discuss how big data analytics can be used to cope with the internet of things in 200 300 words

200-300 words only with at least 2 scholarly article

Continue to follow the required guidelines, with a

minimum of three separated paragraphs titled with the bulleted items.

Discuss the following:

  • purpose and basic features of big data analytics
  • the rapid emergence and benefits of the Internet of Things
  • specific examples of how big data analytics can be used to provide consumers a better quality of life using the Internet of Things

self assessment spiritual assessment 1

Getting Started

A social worker’s awareness and comprehension of their own spiritual background benefit their practice with clients, including in the family and group settings. In this activity, you will develop and submit your family’s spiritual ecogram or genogram using the key provided in either reading. You will briefly discuss the benefit of this depiction.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

  • Develop self-reflection and self-regulation to effectively manage the intersection of personal and professional values. (PO 1)


  • Textbook: Social Work with Groups: Comprehensive Practice and Self-Care

Background Information

As discussed throughout the course, self-awareness and self-reflection are critical to developing the ability to engage with clients as a social work professional in any setting, including in family and group interactions.


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. In your textbook, Social Work with Groups: Comprehensive Practice and Self-Care, read Chapter 9 “Social Work with Families.”
  3. Create your family’s spiritual eco-map or genogram using the key provided in the reading. Include the primary components described in the readings. In the heading, be sure to label the type of spirituality assessment tool you are using. Depict at least three (preferably four) generations of your family (for example, you and your siblings, your parents, and your grandparents, plus either your children or nieces and nephews or your great-grandparents).
  4. In a 150- to 200-word summary underneath the ecogram or genogram, explain how the depiction sheds light on your individual and family experience of spirituality. Discuss briefly how this tool would help a social worker work with your family in any life challenges or transitions. Disclose at the level to which you find healthy and beneficial for your learning.

10 multiple choice hw questions

I just need the answers to these 10 multiple choice questions. The class has lecture slides but not a textbook; let me know if you need anything.

final paper 13 pages topic on quot expanding the scope of strategic communication towards a holistic understanding of the organizational complexity quot

– Actually my final paper should be on “topic relating to strategic communication in the workplace” for this I selected this topic ” Expanding the Scope of Strategic Communication: Towards a Holistic understanding of the organizational complexity “

– Paper APA Format

– Appropriate citation (My professor is very strict on this)

– Length of the paper – 13 pages

– Absolutely no plagiarism

– It is my final paper which is of worth 350 marks, my professor will strictly check each and every point. So please do in-depth research on the topic and write the paper.

– U need to refer different articles not only this article ” Expanding the Scope of Strategic Communication: Towards a Holistic understanding of the organizational complexity “

– Please write it with utmost attention…I need to give presentation also on this paper

– My professor feedback when I choose this topic

“””For your final topic it sounds interesting, but a bit narrow. I did a quick search and it appears there is a paper with the exact title from Heide, von Platen, Simonsson, & Falkheimer from 2018.

It is okay to use this as part of your research, but it should not be the only article you use for your paper.

Expanding the Scope of Strategic Communication: Towards a Holistic Understanding of Organizational Complexity

Mats Heide,Sara von Platen,Charlotte Simonsson &Jesper Falkheimer

Pages 452-468 | Published online: 13 Aug 2018

301 forum and responses 1

i need 300 words for the forum post below, and then later, 3 more responses of 100 words each .

Week 3:

Forum Instructions:

Snyder v. Phelps, 462 US 443 (2011) involved members of the Westboro Baptist Church picketing at the funeral of Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Snyder. Please read the decision by clicking on the case name and give a summary of the facts of the case, the issue, the Court’s decision and whether or not you agree with the court’s legal reasoning. In oral argument, Justice Scalia questions the applicability of the “fighting words” doctrine enunciated in Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U. S. 568 (1942). Despite Scalia’s discussion, the doctrine is dismissed in a footnote in the majority opinion and barely mentioned in the concurring opinion. Please watch the video and answer these questions.

Please define and explain the doctrine. Could/should it have been applied in this case?

Your initial post should be made by Thursday this week. You should then respond to 3 or more posts. This can be accomplished by

· Validating with additional evidence from the literature.

· Posing a thoughtful question with commentary which generates further discussion.

· Providing an alternative point-of-view, with evidence and examples.

· Offering additional insight into how the concept might be understood, with evidence provided with real world examples.

You should be active in the classroom throughout the week and actively engaged in the back-and-forth discussion between your colleagues and the professor. The forum grading rubric can be reviewed by clicking on the blue and white box beside the forum entry in the gradebook.

explain in 300 350 words one network scanning software tool in the attchment please include more than 2 sources

Select one network scanning software tool (there is a list in your required reading slides) and explain in (300- 350 words )detail how it works and how detects network vulnerabilities. Provide the site where you obtained your information and include that in your assignment write-up.Please include more than 2 sources


1)Need the paper in own words (300-350 words) with more than 2 sources no more older than 5 years and in APA format.Citations,formatting you must also site them properly (not just copy the URL) you need to use first line hanging with paragraphs etc.

2) It will be sunmitted it into safe asssign so the match percentage should be less than 15%.It means absolutely no plagiarism.

3) Some points mentioned by my professor regarding APA format

a)Citations: First off you can not just use any website. It needs to be of academic quality not just some random website. Also when you cite a website you do not just copy the hyper link and paste it in. There is more to it than that. There are lots of cites to help you with this. One example is https://www.citationmachine.net/apa/cite-a-website

b) APA Format: Many of you are not even trying to do APA format. You guys are missing a lot of the elements. Here is a link that will help you with a sample paper: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/apa_sample_paper.html

c) Plagiarism: Some of you are getting a really high percentage on this. If the school feels you are plagiarizing you can get in a lot of academic trouble. I saw one person theirs was 80%

d) Typos: It is your responsibility to make sure that spelling and punctuation are correct. Some of you are not using comments and/or having some serious spelling errors. Once you post an assignment you need to verify that Blackboard did not mess it up and if did you may have to go back and MANUALLY fix it.

client care plans

Review the three clinical vignettes found in Chapters 12-14 of our textbook and distinguish which service package you would recommend given the clinical presentation of each client.

In 250 words, discuss the treatment goals and objectives you would propose to help with each client’s distress level, including details about motivation.

In an additional 250 words, discuss how you would create a plan to keep these clients safe.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


Kathol, R. G., Perez, R., & Cohen, J. S. (2010). The integrated case management manual: Assisting complex patients regain physical and mental health. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN-13: 9780826106339


how can an organization improve employee training to ensure data security

Please follow the instructions provided in the “Residency Assignment, Instructions.pdf” and prepare the research paper and power point presentation for the provided topic. Please prepare the research paper in reference to the document “Research Paper.pdf” and let me know for any further information required.

comm 100w the fact paper

In this paper, you will describe a person, object, or event using only empirically verifiable facts. The objective of the paper is to invite your reader to see the person, object, or event in an unusual light while ensuring that your paper remains completely free of any evaluative language. You final draft should be 1000 words in length not including endnotes and bibliography.

Choose a person, object, or event that you find interesting and that you can readily research. After you choose a topic, begin to compile facts that allow you to show your topic in an unusual light. By “unusual” I mean in a way different from how most people would think about that person or object or event. Your essay should NOT be a report. You are not writing an encyclopedia entry. You are making an argument by presenting an artful, carefully-crafted perspective. If you think this is near impossible consider that journalists do it all the time.

Though you are being artful, you want in every case to use only empirically verifiable statements. At no point should you use language that discloses your opinions or use evaluative language of any kind. Your essay should only contain carefully collected and composed empirical statements that you have strategically organized.

1) Your opening paragraph should be a vivid, detailed description of your topic.

2) The introduction of your essay must include a preview of where you are headed. Your preview should give your reader a sense of what you will talk about and why. Indicate your topic and main points in the introduction. Remember: all statements must be empirically verifiable.

3) The body of your paper should deliver on the promises made in your preview. For instance, if you promise in your introduction that the first section of your paper will discuss deaths that have occurred on Disneyland rides, then the first section of your paper should provide information about the number of deaths that have occurred on Disneyland rides. Do not suddenly start talking about the history of amusement parks.

To make the body of your essay interesting, you want to think about how you present information. Where do you place each sentence? Can you put two sentences together that suggest things that you cannot come right out and say? When do you introduce certain details? Which details do you leave out? We will talk in class about different kinds of empirically verifiable statements. The body of your essay should be a combination of different kinds of statements (statements with granular details, statements with aggregated data, and/or autobiographical). Think, too, about how you compose each sentence. Is it better to be detailed, or vague? Is it good to have a combination of specific and general information? Consider how best to get your reader to see the topic from a certain angle. It is a matter of selection, arrangement, and presentation.

4) Your essay should feature a conclusion that briefly summarizes the course of the paper. Without drawing conclusions or stating your opinion, end the paper in such a way that your reader will know they are taking away an unusual perspective. You cannot, of course, say as much. So you have to show your reader that somehow.

5) Any outside information or data you include in your essay should be referenced. Include a complete works cited page formatted correctly.

for this assignment you will be exploring the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions with respect to crimes against persons the primary objective of this assignment is to explain how the same conduct may be prosecute

Assignment Details

Federal or State Crime?

Before completing this Assignment, review the reading on Sources of Criminal Law (pp. 5-9) in Chapter 1 of your textbook. You may also want to read the following resources.


Comparing Federal & State Courts

Discover the differences in structure, judicial selection, and cases heard in both systems.

Rights, powers, dual sovereignty, and federalism

The line between state and federal prosecution can seem blurred at times. Here is an explanation of the duel sovereignty doctrine and how it can be applied.


Comparing Federal & State Courts: United States Courts. Retrieved from http://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/court…

Institute. Retrieved at http://www.cato.org/policy-report/septemberoctober…


For this Assignment, you will be exploring the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions with respect to crimes against persons. The primary objective of this Assignment is to explain how the same conduct may be prosecuted either in state or federal court pursuant to applicable state and federal statutes. Be sure to select a crime against person, such as certain types of sexual assault or kidnapping.

You are to identify ONE specific crime, a crime against a person, and describe the following:

  • Create the factual scenario giving rise to the criminal prosecution in either state or federal court.
  • Indicate the name of the specific crime which may be prosecuted in federal court based on the scenario and provide the definition of that crime, including a citation or reference to the applicable statute.
  • Similarly, indicate the name of the crime which may be prosecuted based upon the same conduct in a state court. Be sure to identify the state statute, and as you did in #2, define the crime and provide a citation to the authority.
  • Explain a cultural factor that may influence how the crime may be prosecuted. A cultural factor might include a person’s socio-economic, ethnic or religious background; in your response, discuss how various cultures might interpret the wording of two statutes differently. Be sure to discuss how one culture might view a crime differently than another, based on the culture’s particular viewpoints

Your paper should be written in APA format with a length not to exceed 2 pages (excluding cover and reference pages).

Note: This Assignment requires outside research. Use at least two credible sources beyond the text material and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of the resources used. You may consult the Library, the Internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task. It is recommended that you look to your state criminal codes for examples of crimes that may be prosecuted at the state level. Be sure to include a statutory citation.

View and use the Unit 6 Assignment Checklist

Directions for Submitting Your Assignment


Class use the template to complete assignment. Remember to COPY AND PASTE ENTIRE TEMPLATE into own word document. DELETE ALL RED PORTIONS PRIOR TO SUBMISSION. Remember to provide a separate COVER SHEET with assignment.

Introduction: This Assignment will explore: (1) the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions with respect to crimes against persons; for example, such as certain types of sexual assault or kidnapping. The primary objective of this Assignment is to explain how the same conduct may be prosecuted either in state or federal court pursuant to applicable state and federal statutes. OnlyONE specific crime against a person will be provided and will include: (2) a creation of a factual scenario giving rise to the criminal prosecution in either state or federal court; (3) the name of the specific crime which may be prosecuted in federal court based on the scenario; (4) the definition of the crime, including a citation or reference to the applicable statute; (5) the name of the crime which may be prosecuted based upon the same conduct in a state court, along with the identification of the state statute; (6) definition of the crime, along with citing authority; (7) explanation of a cultural factor that may influence how the crime may be prosecuted, including a discussion of how various cultures might interpret the wording of two statutes differently. At least 2 sources beyond the text will be used and literature cited where appropriate.

Differences Between State and Federal Jurisdictions in Criminal Prosecution

State: (Try to provide 2-3 differences with Federal Courts. Cite the literature).

Federal: (Try to provide 2-3 differences with State Courts. Cite the literature).

Factual Scenario Applicable to both State and Federal Courts

(Locate a brief crime scenario. You can copy and paste it. Cite the literature)

Name of Scenario Crime in Federal Court: (You can just cite the case) ________

Definition of the Crime in Federal Court: (Provide the definition of the crime used in the case. Cite the literature).

Name of Scenario Crime in State Court: (You can just cite the case) __________

Definition of the Crime in State Court: (Provide the definition of the crime used in the case. Cite the literature).

Role of a Cultural Factor in Prosecuting Crime (Discuss how various cultures might interpret the wording of two statutes differently. So, what could be the role of Cultural Factor (religion) at State V. Federal Level? Begin by identifying your Cultural Factor first. Then, use each statute to discuss. So, use the crime, as defined by the State and discuss; then do the same at the Federal Level).

State’s Interpretation of Statute Using Cultural Factor: (Tell how this cultural factor was used (or ignored) in the State’s case. Cite the literature).

Federal Interpretation of Statute Using Cultural Factor: (Tell how this cultural factor was used (or ignored) in the Fed’s case. Cite the literature).

Conclusion: This Assignment explored: (1) the differences between state and federal jurisdiction in criminal prosecutions with respect to crimes against persons; for example, such as certain types of sexual assault or kidnapping. The primary objective of this Assignment was to explain how the same conduct may be prosecuted either in state or federal court pursuant to applicable state and federal statutes. OnlyONE specific crime against a person was provided and included: (2) a creation of a factual scenario giving rise to the criminal prosecution in either state or federal court; (3) the name of the specific crime which may be prosecuted in federal court based on the scenario; (4) the definition of the crime, including a citation or reference to the applicable statute; (5) the name of the crime which may be prosecuted based upon the same conduct in a state court, along with the identification of the state statute; (6) definition of the crime, along with citing authority; (7) explanation of a cultural factor that may influence how the crime may be prosecuted, including a discussion of how various cultures might interpret the wording of two statutes differently. At least 2 sources beyond the text were used and literature cited where appropriate.
