see details below 12

The Donna Dubinsky and Apple case shows how people can react to unexpected changes. As you read the case, pay attention to what is actually happening inside Apple and the computer industry, not just what is happening to Donna Dubinsky. Who has power? How are changes communicated?

The answers to the questions may be in either paragraph or bullet point format and should reflect that you have read and thought about the case. Spelling and grammar count.

1.Think about Donna Dubinsky’s skill set. What characteristics and capabilities did she have that made her initially successful at Apple (1981 – 1984)?

2.When Donna Dubinsky was told about the JIT proposal, she had a strong reaction. Discuss Donna Dubinsky’s reaction from both an intellectual perspective as well as an emotional one. Specifically, consider WHY she reacted the way she did.

3.Instead of her response to the JIT proposal, what could Dubinsky have done to create a better outcome? Outline specific actions she could have taken.

Number of pages doesn’t matter as long as all questions are fully answered. 1 and a half to 2 should do

concepts of business 3

Review the assigned material on the forms of business ownership, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations (pp. 116-133) from uploaded textbook. Watch the first six chapters (the first 42 minutes) of the documentary, “The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power.” The remainder of the film, starting with the chapter “Monstrous Obligations,” is interesting, but optional.

Here’s the link:

Respond to this question with a minimum of 350 words and 2 scholarly sources.

Here’s the discussion question

Briefly discuss how the assigned portion of the film helps (or doesn’t help) create a better understanding of the corporation as a form of business ownership, compared to the sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs), etc., that are described in the book.

Then, in more detail, describe any change(s) that you would recommend to the current forms of ownership, why those changes are needed and what those changes would accomplish. If no changes are needed, defend the current forms of ownership, focusing on the corporation, indicating why changes would make the current form worse rather than better

Here are some additional details

1) The film and the assigned material from the Read section meet the requirement for two scholarly sources. Additional outside sources may be used, but are not required.

2) ”The Corporation” is a long documentary by the Canadian filmmaker Joel Bakan. Focusing on US corporations, the film traces their evolution from “a government-chartered institution meant to affect specific public functions, to the rise of the modern commercial institution entitled to most of the legal rights of a person.”

Bakan makes a case that the corporation is incapable of acting responsibly or ethically. Instead, he argues that the behavior we see is consistent with the way corporations are legally defined – as rational, immortal, non-human persons charged with the primary goal of creating shareholder wealth. It is interesting that the legal definition of corporations as a “non-human person” was based on an interpretation of the 14th Amendment, an amendment that was not written to impact corporations but to ensure individual rights, specifically the rights of freed slaves.

Bakan sounds anti-capitalist later in the film but the assigned portion mostly argues against what corporations have become, rather than against free market competition. There’s a lot to think about, plenty to disagree with, and it’s always interesting to see how the US is viewed from the outside.

3) Update the subject line of the initial post so that it reflects your position, like adding a title to a paper. It makes it easier to see what everyone is writing about and, overall, just looks more professional. It’s also part of the scoring.

4) Your opinions are important and not everyone will agree. Scoring will depend more on the evidence you provide to support your opinions, rather than what your opinions are. Defend your position with evidence using citations and references that follow APA guidelines.

complete sociology one page essay hvcc

Watch the streaming video:


(cut and paste into a new browser window)

In addition to watching one of the above videos, explore the Internet, I prefer Google, and discover something new about a far away or near culture you would like to learn something new about.

In a 1 page essay, I am interested to hear your comments and how you relate what you have seen to the content of the textbook chapter and other reading we have done.

3 discussion questions stone video

Review the attached Youtube Video.

  1. In a Word document, answer the following questions:
    • a. Specifically, what leadership characteristics are evident in Stone’s leadership style?
    • b. How does Stone use these characteristics to inspire the men to achieve a goal?
    • c. Do you believe Stone’s leadership style would be effective in the corporate world? Why or why not?

recheck work

I have already finish this work and I got some suggestion about this work, plz change follow instruction and plz explain carefully instead of logical symbols. Finish this in TeX form.

hist 110a creative writing assignment

What has interested you the most in this class? Is it a particular writing? An image? A conversation we’ve had in class? Take inspiration from the thing that has interested you the most and do something unique with it in your writing. There are many approaches you can follow or invent: write a straightforward essay about why you are interested in the thing, write a personal reflection, write a play, write poems, write a short story – write creatively. Use your imagination. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes – fear kills good writing and makes everything boring and the same. The method of good writing is to love what you write – and love and fear are opposites, aren’t they? Keep in mind that writing is a form of communication: a real person will read what you write so you want to make yourself understood, but more than that, you might want to give pleasure to your reader. Because hopefully one thing you’ve learned in this class is that reading can be pleasurable. If you enjoy yourself while you write, chances are the reader will also feel it. If instead you’re in excruciating agony, pumped full of stimulants, bitter, paranoid and unhappy – it will show, and it won’t be fun for anyone. Maybe you’ve been rewarded in school for torturing yourself while you write, but all that comes of that is a hatred for writing. How strange! – to hate a form of expression because you don’t feel free to express yourself in it. In this class writing can be what you want it to be, what it already is – yours. Pleasure and thinking, pleasure and writing – that’s the key to creating beautiful things. But be careful! Be sure that you choose a topic from this class, and in writing about it demonstrate to me that you have read the assigned writings regarding your topic. Do not abuse the freedom given to you in this assignment by writing about something totally unrelated to our class that demonstrates no real engagement with the assigned writings.

Requirements: 1. Do not summarize a piece of writing in the book report fashion. Do something more interesting than that.

2. Do not worry about your thesis statement. It’s ok to contradict yourself, you are not in court.

3. Do not worry about the Chicago Style or the MLA Style. If you want to include footnotes and references just use common sense – yes, you have common sense.

4. Think about what you would like to read – that’s a good place from which to start writing.

5. Three pages, double-­‐spaced – that’s a minimum, if you want to write more, feel free.

how the knowledge skills or theories of this course enterprise risk management have been applied or could be applied in a practical manner to it developer in healthe organization

How the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course(Enterprise risk Management) have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to IT developer in healthe Organization?

Min 500 words, No plagiarism.

child observation 1

In this individual assignment, you will demonstrate and apply your knowledge of physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development in infancy and early childhood by conducting a naturalistic observation.

Length: 6-7 double-spaced pages, including cover and reference pages.

Instructions: Arrange to observe a child 0-5 years old for at least 30 minutes. Your observation can be of a sibling, family member, or friend’s child; it can also be in a hospital nursery, daycare center, or preschool (*see NOTE below). Try to be as unobtrusive as possible and follow the steps outlined below:

Observe and take note of the physical and social setting, ongoing activities, and the children’s responses to the conditions and activities;

Focus on one particular child and describe his/her characteristics and behaviors in more detail (you may use a pseudonym to protect your subject’s confidentiality). Ask an adult caretaker any questions you may have and include their responses in your paper;

Write a 6-7 double-spaced pages paper in American Psychological Association (APA) format that includes the following IN THIS ORDER:

COVER PAGE with paper title, author, and running head

brief INTRODUCTION that presents your child subject and previews the concepts to be analyzed (approx. 1 paragraph; 10 points)

your actual OBSERVATIONS written as a narrative; no bullet points (approx. 1.5-2 pages; 25 points)

in-depth ANALYSIS of three human development concepts or theories covered in lecture or the textbook as they relate to the behaviors observed. Expand on concepts and include sub-concepts, if appropriate. Clearly INDICATE by boldfacing which concepts you are using. For example: “Two-year old Johnny played with Legos alongside his friend, illustrating the concept of cooperative play, which is when…” OR: “Three-year old Monica hung on the monkey bars, which can be analyzed in the context of motor skill development…” (approx. 2 pages; 55 points)

brief CONCLUSION that integrates (rather than summarizes) your observations by providing a piece of insight (deep and clear understanding; approx. 1 paragraph; 10 points)

REFERENCE PAGE listing your textbook and any other optional but credible sources

Formatting: Your paper should be submitted online as a PDF document. American Psychological Association (APA) formatting guidelines are available here at Purdue Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.). It is NOT necessary to include an author note, abstract or headings such as Methods and Discussion. You do, however, need to include the following:

Cover page with paper title, author, and running head

Page numbers

12-point font, double-spacing throughout, 1-inch margins

In-text citations (e.g., textbook and any optional but credible sources)

References page (e.g., textbook and any optional but credible sources)

Useful Tip: Observe a child while engaged in an activity rather than a passive occupation such as watching TV!

General Guidelines:

Write in complete sentences and provide detailed analyses, but do not exceed (or write less than) the 6-7 pages limit (you will be penalized for extra pages). Pay attention to the structure and flow of your paper.

Use your automatic spellcheck!! Check for grammar and spelling mistakes before submitting your paper.

Paraphrase (write in your own words) rather than quote. Remember: you are demonstrating and applying your knowledge of course topics rather than simply summarizing an interesting observation! Avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing; substituting only a few words is still considered plagiarism. See additional information on plagiarism here (Links to an external site.).

Assume your reader is a layperson who is unfamiliar with course concepts. Briefly define technical terms before explaining and applying them.

Cite reliable sources only, if you choose to cite sources other than your textbook/lectures. These include peer-reviewed articles (primary research) and, to a lesser extent, websites with the extensions .edu (e.g., universities), .org (legitimate organizations), or .gov (government agencies).Commercial .com websites such as Wikipedia or “” are NOT considered reliable sources.

art 100 summary 1


One image from the textbook in Chapter 3 only; not from chapter 2.


Artwork information:

  1. Artist name
  2. Name of the artwork
  3. Date
  4. Medium (what it’s made of….oil paint, charcoal, etc)
  5. Attach the image
  6. Style of Representation: these are the general forms/styles of representation, or how art “looks”. Describe how it qualifies according to one of the styles. You must describe details of the artwork; anything from color, texture, flat areas, 3-D areas, size, etc– to back up your choice of style. (Please look to the textbook to define and describe the following terms)

• Abstract
• Representational or Naturalistic: Idealized, Expressionist, Surreal
• Non-representational

7. FORMAL ELEMENTS and PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: Identify the artwork in regards to the noticeable elements & principles with your new vocabulary; you don’t need to address ALL of the elements/principles, just the ones that are dominant. Remember, now that we have a list of things to look for, we can identify them more easily. You MUST use the correct vocabulary (from the textbook) in order to earn credit.

    • FORMAL ELEMENTS: line, light and value, color, texture and pattern, shape and volume, space, time and motion, chance, improvisation and spontaneity.
    • PRINCIPLES OF COMPOSITION: balance, rhythm, proportion and scale, emphasis, unity and variety.

Failure to provide all of the information above will result in loss of credit. Do not upload a document file.

REQUIRED: provide the information in the numbered format above.


  1. Provide the information in the numbered format above.
  2. CITE sources, if you use them (it is not necessary to use another source other than your text book). Your submission will be scanned through for originality. I will use this data to inform your grade. If you do not cite, it will “appear” that plagiarism is taking place.
  3. Limit your Summary to one page. Exceeding WILL result in a grade drop.
  4. Must be submitted as a pdf file.


Written Work Rubric_60pt

Written Work Rubric_60pt

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication

17.0 to >15.0 pts

Above Average

Well organized. Creative and very clear use of language and no grammatical or technical errors. Citations provided if applicable.

15.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work had organizational issues, grammatical, or technical errors. Less attention to clarity of language.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Highly unorganized written work with many grammatical and technical errors. Confusing or erroneous language.

17.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCritical Analysis

22.0 to >20.0 pts

Above Average

Written work shows a high level of contemplation and insight. Attention to key concepts associated with the related material and use of associated vocabulary and terminology. Vocabulary and terminology are used correctly as dictated in the assignment details. Citations provided if applicable.

20.0 to >8.0 pts


Written work contains less than the required amount of insight and few references to related material with some use of related vocabulary or reference to reading materials. Misuse of some of the terminology and vocabulary associated with the assignment.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Shows little to no signs of insight or understanding. Lacks attention to key concepts and no applied use of related terminology or vocabulary.

22.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFulfills RequirementsAll requirements are outlined under the specific assignment in Canvas.

21.0 to >19.0 pts

Above Average

_Completed assignment with the required format (numbered), length, file type, and image selections from required sites or chapters. Followed all directions completely. Citations provided, if applicable.

19.0 to >8.0 pts


Followed some of the directions, but did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

8.0 to >0 pts

Below Average

Did not follow the directions at all, and did not complete the full amount of written content, and/or visual source images, including source requirements.

videogames are not harmful to children

The following articles are provided for you to use in constructing your argument for your assignment this week. You may go into the Capella library if you wish, but you are not required. Reading these articles will help you to start formulating knowledge for constructing your argument that supports your stance on the topic of violence in video games.

If you’re taking the stance that video games are not harmful to children, refer to the following resources. Read the discussion of each.

If you’re taking the stance that video games are harmful to children, refer to the following resources. Read the discussion section of each.