discussion managerial ethics social responsibility 1

After reviewing attached

Chapter 9. Sustainable Development and Global Business

Chapter 10. Managing for Sustainability

Prepare a 600-700 word synopsis of the managerial ethics and social responsibility concepts and issues discussed in the chapter.


reply to the post below just half page cmit

Information security plans and policies are vital to a business and its operations. They are used to raise awareness of known or possible issues or vulnerabilities and provide managers and employees the necessary information to reduce or avoid the threats through thoroughly laid out do’s and don’ts for each to follow. Unfortunately, these plans and policies are only effective when they are communicated to managers and employees outlining the nature of each policy and why it exists or informing of any updates or changes made to existing policies. The best way for companies to ensure this is through the implementation of an effective communication strategy. A communication strategy (in the case of RCR) is a strategic and effective method of communicating polices, plans, or changes/updates to current policies or plans in the form of documents or presentations to managers and employees through one of several different distribution methods such as:

  • Distribution of printed copies
  • Email distribution
  • Web links to an internal website or company forums
  • Face-to-face briefing (with or without Question & Answer session)
  • Company Newsletter
  • Manager/Employee Handbooks
  • Company Noticeboard
  • Training sessions
  • Skype, Facetime, or Webinar briefings

The Five Best Communication Strategies and Why

Even though there are several communication strategies which can be employed, here are the top five best options for RCR to use. These are to be used once a thoroughly written policy, plan, or update document/presentation has been completed. The importance of making it clear why the policy is necessary and giving a brief but informative summary of what it holds cannot be understated.

  1. Email Distribution – Email distribution is an effective way to keep managers and employees informed of important information, meetings, events, etc. Through the attachment of read receipts, recipients who have read the emails can be tracked. Through distribution lists, it is easy to separate departments and reach multiple recipients in one easy mailing.
  2. Face-to-face briefings/training sessions – These are each organized meetings or sessions where one briefer or trainer communicates information to multiple personal. As long as the briefings do not become too complicated or time consuming, this is an effective way to communicate information to managers and employees while often providing the opportunity for questions or feedback. By having attendees sign into the briefing or session, tracking of who has received the updates is easy to do.
  3. Skype, Facetime, or Webinar briefings – Skype, Facetime, and Webinars are electronic communication methods used for one to one or conferences. By using this method, attendees can receive an emailed version of the briefing outline and attend while at their desks at their computers. These forms are normally live, but they can also be made into versions which can be watched at the manger or employees convenient via a link or company website. Each method is effect, but the live versions can allow for questions and feedback.
  4. Distribution of printed copies via Company Newsletter or Members Handbook – This is a tried and true form of distribution all be it in a form which works towards conservation. Printed copies can be added to a Company Newsletter (which could also be electronic) to be distributed to managers/employees or posted on Company Noticeboards. The printed copies can also be placed in manager/employee handbooks for review. Manager/Employee Handbooks should contain any important information directly relating to their jobs or the performance of their jobs.
  5. Company Noticeboards – Company noticeboards are an effective way to distribute information to managers and employees. This consists of posting a document which clearly and concisely conveys the information being passed along. This method is only effective if the boards are read and if information is clear, readable, and easy to understand. Noticeboards can be placed in as many locations as necessary but are generally in high traffic or congregating areas of the workplace.

Examples of Policies Which Need to be Communicated to the Workforce

Although an effective information security program can be made up of a number of different policies, there are a few which are extremely important to managers and employees. Some examples are:

  1. Acceptable Use Policy for Information Technology – This policy provides rules and guidelines for managers and employees as to what can and cannot be done on or with company IT property such as computers, networks, etc. IT is vital employees review and understand this policy to be able to effectively use company technology in the course of performing their jobs. The receipt of updates is equally important in order to continue to meet policy objectives.
  2. Bring Your Own Device Policy – This policy establishes guidance for the use of personal electronic devices at work and on the company network. It outlines what steps must be taken and security measures met to be allowed access as well as what is and is not allowed in regard to its use. Having a BYOD policy can be of a great benefit to the company, but managers and employees must have a clear understanding of it along with any updates that occur over time.
  3. Data Breach Response Policy – The data breach response policy can make or break a company these days. Not only does the policy need to be comprehensive and effective, but it must be easy for managers and employees to understand and follow. The policy will “outline response measures should a data breach take place which will attempt to mitigate further damage, retrieve lost or stolen information, investigate the cause, and notify those affected” (Skyberg, T., 2020, pg. 3). This policy is critical to a company and they must ensure all updates make it to managers and employees to enable all up to date steps to be taken should a break occur.

Summary and Conclusion

The above briefing has described the communication strategies and why

they are vital to companies. Five communication methods were outlined

(Email distribution, Face-to-face briefings/training sessions, Skype,

Facetime, or Webinar briefings, Distribution of printed copies via

Company Newsletter or Members Handbook, and Company Noticeboards) as

well as why they are important. Finally, three examples of policies

which would be important for managers and employees to be aware of,

understand, and be kept updated on. As stated in the introduction,

information security policies and plans are critical to the success and

security of a company, but an effective communication strategy will make

or break managers and employees awareness and comprehension of them.

discussion 5 100

Beyond Bias: Methods for Fairness in Testing

In the unit readings from your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, you read about misconceptions regarding test bias and test fairness—two terms that are often incorrectly considered synonymous. While questions regarding test bias have been addressed through technical means, issues with test fairness are tied to values. The text attempts to define test fairness in a psychometric context and provides eight techniques for preventing or remedying adverse impact on one or another group (see page 209). One of these techniques included differential cutoffs. Furthermore, you were introduced to a variety of methods for setting cut scores. These methods have been based on either CTT or IRT.

For this discussion, synthesize the information you learned about these two theories and respective methods. In your post:

  • Determine which one is preferential for responding to questions about a test’s fairness.
  • Identify at least two advantages and two disadvantages in using each theory, citing appropriate American Educational Research Association (AERA) standards from your readings.
  • Defend your preference in terms of the methods used within each theory and how they apply to concepts of fairness across groups. Essentially, how does it best address test fairness?
  • Describe how advances in technology are improving the process of test development and inclusion of appropriate items.

chemistry class need help please

I need help with this as soon as possible. I need to send this back by Saturday night. there’s 2 assignment in the attachment. thank you very much

need this ccjs paper written

This the paper I need written

Phase 2 – Agency Perspective and Role The student will describe the perspective and role their agency has in dealing with the Group Project problem as assigned buy the instructor.

  • What are the traditional and practical approaches for the agency’s dealing with the problem?
  • Why is/has there been a reluctance to change approaches/strategies?
  • What motivations would be required to affect a different approach or strategy (other that direction from a higher jurisdictional authority)?

The student will submit a 3 page paper describing the perspective and role of the designated criminal justice component to include the considerations referenced above. This description will be supported by 2 outside resources.

the role i am is ” courts”

“This is the problem for the paper “

For the past 11 months, the Virtual Police Department has applied a variety of investigative resources and strategies and is prepared to bring a number of criminal charges against the members of the Very Bad Bike Club. These started out as investigations of individual calls-for-service, complaints and criminal investigations. They merged into a collective effort as the pattern of activities and participants began to form. Based on the investigations, the department believes it has probable cause to arrest and charge nearly every one of the 63 VBBC members for conspiracy to manufacture illegal drugs, conspiracy to sell illegal drugs, and participation in a criminal enterprise. Additionally, numerous individual VBBC members can be charged with combinations of individual criminal violations, including possession of illegal drugs, illegal possession of firearms, robbery, attempted robbery, aggravated assault, and attempted murder. Despite the confidence the Chief of the VPD has in these cases, no information has been conveyed to the Office of the District Attorney nor has there been any involvement with the Grand Jury. As far as the Chief of the Police is concerned, this is the chance to destroy the VBBC once and for all.

The VBBC has plagued Virtual for over a decade. Efforts to stop criminal activity by members of the VBBC have been made almost exclusively by the police department, with little or no support from the rest of the Virtual criminal justice system. In the past most criminal charges brought to the Virtual prosecutor’s office by police detectives have resulted in outright dismissal for lack of probable cause or plea bargained agreements that reduce potential felony charges to misdemeanors with payable fines. There have been however, two prior instances of massive arrests of VBBC members. Approximately 7 years ago raids resulted in the confiscation of drugs and weapons and the ultimate conviction of 12 VBBC members. Six of these members are on parole and still reside in Virtual; two others are currently in the county detention center awaiting trial for new criminal charges and four others are confined to the State prison near Virtual.A similar sweep three years ago produced nearly identical results. These sweeps appear to have been ineffective. In short, the VBBC has a network of members in jail, in prison, on parole in the community and free on the street. The current police investigation has affirmed that all of these VBBC members are in near constant communications with each other.

Robert “Buddy” Pole is the “president” of the VBBC. While currently on parole for manufacturing methamphetamine, Buddy Pole continues to orchestrate the criminal enterprise that is VBBC. Provisions of his parole agreement that prohibit association with known criminals have gone unenforced. Robert Pole, Jr, (a.k.a. “Little Buddy” or “Bud Lite”) is currently in the Virtual Detention Center awaiting trial for carrying a concealed weapon. He seems to be in no hurry to make the affordable bail. Jail officials believe he is trying to organize a drug network within the jail. Two Detention Center correctional officers were recently disciplined for attempting to smuggle cell phones into the lock-up. It is believed they were destined for Little Buddy’s use. The youngest member of the Pole family is Patricia (a.k.a. “Tripper”). A chronic truant and trouble maker in school, Tripper was suspected of providing marijuana to her junior high school classmates and has continued the practice in high school. At age 19 and legally an adult, she is just about to complete her senior year of high school. Tripper’s collections of miscreant friends, most of whom are VBBC members or “wannabes”, congregate regularly around the Virtual Mall and commercial centers. Her boyfriend, John Henry Maxwell applied for a job as a Dunbar Security Force officer but was rejected because of his record.

In order to rid the city of Virtual of this criminal gang, Virtual Police Department Chief Clayton Moore called upon his criminal justice partners:

  • The head of the Virtual Police Department VBBC task force, Captain Jay Silverheels
  • The chief criminal prosecutor from the Office of the District Attorney, Raymond Burr
  • The Security Chief of the state correctional facility, Major Allen Irongates
  • The District Supervisor for the state department of parole, Martha Street
  • The Operations Director of the Virtual Security Force, James Dunbar

The Virtual Security Force, a private security company hired by the Virtual Commercial Merchants Association to provide security personnel, equipment, etc. to supplement the resources of the Virtual Police Department in designated business and commercial areas of the city. VSF personnel hold special police commissions, have arrest authority on the property of their clients and may or may not be armed depending on their assignment and qualifications.

At their initial meeting Chief Moore made it clear to these partners that they had a single goal, to end the reign of terror emanating from the VBBC and victimizing Virtual’s citizens. Clearly if there was any hope of success, each criminal justice partner has to do their part for the collective good of all. The Chief’s remarks were met with wholesale agreement. It was decided the Virtual Criminal Justice Alliance would attack the VBBC on two levels (1) the pursuit of the current police investigations and prosecutions, and (2) a strategic plan to work collaboratively to reduce crime in Virtual. When the initial meeting adjourned Chief Moore had designated Captain Siverheels as his delegate. He was not sure, however, that every agency representative in the room felt his level of commitment or truly understood the consequences of failure. He was also curious as to what resources each “partner” was willing to bring to this operation and what would be held back.

Major Irongate has her own issues with VBBC. Their presence in the state prison has settled down what had previously been a powder keg of gang-related unrest. VBBC has become the dominate force in the prison. John “Jacky” Pole has been able to get the warring national/international gang members in the prison to suspend their violence and focus on drug-related profits.With tensions simmering just below the surface, Irongate knows the self-serving truce may be short lived. Major Irongate was also asked to represent the Virtual Detention Center. This facility holds arrestees awaiting a bail hearing, denied bail prior to trial or in transitional housing from the state prison to attend court. The jail also holds offenders serving short sentences for convictions on misdemeanor charges. Nearly all of the prison’s inmate population came through the Detention Center and may return there to be available for court appearances. Major Irongate is convinced that these “traveling” inmates are being used as “mules” for drugs and contraband cell phones.

Of the persons assembled by Chief Moore, only Dunbar represents a commercial, profit-driven agency. Simply put, these profits are the difference between the costs for the security provided and the fees Dunbar charges. Dunbar is eager to demonstrate a successful partnership with VPD and the Virtual Commercial Merchants’ Association as a stepping stone to contracts with larger jurisdictions. In any case, Dunbar’s primary motivation is to make money.

Raymond Burr would applaud Chief Moore’s plan if he could, but as a pragmatist he feels that this is a waste of time. He understands, if no one else at the table does, that plea bargaining is to only way the criminal justice system can do business. He has also warned the chief before that his detectives need additional training on establishing probable cause, proper interrogation procedures, appropriate charging, etc. If the VPD could get its act together he would love to prosecute a good solid case against the VBBC, but prosecuting a “looser” case will not solve the problem or help his own political ambitions.

sathwik pm discussion 3 reply and discussion 5

Task 1: Discussion 5 :

Students must read the case study “Teloxy Engineering (A)” on page 948 and answer the corresponding questions on the same page.

words :300(include references-attached textbook)

Task 2: Read below student posts reply each in 150 words.Include references.

Lohit – Invisible Sponsor


A manager of a project has to track a complex kind of hazards associated with the projects. To separate the structure, requirements, and sort a project group, he must be creative. He should have the ability to distinguish and properly supervise the dangers associated with the project. He should have the capability to screen as well as monitor the projects. If there would be a portion of executive directors that refuse to step in as a supporter of a project (Kerzner, 2013). They decrease to structure as the sponsors of the project due to the current dread of settling for wrong choices and dangers that may occur due to the project. The other cause is the time it takes to perform a project. For the situation examine, we see that Al Zink is an executive chief, declines to fill in as a project sponsor because of usable to settle on the choice.


That is not promoting learning and decision-making. The sponsor’s part of decision making has to be omnipresent. The numerous goal includes successful get and like a bolster, procedure, and collecting them. The top leader excellently-known about the feasible reform is cover by the outcome that will depend on achievement. They include the focus on the person. Every task depends on the executive supporter and framing responsibility for the feasibility of grouping new actions. Task handling, the project will enable users to take action with the help as well as the commitment of workflow which smoothly follows project reports (Molen, 2015).


Sure, it may be ideal for a project sponsor as the final individual to project failure or success. A project sponsor is a person who takes on a vitally important job in a project. He is the person who designed, implemented and sorted out a project. Additionally, he is responsible for ensuring that a project runs easily and efficiently. So it can be stated that he is an individual who is a principal thrust of the prosperity and disappointment of a project.

sumeeth – 1.

The responsibility of the project sponsors is to maintain a high implication within an organization. This role is always to choose the persons who are of excellent leadership value. That responsibility is delegated to the organization’s executive. The task assigned to an executive is to organize an event, and with certain boundaries to make decisions. Also, they are responsible for distributing work to holders as they are dissimilar from them for preparing an outline for the project or event. All strategies are made by the executive for the project that can be aimed at the long or short term, and thoughts are asked as of the plan as a whole so that the project can be executed as per the policy. However, sometimes the executive refuses the liability of the project manager because various risks are involved with this because they are aware of their abilities (Millett, 2009).


Executives don’t want to force to do work as a sponsor. The project’s strategies and ideas to succeed in playing an essential role in an organization. No-one has the factual to force a supporting executive to operate. The project’s success and failure will depend on the tactics the executives put in. The position of sponsor assumed to the executive is a vision, and the sponsor brings the money into the project to make a profit. A sponsor is responsible for contributing to the project’s success. Thus, if decision-making is not involved in the project’s success and failure process, then they may refuse to take on the sponsor’s responsibility. As in the case, once AI was inquired to effort as the sponsor, then they declined since they feared the failure of the project, and the success of the project can help the company’s growth.


Yes, I agree that the sponsor is responsible for the failure and progress of the project as they are responsible for the execution of the project plan. They are, moreover, the one who makes the plan layout and allocates it between the project managers. They care for every project activity. Also, they are well aware of the project’s mission and intent, and based on that; they prepared a plan for the project to the organization’s development. They will keep a check over the problems that emerge in the project over time. It keeps the passion for the project alive and saves the group on track. Also, with the aid of the project manager, all scheduling is handled by them, and a new idea is found and implemented on the project to achieve success with groundbreaking results (Schibi & Lee, 2015).

is doctor assisted suicide moral

Please follow the instructions below and let me know if you have any questions.

watch the vedio and write about one country


choose one country and write about the manged care system in that country and write 500 ward about it . you can not write about Canada and India because I already used them .

View the entire video Sick Around the world

You will answer key questions about this video in a separate assignment.

For your journal entries you will research managed practices for 2 countries —you may not choose the countries used as examples in our class, but you may expand on one of the countries introduced in the video. Since this video is dated, please include information from your current research on that country in your journal entry.

One entry per week each must be at least 500 words and include appropriate citations indicating research used.

sandeep infotech in strat plan week6 assignment


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. You should have at least two scholarly sources supporting your write-up.

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

Any use of outside sources, including your own prior work, will result in a zero on the activity and a report being filed with Academic Affairs regarding plagiarism (even if self-plagiarism).

anthro 101 writing prompt has to be 500 words prompt is below

The phases of human development are biologically defined. How, if at all, can they also be culturally defined?

Discuss how natural selection has likely influenced the evolution of skin color in humans.

How is “race” a culturally constructed category and not a biological one?

this has to be 500 words or more and has to be in YOUR OWN WORDS. thank you.