.

In 250-500 words, discuss three different classroom routines and activities observed or discussed during the experience that would integrate families, the home, and the school environment.

How does each routine and activity integrate the students’ personal, family, and community experience and cultural norms?

How will you integrate these routines and activities into your future classroom to collaborate with families to build a positive and respectful learning environment?

Support your assignment with 3-5 scholarly resources that support the selected routines and activities.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

i have two short story essays

First essay: discuss foreshadowing in “the jewelry,” “the Cask of Amontillado.” or compare/contrast it’s use in these stories.

Second essay: Analyze the family dynamic in Stepdaughters by max apple. Is the family dysfunctional? What is the relationship between the child and the parents? Or compare and contrast

Requirements: 700-900 words, third person, authors full name and story title in intro, intro must include in this essay, I will analyze, sources should be in mla format.

write a report on your finding

Goal of this segment: Write a report on your findings

Main focus: Question/Topic you focused on in the research segment

Topic: How family economic inequality affects the future generation (focus on the impact on their education and income).

What should always be covered:


Why did you pick your topic? Why is it interesting? (Refer back to magazine article and empirical evidence.)

– Magazine article: https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2015/06/what-matters-inequality-or-opportuniy/393272/

– Topic: how family economic inequality affects the future generation (focus on the impact on their education and income).

Analysis of Existing Research:

What is the state of research on the topic?

-Research article: (I upload on the attachment—content server). Intergenerational income immobility in Finland: contrasting roles for parental earnings and family income.

Description of research methods, datasets etc.


What is the main takeaway from the literature? Compare and contrast findings. What is your take on the topic? What is missing in the existing literature?

Length: 3-4 pages. Use of tables and figures is encouraged, but they should be placed in the appendix.

anthropology genes and their evolution population genetic 1

I need to type 300 words for the online forum and I am not understanding most of the topic. The information is as follow:

Living Humans Growth aDn Development

In this chapter,

So how does anthropology and race go together? Well back about 100 years ago, Anthropology use to say that they studied the “races” of man. Anthropology got it start with colonialism. Anthropology’s field work, ethnographies and their expertise were used by Colonial Governments who were there to bring capitalism and to exploit the resources of these countries which were colonized.

As an anthropologist, I have studied race and gender extensively and I know to really get race, you have to look at it historically and see how and why race plays out in this country and the world.

So, race was used in colonialism to differentiate and subjugate the people to primarily the West. Prior to 1500, the concept as we have known it in terms of its use, is a modern ideology. It was not used in the middle ages during the crusades, Richard the LionHeart III, did not say lets go kill those “xxxx” as in race, it was about religion and that the others were not Christians. Further back in the Roman times, they also didn’t take slaves because of skin color? They made slaves of anyone they conquered. Greece talked about the “woolly” haired people of Sheba or Africa, but didn’t associated Race and skin color with a negative value.

In this chapter, race is discussed briefly. In looking at humans, we know that because of the geographical location, different phenotypes were created: Sherpas who can easily operate in high altitudes, others who can be in hot climates or cold climates. So, race is socially construction, it is in the social fiber of society within its institutions.

Let’s talk about race and why in the 21st century advocates are trying to let people know that “Black Lives Matter,” the Black Panther Party which was started in Oakland in the 1960s (CELEBRATING THEIR 50TH ANNIVERSARY) was created in part in opposition to the Police, the harassment, the killings, etc…. You can go back further in the country and still see police harassing or killing blacks. However, when you go back further, you begin to see that lynching were done by communities and the police. Not just in the South.

So in the 21st century we still see that the Police can, and do kill unarmed Blacks.

So tell me what you think of race, racism, How, and why does pheno type create social hierarchies. , How does our history set up this situation? Why do we have all the negative statistics for groups in the inner cities, where the policies that were created at the federal, state, and regional levels created these low income areas, and created suburbs where many whites have fled, and then those people who can afford it, live in the suburb communities with gates and security to protect them from the people who are low income, mostly Black and other of color?

So, please lets understand race as historical, political, and social. Look at the social structure of the West, can we change society by changing people’s hearts and minds? When so many people do not accept White privilege, how can we? How do you dismantle race with the tools that created it in the first place? Can you?

In this chapter we celebrate Humans, and the human condition, we live in various geographically places in the world. So, lets talk about Living Humans.

nagarjuna intro to datamining week6 assignment 2

I need a 2 page content.

Imagine a Clustering problem where the educational researchers would like to find clusters of students (group of students) who have similar correlation patterns when it comes to correlation of their GPA vs Income of their parents. And you are hired as the Data Scientist to do this job.

What kind of Objective Function would you design?


Please use your own reasoning and explain in details