please explain why bond prices are subject to changes in interest rates

1) Please explain why bond prices are subject to changes in interest rates.

2) Describe the characteristics of a bond and provide an example of a firm or government entity that has recently issued (sold) these securities.

discussion board doctoral dissertation research site icloud

Discuss how you identified the firm that will be the research site for your dissertation.

  • How did you contact the firm and get their commitment to be a resource for your dissertation?
  • Did you agree to provide them the results of your dissertation analysis in the form of a consulting type report?
  • Why do you find this firm interesting?

Module 4 – Background

Designing the Triangulation Approach to Address the Research Problem

Required Reading

Farrell, S. (2016). Project Management for user research: The plan. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from the Neilson/Norman Group website at

Moylan, W. A. (2002). Planning and scheduling: The yin and yang of managing a project. Paper presented at Project Management Institute Annual Seminars & Symposium, San Antonio, TX. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from

Rose, S., Spinks, N., & Canhoto, A. (2015). Research project planner template. From Management research: Applying the principles. Retrieved from

Research methods and processes. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia of Management at the Reference for Business website. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from

Stockberger, D. (2016). Introductory statistics: Concepts, models, and applications. Missouri State. Retrieved from

Video Material

Liaison in management: Definition & explanation. (n.d.). Retrieved from the website at

McBride, T. (2014, February 23). Planning research projects [Video file]. University of Technology Sydney. Retrieved from

Bern, P. (2015, April 23). Planning your research [Video file]. Syracuse University Libraries. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2010, June 11). Grounded Theory – Core Elements. Part 1 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, October 24). Coding part 1: Alan Bryman’s 4 stages of qualitative analysis [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, October 24). Coding part 2: Thematic coding [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 1: Interviews and the Interview Society [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 2: The pros and cons of interviewing [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 3: Types of interviews [Video file]. Retrieved from

Gibbs, G. R. (2011, November 21). Research interviewing part 4: The interview schedule [Video file]. Retrieved from

Dedoose Support. (2010, September 13). Dedoose video tutorial 1: Qualitative & mixed methods research using Dedoose [Video file]. Retrieved from

geo101 peer discussion post response 150 words each

Please reply to both POST1: and POST2: in at least 150 words each

Initial post:

We use what we know about Earth, its structure, atmosphere, geologic activities, and processes to prove or disprove our theories of other planets. For example, we used Google Earth in Week Four’s lab to examine rivers on Earth, and then will apply what we know of Earth’s rivers to explore evidence for past rivers on Mars in this week’s lab. Describe one other such example of our usage of Earth analogs to determine the circumstances elsewhere and how it might influence our extraplanetary explorations in the future. And for the last time this term, don’t choose one that has already been posted.


Space exploration is a much-debated issue where some believe it is a waste of money that should be used for the sustainability of Earth; whereas, others believe exploring the solar system is one of the noblest pursuits of man. If we look at space exploration, it is possible that scientists will find new minerals and resources that would benefit our investment in the future. History has allowed man to understand the inner workings of Earth, how it is continually changing, and using this knowledge to preserve the planet.

There was time when astronomers assumed Mar’s surface was like Earth’s surface, and capable of supporting life. Earth’s atmosphere consists of a mixture of gasses, called air; in fact, the atmosphere has four layers. The only planet in the solar system that is capable of sustaining life is Earth, because there is a blanket of gases that provide breathable air and protects us from the sun’s heat and radiation. Understanding the atmospheric conditions leads us to fully understand how Mar’s and Venus’s atmospheric conditions would provide life supporting measures.

Mar’s is mostly a carbon dioxide atmosphere, with traces of nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon monoxide, and other gases. According to Tim Sharp (2017), Mar’s atmosphere is about 100 times thinner than Earth’s.

By continuing to learn and develop a greater understanding of Earth’s structure, composition, and geological events, scientists will be able to apply this knowledge to discovering whether a new planet is capable of sustaining life. Even though we man not have graduated to this stage, scientists are accepting the challenge.

“We choose to go to the Moon!…We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are willing to postpone, and one we intend to win.” John F. Kennedy.

Mars Facts: Atmosphere

Figure 1. NASA Science Mars Facts. (

NASA. (n.d.). NASA Science Mars Facts. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Sharp, T. (2017, October 13). Earth’s Atmosphere: Composition, climate & Weather. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Williams, M. (2015, June 4). Universe Today. Retrieved from…


Ocean exploration is a area that has been on the rise as engineers seek to understand the hidden treasures below the surface or if life exist or can exist. Similar to what NASA has done for years on the moon, there is a desire to discover beyond the earth crust if life interfaces at sea bottom and ice-water interface at the top of the ocean. Scientists like Kevin Hand, JPL lead scientist on the BRUIE project, believe that these lunar oceans, such as those on Jupiter’s moon Europa and Saturn’s moon Enceladus, may be the best places to look for life in our solar system. Bartels (2019). We know that the earths ocean took millions of years to form and that the water and other gases boiled off space ultimately formed rain and eventually formed the oceans basins. To understand this concept is to also understand factors like world rotation, thickness of ice shells and the density of seawater and how this water moves around the ocean. The expedition of exploring the ocean covered by ice requires a underwater rover called a BRUIE. I Bartels (2019)t was designed and tested by NASA engineers. It is said that the earth Arctic is simpler to explore than the moon which is 600 million miles away.

What we know about Earth, its structure, atmosphere, geologic activities, and processes makes exploring what’s going on benefit the surface makes this research just as interesting. Biologists have long speculated that life on Earth began in the oceans. Sato,(2009). The primary goal of a expedition like this is to understand ocean dynamics, its habitability how you get nutrients from one place to another place, how you move energy from one place to another place and how we use technology and expertise needed to explore the ice-covered ocean. Robots under water appear to be the answer.


Bartels, Meghan, 2019 NASA’s Undersea Robot Crawls Beneath Antarctic Ice in Test for Icy Moons Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

Sato, Taichi, 2009, Toward Extraplanetary Under-Ice Exploration: Robotic Steps in the Arctic retrieved from

business analysis and system recommendation 3

Please see the attached instructions for instructions on this assignment. Thank you.

application of selected theory to practice

The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the application of a nursing theory/model to practice. Review the clinical case and apply your chosen theory to the case. Your paper should not exceed 4-5 pages.

Criteria for Application of selected theory to practice

  1. The case data are organized by & clearly reflect the concepts of the model (10 points)
  2. Clearly explains & illustrated by example how the theory guides:
  3. The focus of the assessment phase of the nursing process (10 points)
  4. The choice of the variables to be assessed (10 points)
  5. How the theory guides the assessment phase of the nursing process 10%
  6. How the theory guides nursing interventions (20 points)
  7. Identify the nursing interventions
  8. Describe how the interventions will modify, prevent remove or decrease the etiology of the problem as defined by the theory

III. Evaluate the applicability of the nursing theory to practice (20 points)

  1. Clarity, logic grammar, spelling, APA format (20 points

what are the advantages and disadvantages of front end and back end fee loads for investors in mutual funds if 10 year treasury bills have a yield of 1 and the expected inflation rate over the next year are expected to be 2 25 percent what d

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of front-end and back-end fee loads for investors in mutual funds?
  1. If 10-year Treasury bills have a yield of 1% and the expected inflation rate over the next year are expected to be 2.25 percent, what does this mean about the real rate of return for these investments?Why would investors make such invests?
  1. Locadidi Fund started the year with a NAV of $28.38.By the end of the year, it’s NAV had risen to $30.32.The fund paid year-end distributions of income and capital gains of $1.25.What was the pretax return to an investor in the fund?

State of the Mkt


Ending price














  1. Given the information above, what is the mean and standard deviation of HPR?
  1. How does the answer to #4 change if the probability of recession rises to 0.5 and boom falls to 0.2?

4 java questions 1

1. USING THE IF STATEMENT – Write a java program that asks the store manager to input the number of video cards she wants to buy on this order. The full non-discounted price for one video card is $45.00.

If she buys 1 to 10 she pays full price
If she buys 11 to 25 she receives a 10% discount
If she buys 26 to 50 she receives a 25% discount

For testing purposes enter `any quantity between 12 and 48

Print out how many she bought
Print out the amount she saved with the discount
Print out the total of how much she spent


2. USING THE SWITCH STATEMENT – Write a java program that asks the user to enter the number of their favorite month of the year obviously, that would be 1 12. Use ANY number

Write a switch statement that takes the number and converts it to the fully spelled out name.

[For example only: if the user entered 3; the word MARCH would be printed] .

Be sure to build in an error message to catch any invalid data entries such as 0 or 13 etc.

Print out the number that was entered and the name that resulted.

3. USING THE IF STATEMENT & Scanner for input and println for output – Write a java program where the user enters a temperature as a whole number from input, and outputs a most likely season [either SUMMER, SPRING, FALL or WINTER] depending on the temperature entered.

SUMMER would be 90 or higher
SPRING would be 70 to less than 90
FALL would be 50 to less than 70
WINTER would be less than 50

Consider it an error if the user ever accidentally enters a value of less than 0, or greater than 110.

4 USING THE SWITCH STATEMENT & JOptionPane for input and output – Write a java program where the user enters a temperature as a whole number from input, and outputs a “most likely” season [either SUMMER, SPRING, FALL or WINTER] depending on the temperature entered.

Either enter 40 or 60 or 80 or 100

SUMMER would be 100

SPRING would be 80

FALL would be 60

WINTER would be 40

Consider it an error if the user ever accidentally enters any other value.

issues facing america essay discussion 250 word response mla

First, choose one of the essays from the section “Issues Facing America” listed:

Rothkopf, David. “Age Boom: Why Now is the Time to Retire the Idea of Retirement”

Gunter, Kimberly K. “In Our Names”: Rewriting The U.S. Death Penalty.”

Rosen, Meghan. “Misfires in the Gun Control Debate.”

Smiley, Lauren. “Canary in the Code Mine.”

Walt, Stephen M. “The Myth of American Exceptionalism.”

Then, explain to the class where you believe the following are found in the essay, if applicable: claim, support, warrant, backing, rebuttal, and qualifier. Give citations to back up your points, and create a final works cited citation for this assignment.

research paper final paper instructions

Connect according to the previous content and outline, and describe in simple text. There are examples in the article request I provided. Thank you!

sashi pm dis i need a discussion on the below topic 5

Reflect on the assigned readings for Week 7 and then type a two page paper regarding what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding. Define and describe what you thought was worthy of your understanding in half a page, and then explain why you felt it was important, how you will use it, and/or how important it is in project management processes and methodologies. After submitting your two page paper as an initial post in the “Reflection and Discussion Forum,”

I have attached the readings.