supply chain management barilla spa case questions

Answer each question one by one, don’t need to form into a paper, no specific format requirement

Read “Barilla SpA” and prepare the answers to the questions below in the form of a type-written report (no longer than 6 pages of text, not including tables and figures).


  1. Diagnose the underlying causes of the difficulties that the JITD program was created to solve. What are the benefits and drawbacks of the program?
  2. What conflicts or barriers internal to Barilla does the JITD program create? What causes these conflicts? As Giorgio Maggiali, how would you deal with these?
  3. As one of Barilla’s customers, what would your response to JITD be? Why?
  4. In the environment in which Barilla operated in 1990, do you believe JITD (or a similar kind ofprogram) would be feasible? Effective? If so, which customers would you target next? How would you convince them that the JITD program was worth trying? If not, what alternatives would you suggest to combat some of the difficulties that Barilla’s operating system faces?

healthcare of 2030

Envision what the health care system of 2030 might look like? Describe at least two technological advancements that would be available to patients. How would technology help providers make health care decisions? How would patients and families interact with providers from their homes or in their communities? What would health care systems be able to do “in real time?”

usa history 5

US History Since 1877 Section 26 Spring Semester 2020 CO

Analytical Questions for Writing #3: Video, “Shell Shock, 1914-1919”

After watching the video linked on D2L answer the “analysis” portion of this writing assignment by answering the questions below:

  1. Explain two causes of the World War I
  2. Comment on the concept of total war. How was World War I different from earlier wars? How important was the home front?

Writing Assignment #3

External Resource

The Century: America’s Time, “Shell Shocked, 1914-1919”. that the video

pavement sustainability 3 problems 3

Problem No. 1

Conduct a brief literature review (at least 10 references) and highlight the performance-related benefits and concerns associated with asphalt mixes containing RAP(Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement). Also, cite references and information related to sustainability-related benefits of incorporating RAP in asphalt mixes. Please make sure to provide a brief report about your literature review. Please follow a scientific paper format for this purpose.

Problem No. 2

Conduct a brief literature review (at least 10 references) and highlight the performance-related benefits and concerns associated with WMA mixes produced using different technologies. Also, cite references and information related to sustainability- related benefits of using WMA (Warm Mix Asphalt) in asphalt pavements. Please make sure to provide a brief report about your literature review. Please follow a scientific paper format for this purpose.

Problem No. 3

a) Which specifications allow the highest amount of RAP and which don’t allow any RAP?

Note: USA States specifications.

b) What technical considerations do you think should be applied before RAP can be allowed in the technical specifications?

c) What are the technical limitations for using RAP in different locations?

d) Do you think the high and low temperatures in summer and winter can play a role in allowing RAP in pavements? How?

Discuss your answers for all items.

e) Answer the items (a) to (d) separately for RAS (Reclaimed Asphalt Shingles) as well.

I attached some references that may help to answer Problem 3

Here is website for the books:…

how does facebook s platform and corporate ideology reflect or relate to the rent seeking practices that stieglitz outlines 1

Readings: “Mark Zuckerberg’s War on Free Will,” by Franklin Foer

“Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society,” by Joseph Stiglitz

In paper one we analyzed the effects of pervasive mechanical thinking on users. Stieglitz talks

about market ideology – particularly rent seeking behavior – controlling too much of american

life, arguing, “One of the ways that those at the top make money is by taking advantage of their

market and political power to favor themselves, to increase their own income, at the expense of the rest.” In Foer’s piece, he presents Facebook as a morally unaccountable corporation, with a potentially disastrous corporate ideology, but doesn’t necessarily invoke their profit-drive.

Answer the following questions drawing from both texts with quotation and summary:

Q: How does Facebook’s platform and corporate ideology reflect or relate to the “rent-

seeking” practices that Stieglitz outlines?

You should be comfortable with these terms and ideas before writing your paper:

– Wealth transfer

– Rent seeking practices, including rent, monopolies, natural resource sales, and


– The government’s role in propagating rent-seeking behavior

– Facebook’s influence over society.?

4 pages needed. Double spaced

edmg220 week 7 esf assignment

Assignment Instructions

Assignment 7 Instructions: ESF-13

After reading Chapters 2 and 3 of the Comprehensive Preparedness Guide, write an ESF13 “Public Safety & Security” coordination annex on how Bobsville will coordinate with Federal Agencies in the case of a large scale disaster.

Here are some supplemental materials on the Emergency Support Functions.

FEMA – ESF and Support Annexes Overview

FEMA – ESF Support Function Annexes Introduction

Write a minimum of 2 pages on the function and its contents. You may reference CPG101 Appendix C and other agencies documents as reference but you must write your Annex for Bobsville specifically. You will use this document in future classes and execute this plan so help yourself by being thorough.

Please create your response in a Microsoft word document, and upload as an attachment for submission. Pages are to be double-spaced utilizing Verdana 12 point font text. The page requirements are exclusive of your reference list and cover page.

constitutional and legal underpinnings of business law 1

Review the Constitution in Appendix A and choose one of the following sections of the U.S. Constitution or a specified amendment to use as the basis for your initial response:

  • Any of Congress’s enumerated powers under Article I, Section 8
  • 1st Amendment
  • 4th Amendment
  • 5th Amendment
  • 14th Amendment

Identify the section of the Constitution or its amendment that you have chosen. Discuss how this section of the Constitution or its amendments both limit and protect business in general. Describe an example of how the section of the Constitution or its amendment that you have chosen could be applied to your professional life (past, present, or future). In your example, discuss whether the section of the Constitution you have chosen to address limits business or protects it.

question doctorofsciencedpenser

please ans both questions

please dont use too much attributes

Thank you! . .

read the practitioner forum attached bellow and answer the questions and also cite the book in apa format

For your discussion this week, you will read the Chapter 10 Practitioner Forum on page 329 about Brian Welle and Google’s PiLab practices and complete the following questions as your initial post. Your response should include discussion and application (with proper paraphrasing and citations) of relevant material and concepts from the assigned readings in support of your analysis.

  1. Based on the assigned readings, why does Google use different research methods to gauge employee attitudes versus behaviors?
  2. Based on the assigned readings, what are some ways in which an organization might benefit from taking the time to assess employee attitudes and perspectives?
  3. Based on what you’ve read about the JDS in Chapter 10, how does the Googlegeist sound similar? How might it differ?

case study assignment 58

Report Structure:

  1. Title page: please use the table above.
  2. Case Study number: please refer to the case study number and write the question before each answer, answers should be based on your understanding (NO COPY/PASTE)
  3. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Therefore, report must be written in your own words or references must be used where necessary. Or marks will be deducted based on the plagiarism percentage.
  4. References in Harvard style format. For example:
    Books: Wit, J. S., Poneman, D. B. & Gallucci, R. L. 2004. Going critical : the first North Korean nuclear crisis. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution Press
    Website: Dawson, J., Deubert, K., Grey-Smith, S. & Smith, L. 2002. ‘S’ Trek 6: Referencing, not plagiarism. [Online]. Available: [4 September 2004] .

Or use this website to help you citation

Formatting details:

  1. Font sizes:
    1. Main Headings: 14, Bold (Case Study name/number)
    2. Sub-Headings: 12, Bold (Question)
    3. Normal text: 12 (Answer)
  2. Line spacing: 1.5