colloration paper affecting decision makinf

This assignment is a formal paper. This includes: APA format, title page, headings, literature review, proper citation per APA, logical sequence, conclusions, clarity, understanding of the topic, and reference list. The paper should be 3-5 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. The paper must demonstrate independent ideas and conclusions. At a minimum, the following topics must be well articulated in the paper. Remember that discussion of each topic requires citations that are current (less than 5 years old) and relevant. Please refer to the grading rubric for how your paper will be graded.

  • Explain how multidisciplinary collaboration can affect clinical decision making.
  • Discuss how collaboration can lead to improved patient outcomes.
  • Discuss how lack of collaboration can lead to poor patient outcomes.
  • Identify three barriers to professional collaboration among healthcare professionals and patients?
  • What are the five best ways to promote professional collaboration in pediatric primary care?
  • How can the nurse practitioner encourage and support collaboration among the patient, family, caregivers, and healthcare professionals?

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric
  • Grading rubric downloaded

ethical and legal implications 1


Evaluate accounting-related legal and ethical business implications.


During your weekly meeting, the Director of Accounting has shared with you the topics discussed at a recent Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) meeting. Of particular interest was the agenda item about how some companies have gotten in regulatory trouble with the SEC over their revenue and expense recognition practices. While you both are confident that there are no issues relating to this at your company, you both decided that you wanted to learn more about these cases.

The Director of Accounting wants you to research two such cases and write a summary report to present at the next Accounting Department meeting. The director believes that understanding what has happened to other companies in this area of accounting can help prevent issues in your company.

The Director provides you with the SEC website that they have used in the past to do article searches:


You are asked to select two recent SEC actions against companies (not individuals) that relate to revenue and expense recognition and Prepare a Word document that:

  1. summarizes reasons for the SEC actions.
  2. identifies the SEC issues related to accounting data and/or operations and the remedial actions assigned and/or penalties given to the company.
  3. critiques the remedial actions/penalties.
  4. Gives an opinion as to whether you believe they will be effective in preventing future violations by the company.

i need help writing a response about my history course

Read through the following links:

http:// www. uk/history/ancient/ anglo_ saxons/ arthur_01. shtml

http:// www. arthur/page2. htm

http://d.lib. rochester. edu/ camelot/theme/ arthur

After reading, discuss King Arthur. Do you think he was a real person? Why do you think he was so important in Medieval literature? Relate King Arthur to the code of chivalry and the courtly love genre of the 12th century.

This response should be detailed, and over 450 words.

write an executive summary and a paper on the role of the healthcare administrator

Role of the Healthcare Administrator


As you complete your studies as a master’s prepared healthcare administrator, what role do you envision for yourself? As you know by now there are many roles and areas of specialty to choose. Since you have almost completed your Master’s degree, imagine you have been asked by your Dean to make a presentation to a group of undergraduate students considering becoming Healthcare Administrators. Your ultimate goal is to sell a Healthcare Administrator career to this group of undergraduate students by providing them an overview of a Healthcare Administration and then personalizing it to how you envision healthcare will succeed in the next decade.

Instructions and Grading Criteria

Write a 1–2 page executive summary of your presentation, plus a 3–5 page paper where you will synthesize the functions of the master’s prepared healthcare administrator, including role, responsibilities, and priorities. You will also need to touch on all major components of a Healthcare Administrator, such as, but not limited to human resources, finance, information technology, regulatory, and leadership.

The grading criteria for this assignment is as follows. Your executive summary and paper must include the elements listed below so be sure to address each point.

  • Provide executive summary a healthcare administrator’s job responsibilities.
  1. Outline at least six specific components of a health care administrator.
  2. Describe successful leadership traits for the six identified healthcare administrator functions.
  3. Analyze current healthcare challenges confronting healthcare administration professionals.
  4. Summarize the knowledge and skills necessary for healthcare leaders to succeed for the next ten years.
  5. Use at least three quality academic references.
    • Use the Strayer Library. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  1. Meet clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Assignment Format

  • On the executive summary provide a cover page with your name, the course number and course title, your professor’s name, the university’s name, and the date.
  • Include a 1–2 page executive summary of your presentation after the cover page and before the assignment.
  • Work should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Strayer Writing Standards

This course requires use of new Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

  • Citations and references must follow SWS or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

please answer any 5 questions of your choice

.1. Briefly explain at least three functions of money.

2. Differentiate between “dollarization” and currency substitution.

3. Briefly explain at least two denominations of the money supply.

4. Using a discount bond, justify the statement “Bond prices and interest rates are inversely related, other things being equal.”

5. Explain any two of the factors that might change the supply of bonds.

6. Explain briefly the default risk premium of treasury bonds relative to corporate bonds.

7. Briefly explain the relationship between interest rate and inflation assuming the Fisher Effect.

8. Assuming the Pure Expectations Theory, explain the implications of an upward sloping yield curve and a downward sloping yield curve, respectively.

week 6 reaction paper

Week 6: Reaction Paper

DUE: Feb 16, 2020 11:55 PM

Grade Details

Grade N/A
Gradebook Comments None

Assignment Details

Open Date Jan 6, 2020 12:05 AM
Graded? Yes
Points Possible 100.0
Resubmissions Allowed? Yes
Remaining Submissions 2
Attachments checked for originality? Yes

Assignment Instructions

Goal: The goal of this assignment is to write a well thought out paper about how people react to intimate communication.

Course Objective(s): CO 2, 3, & 4

For your Reaction Paper, you have two options. Please review them carefully to ensure you choose the one from which you will benefit most. Note that each option must be written in essay format (do not answer the questions in a question/answer format). The essay must include a clear introduction (including a thesis), body and conclusion in APA format. The sample paper attached to the assignment details provides a clear example of the formatting and paper expectations for this assignment.

The focus of this option is our secondary text, Confusing Love with Obsession. Your paper should be at least five pages (roughly 1,250 words) in length. in length. While additional sources or references are not required for this assignment, you must use the selected source to support your argument (i.e, cite the selected sources in your paper). If you choose to quote, paraphrase, or summarize additional sources (including the texts), you must document them in APA format. Your paper must have a references page.

These are the questions/points to consider to which you should respond in your reaction paper:

  1. Using sociologist John Alan Lee’s love styles (refer to pages 261- 263 of Intimate Relationships, and pay special attention to Table 8.7 ‘Styles of Loving’ found on the top of page 262) from chapter eight of “Intimate Relationships”, what is the predominant love style for most of the characters presented in the book, Confusing Love with Obsession.
  2. What character if any did you identify with most from the book? This can be either yourself or someone you know.
  3. Briefly outline the characteristics of the Obsessive Love Wheel at each stage of the wheel.
  4. After reading the book, what knowledge did you gain about love addiction?


This option allows you to choose from a selection of several chapters of books by scholar Deborah Tannen that are available electronically from the APUS library. As with the other option, your paper should be at least five pages (roughly 1,250 words) in length. Additional sources or references are not required for this assignment, but if you quote, paraphrase, or summarize a source (including the reading or the text), you must document it following APA format.

These are the questions/points to ponder that you can use to develop your reaction paper, but feel free to ask yourself additional questions. Remember that this paper should give your reaction to what you have read, meaning you may agree, disagree, or both. However, you cannot merely say you agree. You must explain why clearly.

  • After reading the selection you have chosen, think about either your own situation that reflects the subject of the reading or about situations with which you are familiar, or both. You should not use full names or real people, please! It is preferable to give people aliases rather than use their names.
  • Outline some of the characteristics of the communication situations described and analyzed in the reading.
  • Did you identify with the people and situations in the selection? How? If not, how do you engage differently in interpersonal communication in similar situations to the ones described and analyzed?
  • After reading the selection, what knowledge did you gain about interpersonal communication in general?

Here is the selection of readings:

Conversational Style: Analyzing Talk Among Friends (2005)
Deborah Tannen

Read Chapters Two, Three, and Four

Family Talk: Discourse and Identity in Four American Families (2007)
Deborah Tannen, Shari Kendall, and Cynthia Gordon, eds.

Read Chapter 1 plus any other chapter, 2-11

Gender and Discourse (1994)
Deborah Tannen

Supporting Materials

write an essay 299

Write a 600 word definition essay on one of the terms or concepts from the list provided below. Use other modes of writing, such as description, exploratory, and persuasion (argumentation) to produce a well-developed definition for your term or concept. Choose your terminology carefully; you want to select a term/concept that is rich in personal meaning. When defining complex and abstract concepts, your ultimate goal is to provide a specific and concrete meaning for your reader. Extended definitions, such as the one I am asking you to produce as your final essay, depend on examples, illustrations, and narratives. Personal observation and opinion should also serve as the basis for your definition.

Select one of the following terms or concepts to produce your Final Definition Essay Exam :

1 – Integrity

2 – Honor

3 – Pride

4 – Joy

Choose your essay structure carefully. Avoid including details that do not serve to advance or complete your definition. As always, I expect your essay to contain a strong introduction that includes your essay’s thesis, a coherent and focused body that effectively transitions from paragraph to paragraph, and a rich conclusion that provides closure for your definition.

Use all the resources you have available to complete this exam. Refer to your Course Documents folder and your textbook for strategies and tips on student writing. I strongly recommend that you reread chapter six’s introduction and conclusion to refresh your knowledge of the definition mode. Be sure to reference the revisions I have provided you for prior assignments, as these revisions specifically speak to your writing style.

decision making 51

evaluate the touring scenario in this topic and explain how they would address the issue of contingency planning. (How can contingency planning help leadership to help in keeping the artist moving forward?!)

Specifically, each team should explain what they consider to be viable and productive alternatives to the cancelled touring opportunity.

Please be sure to address your findings and reasoning in the context of both short and long-term planning.

paraphrase the following sentences

1)The steel sample (1020 steel sample) experienced two types of cooling which are quickly and slow cooling. In the first case, when the sample was cooled quickly, the resulted microstructure in the first quick cooling process composed of Martensite. While in the second quick cooling process, the resulted microstructure composed of Pearlite and Martensite. When the second method of cooling that was slow cooling process, the resulted microstructure composed of Pearlite and Martensite.

2) When the quick cooling (quenching) process was applying for the steel sample, the microstructure mainly resulted Martensite that produced a stronger steel sample as well as made the sample more brittle. On the other hand, slow cooling resulted microstructure composed of Ferrite, Pearlite and Bainite. Since the present of Bainite in this process, the steel sample was less strong comparing when fast cooling was applying. This because Bainite is not strong as Martensite even if its stronger than pearlite. However, while the process of cooling for both types were applying, the hardness of sample decreased from an average 34.67 to 33.3. This probably happened due to the super heating the sample experienced.

3) From the figure above, the expected Martensite hardness for the type steel been used (1020 steel), which is 0.2 percent of carbon, is indicating 48C of a Rockwell C hardness. The measured Martensite hardness found to be 33.3C, which is lower than expected. Different factors that may result in differences including the time it took when the hot sample pulled out of the oven and when placing it in water. As well as not filling the steel sample appropriately.

4) According to the figure 11-17 above, the value of tensile strength that matches 0.2 percent of carbon is approximately 59ksi, which indicated approximately 68B of Rockwell hardness. During the experiment, the slow-cooled hardness value found to be 22.3B, which is clearly lower than expected. Factors that may result in differences, including not filling the sample until the area were cleared as well as not recalibrating the Rockwell machine.

5) The second Martensite produced an average of 33.3B, which is the same compared with that obtained the first Martensite. The reason for that is the change of temperature in the oven is slightly when first and second quick cooling process were applying as well as the time taken to cool the sample in both times where corresponding

need some one to solve 2 questions in international management

( you should be watched Gung Ho move to solve these Question )

The country that I have to comparison with USA and Japan is South Korea

Read and follow the questions and instructions carefully, including the links at the top of the assignment sheet. make sure you provide sufficient ties to our class terminology

I attached below the examples and instructions

thank you