answer the following two questions and answer them in details

Answer the following two questions.

1.Identify and define at least two types of actors who influence the making of public policy in the United States. Discuss how they are involved in this process.

2.What were some of the differences in perspective and approaches among early feminist activists in securing civil rights for women in the United States? You need to cite at least one of the assigned readings in this answer. Although you may mention the class lectures in your answer, they do not count as “readings” for the citation requirement.


  • Answer the two questions posed below. Answers must be typed in legible (12 or 11 pt.) font, double-spaced, and have margins of one (1) inch.
  • The exam papers should roughly be 3-5 pages in length; each answer should take about 1½ to 2½ pages to answer. Answer the questions as best as you can. (This is an approximation.)
  • Your answers should be concise, coherent essays that advance an argument, not just simply listings of bullet points.
  • Be sure to give references (including page numbers or dates of lectures) whenever quoting directly or using another’s idea, argument, etc. MLA, APA and Chicago are all acceptable citation styles. As usual, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of writing will be considered when grading exams.

u s human rights and labor laws

On the show Patriot Act, host Hasan Minhaj recently did an expose cruise industry, and discussed how international cruise ship registrations allow cruise operators to skirt U.S. human rights and labor laws. What do you think about this? How should we as a society address this problem?

Your document should be minimum 150 words and have references.

pjm410 mod3 discussion post 250 words

Please reply to the below post in at least 250 words


  • Chapter 8 in Project Risk Management: A Practical Implementation Approach
  • Chapter 11.3 in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide) (6th ed.)


Many project risks can be uncovered at the beginning stages of project development, when the scope of the project is being defined. Scope risk, which accounts for about one-third of all risks encountered in projects, falls into three primary categories: scope creep, scope gap, and scope dependencies. Describe each and discuss which form of scope risk is the easiest to isolate and mitigate in a project and why? What is a Black Swan and how can you prepare for these risks in projects? Give an example.

make a powerpoint of the new product marketing major

Our group come up with an idea of a product (Glasses) which can translate immediately what it reads or hears to a language the owner wishes to. I will post a proposal and what our group been discussing in a file so you have an idea about what we do. Your mission is to base on what we are doing to make a powerpoint and do some research about how to market it with some data information, graph, chart, compertitors,etc… there will a anther file to help guide you with it. Remember this product has not been on market yet, everything is just planned (imaginary) so you can fake it up at some points or its features,etc… please have THE SPEAKER NOTE WITH what you talk about that slide in paragraph or any form you like. There will be 15 slides (required) and 5 slides optional (you can do if needed) so total up to 20 slides.

draw erdiagrams 1

1. (26 points) The ERD below describes a database that records professional athlete salaries. Regarding the “plays for” relationship, assume that the same athlete can play for the same team for multiple seasons, but cannot sign multiple contracts with the same team during the same season. Degree tracks which degree a player earned from a specific college, including the degree type, major, and year (e.g., BA, Biology, 2016). Assume that a player cannot earn multiple degrees from the same school.

A. Transform the ERD into a graphical relational schema, following the directions in Ch. 4 and Lecture 7. Make sure to include primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. Note: Do not create any new, surrogate keys.

B. Diagram the functional dependencies. You can do this on the same set of relations you created for part a, or copy the relations to a new sheet. If you include the relationship arrows and dependency arrows on the same sheet, use different colors.

2. (24 points) The data table below shows a relation called PETS, which records information about owners and animals signed up for a pet sitting business.

a. Construct a single graphical relation for PETS and diagram the functional dependencies. Make sure to include primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships, if needed. Note: Do not create any new, surrogate keys.
b. What is the normal form of this relation? Explain why and be specific. Provide your answer as a text box or on a new sheet.

c. Break down PETS into a set of third normal form relations. Draw the graphical relational schema and diagram the functional dependencies and relationships using different colored arrows. Note: Do not create any new, surrogate keys.

analysis writing 03

Choose ONE file to write, either Colin or Tylor. Need to fill all forms in that file. Need high quality work.

paraphrase the document with a little different citation 1

Please make sure APA citation is followed. Paraphrase and add different citations to ensure both documents dont look identical. There should be no plagiarism.

hist 1301 essay

You will pick ONE of these questions to answer in your Blue Book. You may write in Pen or Pencil, but it must be legible. Essays should be 2-3 pages long in your Blue Book. Note: studying the other essays will help you on the multiple choice!

  • The American colonists were technically British citizens, but over time they developed their own identity and grew increasingly separate from Great Britain. Write an essay detailing how this American identity was established, using examples from class. What factors were involved? What outside influences impacted the movement?
  • The root causes of the American Revolution include a lack of representation in the British Parliament, especially regarding the levying of taxes on the American population. Write an essay describing this debate, using examples from class. Why did the colonists believe they required representation in London? How did Parliament feel about the issue of colonial representation, and how did they suggest fixing it? Why did the British feel the need to tax the colonies, and how did Americans respond? What factors and events caused this overall situation to escalate?
  • Militia played an important role in the American military during the American Revolution, but there is debate over how effectively the militiamen performed. How are militia different from the regular troops in the Continental Army? How was militia viewed by the British? What about by the American commanders? What are some general weaknesses and strengths displayed by the militia in battle? Give some examples – at least three – of battles that show these strengths and weaknesses.

book review on quot the halo effect and the eight other business delusions that deceive managers quot by phil rosenzweig

Write a book review of 500 words in the style of published book reviews that would be on NYT or on Your paper should maintain a consistent graphic and writing style throughout. It should be free of spelling and grammatical errors.

climate of miami fl

Discuss Miami, Florida’s Climate.

  • Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement, “I didn’t know _____.”
  • How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?

Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s MyEnvironment site at (Links to an external site.), and enter your city and state, ZIP code, or location into the location box ***MIAMI, FLORIDA***

Choose My climate as the topic

Then, click on the boxes under the Map Contents menu to add data into the map on specific topics. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens.