in need of a 125 response discussion to each of the following forum posts there are 4 different forum posts agreement disagreement and or continuing the discussion original forums discussion topic post is as follows 2

In need of a 125 response/discussion to EACH of the following forum posts. There are (4) different Forum posts. Agreement/disagreement/and/or continuing the discussion. Original forums discussion/topic post is as follows:

Forum Post 1

Good morning Professor and class,

I would say I had some understanding that marketing was more than just advertising, but not to the degree that the video showed. I recently took on some of the marketing position in my current company, so that has helped me see what marketing means specifically to us. I work for a construction company, so I put together proposal for potential owners and the government, showing them what we have done in the past, and really selling our capabilities to them. Marketing will look different company to company based on the products they sell or customers they are trying to attain.

The video made it very clear that marketing is involved in all aspects of business and has everything to do with the success of a company. Most people believe it’s just promotion, but in reality it encompasses everything from price to the naming. In order for a business to be successful, it needs to have the right marketing strategy in place that fits the needs of that specific company.

Marketing’s entire purpose is to influence a consumers decision. Every decision they make is to present themselves to customers in a way that customers will chose their business or their product over any one else’s. It has also been found that customer responsiveness is directly related to marketing strategies (Krush, Sohi & Saini, 2015), so with a successful marketing strategy, a business can expect higher success directly related to customers.

Marketing can be both ethical and unethical depending on how it is presented. As long as companies are being honest, and looking out for the best interest of the consumer, than yes they are being ethical. However, according to Kotler (2010), “Violations of marketing ethics occur when products or services are described dishonestly or with a high level of exaggeration of the expected outcomes for the buyer.”

Kotler, P. (2010). Marketing ethics. In W. Visser, D. Matten, M. Pohl, & et. al., The a to z of corporate social responsibility (2nd ed.). Wiley. Credo Reference: https://search-credoreference-com.ezproxy1.apus.ed…

Krush, Michael, Sohi, Ravipreet & Saini, Amit. (2015). Dispersion of marketing capabilities: impact on marketing’s influence and business unit outcomes. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; New York, 43 (1), 39. 10.1007/s11747-014-0420-7

Forum post 2

Hello Class,

Marketing is a hat I have worn in many places of employment. I was well aware that marketing is more than just advertising and plays a large part in the success of a company before watching the video. Advertising is only a piece of the marketing plan. Marketing is a research tool to help identify your target market and develop your branding, price point and promotional message to attract and keep that target market customer.

The ultimate goal in marketing is that a consumer will develop brand loyalty and blindly purchase the same product over and over instead of testing a competitor’s product. When my spouse has an option between two similar products he will almost always go with the tagline or branding he is most familiar with. A company puts a lot of effort into creative marketing like loyalty programs, free trials, coupons, and brand ambassadors to create brand loyalty.

Marketing has a major influence on consumer’s decision making. In a perfect world, marketing would be ethical but some businesses participate in unethical marketing campaigns and promotions. In the ’70s Nestle came under fire for aggressive advertising claiming their formula was better for babies than breastmilk when scientific research was proving the contrary. Claims were surfacing that desperate third world country mothers were diluting the expensive formula resulting in child deaths due to malnutrition. The allegations led to hearings in the Senate and the World Health Organization, resulting in a new set of marketing rules. (Krasny, 2012)

Consumers have the power to decide which companies succeed or fail; so, marketers should be expected to have ethical values like honesty and transparency when promoting their products. (Belyh, 2015) A marketing strategy comes with great responsibility not only to the consumer but also to your brand.

Works Cited

Belyh, A. (2015, Feb 6). Social Responsiblilty & Ethics in Marketing. Retrieved from Cleverism:…

Krasny, J. (2012, June 25). Every Parent Should Know The Scandalous History Of Infant Formula. Retrieved from Business Insider :…

Forum post 3

Hello Class,

Marketing plays a very important role in the organization by promoting its product and services. I learned alot from watching the youtube video it was very informative and presented a lot of great information. When dealing with marketing it has a lot to do with your organization dealing, expenses, wealth, distribution and more. For Instance, I could go on the internet looking for a product that I am interested in and then soon as I get on social media sites the same product I searched for pops up on my time line. When it comes to business reaching out to their target audience they are trying to have a long lasting relationship with them. It is a continuation technique that assist organizations in growth and prosperity for their organization.

Marketing has a very important effect on the success of an organization. If it wasn’t for marketing you will not be able to advertise or promote your product and services to customers. The business will not have anyway of gaining or influencing customers to purchase your goods or services. Marketing is what assist customers on finding products that will satisfy their needs at an affordable price. If you have a great marketing team that can promote your product, gain an audience, maintain, and run a successful business it could be on its way to entrepreneurship status.

Marketing is very important when it comes to influence customers to purchase from your organization. When using advertisements or promoting your organization it allows the business to attract customers that has gained interest in your product or services. Also, it allows the organization to advertise price negotiation when competing against other businesses. This could impact customers to purchase from your business rather than going to a different business selling the same or similar product.

Forum Post 4

discussion 3488

  • It is YOUR responsibility to choose your two best posts each week and submit them through the weekly assignment links. If you do not do this, you will not receive credit for your discussion posting so make sure that you do not miss this crucial step.
  • To respond to a question, simply click on it to enter it and hit the “reply” button.
  • Make sure to read the grading rubric on the Discussion Information Posting page to see how to do well on these weekly discussions. Specifically remember that you MUST incorporated quotations and integrate the reading directly into your response to receive full credit.

this is a presentation and needs some slides also the textbook will be provided its online and requires a lot of read and log in

This course uses a MindEdge webtext. If you have worked on a mindedge textbook, you will be able to work on this.


This webtext includes your readings, resources, interactive games, and graded activities. Many of the assignments in this course will be completed in MindEdge, so it is important to access this resource as soon as possible to begin your studies and move forward on your path to success. This learning resource is web-based;


Two addresses the following course outcomes:

● Illustrate the impact of social scientific thinking on personal and professional experiences

● Communicate effectively to specific audiences in examining fundamental aspects of human behavior

● Utilize evidence-based approaches in drawing conclusions about the impact of contemporary issues on individuals and society


In Project Two, you will use the research investigation you wrote for Project One to create a presentation that explains how social scientific thinking has affected you and discusses the impact of your selected issue on your audience. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Provide a brief overview of the social scientific background of your issue and research question. How is the issue situated within the social sciences?

II. Explain how the issue impacts the audience. In other words, how is the issue relevant to members of the audience? Why should the audience care about the response to your question or the outcome of your investigation? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.

III. Describe the evidence you have to support your conclusions about the impact of the issue on you personally and on your audience. Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.

IV. Explain why this issue is important to you personally. In other words, why did you select this issue to investigate?

V. Illustrate how your investigation of the issue impacted the way you thought about the issue. In other words, how did thinking like a scientist to research and develop a question affect what you thought about the issue you selected? How did social scientific thinking change the lens through which you viewed the issue? Support your response with specific examples from your research investigation.

VI. Explain why using evidence-supported research can give you both a personal and professional advantage. In other words, what is the value of supporting your work with evidence?

VII. Communicate your message in a way that is tailored to your specific audience. For instance, you could consider your vocabulary, your audience’s potential current social science knowledge or lack thereof, and what is specifically important to the audience.

The Assignment will be graded base on the rubic – document that is name graded.


rws 200 context analysis and evaluating how an argument persuades a specific audience


Please read the article that I have linked for you by Mike Rose. I have also attached a PDF of the directions for this essay below. Please make sure to follow ALL directions and please try to not use too many outside sources. In the directions, it says to chose one context category. I chose the historical context. I have also attached what this historical context means. Please make sure to look at all of the documents that I have attached. Thank you.…

cmn 650w paper assignment quot heroin cape cod quot and quot bowling for columbine quot 1

Part I. Heroin: Cape Cod USA

1) Write a detailed review of the film, per the outline that we looked at in class.
2) Given that the film was first released in late 2015, do you feel that progress or lack thereof has been made in addressing the opiate epidemic? Site one specific source to support your argument.

Part II. Bowling for Columbine (we left off at 35:37; film available on (Links to an external site.))
1) Write a detailed review of the film, per the outline that we looked at in class.
2) Toward the end of the film, Director, Michael Moore tries to interview Charlton Heston. After Heston ends the interview, Moore tries to get Heston to look at a picture of a little girl who was shot in a Flint, Michigan school, and Heston walks away. This scene has been argued over for years, with some critics saying that Moore treated Heston unfairly, and others saying that Heston showed exactly the callousness and ignorance that Moore set out to expose in the interview. What do you think? Find an article online for each position, and explain why you agree or disagree with each.

powerpoint on research paper 1

FORMAT OF ASSIGNMENT: Select a presentation style. You may use a PowerPoint presentation (a minimum of 10 slides) or any other graphic organizer you find that allows you to give a detailed explanation of your topic.

Make sure that the presentation:

  • identifies the title of topic (the topic of your final paper, which is a challenge faced by American colleges and universities),
  • contains a clear, thorough explanation of the literature review, and
  • explains how you think the challenge can be remedied.

Your presentation may include pictures, drawings, or any other visual information that reinforces your final paper. Remember, your graphic organizer should be detailed enough to be easily understood, but not too cluttered as to cause confusion.

**Research paper is attached**

read quot china limits exports of rare earth materials quot then answer questions 1 3

China Limits Exports of Rare Earth Materials Closing Case (Questions below article)

Rare earth metals are a set of 17 chemical elements in the periodic table and include scandium, yttrium, cerium, and lanthanum. Small concentrations of these metals are a crucial ingredient in the manufacture of a wide range of high-technology products, including wind turbines, iPhones, industrial magnets, and the batteries used in hybrid cars. Extracting rare earth metals can be a dirty process due to the toxic acids that are used during the refining process. As a consequence, strict environmental regulations have made it extremely expensive to extract and refine rare earth metals in many countries.

Environmental restrictions in countries such as Australia, Canada, and the United States have opened the way for China to become the world’s leading producer and exporter of rare earth metals. In 1990, China accounted for 27 percent of global rare earth production. By 2010, this figure had surged to 97 percent. In 2010, China sent shock waves through the high-tech manufacturing community when it imposed tight quotas on the exports of rare earths. In 2009, it exported around 50,000 tons of rare earths. The 2010 quota limited exports to 30,000 tons. The quota remained in effect for 2011 and was increased marginally to around 31,000 tons in 2012 and 2013.

The reason offered by China for imposing the export quota is that several of its own mining companies didn’t meet environmental standards and had to be shut down. The effect, however, was to dramatically increase prices for rare earth metals outside of China, putting foreign manufacturers at a cost disadvantage. Many observers quickly concluded that the imposition of export quotas was an attempt by China to give its domestic manufacturers a cost advantage and to encourage foreign manufacturers to move more production to China so that they could get access to lower-cost supplies of rare earths. As news magazineThe Economistconcluded, “Slashing their exports of rare earth metals has little to do with dwindling supplies or environmental concerns. It’s all about moving Chinese manufacturers up the supply chain, so they can sell valuable finished goods to the world rather than lowly raw materials.” In other words, China may have been using trade policy to support its industrial policy.

Developed countries cried foul, claiming that the export quotas violate China’s obligations under World Trade Organization rules. In July 2012, the WTO responded by launching its own investigation. Commenting on the investigation, a U.S. administration official said that the export quotas were part of a “deeply rooted industrial policy aimed at providing substantial competitive advantages for Chinese manufacturers at the expense of non-Chinese manufacturers.”

In the meantime, the world is not sitting still. In response to the high prices for rare earth metals, many companies have been redesigning their products to use substitute materials. Toyota, Renault, and Tesla, for exampleall major automotive consumers of rare earth productshave stated that they plan to stop using parts that have rare earth elements in their cars. Governments have also tried to encourage private mining companies to expand their production of rare earth metals. By 2012, there were some 350 rare earth mine projects under development outside of China and India. An example, Molycorp, a U.S. mining company, is quickly boosting its rare earth production at a California mine. As a consequence of such actions, by early 2014, China’s share of rare earth output had slipped to 80 percent. This did not stop China from announcing quota limits in 2014 that seemed to be in line with those of 2013.

1. Which groups benefited most from imposing an export quota on rare earth metals? Did it give the Chinese domestic manufacturers a significant cost advantage? Did it result in dramatically increased quality and environmental standards?

2. Given that 97 percent of rare earth metal production is now done in China, an increase from 27 to 97 percent between 1990 and 2010, do you think countries such as Australia, Canada, and the Unites States should reconsider their environmental restrictions on product or such metals?

3. The restrictions imposed by China on rare earth metals has resulted in some companies (e.g., Toyota, Renault, Tesla) starting to look for alternatives. They plan to use parts that do not include rare earth metals. Is this a good solution?

3x discussion 600 total words


Read Number 1. React to the material in the lecture. What is new? Is there anything you found to be unclear? How could you relate these ideas to issues and problems within your degree area?


Read Number 2. React to the material in the lecture. Is there anything you found to be unclear? How could you use these ideas within your degree area?


Read Lecture 3. React to the material in this lecture. What is unclear about setting up and using Excel for these statistical techniques? Looking at the data, develop a test for mean differences between the genders on a variable – other than compa-ratio or salary – you feel might be important in answering our equal pay for equal work question. Interpret your results.

3 different discussions about 200 words each please.

law 2221 legal environment of business discussion board

I’ll give a law case and a vido link, then answer these questions.

Do you agree with the court’s ruling in this case that Pepsi’s commercial did not create a valid offer? Why or why not? If you believe that the ad did not create a valid offer, identify the precise reason why. Which of the requirements of an offer do you think was missing in this case? Can you think of any circumstances in which an advertisement could create a valid offer that could be accepted?

enuma elish essay

Now that you have read this version of the Enuma elish it is time to consider what it means. We know that Myths are meant to entertain and explain, but what else? What’s the value of this story on an emerging human civilization? What elements of this story would help a person live in this new kind of society?

After considering those questions and maybe looking over the story again, it is time to document your own conclusions. Find specific passages from the text where specific lessons are stated or inferred; also include some of the behaviors that are a little more uncertain (does the reading not take a stance on certain behaviors that you think it probably should’ve?)

Support your conclusions with references to the story (you may even quote particular passages); thoroughly explain why you have come to that conclusion and what you think it means for people in general. Is there any lesson people should walk away having learned about how to live a good life?

You may also want to discuss how far we have come in the thousands of years since this story was told. Do you think humans are all that different than the ones who told this story?

  • Write an essay that explains all of this (be sure to include an Introduction; Body and Conclusion.)
  • Grading criteria
    Includes reference to the story

    Does your analysis give information from the text to support your conclusions?
    Connection to modern humans
    Does your analysis tie the text to modern humans and their behavior?
    Properly formatted submission that is visually appealing and well organized.