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Module Five Worksheet: Factorial Design

Scenario: A researcher interested in weight control wondered whether normal and overweight individuals differ in their reactions to the availability of food. Thus, normal and overweight participants were told to eat as many peanuts as they desired while working on a questionnaire. Participants filled out the questionnaire once, were given an opportunity to ask additional questions, and then were free to leave. One manipulation was the proximity of the peanut dish (close to or far from the participant); the second manipulation was whether the peanuts were shelled or unshelled. After each participant filled out the questionnaire, the peanut dish was weighed to determine the amount of peanuts consumed.

A narrative format is not required. Your answers should be added directly into this worksheet; you do not need to create a new document.

Question #1: Identify the design—for example, 2 x 2 factorial.

Question #2: Describe the eight conditions.

Question #3: Identify the manipulated variable(s).

Question #4: Is this an IV x PV design? If so, identify the participant variable(s).

Question #5: Is this a repeated measures design? If so, identify the repeated variable(s).

Question #6: Identify the dependent variable(s).

2 essay questions each essay is no more than 1000

• Each question refers to two short articles that provide context for the essay questions. Read the article for each question BEFORE articulating your response.

• Each essay question is composed of a series of mini-questions. Be sure to answer them all and use your course materials to provide evidence to support your answers. Cite where necessary.

• Your exam response needs to be done in Microsoft Word, 12 point font, normal margins. Be sure to place your name on each page, and for clarity number your pages.

• Your responses for each essay are limited to 1,000 words maximum. Write judiciously!

Question 1:

In the article “Andrew Jackson in the Persian Gulf”, the author, Ross Douthat, details the way in which President Trump bears all the hallmarks of the “Jacksonian” tradition of American foreign policy. What is Jacksonianism, and what are the major conceptual ideas that constitute the tradition? What aspects of Jacksonianism are similar to the Jeffersonian tradition, and where do they differ? According to Walter Russell Mead and Ross Douthat, how does Jacksonianism explain Trump’s election victory in 2016? Do you agree with this assessment and if so why or why not?

Question 2:

In the article “Trump Vetoes Resolution Ending US Role in Yemen Civil War”, the author, Andrew Desiderio, examines the contours of the broader debate on Constitutional authority and war as it relates to US involvement in Yemen. How does the Constitution explain the powers of Congress and the President as it relates to war (what we called ‘expressed’ powers…who is given authority to do what)? What is the War Powers Resolution of 1973, what requirements does in impose on the President, and why is it relevant to those seeking to curtail US involvement in Yemen? In the article, President Trump is quoted as saying he vetoed the bill because he saw it as a “dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities”. How is his statement an example of ‘executive prerogative’; what is this idea and how does it explain the concentration of power in the executive over time at the expense of Congress?

for this week s assignment you are doing step 2 of your research project development as described in the week 4 content you are to develop a problem statement from the topic that your researched in step 1 this problem statement should end with a s

General Assignment Rubric

Web Page


Research Project Step 2: Problem Identification

Hide Assignment Information

Sound research begins with a carefully thought out problem statement followed by a specific research question. The problem statement comes at the beginning of a proposal to explain the problem or issue to the reader before getting into the nuts and bolts of the proposal.

Develop a problem statement identifying your selected current issue in public safety including the specific research question that you will investigate. You should be concise, but certain that you cover enough information to properly prepare your reader for what will follow.

bitcoin and block chain information security policy

1. Find favorable and unfavorable articles about both blockchain and bitcoin. Report your findings, then state your own opinion about these technologies

2. Find the information security policy at your place of employment or study. Is it a good policy? Does it meet the standards outlined in the chapter and How diligent are you in keeping your own information secure? Review the steps listed in the chapter and comment on your security status.

3a follow the instruction to write 2pages activity

3a. Follow the instruction to write 2pages activity

All the work must be original

Turnitin report is required

sociology week discussion

in your own words explain concepts of “ethnocentrism” and “cultural relativism”. Give a specific example of each. Is it easy to be culturally relative today? Explain your answer.

Here is the format:

1.Use 12 point Times New Roman font. 2.Journals have to be no less 270 words

i would like to fix the mistakes in my previous resume

I attached the files .. ill send my previous resume and I would like from the tutor to fix it with an exact example of the following attachments files

just plz follow the resume example

chapter 8 of david and goliath falls in the section the limits of power2

Chapter 8 of David and Goliath falls in the section The Limits of Power. It tells the stories of Mike Reynolds and Wilma Derksen, two individuals who went through similar situations in which they both lost a child and felt powerless. However, they responded to them in very different ways. Reynolds was distraught over the murder of his daughter and reacted by fighting to enact tough legislation on crime. Derksen reacted to the murder of her daughter with forgiveness.

Losing a child in any way is devastating, but to be able to place the blame on a specific person or circumstance is a unique kind of devastation. There is now a target for your anger. This is the situation that both Reynolds and Derksen were in.

What do you think of their responses? Is one better than the other in situations like this? If you can bear to think of yourself in a similar situation, how might you react?

Finally, we can say with reasonable confidence that both Reynolds and Derksen were the Davids in their particular situations. What was their Goliath? What was their approach to defeat their personal Goliath, and were they successful?

write a business homework about organic supermarket two pages 500 words

This week, you learnt about some models:

  • In the lecture, about three models: WISPA, DENTS, ROAR
  • In the seminar, how to analyse research compiled into ROAR and classify each point as plus or minus for a biz, and if it is P, E, S, T

Now you must do your own research!

Please do your research:

  • Using the techniques you learnt last term in the EES module
  • Specifically, how you learnt in the lecture of Craig McEwan in week 8 of EES
  • Using the databases, and specialist journals and newspapers found in the library

Please do your own research as your assignment in a six part analysis

Six part analysis:

  • Complete CIGAR
  • Complete WISPA, including the sentences of S
  • Complete DENTS, i.e. the P of publications
  • Search the sentences in DENTS, i.e. databases, newspapers etc, and find answers
  • Compile the answers into ROAR – 30 pieces of information and answers
  • Allocate each to P, E, S or T, and also plus or minus, i.e. good or bad for your biz
  • Plus and minus summary for P, E, S, T, based on the totals!
  • Conclude whether it’s an attractive market?

WISPA, DENTS, ROAR, CM Morrison 2017

5 6 page essay chicago format answering the question quot how american was baseball quot

Formatting Guidelines: Your essay should be 5-6 pages in length (less than four full pages is definitely too short; more than six pages is too long). Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, use 12point, and have one-inch margins. Give your essay a title—though no title pages please.
In the upper-left corner of your essay, include three single-spaced lines with: (1) your name; (2) the class number); and (3) the date you are turning in the essay.

In his 1911 book, America’s National Game, Albert Spalding claimed, “To enter upon a deliberate argument to prove that Base Ball is our National Game…that it has all the attributes of American origin [and] American character…is like a solemn declaration that two plus two equals four.” Baseball, in other words, is 100% American. Using information from course readings, lectures, and document workshops through (and only through) Thursday February 6, please write an essay in which you assess Spalding’s assertion. How American was baseball?

A compelling essay will gauge the “American-ness” or the “un-American-ness” of baseball in multiple ways. It will explore the game’s origins and how it changed over time; it will consider the way the game did or did not parallel large American trends outside of baseball at this time; it will assess the way the game did or did not embody “American” values. Your answers to these types of questions will provide the building blocks for your larger, overall argument.

An outstanding essay (1) will have a clearly stated thesis statement (i.e. your argument) that explicitly answers the above question; (2) will support that argument with evidence drawn from class meetings and readings (I will include articles); and (3) will present counter-evidence— that is, it will include at least one full paragraph in which you explore why one might answer the question counter to the way you are, but then explain why your interpretation is more compelling (the paragraph right before your conclusion is an appropriate place in which to consider your counter-evidence).

EVIDENCE REQUIREMENT: You must explicitly reference (a) at least two of the primary source documents assigned so far this semester in lecture and document workshop meetings; (b) at least one of the secondary-source essays assigned in lecture and document workshop meetings; and (c) at least one of the oral histories in Lawrence Ritter’s The Glory of Their Times.


Oral History (1) Novel – Lawrence Ritter’s “The Glory of Their Times”