Explore a Music Video Network.
Goal: To assess the programming on a music video network and the impact the network has had on popular music.
Task: Review MTV (or another music video network) programming for two or three days, choose several diverse music programs to watch, and answer the following questions.
- Name of the network selected: _________________________________________
- Program 1 title: ____________________________________________________
Date: ____________Time: ___________ Program length: _________________
- Program 2 title: ____________________________________________________
Date: ____________Time: ___________ Program length: _________________
- List some other programs offered that you did not select:
- Describe Program 1 (groups performing, focus, or theme).
- What styles of popular music were included?
___ soft rock___ folk rock___ jazz rock___ art rock
___ Latin rock___ heavy metal___ punk rock ___ reggae
___ rap___ grunge rock___ new wave ___ other
- Describe one musical style you heard and its characteristics. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Describe Program 2 (groups performing, focus, or theme).
- What styles of popular music were included?
___ soft rock___ folk rock___ jazz rock___ art rock
___ Latin rock___ heavy metal___ punk rock ___ reggae
___ rap___ grunge rock___ new wave ___ other
- Describe one musical style you heard and its characteristics. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
- Do you watch MTV or other music video network often?
___ yes___ no___sometimes
12. Do you prefer ___watching a video network or ___ listening to a CD or cassette?
Explain your answer ________________________________________________
13. What effect do you think MTV and other video networks have had on the popular
music industry?
__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
1. Keep a music journal.
Goal: To become more aware of music in your environment.
Task: For four days, keep a journal in the format given below noting all the instances in which you listen to or hear music, whether by your own choosing or by accident. Consider the following in your journal: your clock-radio, car and/or home stereo, television (even as background music), work environment, class, stores, and elevators.
Day 1. Date___________
a.m. ___________________________________________________________________
p.m. ___________________________________________________________________
Day 2. Date___________
a.m. ___________________________________________________________________
p.m. ___________________________________________________________________
Day 3. Date___________
a.m. ___________________________________________________________________
p.m. ___________________________________________________________________
Day 4. Date___________
a.m. ___________________________________________________________________
p.m. ___________________________________________________________________
Were you surprised how often (or seldom) you heard music?
Were you more aware than usual of music in your environment? ____________________
Was any music distracting or annoying? ______________________________________
Comments: _____________________________________________________________
View Opera from Home
Goal: To become familiar with an opera of your choice and its characteristic traits.
Task: Visit your local video store or library, select an opera video that interests you, watch it, and discuss it below.
1. Opera title: _________________________________________________________
2. Composer: _________________________________________________________
3. When was opera written? ______________________________________________
4. In what language is it sung? ____________________________________________
5. Does the video have English subtitles? ___ yes___ no
6. Which opera company performed? ______________________________________
7. Name the leading solo performers (check credits) __________________________
8. Who are the main characters in the opera? ________________________________
9. Summarize the plot below. ____________________________________________
10. Was this ___ comic or ___serious opera?
11. Did it begin with an instrumental overture? ___ yes___ no
12. Check below the vocal styles that you heard.
___ aria___ recitative ___ solo ensemble___ chorus
13. Describe the music in your own words: __________________________________
14. Did you enjoy the opera? ___ yes___ no
15. Would you like to see another? ___ yes___ no
If yes,___ on video or ___ in live performance?
Explore PBS programming.
Goal: To become aware of the diverse music programs and live performances available on Public Broadcasting System.
Task: Find a TV station in your area that is affiliated with the Public Broadcasting System, and review the programming for a week. Select and watch one any style of music program and describe it.
- Program title: ______________________________________________________
- Station: ______________________Date/time of program: _________________
- Major performers/groups: ____________________________________________
- Title of selected works (if known): _____________________________________
- What type of music was performed?
___ classical. If yes, what eras? ________________________________________
___ popular. If yes, what styles? _______________________________________
___ traditional. If yes, what styles? _____________________________________
___non-Western. If yes, what style? ____________________________________
If dramatic music, was it a(n) ___ opera,___ ballet, ___ musical, ___other?
- List other music programs offered during the week.________________________
- Describe the performance in your own words. Try to mention some elements of musical style, and evaluate the performance. _____________________________
- Did you enjoy the program? ___ yes___ no ___ somewhat
- Would you have enjoyed it___ more___ less ___ the same if you had been at the live performance?
- Comments: ________________________________________________________
Concert Report 4:Popular Music
___ Rock Group
___ Solo Singer or Instrumentalist
___ Jazz Combo or Ensemble
Concert Setting
Date of concert: ___________________
Place of concert: ___________________________________________________________
Name of group(s) ___________________________________________________________
Did you know about the performer or group prior to this concert?
____ from recordings____ from MTV or radio
____ from a friend____ did not know
Concert Music
What was the makeup (instruments and voices) of the performance? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
How would you describe the style or genre of music performed? _______________________________
Choose a selection from the concert that you describe below.
Selection ________________________________________________________
Melody: ________________________________________________________
Meter: ________________________________________________________
Harmony: ________________________________________________________
Texture: ________________________________________________________
Tempo: ________________________________________________________
Dynamics: __________________________________________________________
Vocal style: _________________________________________________________
Instrumental Style_____________________________________________________
Mood: ________________________________________________________
Other: ________________________________________________________
What was your overall reaction to the concert?
__ enjoyed it a lot___ enjoyed it somewhat
__ did not enjoy it much ___ did not enjoy it at all
What did you like about it? __________________________________________________
What did you not like about it?_________________________________________________
Other comments: ____________________________________________________________