i need proper writing grammarly correct and proper references 20 pages with references and intro page details below

Upload a 20-page paper (including cover page and sources) in APA style to Canvas. Be sure to list the individual and the organization they represent. Cite at least five of the readings from the textbook and course. You can use someone or just your imagination.

Paper Assignment: Interview a senior leader of either a public, nonprofit, or community organization and ask them to identify at least one ethical issue they know about or have witnessed in an organization. Specifically, ask them to (1) describe the ethical issue, (2) their thinking or approach to the issue they described, (3) in that situation what did they themselves do, or what did they observe was done about the ethical issue they described (4) what would they as a leader recommend for the creation of an ethical climate in their or in any organization they described (“best practices”).

Your paper should include the following sections: a) a brief introduction to the purpose of ethical guidelines; b) a discussion of the basic ethical theories; c) a discussion of models of decision making (from the readings and interview); d) recommendations for best practices (from the readings and interview) and e) a paragraph about what you have learned about ethical styles and how you think about the professional you interviewed AND yours? Finally, f) In what ways has your perspective concerning ethics changed since you began this course?

Include at least 2 additional, relevant journal articles to cite in this paper (not read in the course materials).

protecting sensitive data

Chose two of these and write 200 words for each one.

Basic database terminology and concepts
•Security requirements for databases
•Implementing access controls in databases
•Protecting sensitive data
•Data mining and big data

rhetorical analysis of scientific texts

Part of understanding science is understanding how those participating in scientific work choose to make arguments regarding phenomena. Take for example the discovery of the electron. Before JJ Thomson confirmed the existence of this subatomic particle in 1897, scientists considered all sorts of explanations for cathode rays. Most prominent at the time was the proposed existence of a new type of electromagnetic radiation, the aether wave. Although we now accept the existence of the electron and many other subatomic particles, at some point in time there was controversy surrounding its acceptance.

For this assignment, I want you to identify a scientific article and analyze the various arguments presented within. Often, focusing on a scientific controversy provides a fun and interesting topic for this analysis, but you don’t have to choose an article associated with a controversy. Examples of controversies include: the cathode ray, cause for dinosaur extinction, steady-state vs big bang theory for the origin of the universe, expanding earth vs plate tectonic model, etc. What’s most important here is that you analyze how the author of the text you select portrays science.

Let the following questions guide your analysis:

  1. What is the article about? Who is it intended for?
  2. How does the author portray science? Is it blackboxed and therefore only focuses on the conclusions? Why does the author need to frame science as they have?
  3. What rhetorical practices are at play throughout the article? What function do they serve?
  4. Do these rhetorical practices work? Why or why not? (Use the audience and context of the article as foundations for building your argument)

Assignment details:

  • 5-6 pages single space (approx. 2,500 words)
  • Includes references (doesn’t contribute to page count)
  • Submitted as a .docx or .pdf file

psy 302 industrial organizational psychology

Week 2 – Discussion Forum

To complete this discussion:

Complete the following reading and videos prior to participating in the forum:

In addition, review the weekly Instructor Guidance and any supporting information in the announcements.

Bias and emotionally charged communications occur in social platforms daily and these types of information are often accepted as “truth” by the readers. In addition, often these are based on elements of diversity awareness that are neglected (i.e. cultural, experiences, religious, political, etc.) by the person or organization presenting the information. At times this is accidental, but at other times, purposeful.

Also, businesses and leaders are beginning to peruse social sites more frequently, so it is important that you apply developed understanding of how neglectful awareness can lead to stereotyping and bias in public social forums and internet sites. The following discussion introduces the potential for the biases that may neglect, or promote, the importance for diversity within organizations (or even directly at individuals), as communicated through social platforms that often promote information through the use of increased emotional triggers and dialogue.

To complete this discussion, address the following bulleted items:

  • Explore one or more social networking sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn). If you are not familiar with social networking, you may also google a company’s name and use any news or social site found in the results of your search.
  • Search for a popular leader of an organization, an entertainer, or a political figure.
  • Discuss what you read about this person, or what the person shared on their site or in a social media post.
  • Analyze and discuss how the information is presented. What diversity variables (e.g., cultural, political, gender, ethnic, beliefs, or economic) may be suggested in the article, or post.
    • Does the presentation of the information suggest bias about a person, an event, a group, etc.?
  • Based on our content, what strategies could you personally apply in social networking sites to prevent self-bias and stereotyping of others, even unintentionally?

ideas to produce new technologies and or applications in the marketplace

Fundamentally speaking, ideation is the process of coming up with ideas to produce new technologies and/or applications in the marketplace. Describe the objective, advantages and disadvantages of the ideation process as well as the benefits of using a structured ideation process for technology innovation. As part of your post explain when it should and should not be used. your posting should include three or more resources, which must be referenced using APA style.

speed or accuracy which do you think is more important when keyboarding

Speed or Accuracy…which do you think is more important when keyboarding? Which is harder for you to achieve? Are you a speed demon on the keys but make a lot of mistakes, or are you more slow and deliberate? If you are working in an office, which would be the better style to have? Get the job done quickly or get it done right? Interesting quagmire, huh? Share your thoughts here.

When answering the questions above, remember that there are no “right” or “wrong” answers. Give us some examples of when SPEED would be more important than ACCURACY. Is it ever? Do you want something to leave your desk/office that is not accurate? When would this be appropriate? Ever?

Your answers for this Discussion topic should be well thought out. Type your answer giving all areas some deep thought. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation DO count, so proof carefully before submitting. Your post must be at least 100 words.

analyze the role of ethics and values in conducting anthropological research abroad beyond one s own society 1

Textbook:Mirror for Humanity:A Concise Introduction to Cultural Anthropology11th Edition, 2018Conrad Phillip KottakMcGraw Hill

Each unit examination includes a written component. The writing assignments give students the opportunity to demonstrate a level of subject mastery beyond the objective unit examinations, which reflects his/her ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply his/her knowledge. Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are 350-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.

Citation StylesThe majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. However, students may also use outside materials if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:•Sources are listed in two places.•The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. Thisincludes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.•The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.•All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material

popular music reading response

(650-1000 words)

In Media/Society: Technology, Industries, Content, and Users, David R. Croteau and William Hoynes (2019, p. 13) define agency as follows, adding an example from education:

Agency is intentional and undetermined human action. Human agency reproduces—or sometimes changes—social structure. . . . With education, students have some leeway in what they study, how much time and energy they spend on schoolwork, and whether or not they even continue their studies. But, overall, their actions typically reinforce an existing model of education that has evolved only modestly in the last century. . . . [W]hile structure constrains agency, it is human agency that either alters or maintains social structures.

Rojek, on page 76 of Pop Music, Pop Culture, writes:

Whereas structuralism foregrounds the desiderata that are alleged to condition or determine individual and group action, the agency perspective launches from the position of the knowledge, motivation and action of social actors to transform history and socio-economic contexts. It takes for granted that the central defect of the structuralist approach is to deny creativity, variation and cultural difference. . . . Against this, agency approaches emphasize the creativity and aesthetic contribution of artists and audiences and their attempt to make meaning and act upon society and history. The caveat here is that subjective choice and practice are conceived not as autonomous, but as entwined in fields of knowledge and power that prioritize specific types of embodiment, recognition and conduct.

Pick one or two texts we have read, up to and including Week Five, the week of this assignment’s deadline. These texts may also be e.g. individual perspectives (Plato/Aristotle, relationism, etc.) discussed by Rojek in our textbook. Using examples from your own experience or from music-related media, explain where these texts locate listeners’ or musicians’ agency—and/or where they deny such agency. What, according to these texts/writers, is people’s agency in their everyday listening or in their musical performances? Where do these authors find “intentional and undetermined human action” or “the creativity and aesthetic contribution of artists and audiences and their attempt to make meaning and act upon society and history”? Do these texts/writers allow for agency at all?

Further notes/recommendations (also remember to revisit the syllabus for further information):

  • Be sure to use the space you have efficiently. Choosing just one text may be enough if you have strong arguments in your discussion of its up- and downsides. Two texts/writers may work well for a comparison.
  • While, of course, short summaries of selected texts’/writers’ main arguments should be included in your text, be sure to focus on the application of their ideas to your examples, and focus on your critical evaluation of these ideas. To quote the syllabus: “How do the readings help us to understand the relationship between popular music and everyday life? Do these readings speak to your personal experience as a consumer or producer of music? Are there alternative ways of thinking about what the readings discuss? If so, what are they?
  • Be sure to isolate the key arguments of the texts you focus on. Don’t feel like you have to explain a text’s/writer’s minor lines of thought. Instead, take a reading’s key point and engage with it through evidence as well as comparison.

If you need access to specific readings, let me know.

health promotion and maintenance plan

Develop a 10-slide health promotion and maintenance plan using Microsoft® PowerPoint® which outlines strategies that will increase patient compliance with treatment plans.

Address the following questions in your plan:

  • When is it an appropriate time to educate the patient and their family members about the plan of care?
  • Explain how the NP can guarantee that the patient has the resources they need to comply with the treatment plan.
  • How will you properly monitor follow-ups with the patient?
  • In your role as a NP, what is your plan for patients experiencing non-emergent yet concerning symptoms?
  • What methods can be used to increase health promotion and maintenance for patients and the community?
  • As an NP, what is your plan for reducing unnecessary readmission of patients?
  • What methods of communication can be used to bridge gaps between other physicians and services?
  • How can you integrate cultural preferences, values, health beliefs, and behaviors into the treatment plan utilizing Watson’s theory?

Include speaker notes for each slide.

Research a minimum of two scholarly, peer-reviewed sources from the University Library. Your textbook can be used as one of the resources.

Format your presentation in APA style.

discussion question only answer needed

In natural law ethics, nature and the natural processes of life are good while going against nature and natural human inclinations is bad.

According to Aristotle and his great Catholic commentator, Thomas Aquinas, there are four very basic natural human inclinations which are the good desires to (1) stay alive; (2) produce and care for a child; (3) learn the truth; (4) live amicably with others. In terms of morality, natural law says that our duties go along with these four natural inclinations.

In the late 1980s, a Long Island couple married and tried to have children but couldn’t so Maureen and Steven Kass turned to in vitro fertilization. For something like 9 years they kept trying but none of the fertilized eggs from Steven and Maureen ever came to the successful birth of a child. Finally, in their early 40s and still childless, Maureen and Steven decided to divorce. But then they faced a problem: What to do with the fertilized eggs still frozen in storage. Steven wanted the fertilized but frozen eggs destroyed as the contract they had signed said. Maureen wanted them saved for possible future implantation because she still wanted children and these frozen fertilized eggs were her only chance.

For this week’s discussion, answer ONLY TWO of the following three questions. Please answer the first question and then either one of the other following two:

[1] Do some research into the case of Maureen Kass vs. Steven Kass and answer the following (if you use a quote on the case, you must reference it and limit it to no more than 40 words and no more than one quote): What was and what was not natural or in keeping with our natural inclinations in this case of Maureen and Steven Kass and what difference does that make in terms of the moral questions at issue here? Who should have won this case and why based on natural law or natural inclinations? Are frozen fertilized eggs the property of anyone and if so whose and if not why not? How would the implantation of a fertilized egg in the womb change its status as property or person or what?

[2] Explain to a friend or someone you know the basics of natural law ethics as related to the four central natural inclinations of human beings. Tell the person how natural law ethics via John Locke also influenced the claims and wording of the U.S.’s Declaration of Independence (as noted in the eText) and ask them to explain their feelings about natural law ethics and how they influence this Declaration. What did they say? And then tell the person also that the most common criticism of natural law ethics in philosophy is that what IS should not be confused with what OUGHT TO BE. Ask them what does this mean and do they agree or disagree? Why? And what do you yourself think?

[3] Discuss the Heinz Dilemma (LINK) with two different people (one male and one female) and, before discussing the feminist ethics of care, ask each of them separately how they’d resolve it. Share their ideas with the class. And, whatever the results, indicate also what you think about Gilligan’s ethics of care as a feminist moral theory (see the list on page 174 of the eText of traits generally associated with a male as compared to a female ethical perspective).