list tree problems

Radio stations have a challenging job: Creating a daily play-list. At the beginning of each day, a radio station creates a daily play-list (a list of songs that it will play for that day). If a radio station wishes to stay in business, it will choose the songs that are likely to be most popular. It has been observed that the number of requests for a song in the preceding days is a good predictor of whether the song will be popular in the future. In fact, requests in recent days are better predictors of a song’s popularity than requests in earlier days. For a given song, this observation is modeled by the exponential moving average

math statistic 2

Math timed exam. 100minute Is the time limit and you have 22 questions. All statistic problems.

demonstrate a connection infotech import in strategy planning to it work environment

Demonstrate how InfoTech Import in Strategy Planning has connected Business Strategy, Blockchain, Business Process Redesign, the future of offices, Virtualization/Server Virtualization and Cloud Computing, Physical Security systems (Developing a Computer/Internet Security Policy), IT Governance and COSO framework and put into practice within the IT career.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories.

Reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through the objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Required Textbook

Pearlson, K., Saunders, C., Galletta, D. (2020). Managing and Using Information Systems: A Strategic Approach, 7th Edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN: 978-1119560562


1. Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced).

2. Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited, NO PLAGIARISM3. Include 3 to 4 references, the textbook and peer reviewed scholarly article and other sources.

psy2012 journal 1

Provide a brief summary of Kelly McGonical’s ted talk. Define ‘new’ thought regarding stress? Explain why it is important? How does making stress your friend alter your body’s biological response?Provide a brief discussion of your personal thought regarding the learned information. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Are there steps you can implement to impact your own health immediately with learned information?If you were in charge of developing a program to disseminate this information to your community, how would you implement? Explain.

Minimum 350 words .Utilize APA formatting (this means you will need a title page, the body of your paper, and a reference page). For additional support for APA, I would recommend, citation machine, and/ or

Times New Roman, 12 font, double-spaced.

Professional, concise, and clear writing.

Place word count on the bottom, right side of page after your journal is complete. (Links to an external site.)

brainstorming an outbreak

I chose Norovirus

Think back to your course project. If there was an outbreak of Norovirus, what steps would an epidemiologist take to control such an outbreak?

Write a 1-2 page paper answering the following questions:

  • Would they use active or passive surveillance? Why?
  • What kind of control measures would an epidemiologist recommend? Why?
  • Would it likely be just a local level response, or would it involve state or federal partners? Why?

Grading Rubric

Emerging – Limited or developing demonstration of criteria. Competence – Adequate or basic demonstration of criteria. Proficiency – Clear or effective demonstration of criteria. Mastery – Advanced or exceeds demonstration of criteria.
Type of Surveillance

Points: 10 (14.28571%)

Student provided insufficient explanation for the type of surveillance that would be used.

Points: 14 (20.00%)

Student provided basic explanation for the type of surveillance that would be used.

Points: 16 (22.85714%)

Student provided sufficient explanation for the type of surveillance that would be used.

Points: 20 (28.57142%)

Student provided detailed explanation for the type of surveillance that would be used.

Control Measures

Points: 10 (14.28571%)

Student provided insufficient explanation for the type of control measures that would be recommended.

Points: 14 (20.00%)

Student provided basic explanation for the type of control measures that would be recommended.

Points: 16 (22.85714%)

Student provided sufficient explanation for the type of control measures that would be recommended.

Points: 20 (28.57142%)

Student provided detailed explanation for the type of control measures that would be recommended.

Response Level

Points: 10 (14.28571%)

Student provides insufficient explanation of level of response which is not accurate.

Points: 14 (20.00%)

Student provides basic explanation of level of response which is not completely accurate.

Points: 16 (22.85714%)

Student provides accurate and sufficient explanation of level of response.

Points: 20 (28.57142%)

Student provides accurate and detailed explanation of level of response.

Spelling and Grammar

Points: 6 (8.57142%)

Submission had several spelling and grammar errors that detracted from the readability of the work.

Points: 7 (10.00%)

Submission had spelling and grammar errors that noticeably detracted from the readability of the work.

Points: 8 (11.42857%)

Submission had a few spelling and grammar errors; the errors detracted from the readability of the work at times.

Points: 10 (14.28571%)

Submission had very few spelling and grammar errors; any errors did not detract from the readability of the work.

need help with managerial accounting 1

Please write a paper explaining what these are in managerial accounting

– Job Order Costing versus Process Costing

– Performance Measurements in managerial accounting (Please also explain several kinds resp. ways of measuring performance.)

bu5565 empirical methods in finance

analysis the data and write a report.

This Eviews file contains 269 monthly observations from 01/1989 to 05/2011 on the following variable:

Consumption:Consumer expenditure consumption in the US


1.Construct a univariate time-series model using the consumption variable.Recall that

there are three stages involved in this process:Identification,estimation and diagnostic

test.You should cover all these aspects until you reach your final model.

2.Forecast and test the forecasting accuracy of your model.Use as a forecasting sample

for the period between 2009M01 to 2011M05.What can you conclude about this?


Write a report on the models you have estimated.This should contain:


Discussion on the nature of the data

Econometric methodology used

How you chose your final specifications

Conclusions(should include also any limitations and weaknesses you perceive with the

empirical work undertaken)

The report should be written in the style of an empirical journal article and should not contain

more than 1,500 words.Brooks,Chapter 13(3rd Edition)or Chapter 15(4th Edition)provides

some advice on this.You should not include Eviews output directly within the text.You should

report results of the appropriate statistical tests and where appropriate estimation results in the

style used in the empirical journal articles.

Overall,you need to explain in detail what is being done and discuss the results appropriately.

museum or national park visit proposal assignment

I would like to do propose a website or walk thru link as I am not close enough to visit a national park or Museum.

PLEASE READ the files very carefully. The instructions and the rubric are there as a guide to help you with this project.

*** Remember to choose one of the following types of sites/locations… 1. A local museum. 2. A National Park. 3. A befitting video website walking video tour or suitable YouTube link of a Museum or National Park. The sites must be related to U.S. historical events between the 1500s-1865. Why? Your historical focus for the final Mod. 7 Museum or National Park writing assignment has to fall within the area of the United States and the aforementioned historical time frame.

chemotherapy 1

Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer can be very difficult to endure because of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and hair loss. Surgery and radiation therapy can lead to disfigurement and loss of function.

Do the potential benefits of cancer therapy outweigh the risks? Support your answer.

What if your personal beliefs are different from your clients? How would you handle the situation?

How can you help prepare a client for cancer treatment that is likely to be very hard on the client?

What about a client who refuses treatment?

Support your answers. Each answer should be at least 1 paragraph (min 100 words). Attach or link a least one article or website.

thought essay 1

Use the following steps to write a Thought Essay

  1. Complete the readings
  2. While you read, make a note of ideas that stand-out to you, or ideas that you feel are incomplete
  3. Think about those ideas using economic theories
  4. Write a 500 word essay with a clear introduction, middle and conclusion on your ideas
  5. You can include any other research to augment your reading and your writing
  6. Make sure you cite appropriately.

(Please use these theories to analyze situations that you observe outside. )

An Example Thought Essay:

The Costs and Benefits of an Organ Market

The organ shortage has become a serious national problem over the years. Medical technology has improved creating a potential to save more lives, however, that hasn’t been the case. The current policy is failing, creating an organ shortage that leads to the death of thousands of American every year. We have to create a better policy since our current one is clearly inefficient and costly. We also need to provide incentives to attract more people to donate and save lives. Furthermore, we have to finally legalize and strictly regulate the market for organs.

First, the current policy is clearly inefficient and costly. There are over 100,000 Americans on the waitlist for organs, but only a fraction of available organs. The average wait time for an organ is 3.5 years, causing people to become sicker and more desperate. It also prolongs the dependence on dialysis, which costs an average of $89,000 per person per year, with the US government spending 35 billion annually to cover the Medicare costs with the number expected to grow over the next few years. That is a large portion of the GDP, more than the annual foreign government aid in-fact. A kidney transplant costs about $250,000 and has further care cost but is more effective and can last a long time. Getting a transplant saves a significant amount and is the better option. Also, the current policy has led to a thriving black market for desperate patients leading to exploitation of the poor in third world countries. This shows that people will find a way to cheat the system, even if it’s morally wrong. The system is creating a shortage of organs, causing thousands of people to die each year which translates into the loss of potential income tax earnings for the Government in millions of dollars each year.

Furthermore, by making the market for organs illegal, the Government has put in a price ceiling that is below equilibrium leading to less people willing to supply the organs and causing a shortage. The demand for organs is high, while the supply remains low. In a free market system, the supply and demand would meet at the equilibrium price, and there would be no shortage. If there was a price on organs, the ethical dilemma is that poor people would donate their organ for money, leaving the wealthy better off and them worse off. However, every class is affected. The current system might not be hurting the poor, but it’s not helping anyone either. Having a legal market would get rid of the shortage by increasing the supply of organs.

Also, the policy doesn’t give people incentives to give their organ. The truth is, people respond to incentives and we must create incentives for people to donate. The argument is that we can’t put a price on human parts, that it’s immoral. However, is it okay to let so many people die that could have been saved if given an incentive? We have to weigh the cost and benefits. Scientifically speaking, a person can work perfectly on one kidney. So, if someone is willing and able to donate a kidney for a financial or other incentive, why should we stop them if it saves another life? Providing a good incentive can help everyone. For example, Iran is the only country that has legalized the organ market and it’s run by the government. They function successfully and even have a waiting list of available donors! This shows that a government run market might just be the solution to end the organ shortage.

To save lives we have to finally legalize and tightly regulate the market for organs. The US government should run and regulate the market to make sure it’s fair. An open market in a capitalist society leads to competition and better prices, but businesses will put their own interests above the patients. The government running the market gives security to the patients. It will put an end to the waitlist and save more lives. The Iran example proves that a Government run market can indeed be very successful. We should study and follow their model to improve our situation.

So, we have an inefficient and costly system in place that doesn’t provide incentives for suppliers causing an epidemic of organ shortage. We should replace the current system with a legal organ market that is run and thoroughly controlled by the US government. Considering the many ethical dilemmas we face, the solution isn’t going to be simple or easy. However, continuing on this way isn’t the answer. While the proposed solution raises concerns, it’s a logical solution that needs be seriously considered. (766)


Clay, Megan, and Walter Block. “A Free Market for Human Organs.” The International Trafficking of Human Organs Advances in Police Theory and Practice, 2011, pp. 49–58. /216808688?accountid=10361&rfr_id=info%3Axri%2Fsid%3Aprimo (Links to an external site.)

Novelli, G., et al. “Is Legalizing the Organ Market Possible?” Transplantation Proceedings, vol. 39, no. 6, 2007, pp.1743–1745. 50700654 9 (Links to an external site.)

Larijani, B, et al. “Ethical and Legal Aspects of Organ Transplantation in Iran.” Transplantation Proceedings, vol. 36, no. 5, 2004, pp. 1241–1244. 05974