file identification and profiling in digital forensics

  1. For this week’s assignment, please research a scholarly article on and briefly summarized the article on the topic of File Identification and Profiling in Digital Forensics. 4pages. Please, use APA Style formatting on this assignment.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssignâ„¢ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.

complete short discussions snhu

1: For your discussion post this week, visit YouTube to search for and view several past Super Bowl ads. Compare Super Bowl ads over the last few years. Discuss what types of strategies were used. Have the strategies changed over time? If so, why do you think they have? If not, why not? Which strategies do you think are the most successful?

2: Think about two restaurants or cafés that you have been to recently. Compare them in terms of the volume of demand that they have to cope with; the variety of menu items they serve; the variation in demand they may face during the day, week, and year; and the visibility you have of the preparation of the food.

3: Earnings Call Review

Listen to (or read the transcript of) your organization’s or any publicly traded company’s most recent quarterly earnings call and respond to the following questions:

TIP: To find an earnings call or transcript, go to the “Investor Relations” section of the company’s website. There you will find links to financial reports and recordings of recent calls.

  • Identify the company you selected.
  • Have you ever listened to an earnings call?
  • What topics were included? Which were most helpful or insightful? Were there topics you wished were included or expanded upon?
  • Was there a discussion of profit or EPS by Company Management? Explain what this implies, what is the driving force, and what actions you would recommend?
  • Were the analysts’ questions aggressive and challenging or supportive and respectful? How well did management respond to the questions?
  • What additional insights were you able to gain in regards to the company’s financial health, forward guidance, and strategic financial decisions?
  • Was there any information or perspective shared that a competitor could benefit from?
  • If you were an employee of this company, how could you leverage this resource to benefit you or your company?


memory management and virtual memory 2

you will study how various OSs perform memory management and provide support for virtual memory.


Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research memory management, virtual memory of OSs, deadlock modeling, and distributed OSs.

Based on your research, complete the following tasks:

  • For the scenario at Acme Toys Inc. described in Week 1, read the requirements again. In the Microsoft Word document from W3 Project, to your analysis of OSs (three OSs for workstations and servers), add to the discussion with regard to memory management, virtual memory, deadlock modeling, and distributed OSs. Support your analysis with reasons.
  • For each listed OS, discuss the requirements for size of virtual and physical memories.

Submission Details

  • Name your document SU_ITS3101_W4_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Support your responses with examples.

network security and business cont plan amp disaster recover plan

Question1: Network Security Controls Recommendations


Due to the Always Fresh expansion, management wants additional network controls to protect their growing network.


Consider the Windows servers and workstations in the domains of a typical IT infrastructure. Based on your understanding of network security controls, recommend at least four possible controls that will enhance the network’s security. Focus on ensuring that controls satisfy the defense in depth approach to security.

Summarize your network security controls in a summary report to management. You must provide rationale for your choices by explaining how each control makes the environment more secure.

Required Resources

  • Internet access
  • Course textbook
  • Format: Microsoft Word (or compatible)
  • Font: Arial, size 12, double-space
  • Citation Style: Follow your school’s preferred style guide
  • Length: 2 to 4 pages
  • I selected appropriate network security controls for the Always Fresh network environment.
  • I provided rationale for my choices by explaining how each control makes the environment more secure.
  • I created a well-developed and formatted summary report with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • I followed the submission guidelines.

Submission Requirements

Self-Assessment Checklist

Question2: Business Cont plan & Disaster Recover Plan


Submit a report that discusses the techniques used by malware developers to disguise their code and prevent it from being analyzed. Give suggestions on how these techniques should be classified and ranked in the disaster recovery documentation.

Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference.

Please right at list2-3 pages

All the two question right two different pages 1st question 3 pages 2ns question 3 pages with reference ant citation




need assistance with an assignment 16

Provide an update on the progress of your capstone project. Content should be at least a page in length.

Note that no more than 15% of your submission should be comprised of quoted verbatim text from sources. Use sources to support your points and not to make them for you. ALL direct quotes and ALL sources need to be identified.

Discuss the following in your conversation:

  • How is your employer responding to your project?
  • Review your experiences of your Gemba with your instructor.
  • What internal and external data sources have you identified?
  • What successes and challenges have you encountered requesting or accessing data?
  • How is the data helping to narrow down to a viable, short-term executable project?
  • What other challenges are you encountering?
  • What are you doing to work around the challenges?

Please include references

isol536 security architecture and design week 6

Question 1

write a minimum of 600 words in APA format along with two references

The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. As was noted, this component is too valuable to trust to a single defense. Furthermore, authentication requests are tendered by the least-trusted component in the architecture. That component, HTTP termination, resides on the least-trusted network. What additional steps can be taken?

Question 2

write a minimum of 400 words in APA format with at least two references

The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. Is that sufficient?

the international entry mode if applied currently of a o smith corporation

1.Write about the International Entry Mode (if applied currently) of A.O Smith Corporation

2.350-400 words

3.cite and reference ALL sources in correct APA format; a paper, not a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation

5.write in conjunction with the link material given

topic 4 dq 1 comment 5 1

***Please make a comment ***

One known truth of life is the fact that it is finite. No amount of money, status, or fame can save one from the inevitable end that is death. Nurses are constantly surrounded by death. Some specialties, such as hospice see it more than others. However, no branch of nursing is immune to death. As a healthcare worker, you realize that there are many things worse than death. Often the medical field focuses on saving one’s life without taking into account the quality of life of the patient.

why do employees steal employee stealing is a multiple part operation

Per Fennelly (2017-182), “Why do Employees steal?” employee stealing is a multiple part operation.

  • Most organizations are often intolerant and impatient to verify employee’s identity and background and establish trust due to the time-consuming nature of daily assignments.
  • Most organizations often ignore to establish and adopt on-board ecological waste management action plans to deal with discarded materials, shredded left-over documents and magnetic media and placing fragments in isolated location.

Nonetheless, organizations must learn to support and train employers who are assigned to work and protect the organization data center, facilities and resources. Large segments of any organizations’ facility managers are often none-aggressive and choose short cuts in discharging assigned services by posting passwords on the screen and leaving confidential documents lying out on the table and uploading same document to associates, husbands, loved ones and competitors. Most authorized users within the organization are often the puniest linkage in any security operation.

Per Fennelly (2017-182), “Why do Employees steal?”

employee stealing is a multiple part operation.

Disgruntled employees can install sniffers on organizations’ data file server via polite phone calls

They can gain required user identification and password to access the organization’s secured data center.

Most organization retain an employee on the same salary for twenty years and they pay new a newly hired employee the salary of the actively existing employee.

Most organizations often ignore to establish and adopt on-board ecological waste management action plans to deal with discarded materials, shredded left-over documents and magnetic media and placing fragments in isolated location.

in this assignment you will be given a scenario in which you are the director of information technology in a mid level health system besthealth inc you have been asked by the ceo to create a value proposition powerpoint to be presented to the executive 1

In this assignment you will be given a scenario in which you are the Director of Information Technology in a mid-level health system, BestHealth Inc. You have been asked by the CEO to create a Value Proposition Powerpoint to be presented to the executive committee. The presentation will summarize for the execs your Release of Information Tracking System Value Proposition. The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:

  • Explore the impact of informatics in the business of healthcare
  • Discuss the financial implications of healthcare informatics
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how informatics fits within a healthcare organization

As with all assignments, the work you submit must be your work only; this is an individual assignment. While we understand that students discuss assignments, collaborating or incorporating the work of others will negatively impact your grade. Your scenario follows in the form of an Executive Summary. You will use course materials and other scholarly supporting materials to assist you. Formatting and document organizational requirements appear below.

To help you prepare, review this video on How to Record Narration for a PowerPoint Presentation.

Your scenario follows in the form of an Executive Summary. You will use course materials and other scholarly supporting materials to assist you. Formatting and document organizational requirements appear below.

Executive Summary

Recent regulations and business practices such as billing require BestHealth Inc. to Release Information to patients and other approved entities.

BestHealth Inc. is a mid-level health system that consists of a 100-bed regional hospital and a 300-bed tertiary care center. BestHealth also recently concluded a merger with All Docs Co. and added four outpatient clinics to its system. With the merger, BestHealth now serves a catchment area that covers the northern half of the state of Pennsylvania. Both hospitals have an average daily census of 80%, and the outpatient clinics have an average of 300 patient visits weekly. Staffing at the regional hospital and the tertiary care hospital are within industry averages, and each outpatient clinic staff consists of four physicians, four advanced practice nurses and support staff.

However, BestHealth currently does not have consistent processes around ROI and also does not have the ability to track and document ROI across the enterprise. The CEO has asked you to review some third-party software they are considering and to develop a Value Proposition around purchasing and implementing this type of information system. She feels this is crucial to protect BestHealth from inappropriate releases and to ensure HIPAA compliance. She is also interested in understanding how much data is being released, to who and for what purpose. Several software packages they are considering are:

Criteria for Evaluation

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the ROI tracking system and the organization

  • Define and describe the organization’s need
  • Define and describe ROI and ROI tracking systems
  • Describe basic ROI tracking system features and functions
  • Describe the primary stakeholders

60 points

2. Review the processes around choosing a ROI tracking system vendor

  • Explain the ROI tracking system (information system) Life Cycle
  • Develop a Goal Statement
  • Describe standard processes for dealing with vendors
  • Describe the implementation plan standard processes

60 points

3. HIPAA and ROI

  • Define and describe the HIPAA Privacy Rule
  • Define and describe the HIPAA Security Rule
  • How does a ROI tracking system support HIPAA compliance
  • Describe ROI tracking system benefits and barriers

60 points

5. Presentation Quality: readability and clarity

20 points

Total Points