hazardous materials and industrial safety in disaster management discussion board response 1

It’s a response to this question:


I need to provide a substantive response to my co-students and support my idea. In the attachments, you will find 3 classmates that I want a separate file for each one.

Reference to appropriate authoritative resources and official websites. Must be accessible online. Use New Times Roman 12 font with 1” margins and APA style.

Each response should be at least 150 words.

issues in the global market 2

Lesson 4: Issues in the Global Market

Activity 4: Foreign Exchange

You must cite all resources used and include an APA-formatted bibliography.Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct, and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself.If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc.(100 points) (A 4-page response is required for a combination of Parts A, B, and C.)

Part AWhat are the two major segments of the foreign-exchange market? What types of foreign-exchange instruments are traded within these markets?

Part BHow is foreign exchange traded? What methods are available?

Part CUsing ProQuest, the online database on the Ashworth College website, and Internet research, discuss the exchange rate arrangements used in the EU, Hong Kong, China, and the U.S.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

please see below 58

Need 250 response with 1 cited reference #1 (529)

1) What were the key factors and conditions that allowed Osama Bin Laden to create al Qaeda and build it into a global jihadi terrorist powerhouse network?

The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in the 1980s was instrumental in setting the stage for Osama Bin Laden to create al Qaeda. The war seen as an Afghan jihad among many devout followers of Islam in the region as it was viewed as an international jihad by many Muslims in and around the region. Bin Laden was able to leverage his family’s wealth as a means to train, equip, and advise his newly formed jihadi terrorist group. He was also able to network his al Qaeda organization with other Islamic fundamentalist organizations in Africa, the Asian pacific, and the Middle East. In the late 1980’s Bin Laden was able to successfully open a jihadi training center in Afghanistan. This was the beginning of the metamorphosis of al Qaeda into a linked in, trained, equipped, and capable terrorist network with transnational reach (Farrall, 2017). Victories in small skirmishes with the Soviets increased morale and garnered popularity for the al Qaeda fighters leading to an increase in popularity for Bin Laden’s training center. Recruitment numbers saw an increase as al Qaeda was able to leverage its successes on the battlefield into an effective public relations campaign among Muslims in the region. Gaining notoriety and enjoying successes against a larger, well trained, and equipped Society army saw al Qaeda’s allure grow causing Bin Laden to transform the group from a motley crew of fighters to a complex and secretive organization with a hierarchical leadership body.

2) Compare and contrast the core al Qaeda group (AQ central) with that of the so-called Islamic State or ISIS?

Al-Qaeda is the more reasonable (wow, there’s no way that comes out right) of the two. They are playing the long game when it comes to establishing their caliphate. At their core they are a fundamentalist group that believes they are fighting to establish their caliphate in the distant future. Al-Qaeda came to prominence during and after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan composed of experienced fighters of their so called jihad as well as would be warriors that were lured by the fundamentalist beliefs and success on Afghani battlefields. Al-Qaeda for the most part terrorizes the western societies such as the United States and England as well as their allies.

ISIS is the more extreme brand of radical Islam and believes the present is the end times therefore, they are seeking a caliphate now and by any means they deem necessary. They argue that they are more effective than al Qaeda as they have albeit briefly, established a caliphate. ISIS will argue that they have actually produced something tangible with the Islamic caliphate they created in Iraq. ISIS was borne of the 2003 American invasion of Iraq as a result of the power vacuum created with the toppling of Saddam’s military and the invasion being seen as western occupation of Muslim lands (Holbrook, 2015). ISIS is more barbaric in nature and does not limit its terror to western nations with Muslims often on the receiving end of ISIS’s terror and brutality.


Farrall, L. (2017). Revisiting al-Qaida’s Foundation and Early History. Perspectives on Terrorism, 17-37.

Holbrook, D. (2015). Al-Qaeda and the Rise of ISIS. Survival Global Politics and Strategy, 93-104.

Thomas, C. (2018). Al Qaeda and U.S. Policy:. Washington D.C.: Congressional Research Service.

Need 250 response with 1 cited reference #2 (529)

The most wanted man in the world and widely known terrorist that has ever stepped on this earth is Osama Bin Laden. Born on March 10, 1957 and died in Pakistan May 2, 2011 by they highly trained and effective Navy Seal Team Six. He is best known for masterminding the September 11, 2001 attacks on United States soil. This man also created Al Qaeda which built into a global jihadi terrorist powerhouse network. Now there are many key factors and conditions which have allowed this to happen.

Now the first key event which needs to be noted is the Soviet-Afghan War. This was a guerrilla war between the Mujahideen and Maoist against the Democratic Party of Afghanistan and Soviet Army. This war lasted for nine years from December 1979 to February 1989. The following citation allows you to understand the importance of these dates. “1979 Bin Laden graduates from King Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah with a degree in public administration and economics. He goes to Afghanistan to join the “jihad,” or “holy war,” against the Soviet Union. He remains there for a decade, using construction equipment from his family’s business to help the Muslim guerrilla forces build shelters, tunnels and roads through the rugged Afghan mountains, and at times taking part in battle. 1980 – 1989 Bin Laden raises money for the mujahedeen fighting in Afghanistan and provides them with logistical and humanitarian aid. During these years, he also personally fights in battles against the Soviet Union” (2011). During this event in 1988 Osama Bin Landen founded the terrorist group known as Al Qaeda. The next following event which added fuel to the fire for Bin Laden was Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Bin Laden was angry and showed this all over media because of the United States presence in holy sites such as Mecca. This is in turn allowed his terrorist group of Al Qaeda to gain more followers. Another key factor to mention is money. I mention this because having followings, weapons, bombs and equipment can cost a lot of money. In 1991, it was Bin Laden and Al Qaeda relocated Sudan with their assets which was equal to $20 million dollars. The final key thing to mention that made this successful was the events of 9/11. This was a horrific attack that successfully be fear in the citizens of United States. Being successful with attack the powerhouse of the United States gained great pride and many more followers for Al Qaeda.

Two of the main terrorist groups which a greatly affecting the world are Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. These groups have many things in common but also differ from each other. Now the first key difference to mention is their origins. Al Qaeda started after the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan in the 1980s and its leader which already stated above was Bin Laden. The Islamic State started as an Iraq organization whose leader was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi with funding from Bin Laden. Another key difference to mention is tactics that these organizations use. “The Islamic State does not follow Al Qaeda’s “far enemy” strategy, preferring instead the “near enemy” strategy, albeit on a regional level. As such, the primary target of the Islamic State has not been the United States, but rather “apostate” regimes in the Arab world” (Byman, 2016). ISIS has spread and is now a major issue for not only the world but the United States.

Works Cited

Byman, D. L. (2016, July 28). Comparing Al Qaeda and ISIS: Different goals, different targets. Retrieved February 25, 2020, from https://www.brookings.edu/testimonies/comparing-al…

Timeline: Osama Bin Laden Over The Years. (2011, May 2). Retrieved February 24, 2020, from http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/05/02/bi…

Need 250 response with 1 cited reference #3

Terrorists often identify critical infrastructure in communities as their primary target as damaging critical infrastructure to the point that it becomes inoperable causes the most disruption to the targeted community. Common example of these infrastructure targets may be power substations, water treatment plants, cell and radio towers, and government buildings. While dependent on the design of the building, buildings that are impacted by internal explosions may be susceptible to progressive structural collapse, whereby, the integrity of the buildings is impacted by an initial source causes other areas to collapse due to a loss of structural integrity. An example of a critical asset with a high potential susceptibility to progressive structural collapse would be a high-rise apartment building, as they are high density populations with a limited number of exits; in comparison to a shopping center where there are multiple exits and more space to escape. The attacks on the world trade center on September 11th, 2001, not only transformed the field of homeland security but also provided significant development in architectural design of high-rise buildings such as: the design of building egress routes; fire proofing of key structural elements of buildings; designing against progressive structural failure; and planning for effective placement of stairwells and fire escapes (Atlas, 2013).

As seen in the after-action review of 9/11, preventing progressive structural collapse can be integrated into building design, with key methods being the change in design to fireproof key elements for structural integrity and designing structures to withstand internal explosions will also provide a significant strength in planning/design. Another suggestion to prevent structural collapse would be implementing a strict access control system that would restrict unauthorized personnel and, for facilities of high criticality, having metal detectors/search on points of entry. Actively working to prevent structural damage in the first place would be the most successful form of prevention, while also putting in restrictive barriers to preventing vehicular collisions. This can be done in a soft/aesthetic way through large brick flower beds, fountains, or rock formations outside key entry and structural elements of the critical infrastructure facility.

Three glazing system countermeasures that could be used to protect against blasts are: Heat-strengthened glass, fully tempered glass, and laminated glass (Vigener and Brown, 2016). Heat-strengthened glass has double the strength of standard glass from wind, meaning that it may stay intact if it felt peripheral impact from a blast. Fully tempered glass is believed to be four times the strength of standard glass, limiting the potential for shattering and providing a layer of protection to people either side of the glass, depending on the location of blast, whether it be internal or external. Finally, Laminated glass is found to be four times stronger than much more resistant to shattering than standard glass, with a common use being skylights and overhead glass due to it having much less potential to shattered and cause significant secondary injury to victims from falling glass shards.


Atlas, R. I. (2013). 21st century security and CPTED : designing for critical infrastructure protection and crime prevention. Boca Raton, Fl: Crc Press.

Vigener and Brown. (2016). Glazing | WBDG – Whole Building Design Guide. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from www.wbdg.org website: https://www.wbdg.org/guides-specifications/building-envelope-design-guide/fenestration-systems/glazing

Need 250 response with 1 cited reference #4

tlas defines progressive structural collapse as an event that occurs “when building structural elements disconnect from their connections, a failure of primary structural elements leads to a collapse of the adjoining members, which in turn leads to additional collapse” (Atlas, 2008, p. 191). Atlas offers several considerations for preventing progressive structural collapse including implementing a secondary perimeter as far away from the building as possible, using seismic detailing a connection points, installing windows that comprise no more than 15% of the wall area between support columns, install blast curtains inside windows that can capture shards of glass, and use flower planters as concrete barriers to deter vehicle traffic. Also, Atlas suggests to build new buildings in a geometric rectangular layout to minimize diffraction created when blast waves bounce from U-shaped and L-shaped buildings since the shape of the building, “L”, “W”, or “U”, are likely to trap shockwaves in the vortexes, which can enhance the effect of the blast.

Three types of glazing system countermeasures include wire-reinforced glass, laminated glass, and polycarbonates. Wire-reinforced glass consists of annealed glass with an embedded layer of wire mesh that is primarily used as a fire-resistant and forced-entry barrier. Laminated glass is a pliable pane with multiple layers contained between the glass. Laminated glass is commonly used with other materials to make blast-resistant and ballistic-resistant glass. The interlayer acts as a glue that holds the bond of multiple layers together and may retain glass fragments during a blast. Polycarbonates are used for blast-resistant and forced-entry resistant window designs but are subject to degradation when exposed to the natural weather elements (Purpura, 2010).

An example of progressive structural collapse and its subsequent reconstruction is the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. In seconds, half of the building fell from damage sustained from a truck bomb. Also, 70 buildings in a 25-block area sustained structural damage from which glass lacerated more than 80% of the people who sustained injuries during the incident. According to Pollalis, “in approximately 75% of bombings, the most significant damage to people and property comes from the failure of architectural glass” (2006, p. 14) To prevent structural failure in the newly constructed federal building, designers incorporated more steel in the frame and window walls to maintain the building’s structural integrity. Designers also used laminated glass, which can withstand massive blows and absorb energy. In addition, the reinforced building structure used blast-resistant laminated glass, which doesn’t fragment during blasts, unlike the previous building which no glass from any building within a two-block radius survived intact (Pollalis, 2006).


Atlas, R. (2008). 21st Century Security and CPTED. New York: Auerbach Publications, https://doi-org.ezproxy1.apus.edu/10.1201/9781420068085.

Pollalis, S. (2006). Oklahoma City Federal Building. Retrieved from http://www.gsd.harvard.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/pollalis-case-Oklahoma-Sept2006-public.pdf.

Purpura, P. (2010). Security: An Introduction. Boca Raton: CRC Press.

write 3 sentences about the italy mafia


I need someone write 3 sentences about the Italy mafia.

( Ideas and functions of mafia myths, such as providing justice and protection)

please answer the question below 8

Directions for this clinical topic: Please watch this 20 minute video on the topic of sepsis.


After watching the video: You will then need to answer the following questions (a short paragraph per question).

1. What can be learned from this video?

2. Would watching this video change the way you will practice as a nurse? Will you be more careful and thorough taking care of your patients?

3. How can you use the knowledge learned in the future?

assignment 1 complete in 12 hours

Assignment 1: Project Paper – Comparative Essay
Due Week 4 and worth 190 points

For this assignment, you’re going to compare two rulers. Select a group of either two male rulers or two female rulers from different cultures using the following list:

  • Ancient Male Rulers: Ramses II, Shihuangdi, Constantine, Ashoka, Pericles, or Charlemagne
  • Ancient Female Rulers: Compare Tang Empress Wu Zetian (Chinese Culture) with either the Pharaoh Cleopatra (Egypt Culture) or the Pharaoh Hatshepsut (Egypt Culture)
    • Note: Empress Wu Zetian is also known as Empress Wu or as Wu Zhao

Write a 750-1000 word essay where you:

  1. Paragraph 1: Establish a clear thesis about your chosen subjects. Include the dates in which each lived and ruled, and add 2-3 sentences on the reason for each choice.
  2. Paragraph 2: Compare 2 ways your choices are similar.
    1. You may compare their family background, leadership styles, accomplishments, victories, losses, or impact of the culture in which each lived.
  3. Paragraph 3: Compare 2 ways your choices are different.
    1. You may compare their family background, leadership styles, accomplishments, victories, losses, or impact of the culture in which each lived.
  4. Paragraph 4: Compare 2 ways your choices’ cultures are different.
    1. You may compare their cultural differences in terms of government structure, religion, natural resources, traditions, or goods and services.
  5. Paragraph 5: In a concluding paragraph, summarize 2 things you learned about leadership styles or cultures then compared to leadership styles or cultures today.
  6. References: Include a reference page that identifies at least 3 references.
    1. The class text may be included in the list of 3 or more.
    2. In-text citations are required when paraphrasing or quoting another source.
  7. Formatting and Writing Standards: Align your formatting to the Strayer University Writing Standards. View the: Strayer University Writing Standards (SWS) Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
    Points: 190 Assignment 1: Project Paper – Comparative Essay
    Criteria Unacceptable0% F Meets Minimum Expectations65% D Fair75% C Proficient85% B Exemplary100% A
    1. Establish a clear thesis that addresses the stated elements.Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely established a thesis that addressed the stated elements. Insufficiently established a thesis that addressed the stated elements. Partially established a thesis that addressed the stated elements. Satisfactorily established a clear thesis that addressed the stated elements. Thoroughly established a clear thesis and that addressed the stated elements.
    2. Provide adequate information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison (i.e., STEPS 3, 4, and 5) and the paper overall.Weight: 35% Did not submit or incompletely provided adequate information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison and the paper overall. Insufficiently provided adequate information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison and the paper overall. Partially provided adequate information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison and the paper overall. Satisfactorily provided information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison and the paper overall. Thoroughly provided information, specific examples, and details which support the points of comparison and the paper overall.
    3. Provide coherent organization of the points of comparison (i.e., STEPS 3, 4, and 5) and the paper overall.Weight: 20% Did not submit or incompletely provided coherent organization of the points of comparison and the paper overall. Insufficiently provided coherent organization of the points of comparison and the paper overall. Partially provided coherent organization of the points of comparison and the paper overall. Satisfactorily provided coherent organization of the points of comparison and the paper overall. Thoroughly provided coherent organization of the points of comparison and the paper overall.
    4. Three (3) references minimum (including class text); Reference qualityWeight: 5% No references provided Does not meet the required number of references; all references poor quality choices. Does not meet the required number of references; some references poor quality choices. Meets number of required references; some references poor quality choices. Meets or exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices.
    5. Follows writing standards.
    Meets page minimums. Weight: 20%
    Followed few to no writing standards.
    Did not meet page minimums.
    Followed few writing standards.
    May not have met page minimums.
    Followed some writing standards.
    May not have met page minimums.
    Followed most writing standards.
    Met page minimums.
    Followed all writing standards.
    Met page minimums.

linguistic autobiography essay

For this assignment, you will connect your experience as a user of one or more American languages to concepts we have covered throughout the course. You should contextualize your experiences in the larger social setting. You can also explore how your experiences have shaped your own attitudes about language.


  1. A thesis statement which connects your personal language experiences to at least one topic we have discussed in class
  2. Content in the body of the paper which is on topic and connects to the thesis statement.
  3. A well-integrated reference to at least two outside sources
  4. Correct use of terms from class when appropriate (e.g., language shift, Three-Generation Rule, linguistic discrimination, mutual intelligibility etc.)
  5. Clearly written, proofread, and no longer than 500-600 words. Use of APA/ MLA style is required for references.

Thesis statement:

The thesis statement is the point of your paper; it should summarize how your personal experience relates to a concept from this course. It should be clear, concise, and the body of your paper should support and connect to it.

The reference can be to an academic paper, material we read or watched in class, or other online sources. You may also cite the lecture slides. If the reference is a non-academic source (like a video about language attitudes or a blog post about Mock Italian), you should justify its use (“This quote is representative about attitudes towards Chicanx Spanish”). You do not need to cite the terms we learned in class.

Please check attached for more detail and follow the evaluation form

chapter 9 role

After reading Chapter 9 and reviewing the lecture power point (located in lectures tab), please answer the following questions. Each question must have at least 3 paragraphs and you must use at 3 least references (APA) included in your post.

Additionally, you are expected to reply to two other students on and include a reference that justifies your post. Your reply must be at least 3 paragraphs.

1. Discuss the role of the nurse in quality improvement.

2. Describe nursing-sensitive measurements and why they are important in Nursing care delivery.

thinking as a scientist after considering the scientific method explained in the textbook write an essay about how it compares to the way nonscientists approach problems identify some problems that are solvable scientifically and some that are not

Part A


After considering the scientific method explained in the textbook, write an essay about how it compares to the way nonscientists approach problems. Identify some problems that are solvable scientifically and some that are not. Using one or two small problems, describe the process you would go through in solving that problem using the scientific method. Discuss the significance of the scientific approach to the development and advancement of human knowledge. Your essay should be about 300 words.

Part B


. Be sure to check your Turnitin report for your post and to make corrections before the deadline to avoid lack of originality problems in your work.

Darwin was not the first to consider evolution as a process but he did come up with the first effective explanation for how it happens. Describe Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Explain how this theory was a major advance over prior ideas as to how organisms changed over time. Give evidence in support of evolution and describe the driving forces for evolutionary change.

assgt 1 acct 301

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions .