technology presentation 3

Assignment Content

Throughout this course you have been learning about critical thinking in criminal justice. You have completed simulations and explained how critical thinking applied to each. Technology is a great resource to use and helpful in solving crimes. In this last assignment you are asked to show the relationship between critical thinking and technology in criminal justice.

  1. Select a criminal justice agency, and review the influence of technology on the agency.

    Create an 8-10 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

    • Describe the use of technology within the agency you selected: for example, the use of computers, smartphones, and social media.
    • Evaluate how technology has enhanced the critical-thinking skills used by the agency.
    • Assess the advantages and disadvantages of using technology with creative thinking within criminal justice agencies in the 21st century.
    • Provide recommendations as to the use of technology to help the use of critical- and creative-thinking skills within the agency.

    Include comprehensive speaker notes.

cybersecurity policy enforcement creative measures

Cyber security policy compliance is essential for all organizations. Many companies do not even have policies established. The following article provides a template for an internal cybersecurity policy (Links to an external site.).

It’s one thing to have these policies documented, it’s another for them to be strictly enforced. I worked for a company that had a policy where the security team would patrol the workspaces and, if they spotted an unattended and unlocked computer, they would send an embarrassing email to the entire company from that workers computer.

UNH works to prevent phishing attacks by sending out fake emails to test the faculty and administrations willingness to fall for scams. If one of us takes the bait and clicks the link, we are directed to a page that admonishes us and provides additional training on how to spot phishing scams.

Can you think of any additional creative ways to ensure that your employees are not introducing security risks?

Below are the desired attributes for a posting.

    • Use of proper grammar.
    • Ideas are organized, persuasive and elevate the overall dialogue.
    • Opinions are substantiated.
    • Demonstration of critical or creative thinking.
    • Evidence of preparation.

answer the last set of 33 pages of q amp a questions from quot my most important identity intersections with my race quot to the end

Answer the last set of 33 pages of Q&A questions, from”My Most Important Identity Intersections with My Race?” to the end.

Type your response to each and respective question in the exercises.

You may answer in Word document, or Adobe Acrobat, whichever you prefer.

Answer honestly and add as much details as you can.

Answer the last set of 17 pages, from”My Most Important Identity Intersections with My Race?” to the end.

mental mistakes of active investors

Read this article from the WSJ (Links to an external site.).

Are you or will you be an active investor? Why or why not?

Have you ever found yourself or observed others making the errors described in the article? It doesn’t have to be a financial investment for you to fall into similar ways of thinking.

How do you think investors could discipline themselves so that they don’t make these behavioral mistakes?

Was there anything in the article that you thought was extra enlightening?

essay about dr faustus is a tragic hero or not

Compose a short (2 to 3 page) essay presenting the argument that Dr. Faustus is or is not a tragic hero. Explain your position by referring to specific criteria in the definition and citing specific details from the play. Format your essay according to MLA guidelines and cite your examples using line numbers from the play. If you use any outside sources in reference to the tragic hero, you must also cite these and prepare a Works Cited page.

  • Essay is a minimum of two pages when formatted according to MLA format.
  • Essay demonstrates a clear understanding of the Faustus legend.
  • Essay is clear about which text is being used to support thesis conclusion.
  • Essay takes a clear position that Faustus is a tragic hero or that Faustus is not a tragic hero.
  • Textual evidence supports the position in the thesis from the 1604 year version.

need these two question answered

Shifting gears from the electronic evidence collection by criminal investigators to evidence creation, consider the challenges and divergent opinions within policing regarding body worn cameras.

Recent police involved shootings have again raised a number of issues regarding police department policy regarding body worn cameras. Inextricably linked to the wear or not wear debate is the issue regarding when and whether information captured by body cameras can and/or should be released to the public.

For purpose of this discussion, assume that state law and/or local police department policy requires all police departments to wear body recorders, and that some state freedom of information laws are generally unclear relative to the retention and release of footage from body worn recorders.

1.What is your overall assessment of the advantages and disadvantages to police departments with respect to the evidence value of footage from body worn cameras?

2. Should footage from body worn cameras be release to the general public? If so, why so; if not. why not?

write a response for the pdf file 200 250 words

After reading “A Common Life Shared Among Three Faiths” and “Alfonso the Learned King,” identify one thing from each chapter which you thought was the most interesting/surprising and explain why you think that.

community action proposal

Community Action Proposal Instructions

Imagine that you, and a few others who have a passion for community awareness and intervention, have been given a 4 million dollar grant to establish a program, center, or organization. This assignment can be a proposal for a marginalized population within your community whose mental health needs have been overlooked or ignored by service providers. The proposal can take the shape of a “Community Action Plan” that you and an interest group would present to the county commissioner or city council, or it can take the shape of a “Proposal for The _______ Center”, in which you describe the population, current issues, needed services, a proposed program, a rationale, a budget, etc. for potential consideration by an interest group, committee, or funding organization.

This must be a 12-15 page paper in current APA format with 12 sources. You must incorporate the June & Black and the Scott & Wolfe texts in substantial and meaningful ways and draw on recent journal articles, particularly for the needs analysis, assessment, and program objectives. A minority of your sources may be professional sources that shed light on the issues at hand. Include the following content, using the bold outline headings below as your paper headings, substituting your program/center/organization where appropriate:

1Name of your organization and proposed location. Why did you name it as such and establish it where you did?

2Write a purpose, vision, or mission statement. Follow best practices for a concise and well-articulated statement. Justify and explain as needed.

3 Needs analysis and assessment. Who is the target population? How will this organization address the presenting problem? This section must be thorough and supported by research.

4 Program goal and objectives. What will this organization achieve long-term and short-term? Articulate an overall goal and 3-5 measurable, time-specific, realistic objectives.

5 Services to be provided. Describe how this organization help, relieve, provide, etc. for the targeted population.

6 Structure of the organization. Describe processes for client screening, other relevant organizational functions, and staffing (counselors, social workers, volunteers, administrative staff).

7 Organizational accountability. What type of testing or assessment of the target population will be conducted? (e.g. Global Assessment Functioning, GAF). Describe how documentation for trustees/directors/financial providers and record keeping for clients will be handled.

8 Budget. Delineate how the $4 million grant will be spent. End with a closing paragraph in which you also address sustainability, i.e. how the organization will survive once the money has been spent.

cultural differences 13

Read “The Cultural Challenges of Managing Global Project Teams: a Study of Brazilian Multinationals.” Comment on how cultural differences affect projects, illustrate with examples from your own experience.

Need 350 cuz and the attachment below is the PDF of the article

homeland security discussion and 2 responses

here is the book name, all the instructions are attached below

HOMELAND SECURITY: An introduction to Principles and


Author: Charles P. Nemeth

Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis

Group ISBN: 978-1-4987-4910-7


