psy1012 learning style week 1

Our textbook begins by highlighting the SQ4R Method, one technique behind the psychology of studying. This technique can help you read and learn the material in textbooks more effectively. It also helps you when taking tests! We all learn differently, though. It is very important to know how you learn best. If you use strategies that work best with your learning style, you will decrease the time you spend and increase the results!

  1. Take the learning style self-assessment . The direct link is
  2. Review the results of your assessment using the explanation below.
  3. Click the link
  4. Write at least 200 words describing the results, how you learn best, and how you will modify your study techniques to fit your learning style.

What do the results mean? Barbara Soloman, Coordinator of Advising, First Year College, North Carolina State University explains:

  • Active Learners: tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it like discussing or explaining it to others. They enjoy group work.
  • Reflective Learners: prefer to think about it quietly first. They prefer to work alone.
  • Sensing Learners: tend to like learning facts. They are patient with details and good at memorizing things. They are practical and careful.
  • Intuitive Learners: prefer discovering possibilities and relationships. They are good at grasping new concepts and are comfortable with abstractions and mathematical formulations. They are innovative and creative.
  • Visual Learners: remember best what they see–pictures, diagrams, flowcharts, timelines, films, and demonstrations.
  • Verbal Learners: get more out of words–written and spoken explanations. Everyone learns more when information is presented both visually and verbally.
  • Sequential Learners: tend to gain understanding in linear steps, with each step following logically from the previous one. They follow logical steps when finding solutions.
  • Global Learners: Global learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly without seeing connections, and then suddenly “getting it.” They may be able to solve complex problems quickly or put things together in novel ways once they have grasped the big picture, but they may have difficulty explaining how they did it.

look at the requirments 1

Please read the following two articles, then:

  • Provide a brief summary of each (one paragraph)
  • Explain how this is systemic racism.
  • How is Ben Carson using “his values” to create barriers for transgender people.
  • Using figure 5.1 Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity on page 165 in the hard cover book, please state which of the six states this leader is at, please state why you chose this.
  • What does it say to subordinates when a “leader” or head of the unit is not inclusive but instead disrespectful and alienating to groups of difference?

accurately summarize the sources of the san diego region s water supply a two page summary every source is provided

provide, in a general sense, a complete and accurate response using the sources and directions listed below…

log-in information will be provided.

(b) the “CA Base Map” that is included in the WEEK #2 Module (on the Page “HANDOUTS” for WEEK #2),

(c) the Video-Lecture entitled “Sources of the SD Region’s Water Supply” (as found in the WEEK #2 Module),

(d) the “context” of the MWD that is provided at the beginning of “Video #2” in the “I. Underpinnings of the Physical Sciences” Video-Lecture series (found in the WEEK #1 Module), and if helpful

(e) the map of “SDCWA Member Agencies” (as found in “HANDOUTS” for WEEK #2).

PAGE #1: In general terms, summarize the San Diego Region’s water supply. Do so using two meaningful paragraphs (your response should fill approximately one-page of a standard “Word” document) …

The First: Summarize the basic water-supply problem faced by the San Diego Region, and thus describe the nature and location of the actual sources-of-water upon which this region depends.

The Second: Summarize the major water-transfer projects that link the San Diego Region to its main sources-of-imported-water, and, the hierarchy-of-agencies most-directly involved in its capture, allocation, and transport. (Carefully ensure that your hierarchy-of-agencies is accurate and complete. Have it end with YOUR water provider. For those of you NOT on municipal water, have it end with either the agency that supplies water to the city-where-you-work, or else to Grossmont College.)

PAGE #2: Use the “CA Base Map” (provided on the “HANDOUTS” Page of the WEEK #2 Module) to visually show the spatial relationships described in your first paragraph above. Do this by printing out the map, then accurately and neatly drawing on it by hand (e.g., with colored pencils) and signing your name, then take a digital photograph or scan.

To help with this assignment, here’s the same question as posed in Assignment #1:

If the water that you use at your residence is purchased from a public water district (g., Helix or Padre Dam or the City of San Diego, etc.), then in very general terms describe (a) where the majority of it comes from (e.g., Rocky Mountain snowpack that melts and flows down the Colorado River, or from eastern Sierra meltwaters via the LA Aqueduct, or from streamflow out of the northwestern Sierra via Lake Oroville and “the Delta,” etc.), (b) how it gets from its source to the water district that you buy it from, and (c) any other water wholesalers (e.g., the San Diego County Water Authority, the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the CA State Department of Water Resources) that are involved in its capture and transport.


comparisons between banks and other public firms 1

1. How did changes in the economic conditions (i.e., recessions, monetary policies, globalization, taxes, international trade) affect the performance of these companies (in similar or different ways)?

2.What are the strength and weakness of your bank’s businesses relative to other comparable banks (you need to define the appropriate comparison group first.)

Our bank: First Financial Bank. Manufacturing company: Tesla. Retail company: Walmart.

paper outline emergency preparedness for elderly in the state of utah 1

I would expect to see some type of hazard vulnerability study or analysis for Utah in the paper. You should also include a discussion on some of the area resources.


Emergency Preparedness for Elderly in The State of Utah

  • Paper outline should address the following:

· Abstract – An overview of the paper topic, importance of the topic etc. Begin your abstract with “The purpose of this discussion is to…”

· Targeted topics – Sample paper subheadings, major areas to be covered in your paper. Use bullets to help separate each subheading.

· Selected references – cite at least three at this point (but will need to cite more in final paper). Also, see “Annotated Bibliography” below.

· Expected conclusions – what you expect at this point, recognizing that your final conclusions may be different; expect to discuss the difference(s) in your final paper.

job order or process costing 1

Based on the understanding of job order costing and process costing, which one would each business most likely use?

Write a 120-200 (total) word paper that describes why you feel that either job order or process costing (which one?) would likely be used in EACH of the described businesses listed.

  • A maker of trophies for various park district sports teams
  • The Utz pretzel factory
  • A designer of hotel properties
  • The factory that makes Minute Maid orange juice
  • McGraw-Hill book publishing company
  • An auto body shop
  • Coors Brewery

Post in a discussion format, not just bullet points

View the example attached and powerpoints for better reference.

Point deductions:

(-1 or -2 points) for business-communication (or lack thereof) issues such as grammar, spelling, ambiguous sentences, etc.

(-3 to -8 points) if major content issues such as inconsistency with or non-application of textbook concepts (including omitting the required quotes) as well as falling short of minimum word requirements.

excel worksheet 18


I have two Excel worksheet the other one will be upload later

Please see attached file,there are one Excel workbook file and one word file which is the instruction

Note / Important must work on the same files then upload them back to me once its done .

Please work on the same Excel files uploaded

Thank you

the prompt in this assignment is based on the video or the article either may be used for this pargragh (Links to an external site.)

The prompt in this assignment is based on the video or the article. Either may be used for this essay.

In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at the school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any. Your discussion must be supported by at least one text reference. The text reference must be to page number and edition. You may present your opinion but there must be some support from the material in this class. This is not about YOUR college campus but the Landry’s school.

reading response 346

Reading question 2: Machiavelli on virtu vs. fortuna

Machiavelli, The Prince chapters 10-18.

Format: two single-spaced, type-written paragraphs

Based on your reading of the second half of The Prince, explain Machiavelli’s concepts of virtu and fortuna. Pay especially close attention to those chapters in which Machiavelli elaborates the significance of each in terms of what might be called “statecraft.” Let us define that concept as “action within the limits of human possibility, however wide.”

polsci7 week 2 discussion collective security or balance of power

Question: If asked to advise the president of the United States on which approach should be pursued in American foreign policy, collective security or a balance of power, what would you advise? If you believe that collective security is better policy, explain why in the Collective Security forum, supporting your argument with source-cited historical facts. If you believe that the balance of power system is better, explain why in the Balance of Power forum. Post your essay using source cited facts to support your argument.

Required Text: Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas, 6th ed (Links to an external site.). — Henry R. Nau, Sage/CQ Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-1506396224. Part II: The Contemporary International System.


(1) A clear introduction that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor; (2) A body of factual examples that support your thesis; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned readings or footnoted sources researched independently by the student; Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays; (3) A coherent paragraph structure that highlights your main points; (4) Appropriate citations for materials drawn from the works of others; plagiarized threads will be penalized; and (5) should be approximately 400-600 words in length.