please seperate the two 1

1. Fill out the Table comparing the Acute Complications of Diabetes.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below.

2. Class Discussion – Type 1 vs. Type 2 and Patient Education

Compare and contrast risk factors, age of onset, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes. What do you think is the most important topic that must be taught to the diabetic patient and why?

a reflection paper about presidency and the judiciary 2 pages only 1

reflection paper about the the presidency and the judiciary 2 pages only

  • 1)Select a relevant topic: the first reflection paper may discuss the presidency and/or the judiciary.
  • 2)Engage course material: you must make it clear that you have read and thought about the relevant readings. This means employing, explaining, and perhaps even challenging relevant terms and concepts.
  • 3)Consider a current event: you must discuss some current event in light of the topics and concepts covered in class.
  • 4)Make an argument: you should articulate what you will be arguing at the outset of your paper and develop this argument in the following two pages. Arguments need to be clear and coherent and must use relevant evidence to substantiate their claims.

reply to two classmates nutrition and dietetics

Responses 100-150 words, each student must respond to two other students. Responses must be BRIEF BUT SUBSTANTIVE to get credit.

Your responses should:

  • Greet a specific student or a group of fellow students by name.
  • Briefly remind us of what he, she, or they said with a very short summary of the idea they presented.
  • Include detail from our text and common reading as evidence for what you have to say (Remember that others will need to draw on our readings, too, so only use just enough information from our readings to make your point clearly).
  • Add new information to the conversation (we don’t want to be reading the same thing over and over).
  • Use class vocabulary [either common or technical vocabulary or both].
  • Clearly identify the source of information and evidence that you do use.

Be free of major grammatical errors and very coherent (easily and quickly understood and without contradictions)

crisis management plan 11

Crisis Management Plan is a security plan that outlines the initial steps that organizations embark on when disasters occur. Describe these steps and the details of in your plan.

Explore the school library to identify some useful peer-reviewed, scholarly accepted articles for this assignment. Ensure your citations and references adhere to the school recommended APA format.

strategic relationships leonard greenhalgh 1

I need a report about the theory and theorist ( Strategic Relationships – Len Greenhalgh ). there is detailed instructions will be provided later. but for a brief:

– references for the theory and some other theorist work

– the body 4 pages double spaced ( need a cover page, intro, summery and refrences page)

– more detailed info will be provided to be esiear

current research in cognitive psychology i for the past 5 weeks we have covered a variety of topics that are central to understanding cognitive psychology to gain a better understanding of these topics in cognitive psychology it is important to review c

Current research in Cognitive Psychology I

For the past 5 weeks we have covered a variety of topics that are central to understanding cognitive psychology. To gain a better understanding of these topics in cognitive psychology it is important to review current research.

For this assignment you will provide a detailed description for each topic.


  • Major theories of cognition
  • Historical and contemporary context of cognition
  • Biological basis of cognition
  • Attention, consciousness, and perception
  • Differential impact of cognition on the individual based on past experience, current demands, culture, and environmental conditions

Article review:

  • Choose 3 from the list above and find a scholarly journal article for each.
  • Find current (not more than 5 years old) scholarly research articles from the South University Library databases only.
  • Remember the articles have to be related to psychology.
  • Provide an in-depth analysis for each article, integrating information from your course and text readings.
  • Submit your essay in a Word document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Name your document: SU_PSY3010_W5_Project_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
  • Cite any sources you use using the APA format on a separate page.

matlab home work 1

Hey, I need someone capable in matlab to do this homework. I attached the question as picture. assingnment


i have to write 2 slices of about role of government

Role of Gov’t Each topic must be covered by two slides, complete with references. Information must be original writing and not copy/pasted from referenced source.The final product should be polished–title page, error free, with a common style, font, and look (e.g., the informational layout and amount of text for each topic should roughly match

after reading chapters 14 sampling 15 analysis and presentation of data and 16 exploring displaying and examining data answer the questions below

After reading Chapters 14 (Sampling), 15 (Analysis and Presentation of Data) and, 16 (Exploring, displaying and examining data), answer the questions below.

  • 1. Open the attached case “Campbell-Ewald Pumps Awareness into the American Heart Association case”. Then, once you have read the case, answer questions 2 and 3. Answer the questions in APA style.
  • 2. Assume the following:

2.1. A lakefront resort is planning for its summer busy season. It wishes to estimate with 95% confidence the average number of nights each guest will stay for a consecutive visit. Using a sample of guests who stayed last year, the average number of nights per guest is calculated at 5 nights. The standard deviation of the sample is 1.5 nights. The size of the sample used is 120 guests and the resort desires a precision of plus or minus .5 nights. What is the standard error of the mean in the lakefront resort example? Within what range below can the resort expect with 95% confidence for the true population means to fall? Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

2.2. A local restaurant is planning a study on the demand for meals over holiday weekends. In calculating the desired sample size for the study, the restaurant’s researcher decides to use a rule-of-thumb calculation for estimating the population dispersion. If the range of meals in the study is 0 to 30, what standard deviation does the rule-of-thumb method produce? Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

2.3. A microbrewery plans to conduct a study on beer consumption among men between the ages of 29 and 45. A pilot test indicated that men in this age category consume an average of 6 beers per week with a standard deviation of 2.3. If the microbrewery seeks a 95% confidence level and a precision of .5 beers, what size sample should be used in the study?
Show the calculation; otherwise, the answer will not be accepted.

3. Open the attached case “Mastering Teaching Leadership case”. This exercise is a data analysis assignment. Then, once you have read the case and analyzed the survey’s results, follow the steps shown below:

please see the complete instructions in the attached file!

cis 500 week6

“Enterprise Systems” Please respond to the following:

The executive management team of a medium-sized business wants to be more customer focused in the marketplace. Because you oversee the CRM, you have been assigned to support the newly-created social media marketing plan:

  • What are the best steps to identify customers and the different ways they use to contact your company? Defend your answer.
  • Explain to the executive management team how the steps you recommended will be incorporated in the organization’s ERP.