presentation for lx 2018 1
I need you to search this topic and do 8 slides powerpoints
the topic is
EMAC Governance Structure
I need you to search this topic and do 8 slides powerpoints
the topic is
EMAC Governance Structure
This assignment is about data types and condition checking in C++. Ask the user to enter three numbers, one after each other. The numbers can be a decimal numbers (one or two decimal precision, such as 5.4 or 6.32) or integer between 0 and 10. Then find maximum of three numbers and message the user. Examples runs are given below.
Example -1
Enter a number: 4.3
Enter a number: 0.5
Enter a number: 6.7
The max of three number: 6.7
Example -2
Enter a number: 0.30
Enter a number: 5
Enter a number: 0.7
The max of three number: 5
Example -3
Enter a number: 3
Enter a number: 3
Enter a number: 3
The max of three number: 3
PS: Assume that numbers are entered as described. You do not need to verify whether the format is correct or not.
reply back to these 3 responses
250 word minimum
-Hello Everyone,
For this forum I decided to teach a child to do more chores or to do them better. With teaching this behavior, I would would operant conditioning. If I tell my child to do certain things around the house and my child does not do them, there are different things that I can do to get a better behavior. The key thing with operant conditioning is that when the behavior is not right, you can give a punishment to decrease the likelihood of the bad behavior. If the behavior is the right way, you can give a reward to increase the likely hood of the right decisions. Examples of giving a punishment to a child could different depending on what the child does or likes. If the child plays video games, I could take the video games away until the chores are done and done correctly. If the child wants to go over to a friends house then I can say no until the chores are done, if the child refuses to do the chores then I will continue to take more things away and give more punishments until the child changes their behavior and does the chores. Now when it comes to rewarding the child for doing the chores and doing them right, I can give whatever I took away, back to the child. These punishments or rewards can be a continuous thing depending if the child completes the chores or not. The reason why I believe that operant conditioning is the best decision for this type of situation is because children love the things that they have and when you take those things away, they will get upset. Now, the child might not do the chore right away because they may be complaining, you have to make sure they know that they wont get whatever you took away back until all of the chores are done.
-Good evening class,
For this week’s forum, I wanted to discuss learning and my three-year-old son. He has been reluctant to use the toilet, and has presented his mother and I with a pretty decent challenge with potty training. We will have a run of a few days where he will use the bathroom when we remind him to go, with a handful of times that he will go on his own without any prompting. Other times, however, he will fight and cry and carry on anytime we make any reference to using the big boy potty. His mother and I want to teach him to use the toilet, and want to avoid any lapses in successful trips to the restroom for him, even if only to avoid the accumulating pile of laundry. Through the reading, I have been able to identify at least one method we have been using to teach him to use the bathroom (and believe me, we’ve tried many methods) but the one that sticks out from the reading is Operant Conditioning, specifically behavior modification. We do not want to reinforce his use of pull ups by keeping him in them because of the decreased laundry burden, and we do not want to negatively punish him for failing to either inform us he needs to go, or to go on his own. We have been primarily using a positive reinforcement as a means of motivating him to go when reminded or on his own. When he is successful, we offer praise, and a reward (a sticker in his potty book). It’s not always successful, as he’s little and I can imagine this activity may be intimidating or still foreign enough to need the reminding, and we communicate that he made a mistake, and that he didn’t make it to the potty in time. We try to avoid exhibiting negative reactions to his failures, as the missed trips to the restroom aren’t the end of the world. Once we see that he’s going on his own without needing much ado, we can begin to remove the stickers, opting only for the praise, until he finally makes the switch and goes on his own, every time.
-Greetings classmates,
I really enjoyed this week’s topic because I eventually want to become a teacher one day. Choosing a behavior was a bit challenging because it has literally no limitations. The behavior I chose is a little unique in nature. I would like to teach a friend to how to listen to someone and not be regressive; even if they highly disagree about a particular subject. Many people in today’s time don’t get enough exposure to different opinions because they constantly live within their own circles. When a contradictory opinion comes up in conversation, people tend to immediately shut it off. I believe this is because people feel that if they listen to an opinion that is different from their own that they might be converted to that opinion(Watson, 1920).
I would use classical conditioning for this approach. This conditioning focuses on two stimuli that are repeatedly paired. In the classical approach, there was an example that related to ignoring stimulus that might be bothersome to a particular person. However, with constant exposure to that stimulus allowed the person to forget that it was even there, thus creating an immunity to it. The reason why I choose this approach was it seemed less invasive. And the biggest challenge to this approach is it requires my friend to actually want to learn the particular behavior.
I would focus on telling my friend statements that I know that they disagree with. Their blood pressure and heart rate might rise because of this. Usually the most uncomfortable statements that people hate to deal with are that of politics and religion. I would keep exposing it to them of a certain period until they could handle listening to opposing opinions without getting upset. Hopefully, this would create an immunity to their regression. The purpose of this learned behavior is to focus on controlling a person’s emotions without changing their belief system but allowing them to listen to statements that might make them feel upset.
The requirements are in the document I gave you.
Films: Hinduism: Nina Paley’s “Sita Sings the Blues†• ()
I have two assignments for nutrition and i will need help to solve its. The assignment contains discussion and assignment worksheet to be fill and submitted next week Monday. So, will attach the both assignment below. Thanks
Develop a skill set that is aimed at creating an open culture in the digital information/communication exchange. Explain how at least three different skills will help communicators and benefit users of digital products. Describe a scenario to which this skill set can be effectively applied.
Guidelines for Submission: Short paper assignments must follow these formatting guidelines: double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. Page length requirements: 2–4 pages.
Textbook: Practicing Convergence Journalism
Chapter 7
Students may experience varying amounts of time for this resource to load, depending on the speed of their internet connection. This video is 4 minutes and 39 seconds in length.
Review this website and examine how people are using technology to interact and organize. Journalists often monitor meetup groups for trends.
About 100 words for one question, you can find answers in the book, or in the powerpoint.
1. Describe the distinction between technological determinism and social determinism and how each approach relates to ideas regarding what drives the history of media and globalization. What are the problems with taking an either/or approach to determinism? What is the “middle path” between technological determinism and social determinism, according to Lule?
2. In discussing the question of “When Did Globalization Begin?,” Lule describes Arjun Appadurai’s position along with two different approaches taken by other scholars. According to Lule, what is Appadurai’s position and evidence regarding when globalization began? What are the two different positions taken by other scholars?
3. The Report on Media and Communication (Chapter 13) features several case studies focused on how specific countries have different histories of media globalization. Referring to two of these cases—South Africa and Mexico—compare the media systems of these two countries, focusing on the following questions:
a. To what degree is each country’s media system concentrated and market-driven? b. What, if any, relationships are there between media corporations and powerful families and/or politicians/politics, and how have these relationships benefitted the economic and political elites of the country? c. To what degree has global investment from other countries influenced the country’s media system? d. In what ways have “political reforms” influenced the country’s media (whether corporate, public, or community media), and who has benefitted from these reforms?
4. According to the “Report on Media Communications,” why is it that media’s contribution to social progress cannot be understood without understanding both media distribution and the differentiation of media access? How does the emphasis on access as necessary to social progress differ from the modernization theory approach? What are the factors that effective media access and use depend upon?
5. What factors does the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences take into account in defining a foreign language film? How does the exclusion of the Nigerian (Hollywood) film Lionheart for consideration as Best Foreign Language Film for the 2020 Academy Awards (Oscars) illustrate problems in using this particular definition at a time when globalization is characterized by “Global English” in particular?
6. According to Lule, what are the essential ties between media and economic globalization?
7. Describe three of Lule’s (Globalization & Media) concerns about the implications of media oligopoly. What is his argument against the idea that the growth of media conglomerates is natural or the result of successful business decisions?
8. Describe the three main reasons for media corporations to pursue convergence, as noted by Jin. According to Jin, what is the major goal of de-convergence, which became a new business model competing with the ongoing process of media convergence throughout the past decade?
Professional Application
This is the creative week! You will use what you have learned in the last two modules to create an Integrated Marketing Communications Plan for your product/service. In business world, materials like this are presented clients or upper management; be persuasive in your recommendations.
You will report on three communication channels:
Select two of the following:
Communications Channel 1: Digital Marketing
Communications Channel 2
Communications Channel 3
Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. The paper should be written in third person; this means words like “I,†“we,†and “you†are not appropriate. For more information see Differences Between First and Third Person.
See the Student Guide to Writing a High-Quality Academic Paper, including pages 13 and 14 on in-text citations. Another resource is the “Writing Style Guide,†which is found under “My Resources†on the TLC portal. All research should be cited in the body of the paper. In-text citations and corresponding references should be included in your paper. The use of direct quotes is strongly discouraged.
Use the attached APA-formatted template (MKT301 Case3) to create your submission.
Your submission will include:
PLEASE POSE YOUR OWN QUESTION ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY and answer it in a thoughtful, introspective and scholarly manner. You must include at least one “DIRECT QUOTE” from a source.
This could be the “coming out” story of you, a friend, a relative. It could be the story of your friendship with someone who has endured difficult times because of gender discrimination.
The story could be a review of the pros and cons of gendered bathroom issues in public schools.
OR – How do you feel about the media coverage of BRUCE/CAITLIN Jenner’s journey of “coming out” as transgender?
It could also be an explanation of YOUR SPECIFIC BELIEFS about GENDER & SEXUALITY based on your religious background. If the latter is your story – – include direct quotes of passages from the Bible or another historical document you read on a regular basis.
PRESENT YOUR QUESTION / ISSUE and then write your response. Be sure to include a FORMAL INTRODUCTION that includes your TOPIC / DISCUSSION ISSUE and a FORMAL CONCLUSION / SUMMARY. YOU MUST ALSO INCLUDE AT LEAST ONE QUOTATION. 400 word minimum with at least one direct quote.
I need help making the paper more specific. The more specific the better. Its to generalized. Also I need help improving the paper to better follow the bellow instructions.
the Russian invasion of Ukraine. In one clear, cogent, concise and compelling essay, discuss how NATO and the EU have so engaged the conflict, and assess the effectiveness of their involvement in the conflict. Your essay should not exceed 3,000 words, including in-text citations and your bibliography. The assignment should use single space and presented in Times New Roman 12 format. Use APA style in-text citations and for bibliography. The paper should include a cover page where only the title of the paper, the name of the author, and the number of words will be indicated.
Rubric to follow
The following criteria will be used in assessing students’ papers:
ï‚·Has the topic been clearly defined and directly addressed?
ï‚·Does the introduction present a clear statement of the issues to be covered?
ï‚·Does the essay have a clear structure or organization in which
a) the main points are developed logically; and
b) the relevance of the material to the theme or argument is clear?
ï‚·Is there an effective conclusion which draws together the main points?
ï‚·Is there evidence of adequate reading and research?
ï‚·Is the breadth of coverage adequate?
ï‚·Are the issues and ideas analyzed in sufficient depth?
ï‚·Are arguments supported by evidence, examples, sources and quotations?
ï‚·Are the arguments logical and consistent?
ï‚·Are opinions based on evidence and/or logic?
ï‚·Does the essay show evidence of original or independent thought?
ï‚·Fluency and style of writing
ï‚·Spelling, grammar, paragraphing
ï‚·Presentation of data: effective use of figures and tables and correct use of units and quantities
ï‚·Neatness and legibility
ï‚·Sources: are sources acknowledged? Are references cited? Are references presented correctly