sashi pm problem set i need a case study on the below topic 1

Discussion Questions/Problem Set 6

1. Develop a WBS for a construction project.


2. Develop a set of guidelines for project managers in international projects that deal with legal and ethical issues.

[The assignment should be at least 400 words minimum and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced), and attached as a WORD file.]

paper about a musician that fuses jazz with their culture 1000 words perujazz

The assignment is on the band called PeruJazz:

  1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
  2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
  3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
  4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
  5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
    1. Date released
    2. Record label
    3. Musicians on the recording
    4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

watch the film answer question

The film link:

1. The “Prologue”: Although the opening 12-13 minutes of the film appear to simply give a biographical account of Michelangelo’s life and a kind of inventory of his work, please consider why this feature film bio-pic opens with a kind of documentary-type introduction to the man – and to his (sculptural) work. Who is the target audience of this opening sequence? Is there any kind of rivalry or tension between the story of Michelangelo the man and Michelangelo the artist mapped out here, and how does the opening sequence either anticipate or differ from the shape of the rest of the film in this respect? How does the film art / the film as art compete with the ‘real’ art that is showcased in the “Prologue”? How does Michelangelo’s art in the film (the Sistine Chapel frescoes) compare to Michelangelo’s art as it appears in the “Prologue”?

2. Charlton Heston and Rex Harrison were major mid-twentieth century actors. (They nevertheless appear not to have been the first casting choices for this film!). As it turns out, they did not get along during the making of the film. Think about the film as a “star vehicle” and the need for there to be (plot-driven) tension between the characters of Michelangelo and Pope Julius II, but also eventual resolution. Do you think the two men’s actual dislike for one another helped the character development in the film? How does Rex Harrison represent Julius II – as generous, as militaristic, as proud, as a believer? How does Charlton Heston portray Michelangelo – as proud, driven, a loner, a believer? How does the cinematography capture these traits in both cases? (HINT: Harrison outfitted a the “warrior pope” Julius II on his horse and the Papal throne vs. Heston as the strong, silent artist, Michelangelo, silhouetted against the sky in the mountains around Carrara (at 59 minutes). Finally: What do you make of the camera angle and sweeping view of the completed Sistine Chapel at 2 hours, 9 min.? Does the ceiling – rather than the actors – end up being the star of the show?

3. The post-“Prologue” parts of Reed’s film are elaborately ‘choreographed’; its two parts (before and after the “Intermission”) contain multiple parallel scenes that ask the viewer to assess what kinds of developments occur as the story unfolds. Please consider the following patterns:

a. The opening sequence of Part I in the quarry (carving out the marble that is headed for Rome to become a sculpture by Michelangelo) that then erupts into a battle scene vs. / and the opening sequence of Part II as Michelangelo (the artist) bursting into Julius II’s camp. Has anything changed in the status of the art object? What about the sequence near the end of the film when Michelangelo seeks out the (defeated) Pope in a military camp just to be able to finish the ceiling? Or the very brief scene of cannons firing just before the final scene of the crowds gathered in the completed Sistine Chapel (at 2 hours, 7 min.). What is the relation between war / military activity and art in this film?

b. The two entries of the Pope into Rome in Parts I and II – once in triumph, the second time in defeat.

c. The multiple scenes when Pope Julius II is celebrating mass in the Sistine Chapel with negotiations about the ceiling / the actual painting of the ceiling interrupting the religious services. What is the relation between religious belief / faith, religious ritual, and art in this film?

d. The multiple scenes between Michelangelo and the Contessina de Medici. Is there a development in their relationship? NB: Please note that it was and is well known that Michelangelo was homosexual. Why does Reed emphasize the relationship with the Contessina the way he does? Is there any subtle / indirect evidence of Michelangelo’s homosexuality in the film? (HINT: The scene in the brothel when the Pope’s men are searching for Michelangelo and the dark-haired young male apprentice who seems to be ever present in Part II…).

e. The multiple scenes of direct conflict, but then also clever manipulation of Michelangelo by Julius II and vice versa. How does Julius II succeed in getting Michelangelo to go back to work after he has fallen from the scaffolding? How does Michelangelo provoke Julius II to recover from what appears to be his near death after his defeat in battle in Part II? Consider carefully the scene in Part II when the two of them meet up on the scaffolding and discuss the central fresco of the Creation of Adam (1 hour, 57 min. to 2 hours, 2 min.). What does Julius II see in Michelangelo’s depiction of God and Adam? Does he believe what Michelangelo believes? How does their final conversation in the Sistine Chapel relate to the conversation on the scaffolding? Is this some kind of buddy film?

4. There are two main locations of the action of this film: the city of Florence and the city of Rome. Who and what are the main focus of attention in the respective cities? Who (what classes and / or institutions) sponsor art in these two locations? There are of course other unnamed cities in the film, and the quarry at Carrara; what do these locations represent? Consider especially the class politics of the quarry and the workers’ support of Michelangelo vs. the skepticism – at least in Part I – of the people of Rome vis-à-vis the Pope.

5. Pay careful attention to the politics of the film – which are pretty accurate! What / against whom is Pope Julius II fighting and why? Who are his “enemies” (both locally in Italy and in the rest of Europe) and what countries / leaders are characterized as his friends. Why is he concerned to get the Papal States back under his control? NB: The clearest statement of the politics that Reed would have us think were at stake for Julius II are voiced by the Medici duke at 2 hours, 3 min. to 2 hours, 7 minutes.

5. We see three of Renaissance Italy’s most famous artists depicted in this film: Bramante, Michelangelo, and Raphael. What pieces / kinds of art is each man most clearly identified with in the film? Where does Michelangelo stand on the matter of the relation of ‘modern’ Renaissance art to the art of the ancient Greeks (at 1 hour, 20 minutes to 1 hour, 24 min.)? What about Raphael (please note that what we see Raphael painting is his famous “School of Athens” in the Vatican Stanze at 1 hour, 31 min.)? Are there rivalries between the various artists? Do we see these artists producing alone (as great geniuses) or are they part of a team? Consider Raphael’s speech about patronage at 1 hour, 45 min. Does he accurately describe the situations of patronage depicted in / referred to in the film? Consider the ways that Julius II and Michelangelo constantly bicker about money.

Some more specific questions:

  • What was the original design for the Sistine Chapel ceiling, and what is the overall story of the final design? Why does Michelangelo destroy the first version?
  • What is the difference between Bramante’s scaffolding and Michelangelo’s scaffolding?
  • Describe what is (more or less accurately) shown to be the way that frescoes are designed and painted (at 43 minutes and at 1 hour, 9 minutes).
  • Who does Michelangelo tell the Contessina he going to go work for after he first gets the commission to paint the Sistine Chapel (at c. 36 minutes)? What will be build there?
  • What is the profession of the Medici family that the Contessina comes from? How does this profession and the class affiliation of her family effect how she feels about her husband? How she feels about Michelangelo?
  • What do Michelangelo, Pope Julius II, and the Cardinals debate at 1 hour, 21 minutes through 1 hour, 25 minutes? What do the Cardinals consider appropriate subjects for the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel? How does Michelangelo defend the way he depicts figures from the Bible? Who does Pope Julius ultimately side with?
  • Why does Michelangelo fall from the scaffolding?
  • Why does Julius II order the scaffolding taken down at 1 hour, 40 min.?
  • How does Julius II eventually pay for Michelangelo to finish the Sistine Chapel ceiling (at 1 hour, 55 min.)?

the strategic management of your selected company x it includes three main parts 1

  • about samsung company
  • Q1 – Does your selected company have social responsibility? If yes, discuss its impact on competitive advantage of the corporation. (Max 400 words) (1 mark)
  • Q2 – Based on the figure 4.3 (Ch4-slide no 18) and the textbook text relative to Porter’s Five forces of competition framework, assess the power of the buyers, suppliers and substitutes of your chosen company. How formidable are the barriers to entry and how intense is the rivalry among existing firms? ( 2 marks)

Q3- What is the competitive strategy used by your selected company? Justify

practical connection in information technology importance in strategic planning

share the theories and knowledge to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Strategic Use of Information Resources


Information Systems and Digital Transformation

Digital Systems and the Design of Work

Architecture and Infrastructure


Governance of the Information Systems Organization

help is needed 2


I have some homework attached for assistance with homework. If anything else needed please let me know!

mobile devices amp social media

Assignment Content

  1. The local Chamber of Commerce has asked you to speak at the next meeting on your business’ successful social media campaign. They asked you to specifically touch on how social media can be used to make potential customers aware of what the company has to offer.
    Create a 1-page outline of your speaking points on this topic.
    Include the following information:

    • Benefits of social media
    • How social media can be used to promote a company’s services
    • Brief examples

    Note: A student asked “how detailed does the outline have to be?” in a previous class. My response was this:Hi, the outline needs to be something more than just short bullet points with no explanations. But it does not have to be a full “paper” with paragraphs. I am looking for outline bullet points that get the point across. For example, under “How social media can be used to promote a company’s services”:

    • “Social media would help the company” – tells me nothing
    • “This restaurant chain company could use Facebook to send specials out to their customers, and watch Yelp ratings and take action if the ratings drop or customer’s feedback points to an issue” – that would be a good one

leadership communication critique


In this milestone, discuss the impact of the leadership communications of your chosen organization. This exploration will be the next step into the world of evaluating effective communication processes for a company, which is a key component of the final project.

First, complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen organization. Then, compose a paper that shares your analysis. Critique the company’s process based on your understanding of systems theory as well as other leadership evaluative methods. You also have the option of creating a TED Talk-type video essay (in lieu of a paper) in which you make the case, as a speaker, for your position. If you choose the video essay, you may record your submission with a camcorder, webcam, or even your smartphone. See the optional articles in this module’s resources for guidance on making video recordings.



the topic of my paper will be about mental health i will focus on how mental health issues affect military members and veterans why are suicide rates in the military increasing what mental health screenings treatments given to service members

Turnitin® enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®.

Task: Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. The audience is people who are generally educated but do not have extensive knowledge of your field or topic.

Length: At least 2000 words

Sources: Minimum of 6. At least 3 of these must be from scholarly journals, and all sources should be selected based on reliability, currency, and level of information/analysis. The UMUC library will be very useful in helping you find appropriate sources. You can, but do not have to, include all of the sources from your annotated bibliography.

Due date and revision: The first draft of the research paper is due by the end of Week 5. Submit your draft as an attachment (Microsoft Word is preferred) to this assignment folder. This should be as complete a draft as possible, in order to receive the most helpful feedback. In working on your draft, you may want to look at the rubric that will ultimately be used to grade your final paper. You can see it when viewing these instructions through the Assignments area of the classroom.

During Week 6, you will receive feedback on your draft.

You will then revise your paper and submit it by the end of Week 7 to the folder “Assignment 3: Research Paper, revised draft.” This version will be graded using the rubric and will count for 30% of your course grade.

Your instructor may or may not complete the rubric for your first draft, but only the grade on your revised paper will count toward your course grade.

Outcomes you should achieve by completing this assignment

The outcomes for this assignment are listed below, with the associated course outcomes in parentheses:

  • Use research to write a paper that will inform or persuade an audience (Course outcome 1)
  • Form unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs in support of the thesis statement (Course outcome 2)
  • Select sources, use them to inform and support your writing, and document them in APA style (Course outcome 4)
  • Demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing (Course outcome 3)
  • Participate in the process of receiving feedback and revising your writing (Course outcome 1)


This paper is the culmination of your research project, in which you are examining a current issue or event in the news from the perspective of your field of study. Before drafting your paper, you will have chosen a topic, developed a research question, and identified several potential sources in an annotated bibliography. You should write on the same topic for this paper, unless your professor has asked you to make changes to your topic.

Organizing and supporting your paper

As you write your paper, be sure to include the following:

  • an engaging introductory paragraph that includes an effective and clear thesis statement
  • any definition of terms or background information that your reader is likely to need to understand your paper
  • focused body paragraphs that begin with topic sentences and use effective transitions. This is where you will support the thesis using arguments and evidence.
  • a concluding paragraph that reiterates the thesis, summarizes key points of the paper, and leaves the reader with the “So what?”

Research is a key element of this paper. Take care to support your claims with research throughout the paper. Include APA in-text citations whenever you use sources, whether through quote, paraphrase, or summary. An APA reference list at the end of the paper should list all of the sources cited in the text of the paper.

Point of view

This paper will be written in an academic style. Use third person point of view. Do not use “I” or “you.”

Formatting your assignment

Incorporate these elements of APA style:

  • Use one-inch margins.
  • Double space.
  • Use an easy-to-read font between 10-point and 12-point.
  • Include a title page with the title of your paper, your name, and the name of your school.

three discussion replies 100 words each

Please find the attachment below before you start the Reply for the following Discussions.

Discussion 1 :

Harman LB, Cornelius FH. Ethical Health Informatics: Challenges and Opportunities. 3rd ed. Kindle ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2017.

Tue Sby KBLon. Ethics Codes Collection. AHIMA Code of Ethics (2011) | Ethics Codes Collection. Accessed February 6, 2020.

Good evening,

Privacy and confidentiality before the adoption of HIPAA laws was relegated to the state government that is associated with the healthcare organization. This in turn meant that information that was protected within one healthcare organization and state did not make it privileged information for other healthcare providers outside the state. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) implemented privacy restriction on data on the federal level. HIPAA protected information includes records that are contained within Covered Entities (CE) or Business associates (BA). Protected health information (PHI) is individually identifiable health information that relates to an individual’s past, present, or future in regards to physical or mental condition and/or payment for provision of healthcare. Another note in regards to PHI is that it must be in the custody of or be transmitted by a CE or BA. HITECH imposes significant penalties for HIPAA breaches forcing the HIPAA restrictions to become a top priority.

These laws stated above and the procedures that have been put in place through AHIMA are all to uphold the first ethical principle within the code of ethics of the AHIMA states that all members are to “Advocate, uphold, and defend the individual’s right to privacy and the doctrine of confidentiality in the use and disclosure of information.” For both the laws regarding information use and ethics and the AHIMA ethics code, the HIM professionals and students are to be in effect the patients advocate for privacy and confidentiality with the threat of retaliation from HIPAA and HITECH if ethics generated from AHIMA are not followed.

Electronic medical records (EMR) are created when a patient uses any form of medical service. Medical services can be formatted into both structured and unstructured data. Structured data is data that can be easily formatted into the confines of a database, while unstructured data is such that it does not easily fit into the confines of a database. Data that is used for data analytics should not have any personally identifiable information and should not be able to be tracked back to a patient. Data that is kept within the healthcare organizations data warehouses should maintain the CIA triad that maintains confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality is maintained by setting up security policy within the healthcare organization for internal professionals and encryption for external threats. The data should also maintain integrity such that it will not be changed, and the data should be available to medical professionals that require the use of the information.

Discussion 2 :

In previous discussion posts we have discussed the AHIMA Code of Ethics and the Four Core Principles of Biomedical Ethics, both providing HIM professionals ethical guidance towards making the right decisions for the patients and patient privacy. Through HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) and HITECH Act (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) policy initiatives, HIM professionals have federal law as a guide and force towards patient advocacy (Harman & Cornelius, 2017). Under the HIPAA privacy rule, HIM professionals have more control over patient information in order to protect it. Different types of disclosures and authorizations required can control how much private or confidential information is disclosed, who the exact recipient of the information will be, justification for disclosing the information, and even an expiration date for the disclosed patient data. All of these aspects of HIPAA help safeguard protected health information or PHI by making every little detail regarding sharing patient data clear. The HITECH Act provides incentives for HIM professionals to serve as patient advocates. Financial incentive payments are given to HIM professionals for proper use of certified electronic health records (EHS’s) and heavy penalties and enforcement are applied to those not in compliance, varying in amount of dollar penalty per violation up to a cap of $1.5 million (Burde, 2011). With the addition of the HITECH Act, HIM professionals following current ethical practices and standards set by HIPAA can be rewarded for protecting patient data.

Patient health data repositories have come a long way from paper documents stored in basements rarely to be looked at again. Now that data can be easily stored and accessed there are more ethical issues to consider. A benefit of modern health data repositories is that patients have better access to their own information. However, the convenience comes at a cost as the same information could easily fall into the hands of someone else, whether intentionally through medical identity theft or unintentionally from mistakes made by HIM professionals (Harman & Cornelius, 2017). It is up to HIM professionals and others involved with data repositories to ensure that the data is properly collected, stored, maintained, and protected. In terms of data collection and storage, the same pieces of information can be stored in different ways. Without insight and planning for future use, data can be stored in an unstructured way with no rhyme or reason in how it is organized or presented. On the other hand, structured data is organized, easily readable and is useful for future data analysis (Pickell, 2018). Think of data in an Excel sheet, it is easier to read patient data if their name, day of birth, blood type, and other attributes were under different columns rather than all in one column.

Burde, H. (2011, March 1). THE HITECH ACT: An Overview. Retrieved February 7, 2020, from…

Harman, L. B, and Cornelius, F. (2017). Ethical challenges in the management of health information (3rd ed., pp. 75-94). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Pickell, D. (2018, November 16). Structured vs Unstructured Data – What’s the Difference? Retrieved February 7, 2020, from…

Discussion 3 :

Health Information Management (HIM) professionals in many ways serve as patient advocates in relation to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Act and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act. It is directly stated in the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Code of Ethics, that members shall “advocate, uphold, and defend the individual’s rights to privacy and the doctrine of confidentiality in the use and disclosure of information” 1. While all HIM professionals should strive to uphold this principle, HIPAA and HITECH set the legal standard for how protected health information (PHI) can be collected and handled. It is the responsibility of the HIM professional to safeguard all data and information that is collected from patients. Steps to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality can be taken when the data is collected. This can be done by identifying what specific and meaningful information needs to be disclosed to the healthcare team to provide care, while intentionally not collecting unnecessary information. The HIM professional should also prevent access to this data to non-authorized personnel. If the HIM professional does not adhere to these standards, then patients may become reluctant to share their personal information. This distrust could lead to problems that would propagate through the healthcare system regarding properly caring for the patient.

There a plethora of ethical considerations related to management of healthcare data repositories. One of which is using a patient’s data for predictive analysis. While steps can be taken to turn PHI into de-identifiable information, potential risks of data breaches and re-identification of patients are possible 1. Therefore, the patient must be informed of these risks prior to collecting their data and getting their consent to use it for predictive analysis. This supports the ethical principle of respect for autonomy, by allowing the patient to make their own decisions about their healthcare. This applies more to structured data (data that can be stored in data base with each column corresponding to individual data points of a patient, and can easily be analyzed by an algorithm 1) rather than unstructured data (physician’s notes, medical imaging, etc., that can’t be easily analyzed by an algorithm 1). This is because structured data is much more likely to be used in predictive analysis. Although, the patient should also be informed of these risks regardless of the data type, because unstructured data has potential to be misused as well. While data analysis and predictive modeling can provide many benefits to the healthcare system 2, there are important ethical dilemmas to consider.

  1. Harman L, Cornelius F. Ethical challenges in the Management of Health Information, 3rd Edition. 2017: 75-118.
  2. Dataversity. “Top Benefits of Big Data in the Healthcare Industry” 12 February 2018. < (Links to an external site.)>