autobiography 11

Answering the questions in these two pages for a student who is in grade 5

important info you will need

1- he has one younger brother

2-he likes soccer game

need help with a group project due 2 22 20 please read the requirement

DUE 2/22/20

Chapter 5: Kimball’s Restaurant: Answer the questions and follow the steps below.

Advice #1, #2, #3 Pg.176: 250 words each

Perspective: #1, #2, #3 Pg.176:
250 words each

  1. Must show that you understand the issues presented at the beginning of each chapter. “I” should be able to read your report and understand what issues Kimball’s is facing. This will include You are not to copy and paste from the book. You can summarize the information.
  2. Must address the questions in the “Kimball’s Revisited” and “New Perspectives” section that are located at the end of each chapter. I do not want to hunt for your recommendations or answers to questions. They should be well organized and clearly marked with section headings.
  3. I want charts and/or visuals when appropriate. Examples:
    1. There should be an organizational chart for chapter 1. I will want to see who the people are in the organization and what role they play. (You will most likely have multiple organizational charts as things change in the company).
    2. A table or embedded excel worksheet
    3. A picture or specs of hardware, software (you can definitely copy and paste those types of items from Internet)
    4. Links to additional information.
  4. Formatting should be uniform throughout the document.
  5. It MUST look professional. Something that you would show your employer or client.

javafx programming

Homework Assignment

Without using the Scene Builder, implement an application using JavaFX that stacks the cannon balls.The cannon balls are name-colored.The requirements for this assignment are listed below:

  • The cannon balls are to be painted with one of these colors:
    • AQUA
    • BLACK
    • BLUE
    • CORAL
    • GREEN
    • GREY
    • RED
    • WHITE
    • YELLOW
  • The cannon balls are drawn with the black solid-line strokes with the width specified by the user.
  • The application will have a menu bar on top with two menus, File and Setup.
  • The File menu has the only one menu item, Exit.When selected, the Exit menu item will terminate the application.
  • The Setup menu has two menu items:
    • Configure Pyramid… – When selected, this menu item will display the below dialog.The user can specify the name of the pyramid, the height of the pyramid, and the stacking order (LeftJustified, Center, RightJustified) of the cannon balls.The default values are:
      • Name: MyPyramid
      • Height: 5
      • Order: LeftJustified
    • Configure Cannon Balls… – When selected, this menu item will display the below dialog.The user will be able to specify the radius in pixels to draw each cannon ball, the color of the cannon balls, and the stroke width in pixels to draw a back solid-line around each cannon balls.The default values are:
      • Radius:50
      • Stroke Width:1
      • Color:BLUE
  • The settings for the pyramid and cannon balls must be defined separately.In other words, there must be separate classes defined for the pyramid settings and cannon ball settings.
  • The cannon balls are drawn in the drawing panel.They are stacked on each other based on the specified stacking order.
  • The drawing panel is scrollable.The horizontal and vertical scroll bars will appear as needed.
  • The drawing panel has borders.
  • There is the status message/bar which displays the pyramid height and the stacking order.
  • Sample screen shots are included below.

c code corrections cs 260

Hello, I need help correcting assignments I already completed that have syntax errors causing my program not to run, I would greatly appreciate comments on the FIXME parts as well. I need help completing the module 6 FIXME portions as I have not completed those. I also need screenshots once the code works for each module.The majority of the code is written already and the assignment is to add the parts that need to be fixed per the rubric and comment. I have all my files and a virtual lab to use eclipse in if you’d rather use that one. I can supply my login information for the file downloads, located in the “programming activity” it’s the link called “lab files”. When you click on the assignment it shows my submission so you can download it. The modules with the assignments are modules 3 through 6, 3 to 5 need syntax corrections and comments on my own submissions and 6 I need help with completely.

african american literature 2

In an essay of 1200 or more words (4-5 pages) consider one of the following essay prompts. Include a Works Cited page for all outside sources (besides the textbook).

Option 1

Explore one genre of African American literature. Define the boundaries of the genre (i.e. what makes a spiritual into a spiritual or what makes folk tale). Discuss how the genre has evolved and possibly changed, how it may have been used originally and how it may be used now.

Discuss two to three examples of the genre and how they fit it or how they push the boundaries.

Even though we are not reading the hip hop section at the moment, you could read that section and discuss hip hop (including rap) as a vernacular genre of African American literature.

You may use Gates’ introductions and descriptions he provides. You may also do outside research if you would like to discuss examples that are not included in the book. If you do include outside sources, include a Works Cited page including those sources.

Include quotes from your examples and explain how they illustrate the genre and/or challenge it.

Option 2

Focus on the slave spirituals and their history. Explore both their religious, cultural, social meanings as well as the various documented “double meanings.”

Discuss two to three examples. If you decide to discuss “Follow the Gourd,” make sure to include the argument that this history has been either exaggerated or fabricated. I recommend searching JSTOR (a journal database available through the UA library) as it has articles on this topic.

How are spirituals used now? Who sings them and why? What is their current and continued cultural relevance for African American literature and culture as well American culture as a whole?

You may consider their contentions to contemporary religious expressions.

You may also do outside research if you would like to discuss examples that are not included in the book. If you do include outside sources, include a Works Cited page including those sources.

Due date: See Syllabus and Course Calendar

Remember you have the Think Tank to help with essay writing, as well as several writing files under our Content section.

Remember the Standard Organization of Formal/Academic Papers:

Name, Date, Assignment: left justified at the very top of the first page

Page Numbers: last name and page number, top right corner (open the header)

Provide a Title: at the top of the first page, one line above the introduction.

Introduction: with a thesis statement that announces your topic and sets out the points

you will support with your Illustrations and Explanations.

Body Paragraphs (4 to 6 at least): Each with a Topic Sentence that links back to the

the Thesis Statement.

Conclusion: The purpose of a conclusion is to remind the readers of your main idea. Do not just restate your thesis. Remind readers of the significance of this song.

Works Cited Page: include citations for your sources

sidebar feature story

Sidebar Feature Story

Prepare a “sidebar” story of about 150-200 words to serve as a complement to one of your feature stories (lead or interview).

Include in your feature story the following:

  • Headline
  • Copy

At the top or bottom of the page, indicate how this will be “connected” to your feature.

how to answer 16 calculus questions

how to answer 16 calculus questions

Show all work

Will include solving the quadratic equation and more…

at uc it is a priority that students are provided with strong education programs and courses that allow them to be servant leaders in their disciplines and communities linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision making

AT UC, it is a priority that students are provided with strong education programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double-spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not current working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

answer the following 369

Research at least two articles on the topic of managerial issues of a networked organization. Write a brief synthesis and summary of the two articles. How are the topics of the two articles related? What information was relevant and why

APA format, 800 words and references needed

please see question below 3

Gathering Resources and Creating a Thesis:

A thesis is like a hypothesis, it helps you to get started and focus, but can be changed as research continues. For this assignment you may choose ANY topic. It is RECOMMENDED you choose a topic related to your Visitation report to save time and work down the line.

  • Part 1: Read attached document. Complete questions on last page. Consider these ideas. What is your essay about? Come up with a few ideas, key terms, or names. Choose a topic, turn topic into a theme and then a thesis.
  • Part 2: Look for resources related to your topic. Look online on library websites for sources, record the information, and turn in a list of 10 sources in the proper Chicago Bibliography Citation Style. There are attachments for help with Chicago Citation.