the final task before setting up shop is to determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure that will best support this international venture the ceo of your organization has asked you to write a report on your recommendations o

Section Three; Strategy and Structure:

The final task before setting up shop is to determine the optimal international strategy and organizational structure that will best support this international venture. The CEO of your organization has asked you to write a report on your recommendations of the type of international strategy and organizational structure they should adopt.

For this portion of the term project, you will be focusing specifically on the concepts and discussions from Chapters 13 (Strategy) and 14 (Structure). Please also remember to research the actual organization you have been using as a reference for this project. Look at their current international presence (if they do not have an international presence, look at their domestic presence), their organizational culture, their current structure, and their supply and distribution channels.

You are to use at least three additional sources to complete this assignment.PLEASE remember to cite all your sources; proper citation of your sources is a requirement for this course. This assignment is to be a minimum of 2 – 4 pages typed, font 12, double-spaced.

Please support all recommendations with sound reasoning and research.

court system project

plase select a recent article

within the past 12 months) from any publication that details a business law case.

Write a brief summary of the

case including
the facts leading up to the trial, the parties to the case (plaintiff and defendant), the trial and its outcome, and any appeals.

Also be
sure to identify the legal issue or issues the judge and justices are deciding. Include as

final paragraph
addressing your

to the case and its outcome as well as any future

the case may have on businesses

the law.

cyberpsychology research article

Search for any article about cyberpsychology. Topics can include whatever you like (e.g., social media, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, gaming, etc.). What are the key points in the article? Is there any information that particularly surprised you? What are the implications of this research?

For each assignment, please submit a hard copy (1-3 pages double spaced, 12-inch Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, stapled).

Please attached the article link in the assignment.

kinesics the study of body motion or body behavior 3

Emblems: gestures that have a direct verbal translation and can stand alone such as the “ok” sign.

Illustrators: gestures that complement our words such as pointing when giving directions.

Regulators: gestures that may prolong or terminate the conversation such as looking at your watch, walking away or nodding and leaning forward.

Adaptors: gestures that make you feel more comfortable in a communication situation such as twirling your hair or tapping your fingers.

Affect Displays: facial expressions motivated by emotion such as a smile or frown.

In this lesson, you will venture out and observe the people around you. Tune out what they are saying and then sit back and watch. Take notes on what type of gestures (emblems, regulators, illustrators, adaptors and affect displays) are they using? How often do they use each one? Are they aware of these gestures? You will then use your notes to write a typed two-page essay describing what you witnessed. Please let us know where you were, the mall, Starbucks, work etc.. and who was involved, two men sitting at a table…

Describe at least ten separate gestures.

  • What type?
  • What are they conveying? How many repetitions?
  • What are the circumstances
  • At least two pages typed– MINIMUM of 675 words
  • Paragraphs, not bullets
  • Include nonverbal terminology
  • Specific examples
  • MS Word Format

case study 2140

i do not want similarities nor copies of any site

allow copying a small portion and the location of the copying in a format APA

the mission is accomplished in just four days

Guidelines for the project assignment:

  • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.
  • Your answer must be supported by different resources.
  • At least 4 references sources.
  • Any proof of copying will result to 0 mark.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 600 to 800 words.

Useful links:

audience analysis questions

Audience Analysis Questionnaire

Dr. Schwartzman explains that “several sorts of information about your audience might affect how they react to your presentation” (p. 271). There is a variety of information you can gather from your audience, including basic demographic information, topic-specific information, and understanding the audience’s attitudes, beliefs, and values.

To help you prepare for your upcoming persuasive presentation, we’ll use this discussion post to collect audience analysis questions that will be distributed to the class to answer anonymously next week.

Assignment: Submit (3) three close-ended questions, that you would like to ask the audience to help you better understand how you audience might feel about your persuasive topic.

My persuasive topic is: PRO – Should teachers have guns in schools?

it is very important to differentiate between the different types of shock since treatment may depend on this complete the comparison table on the different types of shock 2

It is very important to differentiate between the different types of shock since treatment may depend on this. Complete the Comparison Table on the different types of shock.

parent caregiver guidance strategies and newsletter

Students develop a parent/caregiver newsletter featuring guidance activities considered best practices.

Course Objectives

  • Describe how the principles of child growth and development serve as a foundation for working effectively in guiding and shaping the behaviors of young children.
  • Identify age-appropriate practices to promote guidance and positive discipline for young children.
  • Describe strategies for establishing and maintaining positive and productive relationships with families.
  • Directions:

    1) Save and print the Module 2 Application.

    2) Create a parent/caregiver newsletter in a Word or text document for your response. Choose fonts,colors,and graphics to make the newsletter aesthetically pleasing

    3) Develop introductory and concluding remarks for the parent newsletter.

    4) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.

    Parent/Caregiver Newsletter

    Part 1: Create a newsletter for parents/caregivers to communicate the importance of supporting young children through clear expectations. The newsletter should:

  • Focus on a specific early childhood age group (toddlers, 3-year-olds, kindergarten, etc.).
  • Address a variety of common guidance strategies (giving choices, advising children in advance of changes to activities, etc.) to encourage understanding of guidance strategies used in an early childhood setting.
  • Include at least three different activities appropriate for providing guidance at home.
  • Be comprehensive in scope, aesthetically pleasing, and include language appropriate for the target audience of parents and families.
  • Part 2: Submit a summary explaining why these guidance activities were selected and incorporating professional references to support your work.

    week7 dissolution of relationships

    discussion distribution channels 2

    Respond to the following in a minimum of 500 words:

    Select a product you recently purchased and consider what channels were available for the marketing and purchase of this product. Based on the distribution channel through which you purchased the product, discuss how the value chain was affected by that channel of distribution.

    Use in-text citations according to all sources and references used. Add all references used. The instructor prefers your own words to answer the discussion questions.