2 part assignment 4

In this mini-exercise, you will use Javascript to calculate the league dues and course fees.

  1. (3 pts) Create a folder, called exercise2 within your 2447 folder.
  2. Download the zipped folder, and extract the files.
  3. (4 pts) Create a function that will calculate the league dues, course fees, and total for the golf league. This function will run once the page is loaded.
  4. (2 pts)Within the function, declare two constants that will store the fixed league dues, and fixed course fees.
  5. (6 pts)Within the function, create the variables needed to calculate the dues, fees, and total.
  6. (10 pts) Pass along these values to the input tags within the form. These values should include a preceding “$”, and have two decimal values.

  1. (3 pts) Create a folder, called exercise3 within your 2447 folder.
  2. Download the zipped folder, and extract the files.
  3. (12 pts)Complete the tutorial “Using Conditional Statements” starting on page 74.

    Exploration of what you have learn:

  4. (5 pts)If the lucky number matches 7, change the color of the phrase to red(#FF0000).”Hey, 7 is my lucky number too!” Using the .style property is a great way to change the style.
  5. (5 pts)If the lucky number matches 13 or 24, change the color of the phrase to green(#00FF00) and bold it.

medical ethics 12

the paper has to be minimum 1000 words (based on the outline that was already made and attached below)

add in text citations and references page (minimum 3 sources)

make sure to include a minimum of four body paragraphs, and a conclusion (as in the template)


This is a paper about phyician assisted suicide please create an outline and rough draft

Your term paper should:

  • Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms.
  • Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that are in favor of and opposed to the use of the techniques or products.
  • Express your personal opinion regarding the importance of the topic and the validity of the pro and con arguments.


The following components must be met:

  • includes an introduction, a minimum of four body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • A minimum of three references are incorporated as supporting evidence.
  • Use the outline you posted as a guide.
  • Be sure to follow APA style formatting for your paper and cite your sources.

in this assignment you will compare the online presentation of climate change material for two political candidates

In this assignment, you will compare the online presentation of climate change material for two political candidates.

week 8 server virtualization

Week 8 Research Paper: Server Virtualization

You have read about server virtualization and cloud computing in chapter 6 of your textbook. For your written assignment this week, complete a case study of the organization you work for (use a hypothetical or “other” organization if more applicable) that will address the following prompts:

• Describe the organization’s environment, and evaluate its preparedness for virtualization.

• Explain Microsoft (or another product) licensing for virtualized environments.

• Recommend a configuration for shared storage; make sure to discuss the need for high availability and redundancy for virtualization for the organization.

• Explain Windows Azure capabilities for virtual machines and managing a hybrid cloud, including Windows Azure’s Internet as a Service (IaaS) and storage capabilities

Make a recommendation for cloud computer use in the organization, including a justification for your recommendations.

Submit your research paper as a single document. Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 2-4 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Additioanl reference material

Chapter 6, “Architecture and Infrastructure” pp. 143-150

Singh, M. (2018). Virtualization in Cloud Computing- a Study. 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication Control and Networking (ICACCCN), 64. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109/ICACCCN.2018.8748398

Verma, A., Malla, D., Choudhary, A. K., & Arora, V. (2019). A Detailed Study of Azure Platform & Its Cognitive Services. 2019 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COMITCon), 129. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1109/COMITCon.2019.8862178

essay writing 146

Compose a formal essay on one of the following prompts listed below.

Option 1: Write a literary analysis in which you compare and contrast the characters Emily Grierson in “A Rose for Emily” and Ellen Weatherall in “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall.”

Option 2: Write a literary analysis focusing on setting and the role it plays in a story, such as creating mood, developing characters, or serving as a symbol ( or a combination of these) in “The Storm” by Katherine Anne Porter and “To Build a Fire” by Jack London.


  • Typed in the basic MLA format
  • Uses in-text citations from the primary source (no research)< At least three quotes from the story is required
  • Includes a Works Cited page, citing Backpack Literature
  • 750-900 words in length


Introduction: You establish a context for the significance of your thesis in regards to the literary work as a whole. How does your argument contribute to understanding the author’s major literary/thematic concerns? What can other readers learn from your analysis?

Thesis: You state in 1-2 sentences your main idea. The thesis is the culmination of your introduction.

Organization: Your essay should follow that of a typical critique:

Since your focus must be on analyzing some literary motif, theme, or a combination of a literary elements (such as symbolism, character, setting, etc.), your essay must contain well-structured supporting paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, quotes from the primary text (secondary sources are not allowed), an explanation/discussion of the significance of the quotes you use in relation to your thesis, and a concluding sentence or two that situates the entire paragraph in relation to the thesis. Your thesis will focus on some kind of critical analysis of the primary text, so your supporting paragraphs should be organized around each of the quotes you use, explaining the significance of the quotes and why (or how) transitions and at least six (or more) sentences.

Conclusion: Regardless of which option you choose, you want a conclusion that avoids summarizing what you’ve just said. You also don’t want to say, “In conclusion…” Your aim in a conclusion is to place the discussion in a larger context. For example, how might your critical analysis of a literary character relate to the other characters in a work? How might your thesis be applied to other aspects of the text, say for example, the setting or symbolism?

Grammar and Mechanics: Your paper avoids basic grammar mistakes, such as comma splices, run-on sentences, fragments, dropped apostrophes in possessives, subject/verb agreement, arbitrary tense switches, etc. The paper demonstrates a commitment to proofreading by avoiding easy-to-catch typos and word mistakes (effect for affect, for example). The paper adheres to the MLA formatting style for the in-text citations.

Presentation: Your paper meets the minimum length criteria of 750 words, is typed with a creative title. The paper is required to be in the MLA format, using only the primary source, citations, and a works cited page.

cs 102 3d 77 4


Scenario:ECOWear is a local company that designs and manufactures eco-friendly casual wear. All clothes are made from earth-friendly fabrics, such as bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, and natural silk. The company recently decided to store its customer and sales rep data in a database. Each customer is assigned to a single sales rep, but each sales rep may be assigned many customers.

1. Go to a https://airtable.com/ and Login

2. First Task (Setup the Database, Tables, Fields)

a. Add a new base named from scratch named:ECOWear.


c. RenameTable1 to SalesRep with the little down arrow


e. Customize and Add fields (with the following field types) to the SalesRep table:

i. SalesRepID (number, integer),

1. Set the SalesRepID as the primary key.(First Column)

ii. FirstName (single line text),

iii. MiddleName (single line text),

iv. LastName (single line text),

v. Address (single line text),

vi. City (single line text),

vii. State (single line text),

viii. Zip (number, integer),

ix. EmailAddress (single line text),

x. BasePay (currency),

xi. CommissionRate (percentage).

3. Second Task (ENTER the records of data in SalesRepTable)

a. Enter the following 3 records of data into the SalesRep table:

ID FirstMiddleLast AddressCity State Zip Email BasePayCommission

1 Vivien Mary Leigh100 W. Tara Lane Windy Hills GA63102 vivien@gmail.com12000 20%
2 William Clark Gable 102 N. Frank Drive Hollywood CA 90211 rhett@yahoo.com15000 18%
3 Leslie WilkesHoward#2 Twin Oaks Drive Plaines GA 62146 ashley@gmail.com11000 19%

4. Third Task (Add the Second table: Customer)

a. Add a new table named Customer


b. Add the field CustomerID of field type number (integer) to the Customer table

i. Set the CustomerID as the primary key. (First Column)

c. Add 5 additional fields of your choice to the Customer table. Select the appropriate data types for your fields

d. Using the CustomerIDs of 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, enter 10 records of data of your choice into the Customer table.


5. Forth Task (One-To-Many Relationship)

One-To-Many Relationship – Each customer is assigned to a single sales rep, but each sales rep may be assigned many customers.

a. In the Customer table,

i. Add a new field named SalesRepID field.

(This field will be used to link the Customer table with the SalesRep table. )

ii. Customize the field type to link to another record in the SalesRep table.

1. Check the box to allow linking to multiple record so the one-to-many relationship is established.


iii. In the 10 records of data that you added to the Customer table, set records 101, 103, and 105 to a SalesRepID of 1.

(This assigns these 3 customers to the Sales Rep of Vivien Leigh in the SalesRep table.)


b. In the Customer table,

i. set records 102 and 106 to a SalesRepID of 2.

(This assigns these 2 customers to the Sales Rep of William Gable)

c. In the Customer table,

i. set the remaining records to a SalesRepID of 3.

(This assigns these remaining customers to the Sales Rep of Leslie Howard.)

d. View the SalesRep table to see how the relationships are stored in table.

i. Notice the Customer column and multiple CustomerIDs listed.


6. Fifth Task (Queries) In Airtable, a query is call a view.

a. The View Option is found with the little down arrow


c. Create a view named “Georgia” that filters for sales reps who live in Georgia.

i. Show their first name, last name, state, and commission rate.

d. Create a view named “Salary” that filters for sales reps who have a base pay > 14000.

i. Show their last name, email address, and base salary.

e. Create a view named “Vivien” that filters for Vivien Leigh’s customers.

i. Show 5 fields of your choice from the customer table.

7. Sixth Task (Share your Database)

a. In the final step, you will share your database, creating a link to submit to your instructor. Also, create screenshots of your tables and queries.

b. Share Your Databases via for any email link

i. In your ECOWare Base, on the right-side of the screen, click on Share.

ii. Click on Invite By Link. >> Click on Create Link.

iii. Under “Creator invite link for any email” click on Copy Link.

iv. Paste this link into a Word document.


c. Create Screenshots

i. Take screenshots of your two tables.

1. Be sure to include the fields that demonstrate the relationships.

2. Paste the screenshots into the Word document.

ii. Take screenshots of your three views (queries).

1. Paste the screenshots into the Word document.

db7 responses for 2 of my classmates quot logistic in disaster management quot

I have 2 of my classmates posts. I need you to respond to each one separately. Also, two sources at least for each one of them. Don’t write about how good their posts or how bad. All you need to do is to choose one point of the post and explore it a little bit with one source support for each response. The paper should be APA style.

– pleas use proper APA6 references format and in-line citation.

– Minimum words for every respond 300

-Minimum refernces 2

– Use Grammarrly

All the details in the attached below

hosp term project 2

The hotel are Omni La Costa Resort and Spa.

2A. Group Resume. Use the format of the guidelines and examples. A blank template is available on the course ULearn site. Think carefully about all details. 2B. Banquet Event Orders (BEO’s). Write a BEO for each planned function that says “BEO” next to it. (There will be three.) See BEO instructions and examples. A template is available in ULearn.

1B. Site details (2 – 3 pages) Answer all of the questions listed below. Provide as many details as possible. Use each “question” (or part of it) as your heading. Bullet points/lists are acceptable. • Climate/temperature (only for the time when the Green Organics group will be there) • Transportation: What is the nearest airport? Is there a train station nearby? How will attendees get to the hotel from the airport and station? If there is an airport shuttle, is it free? How will attendees get around during their free time? • Number of rooms in the hotel • Special room amenities: unusual or luxury features/amenities (if any) offered in the hotel rooms. If the rooms do not contain anything unusual or special, write “none”. (Please do not list all of the room features and amenities.) • Food and Beverage Outlets: List the restaurants and bars in the hotel; give a short description of each restaurant (1-2 sentences for each, in your own words). If there are more than four food and beverage outlets, list them all but only describe four. • Meeting space: Total square footage of all meeting space. (For example, “This hotel contains 72,000 square feet of meeting rooms, ballrooms, and exhibit space.”) • Function Room Selections: List each function for the group and give your preliminary choice for the room you will use for each. (For example: “Cocktail Reception: Grand Ballroom Sections F, G, and H.) Do not choose restaurants. • Other: any other special features of the hotel, meeting site, city, or region that you think should

his 101 new testament

Read the document under Modules titled Homework #6: New Testament, and then respond to the following questions:

1) Based off of the quotes from the New Testament, what are some of main messages of Jesus? What did he teach?

2) Choose 2 quotes that you find interesting or important and explain why.

write 300 words or more on what an american is with the imigan you decide on

what is an american First, provide a Google image that represents your running definition of an American thus far in the course (10% of grade). This image must be appropriate for all audiences. cite this image where every you get it.must be 300 words decribing the imigin you decide to express what americas are.