Reflective Food Journal
What is it ?
Reflective learning is more the state of mind with which a student approaches content than it is the resolution or conclusions that the student draws from having learning something (Pavlovich, 2007). Thus, the ability to think deeply about something (in this case wine) and draw connections to what one already knows is the key to reflective learning. Journals are similar to blogs; however, blogs are usually public and journals are private.
What “products†are required?
You will submit 4 journal entries over the course of the semester. The submission deadlines can be found on iLearn. A minimum of 250 words per journal submission is required. The journal entry is your personal reflection of yourself. There is no right answer (no need to ask others what they wrote).
What constitutes a “thoughtful†Journal entry? What are some examples of what you might address in your Journal?
Remember that the more connections you make between yourself and personal diet the better. For example, analyze your decision-making processes used to select/eat food, how you feel when you eat the meal, and how you feel after consuming the meal. The following are some ideas that you might use as you engage in reflective journaling.
In considering your interactions with food and this class, you could and should address:
- How is your relationship with food in general? (first entry)
What considerations do you think about when going to restaurants? What happened this week in particular? Why? (Entry 2)
What types of meals do you normally prepare at home? Why? How does that make you feel? What did you do this week? (Entry 2)
Entry 3 reflect on something that the instructor has asked you to elaborate on from the previous entries?
How has your view of food changed or stayed the same over the semester? Why? * It is okay if it didn’t* (last entry)
In considering your own actions, you could address:
What happened when I tried something new? Why did I succeed or fail?
Did I consider an alternative perspective? Why or why not?
Do I have a theory about why this is working or not working?
What new behaviors do I plan on taking for the purpose of what action?
It is very important that you be honest in your journal entries. If you have not spent any time or given any thought to food during the week, then spend some time reflecting or plan a day where you plan on focusing specifically on food.
Only Entry 1, thank you