forum and responses 8

Your initial post should be at least 250 words, You should then respond to 3 or more posts (which i will upload later, of 100 words each).

This can be accomplished by

· Validating with additional evidence from the literature.

· Posing a thoughtful question with commentary which generates further discussion.

· Providing an alternative point-of-view, with evidence and examples.

· Offering additional insight into how the concept might be understood, with evidence provided with real world examples.

You should be active in the classroom throughout the week and actively engaged in the back-and-forth discussion between your colleagues and the professor. The forum grading rubric can be reviewed by clicking on the blue and white box beside the forum entry in the gradebook.

In this forum please examine the Supreme Court’s use of judicial review. One reason the Supreme Court is unique is the practice of judicial review. Judicial review is the power of a court to decide the constitutionality of laws or of the acts of a government official. In other words, the Court’s power of “judicial review” refers to its authority to review laws and executive action and strike them down when it deems them unconstitutional. This power insures that the Court is well positioned to protect individual rights and to apply the Constitution to new situations as they arise.

In 1803, Marbury v. Madison made clear this power of judicial review. Please be sure to review the lesson for week 2 where you will see a thorough outline of Marbury v. Madison and more explanation of judicial review.

In the decision, Chief Justice John Marshall wrote that it was the duty of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws. Ironically, the practice of judicial review is not outlined in the Constitution, but the Court is expected to assume this role.

Hamilton argued that judicial review made sure that the people, through the Constitution, would have power over legislatures. Madison argued that independent judges would be more appropriate arbiters of the Constitution than the chaos and factionalism of the political process.

Do you think it is a problem for the Court to have such an immense power even though it is not specifically granted to them in the Constitution? If the origins of judicial review are not found in the Constitution, what grants the Court this power? Did the framers intend the Supreme Court to possess the power of judicial review?

How has the Court done with this role of exercising judicial review? Please choose one of these three recent cases cases involving judicial review. Review the summary of the case at the link below and discuss in your initial forum post how the Court exercised judicial review specifically in this case and if you believe it was a proper execution of this power.…

why is it difficult to prosecute cybercriminals 1

1) We live in a world where an Internet crime occurs every minute in some cases cybercriminals steal millions of dollars with near impunity. For every 1 that is captured nearly 10,000 or not captured. For every 1 sucessful prosecuted in a court of law, 100 get off without punishment or with a warning.

Why is it difficult to prosecute cybercriminals?

minimum of 450 word

2)This assignment you will review an article about cybercrimes laws and policy from a peer reviewed journal.

The Challenges to Enforcement of Cybercrimes Laws and Policy

Align your assignment to the following questions:

  1. Provide a full and correct bibliographic citation of the article using APA format.
  2. Identify and summarize the author’s argument or viewpoint.
  3. Discuss the most important primary sources used in the article. What are the primary sources used? If applied what type of analysis did the author use inconjunction with the primary sources? Did the author look closely at a small number or primary source evidence? Or did the author take examples from a wide range of sources? or something in between? Explain.
  4. Discuss the secondary sources used by the author. Did the author include only sources that supported the argument? or did the article also bring up secondary sources that the author wanted to challenge or refute? Did the author try to resolve disagreement between secondary sources? How recent are the sources relative to the article’s publication date?
  5. Judge the article: Has the article been citied, has the author written other articles or reviews?
  6. Write a short paragraph (5 sentences or more) indicating the scholastic value. rate the article as if you expect someone with an IT background would read your rating. (Do not make this paragraph about your background or interests)

real estate law short essay responses

With respect to Assignment 1 attached below, each State has its own statutes (laws), regulations and policies; especially with respect to liens. Liens are discussed fully in your textbook for Chapter 4. For purposes of your Assignment 1, you should be concerned about Private Encumbrances beginning on page 88. As with each State, Maryland’s laws regarding perfecting materialmen’s or mechanics liens are very prescriptive. These liens are imposed by Maryland law on real property to secure payment for work performed or materials furnished for the construction, repair, alteration or improvements on real property. As an assistance to you, in order to find the appropriate Maryland law that is cited in No. 1 of Assignment 1, you can not only go to the library to look at the specific statute where you are directed in No. 1, you can also research the specific law on various websites, including and navigating through the page for the Real Property statute, but you can also perform a search with the terms that are requested in the question.

Because this may be a new dynamic for many of you, understand that the specific statutory citations begin in the Real Property Article, Sections 9-101 through 9-114. Look at the specific question asked to find the answers in the statute as requested.

Please respond to the following two inquiries. At least 1-2 page essay for these 2 topics

1. Maryland’s mechanic’s/materialmen’s lien law can be found in the Maryland Annotated Code, Real Property Article, Title 9. From Maryland real property law: a) List the claimants entitled to file a mechanic’s lien or materialmen’s lien claim; b) List the requirements for a claim of lien; c) List the requirements for foreclosing a mechanic’s or materialmen’s lien.

2. Research the internet to determine what information Maryland Counties or Baltimore City makes available about real property taxes. List the information and URL or website that such information is available online to the public.

com3320 choose one discussion this week either quot the psychology of a the t shirt quot or quot a hairy story quot do not do both

Your assignment is for you to choose 3 of your own T-SHIRTS that have significance to you and explain why.

  1. What is printed on your shirt? What does it mean / significance?
  2. Why is this shirt important to YOU as an artifact?
  3. How does the shirt reflect (or reinforce your personality and self-image)?
  4. Does this T-shirt impart a gender statement – to you or others? How or why? (men wearing pink…)
  5. Is there a backstory about this shirt – who gave it to you; vacation purchase; gift; free; fraternity or organization event; informal athletic uniform, souvenir etc?
  6. Be sure to write a thoughtful and compelling INTRODUCTION – signpost T-shirt 1, 2, 3 and write a critically analyzed summary/conclusion.
  7. The minimum response is 100 words for each T-shirt = 300 words or more total/thoughtful essay.
  8. Include the “GENDER” significance/implication for each T-shirt.

trucking company info freight broker

questionaire you can use google it’s about freight broker.You can fill it it and give it back to me

reading memo 4

Reading memos are short response papers to the set of readings you choose. Briefly summarize the main points of the readings, and jot down your initial reactions to it. These reactions should, in part, provide a critical interpretation of the readings—meaning that you critique or evaluate the main points of the readings based on things we’ve covered in class (which may include prior assigned readings). You may also include points of confusion or potential discussion topics/questions. If you select a class period in which only one reading is assigned, you must choose another reading from the respective unit to discuss in the memo.

Memos should be about 2-3 pages (double spaced) in length. Please use Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1-inch margins, and ASA citation style (see link on Sakai for help with citation style).

Memos should be submitted as an attachment whose document name begins with your last name.


posc 121 short essay

Constitution Short Essay Assignment

There are multiple parts to this assignment; for full credit, please respond to them all. Keep in mind that this is a graded assignment and I am primarily looking for inclusion of assigned course material. Have fun!

1. Federalist Papers: Expand your understanding of Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and Anti-Federalist Paper #1 by examining the arguments made in each of these documents and their role in contemporary government and politics. Do the limits on power enshrined in our Constitution and articulated in these Federalist Papers continue to work today? For Federalist Paper 10, Federalist Paper 51, and anti-Federalist Paper #1:

a. Explain the central argument made and why it was important in the context of then-proposed Constitution.

b. Apply the argument made to an example of contemporary politics. Do the arguments made in these Federalist Papers still apply today? Explain why or why not.

c. What would the Federalists have thought about the current conflict between the President and Congress over the funding of a border wall? Did the Federalists intend that the President should be able to get whatever he wants by holding government funding hostage?

2. The U.S. Constitution: If you were writing a Constitution for the United States today, what would be some of the major ideas you would like that Constitution to reflect?What is important is not which option you choose, but whyyou chose that option. Again, keep in mind that I am primarily interested in the integration of assigned course materials. You may also refer to contemporary media sources should you wish to do so.

a. Would you like the government set up by the Constitution to allow for majority rule on all issues, or would you rather allow minorities power to slow or even stop majority rule? Why?

b. Would you like a system that works rather rapidly to make and implement decisions, or would you like a system that works fairly slowly? Why?

c. Would you like a central government with great powers, state governments with great powers, or something in‑between? Why?

d. Would you like the power of the national government concentrated in one branch, such as in a parliamentary system, or diffused through two or more branches?Why?

e. How is the Constitution you have created similar or different from the U.S. Constitution? Have you always chosen the most democratic options (remember, the Founders of the U.S. Constitution often did not)? If not, what other values enter into the decision to choose the least democratic option? Were these the values that affected the decisions of the Founders of the U.S. Constitution?

Source Material:

American Government Examined e-reader Chapter 2:

  • Aichinger, “The Relevance of the Federalist Papers”
  • Federalist #10
  • Federalist #51
  • Anti-Federalist #1

Tips for Success:

  • I will be looking for direct references to assigned readings (author and page # or chapter and section citations are adequate). Again, this is an assignment in which I am looking for your ability to display your knowledge of course materials.
  • I recommend composing your content in an offline text editor and then copying and pasting in post. That way you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work.

research hazard detection

Research a process safety system used within your industry or one with which you are familiar, and address the following questions:

  • Is the hazard analysis technique used in this system adequate to ensure all appropriate hazards will be identified, analyzed, and managed correctly to ensure minimal risks?
  • If you were to increase the likelihood of identifying new hazards, what innovative hazard detection technique(s) would you recommend?

In no more than 800 words, answer the above questions using current APA format and submit your assignment to this activity no later than the last day of the module week.

analyze the case study on de beers

The case study should be analyzed into 1 page with 1.0 spacing. The font should be 12. The instructions on how it should be done are in the files

creative response

Creative Response #3

According to Amnesty International, one problem with detention and imprisonment (around the world) is: “Prisoners of conscience – someone has not used or advocated violence but is imprisoned because of who they are (sexual orientation, ethnic, national or social origin, language, birth, colour, sex or economic status) or what they believe (religious, political or other conscientiously held beliefs).”

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o is considered to have been a prisoner of conscience.

Think of the many different interpretations an applications of this expression, and create an original work–a poem, a story, a short nonfiction piece, a piece of audio (music or spoken) or video, or a work of visual art with the title Prisoner of Conscience. (ONLY NEEDS TO BE THREE PARAGRAPHS OR ONE PAGE.)