Getting Started
“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you†Isaiah 26:3 (NIV).
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus†Philippians 4:7 (NIV).
You can probably appreciate what it means to feel weary when seeing so much violence in our society. As adult students, you not only are tasked with assuming the role of a social work advocate and educator, but also with providing support to those who suffer from oppression and violent crimes against humanity. It is often challenging to remain in peace as you try to balance work, online learning, and family life. Remaining in peace is something you must learn to do while also engaged in the daily routines of your life, which may include jobs, families, extracurricular activities, community work, and the enjoyment of hobbies and personal interests.
It is important for social work students to be reminded that we do not serve a God who is unable to identify with our struggles. When Jesus walked on this earth, He was not a college student at IWU, yearning to learn the profession of social work. Yet, He did spend most of His life as a learner and, most of all, a peacemaker. He was the Son of God, who created all that knew what it meant to sit and to learn. Knowing that He could have gone directly into ministry at any point, having full knowledge and power over all that was and is and all that ever will be, still He waited and He learned. What kind of peace must that have taken? What measure of patience must Jesus have exercised during those years as a student, preparing for His ministry on earth?
As you embark on yet another course, and as you take another step toward your goal of achieving your MSW, we encourage you to allow the Lord to show you His peace in a violent society. Take a moment today, and in the weeks that follow, to reflect on how far you have come and on the knowledge you have gained, and allow the Lord to give you peace as you continue to wait and to learn. Do all of this while knowing that your time for entering the field is near, and you are preparing for that time each and every day.
Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate Christ-like attitudes, values, worldviews, and ethical and professional behavior within advanced clinical practice. (ILO 1)
- Examine the impact of Christian influences on social welfare. (PO 5, ILO 5)
- Demonstrate character, scholarship, and leadership in becoming a world changer through application to personal life and professional social work practice.
- Reflect on plans to remain “in peace†while embarking on this education and social work journey.
Background Information
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God†Matthew 5:9 (NIV).
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world†John 16:33 (NIV).
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you have grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you†Colossians 3:13 (NIV).
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Write a one-paragraph response to each of the following prompts:
- In looking back over the courses you have taken thus far, what are the key themes and lessons that you feel will be the most prominent in your mind as you enter the field of social work? (This could be a concrete tool or practice, or perhaps a theme or way of thinking.)
- How do you plan to remain “in peace� How will you know if you have lost your sense of peace because of the social violence going on around you? What would that look like for you personally, and how would you address it?
- Before finalizing your work, ensure that you:
- Have followed the assignment instructions carefully.
- Use the computer’s spelling and grammar check.
- Use APA format for organization, style, and source credits, including:
- 12-point, double-spaced Times New Roman font
- One-inch margins on all sides
- Normal character spacing
- In-text citations
- Title page and reference page (may not have reference page as it is not required to list Bible in references)
- Properly formatted headings