1000 word commentary on weeks 4 6 course materials

Week 4: Nationalist Party Relocated to Taiwan: Re-Sinification Projects

Film Screening: Beautiful Duckling 養鴨人家 (dir. Li Xin, 1965)

Tuesday, January 28: Healthy Realism and Confucian Moral Order in Free China

Reading: Yeh and Davis 25-53

Screening: Love Story Films. Cloud of Romance, Cheerful Wind, You are the Apple of My Eye (2011, dir. Ko Ching-teng, aka 九把刀 etc.)

Group Presentation (Students Form Short Film Teams)

Thursday, January 30: Kungfu Film, Court Drama, and Post-loyalist Discourse: Soft Power in the Cold War Era

Screening: Dragon Gate Inn; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

In-class Writeup#4

Reading: Rigger 59-84

Week 5: Confucian Confusions: ROC Ousted from the UN

Film Screening: Terrorizers 恐怖份子 (dir. Edward Yang, 1986)

Tuesday, February 4: Edward Yang’s Strangers in the City

Screening in class: A Bright Summer Day (1991); Yi Yi (2000)

Group Presentation

Reading: Yeh and Davis 91-131

Thursday, February 6: Hou Hsiao-hsien and the Disappearance of God (Father): The Making of Taiwan’s New Wave

Screening in Class: Sandwich Man (1982); Boys from Fengkuei (1983); Café Lumiere (2003)

In-class Writeup#5

Reading: Rigger 85-132

Week 6: Overseas Reactions to ROC’s Status of being Universally Abandoned

Film Screening: What Time is It There 你那邊幾點?(dir. Tsai Ming-iang, 1999)

Tuesday, February 11: Father as Ghost and Gay: National Spirit and Hauntology

Screening in class: The River (1997); Blue Gate Crossing (2002); Love at Last?

Reading: Yeh and Davis 217-248

Thursday, February 13: Ang Lee’s Father Knows Best Trilogy: Migrant Subjects and Identity Crises

Screening in class: Eat Drink Man Woman (1994); Pushing Hands (1991); The Wedding Banquet (1993); Hulk (2003); The Ice Strom (1997)

Reading: Economist essays on Ai and his Art Exhibit Pamphlets

In-class Writeup#

Reading: Yeh and Davis 177-216

Sunday, February 16: Commentary Due:

1000-word Commentary on Weeks 4-6 course materials uploaded to TED

Actually,the commentary is compare 3 film that choosen by teacher in each week, they are Beautiful Duckling 養鴨人家 (dir. Li Xin, 1965), Terrorizers 恐怖份子 (dir. Edward Yang, 1986) and Film Screening: What Time is It There 你那邊幾點?(dir. Tsai Ming-iang, 1999). And the Grading requirement is in the below files and also the thesis.

analyze macy s retailer company

Use the question below to write a paper.

Briefing of the company’s strategy and long-term goals?

Organization’s overall culture and structure?

This all needs to be done like a paper not bullet points, so write paragraphs. And it should be 3 pages or more.

references using APA style.

case study 2133

  • A “References” section listing all sources included. And ensure that you follow the APA style in your report.

  • Build the ultimate buyer persona for Mntrni?
  • Suggest 3 to 5 different revenue streams ideas that will work with this brand, you can use single or hybrid revenue sources and justify your reasons for each.

racial micro aggression table

Completion of the following table: Based on the article—Racial Micro-aggressions in Everyday Life (see the supplemental readings folder), please answer the following two questions:

1) briefly define racial micro-aggression and

2) give an micro-aggression example of each theme and implicit message.

– I will attach the article in the attachments

this is just an example from one of my classmates of exactly what I want to do for this assignment:-

  1. Practice ¨microaggressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color¨, to give concrete examples would be crossing the street when another race is on the side walk, not saying hello when spoke to, or automatically assuming people are bad or not worthy just by how they look.



Implicit message

1. Criminality: A person is presumed to be dangerous, criminal, or deviant

based on their race, nationality and/or sexual orientation

When renting an apartment (Mexican) being told that selling drugs will get you kicked out of the apartment, they read about Chapo.

That all Mexicans sell drugs.

2. Denial of individual prejudice: A statement made by those with social

privilege to deny that they have that privilege or any oppressive thinking

A white flight attendant telling two Asian men to move to the back of the plane when the white men who got on the plane after them, weren’t asked. When confronted why she had the diverse people to move to the back of the ¨bus¨ she said I would never do that.

The white men belonged in the front of the plane and the diverse people belonged behind them.

3. Myth of meritocracy: Statements which assert that race, class, gender, abilities or sexual orientation do not

play a role in life success

A white employer tells an applicant that the best candidate will be hired regardless of race.

People will hire people that will look like them unless they are highly recommended.

4. Religious or cultural superiority: When a person assumes that their race,

religion, or culture (broadly defined) is better than others’

When the white people of Postville changed their home church because on Saturday night service turned to a Spanish sermon

That their language or their pastor is better because he is speaking English.

5. Environmental microaggressions: Ways in which larger systems beyond the individual realm (such as institutional policies and practices) work to maintain systems of privilege and oppression

Students in urban, poor ethnically poor neighborhoods have less school supplies and materials compared to students in white suburban schools

Education is only for wealthy

music reports

Explore a Music Video Network.

Goal: To assess the programming on a music video network and the impact the network has had on popular music.

Task: Review MTV (or another music video network) programming for two or three days, choose several diverse music programs to watch, and answer the following questions.

  1. Name of the network selected: _________________________________________
  2. Program 1 title: ____________________________________________________
    Date: ____________Time: ___________ Program length: _________________
  3. Program 2 title: ____________________________________________________
    Date: ____________Time: ___________ Program length: _________________
  4. List some other programs offered that you did not select:
  5. Describe Program 1 (groups performing, focus, or theme).
  6. What styles of popular music were included?
    ___ soft rock___ folk rock___ jazz rock___ art rock
    ___ Latin rock___ heavy metal___ punk rock ___ reggae
    ___ rap___ grunge rock___ new wave ___ other
  7. Describe one musical style you heard and its characteristics. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  8. Describe Program 2 (groups performing, focus, or theme).
  9. What styles of popular music were included?
    ___ soft rock___ folk rock___ jazz rock___ art rock
    ___ Latin rock___ heavy metal___ punk rock ___ reggae
    ___ rap___ grunge rock___ new wave ___ other
  10. Describe one musical style you heard and its characteristics. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Do you watch MTV or other music video network often?
    ___ yes___ no___sometimes

12. Do you prefer ___watching a video network or ___ listening to a CD or cassette?
Explain your answer ________________________________________________
13. What effect do you think MTV and other video networks have had on the popular
music industry?

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

1. Keep a music journal.

Goal: To become more aware of music in your environment.

Task: For four days, keep a journal in the format given below noting all the instances in which you listen to or hear music, whether by your own choosing or by accident. Consider the following in your journal: your clock-radio, car and/or home stereo, television (even as background music), work environment, class, stores, and elevators.

Day 1. Date___________

a.m. ___________________________________________________________________




p.m. ___________________________________________________________________




Day 2. Date___________

a.m. ___________________________________________________________________




p.m. ___________________________________________________________________




Day 3. Date___________

a.m. ___________________________________________________________________




p.m. ___________________________________________________________________




Day 4. Date___________

a.m. ___________________________________________________________________




p.m. ___________________________________________________________________




Were you surprised how often (or seldom) you heard music?


Were you more aware than usual of music in your environment? ____________________

Was any music distracting or annoying? ______________________________________

Comments: _____________________________________________________________




View Opera from Home

Goal: To become familiar with an opera of your choice and its characteristic traits.

Task: Visit your local video store or library, select an opera video that interests you, watch it, and discuss it below.

1. Opera title: _________________________________________________________

2. Composer: _________________________________________________________

3. When was opera written? ______________________________________________

4. In what language is it sung? ____________________________________________

5. Does the video have English subtitles? ___ yes___ no

6. Which opera company performed? ______________________________________

7. Name the leading solo performers (check credits) __________________________


8. Who are the main characters in the opera? ________________________________

9. Summarize the plot below. ____________________________________________

10. Was this ___ comic or ___serious opera?

11. Did it begin with an instrumental overture? ___ yes___ no

12. Check below the vocal styles that you heard.
___ aria___ recitative ___ solo ensemble___ chorus

13. Describe the music in your own words: __________________________________



14. Did you enjoy the opera? ___ yes___ no

15. Would you like to see another? ___ yes___ no

If yes,___ on video or ___ in live performance?

  • Comments:


Explore PBS programming.

Goal: To become aware of the diverse music programs and live performances available on Public Broadcasting System.

Task: Find a TV station in your area that is affiliated with the Public Broadcasting System, and review the programming for a week. Select and watch one any style of music program and describe it.

  • Program title: ______________________________________________________
  • Station: ______________________Date/time of program: _________________
  • Major performers/groups: ____________________________________________
  • Title of selected works (if known): _____________________________________
  • What type of music was performed?
    ___ classical. If yes, what eras? ________________________________________
    ___ popular. If yes, what styles? _______________________________________
    ___ traditional. If yes, what styles? _____________________________________
    ___non-Western. If yes, what style? ____________________________________
    If dramatic music, was it a(n) ___ opera,___ ballet, ___ musical, ___other?
  • List other music programs offered during the week.________________________
  • Describe the performance in your own words. Try to mention some elements of musical style, and evaluate the performance. _____________________________
  • Did you enjoy the program? ___ yes___ no ___ somewhat
  • Would you have enjoyed it___ more___ less ___ the same if you had been at the live performance?
  • Comments: ________________________________________________________

Concert Report 4:Popular Music

___ Rock Group

___ Solo Singer or Instrumentalist

___ Jazz Combo or Ensemble

Concert Setting

Date of concert: ___________________

Place of concert: ___________________________________________________________

Name of group(s) ___________________________________________________________


Did you know about the performer or group prior to this concert?
____ from recordings____ from MTV or radio

____ from a friend____ did not know

Concert Music

What was the makeup (instruments and voices) of the performance? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________

How would you describe the style or genre of music performed? _______________________________


Choose a selection from the concert that you describe below.

Selection ________________________________________________________

Melody: ________________________________________________________


Meter: ________________________________________________________

Harmony: ________________________________________________________


Texture: ________________________________________________________


Tempo: ________________________________________________________


Dynamics: __________________________________________________________


Vocal style: _________________________________________________________


Instrumental Style_____________________________________________________


Mood: ________________________________________________________

Other: ________________________________________________________

What was your overall reaction to the concert?

__ enjoyed it a lot___ enjoyed it somewhat
__ did not enjoy it much ___ did not enjoy it at all

What did you like about it? __________________________________________________


What did you not like about it?_________________________________________________

Other comments: ____________________________________________________________


how does facebook s platform and corporate ideology reflect or relate to the rent seeking practices that stieglitz outlines

You should be comfortable with these terms and ideas before writing your paper:

– Wealth transfer

– Rent seeking practices, including rent, monopolies, natural resource sales, and


– The government’s role in propagating rent-seeking behavior

– Facebook’s influence over society.?

The rough draft of this paper is due Thursday, February 13th. Please bring in 3 copies of your rough draft and submit it on Canvas.

The final draft of this paper is due Thursday, February 20th – Please bring in two copies to class and submit the final draft on Canvas.

300 word response to history questions

Please review all of the work before placing a bid. I’ve included all the things you need to complete this assignment.

questions- 1) In your own words, provide an overview of what was occurring in the U.S. during the Gold Rush, Civil War, and after the Civil War.

2) Describe how at least one historical event we learned this week connects to our new key term “Manifest Destiny.”

3) What is the historical significance of Sand Creek Massacre, according to the Smithsonian article? How exactly will it be “forgotten no more”?

4) According to this week’s lecture, what was the US military’s reason for killing the plains buffalo? Next, please analyze Bob Marley’s song, “Buffalo Soldier” through our particular historical lens. Keep in mind that this song analysis is open to your own interpretation, so please be thorough but feel free to get creative!

5) It is important to note that this time period was also marked by much indigenous resistance to Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion. So let’s wrap up this week’s materials by independently researching one of the following indigenous resisters/leaders from this era: Cochise, Black Kettle, Geronimo, Crazy Horse, or Sitting Bull (or if you come across any others from this time period, you are welcome to research him/her instead!) Please explain who you chose to research, how s/he connects to this week’s material, and why s/he is important to learn about. Don’t forget to include a link to the article/video you used to find information.

Sand creek massacre article- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/horrific-sa…

19 slide powerpoint is attached

link to required song-

week 8 assignments 2

Please click on the link above to submit this week’s assignment.

Answer the following questions using the information provided.

Question 1: We have received a set of comments over time on the web. Check if we have improved? Please note that there are no pre- and post-intervention periods and therefore control limits must be calculated from the entire period. You can find the data here

  • You can find the solution here .

Question 2: The following data show the speed with which Alabama Medical Center’s Emergency Room provides a patient who has fractured long bone with pain medication. Examine if the organization has been able to reduce the response time to less than 73 minutes? You can find the data here

Measure Start Date

Measure End Date

Minutes to Pain Medication






































Question 3: In Hospital Administration Programs, time to adverse events is typically taught in courses on quality. It also may be referred to in courses on strategy, if the hospital is focused on competing based on quality. Hospital Compare reports the measure OP_21. The Score field provides time (in minutes) from emergency department arrival to initial oral, intranasal or parenteral pain medication administration for the patients with a diagnosis of a long bone fracture. The field Sample provides the number of patients used to calculate the time to pain medication. In this assignment, we ask you to track the performance of “Inova Fairfax Medical Center” over two years. Focus on the Score variable.

Download Hospital Compare data; these years include data from 2013 to 2015. Merge the file ” HQI_HOSP_TimelyEffectiveCare” across all the databases that you have downloaded. Select measure ID: “OP_21”. Construct a control chart showing time between pain medications. The data are reported for a range of time; assume that the data are reported for the midpoint of the range. Download data using the following files, additionally include other data (directly from Hospital Compare) for files after 2016:



Construct both a Tukey and a time-between control chart for the data. For the time-between control chart assume that data points above median exceed and observations below median are less than the national average.

  • You can find the solution here .

Question 4: Analyze the following data using Tukey and Time-In-Between (more than 30 minutes of exercise considered a successful day) charts. Produce 3 charts and discuss if the findings from the 3 charts are similar. To decide if the exercise time has changed, rely on the control chart with the smallest difference between upper and control limit. Download the data here

  • You can find the solution here .


In order to complete this assignment you must submit an Excel file with each question answered in a separate sheet. Copy both the question prompts and your answers to the file. All calculations should be done by formulas and not as fixed values.

ist three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree the public perception of the nursing profession and evidence based practice describe two things you will do to ensure academic in

list three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.

media lesson plan

Choose ONE of the following 2 options:

1. Review a Lesson

Explore the websites: (Links to an external site.)

Common Sense Media (Links to an external site.)

Teaching Tolerance (Links to an external site.)

Choose a lesson to review. You will perform any tasks the lesson requires (completing a project, answering discussion questions, etc.) and then write a 1 page, single spaced, reflection.

  • Briefly describe the lesson (1/2 page), include a link to it
  • What is your opinion of the lesson? Connect to lecture. (1/2 page)
  • Attach any completed projects or answered discussion questions (if applicable).

2. Create a Lesson

Design a lesson plan for a K-12 grade of your choice using the EDUC 104E Media Lesson Plan Template (Links to an external site.)provided. Please put your responses in italics, boldface, or a color other than black. The lesson plan must accomplish two goals:

  1. Help students develop cultural awareness and/or media literacy
  2. Choose a standard within one of the following artistic processes of the National Core Arts Standards for Media Arts (Links to an external site.):

CREATING (Links to an external site.)

PRODUCING (Links to an external site.)

RESPONDING (Links to an external site.)