review the data set of the project it includes a sample report rows 1 to 4 a set of business rules five and six business questions design a dimensional model that support the generation of the report and observe the business rules

Review the data set of the project. It includes a sample report (rows 1 to 4) a set of business rules (five) and six business questions.

Design a dimensional model that support the generation of the report and observe the business rules. In addition, the model should be able to be used to answer the business questions.

i want you to make a plan for a cell phone company called premium phones a made up phone company for a project for school it is an online phone company

I need a brief overview of the size of my industry and the dominant players/firms in my industry/ my primary competitors.

I will put an example of somebody else project which they did cosmetics and i will point out the things i need from there project to mines instead mines is an phone company online (e commerce).

In the pdf i put below look at the paragraphs where it starts off The total size of the cosmetic market is and Our major competitors are and just think of an phone company called Premium Phones what would the size of the industry be and the primary competitors. Its the 5th ad 6th paragraph.

discussion about aristotle 500 words

Read Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book II.

1. Explain Aristotle’s theory (make sure you quote from the text) and then apply it to the following contemporary ethical issue:

2. In Donald Trump’s address to the United Nations last year he stated, “We [Americans] are guided by outcomes, not ideology.” Read the full text in the attached Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article. What would Aristotle say about this? Would he agree with Trump? Challenge Trump? How does Aristotle’s ethic “line-up” with what Trump is advocating? Again, make sure you quote from both sources, Aristotle and the WSJ, in giving your answer.

3. What are your own thoughts on the matter? Explain and defend them.

here we find ourselves face to face with the demands of achieving that ideal harmony of form and function that was outlined in chapter 6 data representation we need to achieve the elegance of a design that aesthetically suits our intent and the function

Data representation is the act displaying the visual form of your data. The process of identifying the most effective and appropriate solution for representing our data is unquestionably the most important feature of our visualization design. Working on this layer involves making decisions that cut across the artistic and scientific foundations of the field.

Here we find ourselves face-to-face with the demands of achieving that ideal harmony of form and function that was outlined in Chapter 6, Data Representation. We need to achieve the elegance of a design that aesthetically suits our intent and the functional behavior required to fulfill the effective imparting of information.

According to Kirk 2016, in order to dissect the importance of data representation, we are going to “look at it from both theoretical and pragmatic perspectives.” Choose three of the storytelling techniques (Pages 161 – 209) in which data is presented and stories are being interpreted. Discuss the importance and the advantages of using these techniques. Provide an example of each technique.


Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Ltd.


APA format

400-500 words

project procurement management 14

Wk 4 Assignment:

Case 11-3 Budget

Refer to the Carmichael Corporation Case 11-3 at the end of Chapter 11. Using the information given in the case study, explain in detail as to how the purchasing manager can come up with alternatives to maintain organizational profitability.

This can be submitted in a MS Word Document, with title page, or as an MS Excel sheet with a clear one-paragraph introduction on the importance of creating a competitive cost structure.

infor systems for mgmt 2

2-2 How do systems serve the different management groups in a business, and how do systems that link the enterprise improve organizational performance?

  1. Describe the characteristics of transaction processing systems (TPS) and the roles they play in a business.
  2. Describe the characteristics of management information systems (MIS) and explain how MIS differ from TPS and from DSS.
  3. Describe the characteristics of decision-support systems (DSS) and how they benefit businesses.
  4. Describe the characteristics of executive support systems (ESS) and explain how these systems differ from DSS.
  5. Explain how enterprise applications improve organizational performance.
  6. Define enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems and describe their business benefits.

answer the two questions on social structure

1. If everyday life is like the stage, then all of us are actors – as Goffman’s article points out. But if this is true, then where is the “real” me? If we are all actors in our daily life, then is everyday life really anything more than a “put-on”? Explain what Goffman means by “expressions given” and “expressions given off”.

2. Describe how reality is socially constructed with reference the article “Behavior in Pubic Places”.

Each of your answers should be around 300 words for a total of approximately 600 words.

PS: Goffman’s article is hard to read because people usually do not write or think about what he has written. He has written many books and is considered within the top ten sociologists of all times. So give him a sympathetic read and try to understand what he is saying.

video that might help you have a better understanding of the topic:

hist 100 discussion post

Post a thoughtful response of at least 350 words. You can do either Option A on Ancient Mesopotamia or Option B on Egypt. Any simple citation style works, including something like this (Brand, Chapter One, Section 5).

Option A: Ancient Mesopotamia

Using our text and the following websites, discuss the religion and society of Mesopotamia. What type of religion did they have, what gods did they have, what type of personalities did the gods have, and how did the religion impact the development of the society and reinforce the power system? Why do you think this very ancient civilization had the type of beliefs that it did? Of what importance were the priests and the buildings known as ziggurats? What was offered at the ziggurats? What was the relationship of the people to their gods? Why did they believe people were created and what could they expect after death?

Option B: Egypt

Using the following websites, and our book, please describe the religion of Egypt and how it related to/helped build and organize their society. What was the mummification process, discuss why the Egyptians mummified their dead including some information on their religious beliefs, and analyze some consequences such a strong emphasis on death and the afterlife had on the development of Egyptian art, architecture, and political power. How do you account for the development from simple cave based rituals and Venus figurines to such highly sophisticated beliefs and practices — do you think we are seeing the same fears/concerns/desires driving the development of more complex religion and social systems or is something really new happening?

now that you have read the guidelines for essay 1 please choose which two articles you will write about

Now that you have read the Guidelines for Essay #1, please choose which two articles you will write about. Also, be sure you have reviewed the “Ten Common Fallacies” and “Rhetorical Analysis Packet” handouts before completing this worksheet. You can download this chart and save it to your home computer, your Google Drive, or a flash drive. Just be sure that you are not submitting a blank chart and that you save your work. Because some graphics and charts do not display on Canvas correctly using Word, you must submit this assignment as a PDF. If you are using Word, simply re-save the document as a PDF before uploading. If using Google Drive, export the document as a PDF before uploading. Your score for this assignment will be credit/no-credit based on percentage of completion. For each blank in the chart, try to include examples with page numbers from the articles. This exercise will directly prepare you to write Essay #1, so the more effort you put into it, the easier that writing process will be.

introduction for one of the studies for this assignment you conducted independent research into health care revenue cycles and billing processes you will be incorporating this information into your assignment

Imagine that you have just stepped into a new role as the office manager for a successful medical clinic. The clinic is a conglomeration of physicians offering specialized care. Each physician group tried to manage its own billing process. It quickly became clear that one billing office would be more efficient. You realize a lack of consistency has existed in the clinic and that you will need to update the billing policies and procedures immediately. You also recognize that people often resist change. One way to minimize this resistance is to provide credible evidence supporting the changes you plan to make.

You assignment is to prepare a proposal for the physicians about the billing policy and procedure changes you plan to make. To help ensure buy-in from the physicians, you will provide relevant evidence to support each change.


Write a proposal for changes you would like to make to the billing policies and procedures for a physicians’ clinic. Include all of the following in your proposal:

  • Explain how the proposed changes will benefit the patients, physicians, and the clinic.
  • Develop a step-by-step process for the entire revenue cycle, from preverification of insurance to accounts receivable management.
  • Recommend a method for determining a pricing structure.
    • Be sure to consider the factors that influence pricing.
  • Explain the factors to be considered when negotiating insurance contracts.
    • Determine the major payer categories appropriate for this practice.
  • Explain how the clinic will handle private pay and charity care.
    • The discussion in this unit will help you with writing this portion of your proposal.
  • Recommend an installed or a web-based billing software system.
    • Do not recommend a specific software brand, just the type of software needed.

Note: To increase physician buy-in, remember to provide a minimum of three current scholarly and/or authoritative resources to support the changes you are recommending. These resources should be over and above the resources provided to you in this unit’s studies.

Submission Requirements

  • Written communication: Be sure that your proposal is clear, logical, and succinct. It also needs to be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Length: 3–4 double-spaced content pages in Times New Roman, 12-point type.
  • Title and reference pages: Include a title and a reference page. Include a minimum of three references to current scholarly and/or authoritative resources. These resources need to be over and above the resources identified for you in this unit’s studies. Current means no more than five years old.
  • APA format: Ensure in-text citations and references adhere to APA format. For an APA refresher, consult the APA Style and Format page on Campus.
  • Scoring guide: Review this assignment’s scoring guide so that you understand how your instructor is going to evaluate your work.

Note: Your instructor may use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.
