ece 101 week 1 discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 9 of your textbook and review the interactive timeline Early Childhood Education 101 Timeline (Links to an external site.). From the 1600s to today, the education of young children in the United States has changed dramatically and has been influenced by social, economic, and political events and trends. To develop a better understanding of these events, view the Early Childhood Education 101 Timeline (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)

  • Choose at least two events from the timeline that you feel have had the greatest impact on early childhood education: the Kindergarten Movement, Founding of the National Association for the Education of Young (NAEYC), Sputnik, and so forth.
  • Briefly summarize each event in your own words.
  • Explain how you think each event will impact your work in early childhood education.
  • Support your summary and explanation with a reference to the textbook. Include this reference in your post.

answer questions from article in subject spreadsheet decision modeling

all information needed inside the file

– it should be free plagiarism

– it need 1000 words

– it must be on APA style

course reflection 19

In a one- to two-page journal entry, reflect on your experience in ECE347 by answering the following questions:

  • Which components of the course have influenced your thinking the most in regards to creating an effective childcare setting in which all children can thrive and why?
  • What impact do you feel your newly acquired knowledge will have on you as an educator or caregiver?
  • Identify one course component throughout the past five weeks that had the most profound impact on your thinking (either positively or negatively) and describe why.
  • In your own words, explain what it means to you as a teacher or caregiver to respect diverse groups and cultures.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

find an article pertaining to diverse groups and ipv intimate partner violence discuss by completing the 2 questions

For this week’s Participation/Learning Activity, please find a recent news clip or article (2017 – 2020) pertaining to diverse groups and IPV regarding a court case and/or policy/advocacy activities. Pick an area that you’re not associated with or in the group.

Identify the cultural competency issues that might affect this case and how does culture affect the victim and the case in this scenario? What can the professionals handling this case due to insure cultural competency? Attach the article to the assignment.

Diversity groups discussed in Chapter 13:Socially economic disadvantaged women, older battered women, rural communities, persons with disabilities, Immigrant communities, Asian Americans/Native Pacific Islanders, African American women, Hispanics, Native American, Same Gender-oriented Partners, Sex Trafficking, Military

corporate profile target company

Company: Target in the USA

APA Style, 12 font size, Times New Roman

Length (4 Pages)

Corporate Profile Module I:

Use the outline below as a guide. You are to include three independent sources (not including the textbook or corporation web site) in this section.

  1. Introduce your company. What does it do? How did it get started? How does it add value? Who are the customers it competes for? What risks confront the company? What type of business is it—goods-producing or service? What industry does it operate in? What is it known for?Write an opening paragraph that engages your reader from the outset!
  2. State its mission, vision, and values. Define these terms using the definition from Bovee and Thill (textbook).

The mission: Most companies state their mission on their website. Use your company’s own words in your paper.

The vision: You may have difficulty finding a statement of your company’s vision; if you can’t find it, you should state the vision in your own words based on what you have read about the company’s philosophy and values.

Values: You should find your company’s values on its website.

3. Analyze your company’s mission statement. Does it match the book’s definition of a good mission statement? Why or why not? Is it just “vague happy talk” or does it really say why the company exists?

Overall: Your paper should be a combination of material from the company itself (website is one source), other business references (Business Week, the Wall Street Journal, Business Source Premier, Fortune Magazine, Forbes, Hoovers, Google Finance, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, etc.), the textbook, and your own interpretation of the topic.

describing an experience as a student

Write a Reflective Narrative Essay about an experience in school that made you feel more or less confident as a student. Below I have also provided a picture of all directions necessary to complete the assignment. The purpose is to show how the actions of others can affect individuals positively or negatively.

Please write 3-4 pages, double-spaced

smart goals activity 1

You will need to restate 5 poorly worded goals as SMART goals.

Guidelines for writing SMART goals:


Goals should be stated in specific rather than vague terms.


Whenever possible, goals should be measurable, or quantifiable.


Goals should be challenging but realistic and attainable.

Results Oriented

Only a few goals should be chosen; they should be results oriented; and they should support the organization’s vision.

Target Dates

Goals should specify the target dates or deadline dates for when they are to be attained.

Instructions: Restate each of the five goals below as a SMART goal. Your goals should each clearly demonstrate the characteristics of a SMART goal as described in the reading and in the text box above.

  1. To improve my grades in school.
  2. To improve my leadership skills.
  3. To improve my physical fitness.
  4. To improve my performance at work.
  5. To save money

program evaluation 15

Build a Logic Model of Zamberia’s Primary Care System.


comment on two of the cases below separately i will send you two other posts where you have to comment on their posts in 5 10 lines

Case 1: The Smoking Employee
Diana wanted to stop smoking, but smoking seemed to provide the only release from her hectic life. She worked in a building were smoking was not permitted, so she could only smoke outside on her breaks. Most of her fellow smokers would stand around the back door to smoke, but Diana liked to sit in her car and listen to music while smoking on her 15-minute breaks.

One day, as she had done many times before, Diana was sitting in her car smoking on a break. This time, however, the owner of the business looked out the window and saw Diana smoking in her car. For some crazy reason, the employer thought Diana was smoking marijuana — although there was no basis for this conclusion. He fired her the moment she returned from her break.

What are Diana’s rights? Is this legal at present? Is this fair in your opinion? Are there Constitutional issues here? Is it a breach of an employment contract?

Case: Social Media

George’s, Fred’s, and Sue’s employer was a chain pizza parlor located in a shopping mall near their university, the State University of New York at Albany.

The local manager decided that rumors of sexual harassment of customers were so concerning that each employee would be required to disclose their user name and password for all social media accounts. George, Fred and Sue all did this.

On looking into their posts, the manager found nothing in any social media accounts indicating sexual harassment was a concern. However, George had shared several jokes that were clearly racist. Fred had told friends the pizza was over-priced at the restaurant and the manager was a “jerk.” Sue was trying to get a better paid job at a local competitor.

The manager fired all three employees. Was that fair in your opinion? Was that legal? If one of the three had refused to share their social media information could they have been legally fired? If your answer to any of these questions differs for the three employees, please explain why.

editorial analysis 2

For this assignment, you will be asked to:

  • Find an editorial to discuss. You can locate them through a Web search or in a newspaper to which you subscribe.
  • As you read, take notes that identify the following:
    • Tone
    • Purpose
    • Facts
    • Opinions
    • Reasons and claims (noting where they don’t quite add up)
    • Your reaction to the quality of the information source and the sources cited (if any)
  • Select three paragraphs from the text to annotate. Then copy the paragraphs and paste them on the assignment submission screen. Add your comments in [brackets] to distinguish your ideas from the original source. Your annotations should focus on the list of qualities mentioned above (purpose, opinions, etc.).
  • After you annotate your paragraphs, write an additional two paragraphs of reflection.
    • Share your own reaction to the text and identify any biases or personal experiences that might have impacted your reading of the text.
    • Focus on your conclusions as a reader. When all was said and done, did you agree or disagree with the article? Why or why not? What did you see as strong elements? How might this piece be improved?