psyc 101 ethics and moral phil

respond back to these 3 responses

250 words each and you can use these links to help you respond back.

One of the most famous psychological experiments of all time, was conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and his colleagues at Stanford University. To read more of the details of this experiment, visit Take some time to watch the video on the Zimbardo Prison Experiment by clicking here.

-Hello Class,

I do not think that the experiment was ethical at all. The reason for this was that everyone got into their roles and there was no self-reflection of how far everything had been taken. Although, I think that the experiment was cruel for the “inmates” it is due to these kinds of “experiments” that we have made major discoveries about people behaviors and how social norms, roles, scripts, etc. have a huge influence over our behavior despite the type of person you maybe. This type situation has nothing to do with the actions that influence ordinary people/good people to do bad things. And with that being said, I do not think that if we conducted the experiment in a different setting, we would have learned the valuable information we did. In another scenario the subjects playing the guards would have not showed the authentic behavior they did. The social experiment showed the situational attributes where the “inmates” showed conformity with the treatment and overall the external situation which was influencing them (using deindividuation) from their identity. And later on moving to actually internalizing the entire situation instead of walking away. It is not clear but to me the moment that the first prisoner broke down it was very clear that everyone had already been in a state of dispositional attribution. Zimbardo did not stopped the cruel events and the guards were not stopping either to do any self-realization and as far as the prisoners they chose to stay in a strange way and continued to play their roles allowing the cruel punishments which also might also have something to do with the reason behind the “guards” taking their roles so seriously. The “guards” got the reactions that they wanted from the “inmates” which probably boosted their mind on believing that they do hold authority around them.

-This week’s topic was fascinating. The famous psychological experiment conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and coworkers from Stanford University was known as the Zimbardo Prison Experiment.

1. After watching the video and reading about this experiment I do not feel like it was ethical to do the prison study in the way that Zimbardo conducted it. The main reason for this was that going through this experience could cause negative psychological long term on the prisoner and the guards. The prisoners were treated like animals, in my opinion. They pretty wore dresses, stocking caps to simulate shaved heads, strip-searched and doused with spray for lice and contamination, blindfolded, wore chains on their feet, and put in solitary confinement (closet). All these examples that I described are humiliating and deemed unethical.

2. The social-psychological constructs that were revealed in this project were adapting to your environment. When you are put in extremely stressful and uncomfortable situations for an extended period, your best choice would be to adapt to your new environment. I believe the same information would have been learned if the study had been conducted differently. By adapting the study to address ethical concerns and still obtain results relevant to our understanding of behavior in social settings, you would have to document the positive and negative aspects of the study. By providing this information, you can potentially help other prisons and jails improve their processes to make it a more ethical experience.

3. As you can see from watching the video and reading about the Zimbardo Prison Experiment, the guards showed signs of conformity as many of them began to feel pressured by the group and just went along with actions while knocking it was wrong. While reading, I found that the higher the number of people in the majority, the more likely people will conform.

-I’m going to just start by saying that this experiment reminds me of the movie ‘The Experiment’, with Forrest Whitaker. In the movie, people weren’t actually give the choice to be one or the other, but was interviewed and from there, the people administering it determined who was going to be a guard and who was going to be a prisoner. With that said, I would say that the experiment started out ethical and then from there, it sort of became questionable, especially once the guards realized they weren’t going to be stopped from harming the prisoners. With that said, I feel that allowing the guards to sort of take over the experiment, sort of gave an idea as to how a true prison environment could be, knowing that the guards tend to have quite of bit of power, sometimes without having to answer to someone else as much.

I personally don’t feel the results could of been obtained through a different method knowing that things needed to happen organically. The idea seemingly was to see what would happen, if a person was given enough time in a certain role, within the experiment. Taking away their ability to do certain things, wouldn’t really yield the same results, knowing that it needed to be as realistic as possible, which unfortunately means that they needed to be given the ability to treat the environment like a true environment, again, knowing that some jails/prisons are like this.

I feel that the guards confirmed pretty quickly to what they were supposed to do. From there, when they inadvertently found out they were able to do more than they originally thought they did and therefore began to use force on the prisoners, which created the idea that the prisoners could either do what they were told, or be physically harmed. All and all the people administrating the experiment created the situation, where people were no longer really able to see that this was an experiment due to there not really being any clear indicators between the environment being real or fictitious.

mangment problems 1

  1. Why is it important that management differentiate category I from category II decisions?
  2. How does the decision making strategies for three types of decision making in the article by Delbecq compare with your answer to question #1
  3. What would you recommend to practicing managers to help them improve the implementation of their decisions? Base your answer on the findings of Trull’s study.
  4. Discuss how the process in the article by Drucker (The Effective Decision) can assist a manager in improving the implementation and quality of their decisions.

reflection paper for 4 5 pages

Description: Write a 4–6 page paper (six pages maximum) in which you reflect on how the person you are today has been influenced by your group affiliations. 1. Explore, describe, and define your own cultural group(s) and cultural identify. Think about your personality, places you have visited, people you have met, and discuss how or why these places or people have changed your attitudes or actions. 2. Examine your unique worldview, which includes your assumptions and perceptions. You can also consider the diversity within your family. How different are you from your siblings or from your parents? 3. How have your reference groups (race, ethnicity, gender, social class, religion, and sexual orientation) influenced your development as a person? 4. Describe your sense of ethnic or racial identity. Do you consider yourself a member of an ethnic or racial group? Why or why not? What labels do you use to describe your identity? What labels do others use? 5. What information from the course text or other scholarly source supports your ideas? What questions have they raised for you? Be sure to include source citations in your paper and include the course text to support your ideas. A minimum of three sources are required. The paper must follow APA format.

1. I am a girl immigrant from middle east


personal health history 800 1000 words

Personal Health History

Basic Requirements:

  1. Must be typed, double-spaced, in 10-or 12-point type.
  2. Must include information from AT LEAST three generations of your family. You are one of those generations.
  3. Must be relatively free from mechanical errors, including typographical, grammar, and spelling mistakes.
  4. This is to be completed in Essay form and should be 800-1000 words in length. This paper will also be submitted to turnitin.

What To Do With “Interesting” Families:

Of course, everyone’s family is interesting!J However, there are family circumstances that may complicate your task. Remember, however, that NOT having information is equally as important as having it. If you don’t have/can’t get information about certain family members, or certain types of health problems, you can always discuss how that lack of information affects you and/or your family.

If you are adopted, you may or may not have much information about your biological family. That’s OK. The family you have grown up in has probably had far more impact on you than the genes or biological traits you may have inherited from your biological family.

If you have step-family members, they have had an affect on you, too. Look into the learned/modeled aspect of health. What have they taught you? What did you pick up from just being around them?

Paper Structure:


*Explain why this assignment is an important and relevant one to do for this class.

*Describe how you collected the information for this paper. Do you think this was a good way to collect the


*Are there any problems with your information because of the way you gathered it?

Health Assessment:

General comments: There are 6 areas of health: physical, psychological/emotional, cognitive/intellectual, spiritual, social, and environmental. You MUST address each and every one of the six areas as per the example discussed below:

*What is your current health status?

*Discuss both positive and negative health issues. Explain why they are appropriate examples or

issues to be discussing in the particular area of health you are discussing (ie., why is this a

physical health issue), especially if it is a health issue that could be discussed in more than

one place.

*Include health-related habits and behaviors as well as illnesses or conditions.

*Overall, is your health status good or bad? Why do you think so?

*Describe your family’s health status

*DO NOT just list every individual and their health issues.

*Provide over all trends and patterns. Give percentages. Summarize the information.

*For example: what percentage of the family members have particular health habits or illnesses?

How many generations is that health issue or habit present in? Are there gender differences?

Are they learned behaviors or hereditary issues?

*Discuss what impact your family has had on your current and future health status.

*Are there health problems you are at higher risk of contracting/being exposed to?

*Are there positive/negative habits you have picked up from being around them?

*Is there information about your family’s health you don’t have that you wish you

DID have? Why or why not?

*Is there information you wish you did NOT know about? Why or why not?

*Did they support you in starting and/or maintaining positive or negative health

habits? (for example, attended all your activities, bought you your first pack of

cigarettes, etc.)

*Are there behaviors you need to change because of what you learned? Why or

why not?

Examples of health information for each of the 6 areas of health:

*Physical: exercise habits, nutrition habits, disabilities, genetic disorders, illnesses, causes of death, weight,

smoking, alcohol consumption, tobacco, medications, risk-taking behaviors, etc.

*Emotional/Psychological: stress management habits, emotional illnesses, anger management behaviors,

ability to discuss feelings with others, attachment style, relationship issues, abuse, phobias, etc.

*Cognitive/intellectual: learning style, cognitive/learning disabilities, sense of humor, educational

experience, problem-solving skills, information processing ability, prejudices/discriminatory

behavior, etc.

*Spiritual: Religious affiliation, strength of religious beliefs, moral code, hypocritical behavior,

discriminatory behavior on the basis of religion, level of moral development (Kohlberg’s Theory, for

example), etc.

*Social: interpersonal relationship style, community involvement, social rules issues (for example, in

trouble with the law), social “style,” impact of social issues on other areas of health, social skills, etc.

*Environmental: occupational hazards or risks, living environment safety issues, recycling, pollution

exposure, risk-taking behaviors, etc.

NOTE: many of these examples may be relevant in more than one of the six areas of health. For example, stress management issues can lead to physical health problems, social interaction problems, and other issues.


  • What did you learn from doing this assignment?
  • Did anything surprise you?
  • If you could do this assignment over again, what would you do differently?

*how you gathered information

*time frame

*how you approached your analysis

*Do you have any suggestions for improving this assignment/making it more useful?

please do this post for discussion board and reply for to discussion

You should now have taken the ELI. Please review the ELI Information Folder under Content Materials to review some of the literature on the ELI and the presentation on it.

1.Does the preliminary description of your identified lens resonate with you?

2.Ask a close friend or family member whether they think this lens reflects the values that underlie your actions.

3.Do you think this lens is your primary lens at work? At home? In social settings? What is your evidence for that belief.


first discussion : Ethical Lens

The rights/responsibilities lens on ethics best resonates and fits in my life. This is with the consideration of how I do my things and the responses that I receive from the relatives, people I interact with, and close friends. Some of the specific values that I have are the advocacy for truthfulness and transparency in all the issues and being honest. I like being honest to people and expect the same from them but this at times fails. Freedom of speech for me is of paramount importance because I don’t like being limited in terms of what, where, why, and when I speak. I take responsibilities where they are due and I am the one who is supposed to do that as well as where I am capable of.

When I asked one of my friends about my values, he told me ‘you are very strict, cautious and open at the same time’. The statement affirms that my lens on rights and responsibilities resonates with my values because I like being truthful and transparent to everyone I interact with. When I explained what I believe to be my drivers on social ethics lens-rights/responsibilities he said that I exactly fit in that category and realized that it is my character and my ethical lens. ‘Yes… that is right’ he said.

I like being myself in all the places, be it at work, at home or in social settings. For me, whoever is not trustworthy, honesty, and transparent to me, I just terminate the relationship irrespective of what type it is. I like expressing my feelings at work, home, and in social places without the fear of intimidation because I don’t like oppressive situations that I am not comfortable in. If something is not okay for me I say it and declare my stand on the same.


second discussion :

1. It does resonate for me. I do see myself this way and am not surprised to see that I got the Responsibilities Lens. Sometimes it sucks, being the responsible one, when nobody asked for it, but I can’t help it. I definitely get this from my parents and it is just what I experienced growing up.

2. They agreed that it mostly reflects my decisions and values. For the time that they’ve known me, this has been my personality and in different situations, they have been able to see this rationality and perspective that I act with.

3. This would definitely be my primary lens at work, school and at home. I think the best proof of this are the long-term outcomes from these settings. For example with school, it would be my grades, GPA, and recognition from professors. At work, I prioritize my tasks and try to forget about everything else. The reason I don’t think it’s my main lens in social settings is because I tend to just go with the crowd, which is usually a good crowd, but I’m a little bit more laid-back, because I can afford to be, if that makes sense…

please respond for this 2 discussions


research the progression of amazon s supply chain integration write a 1000 1250 words paper that address the following questions

Supply chain integration is a major contributing factor to organizational success. The goal of supply chain integration is alignment within the supply chain. As a business leader, how can you achieve greater supply chain integration with suppliers and customers?

Amazon is a prime example of a company that has successfully managed its supply chain to achieve growth and profitability. Research the progression of Amazon’s supply chain integration. Write a 1,000-1,250-word paper that address the following questions:

1.How do sales and operations planning in supply chain integration impact the company overall? What would Amazon’s medium- and long-term forecast inform the operations management department? How do logistics, transportation modes, and warehouse locations impact Amazon’s competitiveness?

2.How does global sourcing and procurement impact the overall effectiveness of the supply chain? What are the benefits and challenges that have occurred when outsourcing logistic and other functions?

3.How has Amazon successfully leveraged e-commerce strategies to promote supply chain integration and boost sales and growth for the organization? Which strategies have been particularly effective and why?

4.Do you feel that Amazon sets an example for other companies to model regarding supply chain integration? Be sure to explain your rationale. Consider the ethical implications in your response.

Incorporate five to seven resources to support your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

****You will be graded on (Rubric):

1. Sales and Operations Planning: An explanation of how operations planning in the supply chain integration impacts the company overall makes meaningful connections that are clear, concise, and integrated. An explanation of how medium and long-term forecasting informs the operations management department is substantiated with acute detail. An explanation of how logistics, transportation modes, and warehouse locations impact competitiveness is clear and logical and illustrates an understanding of the content. Supporting sources show a deep understanding of the content.

2. Global Sourcing and Procurement: An explanation on how global sourcing and procurement impact the overall effectiveness of the supply chain makes meaningful connections that are clear, concise, and integrated. An explanation of benefits and challenges that have occurred when logistics and other functions have been outsourced is clear and logical and illustrates an understanding of the content. Supporting sources show a deep understanding of the content.

3. E-Commerce: An explanation of how Amazon successfully leverages e-commerce strategies to promote supply chain integration and boost sales growth for the organization makes meaningful connections that are clear, concise, and integrated. An explanation of which strategies are particularly effective is substantiated with acute detail. Supporting sources show a deep understanding of the content.

4. Model Company and Ethical Implications: An explanation of Amazon as an exemplary model, including discussion of rationale and ethical implications, makes meaningful connections that are clear, concise, and integrated. Supporting sources show a deep understanding of the content.

5. Thesis Development and Purpose: Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

6. Argument Logic and Construction: Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

7. Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, and language use): The writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

8. Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style): Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style).

410 public forum 250 words each apa format

Please respond to both POST1: (A question from the professor) and POST2: (A peer response) in at least 250 words each.


Hello Class,

Scope Risks in Project Management

Project management is an elaborate process that requires the identification and mitigation of the various risks that are probable to ensure the successful implementation of the project plan. One of the risks that a project manager has to deal with is a scope risk. Scope refers to the processes that are scheduled to occur to allow the proceeding of the project from one phase to the other (Bissonette, 2016). Therefore, scope risk refers to the various unprecedented processes that may arise within the implementation of a project plan. Identifying and mitigating these risks is key in ensuring that the project proceeds without getting out of the financial projections to allow profitability in the long run.

There are three categories of scope risks. One of the most prevalent forms is scope creep. This refers to the essential requirements that crop up as the project proceeds (Kendrick, 2015). Fulfilling these requirements is imperative in the realization of the objectives. Creep risk may occur as a result of poor planning in the project planning phase. They can also result from the decisions of new stakeholders who were not involved in the initial plan. The respective activities that were unplanned for and require to be fulfilled represent the other form of scope risk that is referred to as the gap (Ference, 2015). The other form of scope risk is called the scope dependencies. During planning, there are the necessary inputs that are budgeted for beforehand. However, as the project proceeds, other inputs may come up, and their presence is vital in enabling the development of the project. These inputs are the scope dependencies.

Of all the above-mentioned types of scope risks, the scope creep is the easiest to identify and mitigate. This is because it primarily involves processes that, if their probability of occurrence can be determined beforehand, mitigation would be straightforward. To reduce this risk, you need to analyze all the project’s stakeholders that include the project manager, third parties, and clients. Identifying the kind of changes that they can cause to the project is key in scope creep mitigation.

A Black Swan refers to an unpredictable event beyond the standard expectation of a situation. Usually, a Black Swan results in severe damage to an organization (Chappelow, 2019). In project management, sometimes, there are unpredictable risks that may arise in the course of a project. Since these risks are unpredictable, it is only important that the management builds robust systems to prepare for them. An example of a Black Swan is terrorist attacks that may leave for the closure of a premise, thus distorting operations completely.


Bissonette, M. M. (2016l). Project risk management: a practical implementation approach. Project Management Institute.

Chappelow, J. (2019). Black Swan. Retrieved from

Ference, S. B. (2015). Don’t let scope creep lead you out of bounds. Journal of Accountancy, 220(3), 18-19.

Kendrick, T. (2015). Identifying and managing project risk: essential tools for failure-proofing your project. Amacom.



Welcome to week three and thank you for the continued engagement. The passage above states that scope creep (out of all of the other risks) is the easiest to mitigate. Many of your peers also believe this. What if the scope creep is occurring due to external factors? For example, I was volunteering for the Red Cross and we had to assist with the building of the external facilities for storm damage. Due to the weather, our project’s timeframe and added scope were required due to requiring more out-buildings as the storm was getting worse.

POST2: (Peer Response)

Hi Everyone;

Scope Creep:

The PRBOK Guide describes scope creep as the uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources is referred to as scope creep (PMI, 2017, p. 154). Change on projects is inevitable, so the possibility for scope creep is also inevitable. Scope creep is a slow of gradual increase in scope beyond the original plan. Scope creep can occur with lack of clarity to the original specifications and poorly defined initial requirements. It is important to understand your scope of work beforehand in order to avoid additional work later.

Scope Gap

This is when a requirement is not fulfilled, or delivered (Mahler, 2016). An example would be if you have a certain amount of time and money to complete something and then the customer asks if you can include more, before you think about the cost, time and resources, you say yes I can deliver. Now you are on the hook for more than what you have time, money and resources for.

Scope Dependencies

Scope dependencies are due to outside risks caused by external factors. When you have activities that are dependent one another to finish or provide a piece of information before it starts, it poses a risk in not only your scope but your schedule as well.

Scope Gap would be the easiest to mitigate because you can control your commitment to additional deliverables. Before you commit, make sure you have the time, cost and resources available to deliver on your promise.

Black Swan

The term “Black Swan event” has been part of the risk management lexicon since its coinage in 2007 by Nassim Taleb in his eponymous book titled The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. Taleb uses the metaphor of the black swan to describe extreme outlier events that come as a surprise to the observer, and in hindsight, the observer rationalizes that they should have predicted it (Martin-Vegue, 2018). There may be something that can be done to reduce the impact (e.g. diversification of company resources in preparation for an earthquake) or perhaps nothing can be done (e.g. market or economic conditions that cause company or sector failure). Nevertheless, risk managers would be remiss to not point this out. I have not had to experience this within my professional career but I feel like I would be wrong to say that I have not experienced this at all, my personal life, I am sure of, has had some black swan moments.



Kendrick, C. (2003, September 25). Overcoming project risk. Retrieved from…

Mahler, B. (2016, May 15). Scope Creep or Scope Gap? Retrieved from…

Martin-Vegue, T. (2018, March 19). Black Swans in Risk: Myth, Reality and Bad Metaphors. Retrieved from…

infographic kinds of pop culture


Develop: Infographic or Timeline

Evaluation Title: Kinds of Pop Culture

As media grows and changes, we incorporate the new forms of communications into popular culture. However, the previous communication methods continue to be used as well.

Your assignment this week has two parts: First, you will create a timeline or infographic to address the following questions:

  1. Research and provide examples or comparisons that demonstrate these changes over time from each of the categories: Print, Radio/Music, Cinema, Television, and the Internet. Include images of each artifact.
  2. How have these various forms of communication have evolved since they were first introduced? (Give a “before” and “after”)

Second, you will write a mini-statement answering the following question.

  1. In 300-500 words, give your opinion: Will pop culture ever stop using a form of media? Why or why not?


You will submit an Infographic or timeline in response to part 1 with an accompanying mini-statement to address part 2. Your infographic can be submitted as MS Word document or if you use an online infographic creator like the ones listed below you can submit your infographic as a URL. Your accompanying mini-statement can be included on your infographic or submitted separately as an MS Word document.

Helpful tips:

lab report quot investigating transport of water across the plasma membrane quot

Hi there, this is Biology lab about the Investigating transport of water across the plasma membrane and a posted the instruction how to write the report and lab information.

answer the following in short paragraph

You are required to read one of the excel document as well as a word document about our new product and write 4 short separate paragraphs on;

1. Executive summary (150 words)

2. Philosophy (150 words)

3. Quality and (150 words)

4. Team/People. (150 words)

Total of 600 words