operations management operation process

the assignment is clear so please Avoid plagiarism

find the attachment read it before your bid

python question 17


I hope you are having a great day

I have a question related to python and its is attached , do not accept the question before reading the file attached

, thanks

reflection conflict management

Answer all the questions.

  • Change is a challenge for many. Specifically it is the ambiguity and uncertainty that is inherent in the change process that is difficult for many. Conflict often arises in connection to change that has, is or is anticipated to occur, and how well it is managed. Briefly discuss how you respond to change. Are there challenges for you related to change? Do you know what or who supported your response to change?
  • Choose someone that knows you well and ask them:
  • How do you feel I handle change?
  • Can you give me an example of when I handled it well? Not so well?

This is another opportunity to just listen to the responses, and it is more difficult because they are talking about you! But listen, include their responses and comment on whether you agree with them.

what does the documentary inform us on the evolution and the endurance of the constitution why do all americans revere it and yet have such radically different interpretations of it base your response upon your observations and insights gleaned from the

The Enduring Constitution

2 2 unread replies. 2 2 replies.

Each student should complete all parts of this assignment independently. The point of the discussion forum is not to produce the responses collaboratively, but instead to be able to respond to each other’s work. Students will be graded individually and on the quality of their contributions to the group discussion.

Please make sure your post is in the appropriate format, i.e. post directly to the site-no attachments please. Look (again) at the system requirements and basic technical policies that are listed in the modules and the syllabus. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have adhered to these technical standards and failure to do so will result in you receiving zero points for the assignment.

This is a college paper–you must adhere to the normal writing and style standards laid out in the writing guide. Poor writing will be penalized as much as good writing will be rewarded. When responding to other postings you are being evaluated based upon your insights and the ways you further the discussion. Simply responding to adhere to the deadline without achieving these goals will result in a failed grade.

Please read the course policies on plagiarism–by submitting the assignment you are agreeing to adhere to the stated policies. I would strongly advise against using Wikipedia or such websites–if you do use ideas or information from other sources you are required to cite them accordingly.

Make sure to couch your response based upon the material found in the reading and modules. Your initial post should be around 250-300 words in length. Your responsive posts should be around 250-300 words. You are being graded here on the quality of your insights and these should be critically evaluative.

Watch the first 52 minutes of “Constitution USA” documentary “Built to Last.” The documentary can be found by going to:

Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Minimize Video

Post a response to the following: What does the documentary inform us on the evolution and the endurance of The Constitution. Why do all Americans revere it and yet have such radically different interpretations of it? Base your response upon your observations and insights gleaned from the documentary and the reading in chapters one and two of We The People.

After your initial post you are required to respond to two of your classmates’ postings. Your responses should include what you agree with or disagree with and why. Your responses may also include an elaboration upon what a classmate wrote. Please be respectful of each other’s opinions.

Your initial post (worth up to 50 points) is due by Friday, February 21 at 11 P.M.

Your response posts (worth up to 50 points) are due by Sunday, February 23 at 11 P.M.

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accounting question 354

Just fill in the attached journal entry and petty cash by analyzing the given transaction information

documentary film assessment answer the giving question about the gilded age

Here is the link to the video


  1. According to the film, America’s political system was founded on farmers, but in the Gilded Age, it was becoming of a nation of what?
  2. Give some specific example of how railroads knit the entire country together.
  3. What were the five cities mentioned in the film that formally enslaved people (African Americans) migrated to?

sisu370 write an op ed paper about peace building see instruction

Students will be required to submit a 800-1000 word op-ed on a current issue related to statebuilding or peacebuilding focusing on a case study. The research and analysis used should be cited and hyperlinks should be made to make an argument when referencing others’ works, facts and events. The submission should be of a quality and standard befitting a major established circular e.g. The Washington Post, Al-Jazeera International, The New York Times, Huffington Post, Foreign Policy, etc.

acids bases and ph buffers lab

The purpose of this lab is to explain basic principles of general and organic chemistry and to interpret data and observations from virtual chemistry experiments.

1.Review How to Access and Complete Your Labs

2.Type your Lab Notes below. (5 points)

3.Complete the Multiple Choice Quiz in Virtual Labs (14 points)

Lab Notes:

Type your name in the upper-right corner of this page next to Last Name
Save your file as a Word document (.docx).
Include the term AcidBase and your Last Name when saving your file. Example: AcidBase_Smith.docx
Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.

discussion board 1 for communications 600 words

Rubric: Grading Rubric for Discussion Boards

Discussion Boards are a major part of the course as well as a big part of your overall grade in the course. Interaction is the key to learning! For this course, interaction is based on discussion board posts.

  • Each student must post their own response to the discussion board question (called an original thread) along with posting a response to at least two other student postings (called a peer response).
  • When you respond to a peer posting, you don’t always have to agree with them. Use your critical thinking skills and analyze their response, give more details or challenge their assumptions. Being a good student means using critical thinking!
  • You will want to create discussion board assignments that are meaningful and interesting to you personally and to your colleagues in the class.

Textbook References: Clear references to the textbook are required in both the original thread post and both peer responses for all course DBs.

  • Textbook references should come from the chapter(s) specified in the assignment prompt and be clearly connected to your post and the assignment topic.
  • Be sure and include the chapter and page number from the textbook in your posts, for example (chapter 2, 59), just as you would do for any research paper/post!

DBs: You can earn a total of 15 points per discussion board: 10 points maximum for your original thread posting and 5 points maximum for your response to 2 or more other student’s postings:

  • Original posts should be at least 500-600 words total and have a least 1 textbook reference from each specified chapter. You will have 2 references per original DB post.
  • Each of the two peer responses should be at least 150 words each in length and have a least 1 textbook reference from the specified chapter. You will have a textbook reference in each of your peer response posts.

BEFORE YOU POST, READ THE INFORMATION REGARDING “GRADING DB’s” (word count, textbook references, etc). Participants must create a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.

            • Your post should include both chapters. Do not post chapters separately!
            • Check grammar and spelling before you post.
            • You cannot edit or delete your post after you submit it.
            • Do not attach your assignment to the thread.
            • Do not post a response to your original post with additional information or materials.
            • Do not put DB questions into your post!

Chapter 1: Review the sections on “Characteristics of Competent Communication” and “Social Media and Interpersonal Communication”. Then, think of your current relationships that involve regular communication. Answer the following questions:

    1. What do you identify as your single major strength in the area of interpersonal communication? Cite two specific personal examples where you displayed this strength.
    2. What do you do especially well in terms of communicating face-to-face? Over social media?
    3. What do you identify as your one significant weakness? Give one specific example to illustrate why you feel this is a problem area for you.
    4. How can you improve your face-to-face communication? Communication over social media?
    5. How do your strength and weakness both relate to the “Characteristics of Competent Communication” section in Chapter 1? Make sure to use course terminology in your analysis.

Chapter 2: Think of a time when you were in a situation or place that meant you had to interact with people you perceived as culturally different from you. Answer the following questions:

    1. What was “different” about the other people? Ethnicity? Socioeconomic background? Age? Gender identity/sexual orientation? Ability level?
    2. How much experience did you have interacting with individuals from other cultures prior to this situation?
    3. How would you describe your usual motivation and attitude toward meeting people different than yourself?
    4. How did your communication alter or vary in this situation, dealing with people who were culturally different?
    5. How would the outcome of this interaction be different if you had the same experience again, having read this chapter/having had discussions about intercultural communication in this class?
    6. What steps might you take to improve your intercultural communication competence?

what role do your emotions serve

What role do your emotions serve? And is it okay to express them in the workplace? A salesperson with intense passion can convince someone to make a purchase. On the other hand, an angry manager can prompt an unfair review. In this discussion, you are asked to help your team to understand and manage their emotions in the workplace. To get started, review the following article: Like It or Not, Emotions Will Drive the Decisions You Make Today.

Assume that you are a team leader, and your team is under a deadline to get a lot done. You have noticed that some of your team members tend to get overwhelmed and make emotional decisions. Other team members seem to thrive in those situations and are motivated by the deadline.

Based on this article, make a list of things you can do as a manager to help your team to understand and manage their emotions so they all can be productive. For instance, what could you teach them about emotions? How would you pair people to work together? What would help them to learn about their emotions so they can be more productive in the workplace?

To receive full credit, remember to write 2 posts in the discussion: one original and a response to another student. Your original should be at least 7 sentences, and your reply should be 4 sentences.

Click here to watch the video