excel homework 7 1

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case study analysis of a major decision 1

You will provide a snapshot of a situation within a complex environment. A written description of a real-life problem or situation with no analysis or conclusion, detailing only the facts arranged in chronological sequence; with a focus on a Leader who is facing a major decision.

The purpose of this case study analysis paper is to place you in the role of decision-makers, giving you the opportunity to sharpen your problem-solving skills and to improve your ability to think and reason rigorously.

The approach to a successful paper will include the following:

1. Analysis of the facts and details of the case itself

2. Selection of a decision-making strategy

3. Refinement and defense of the chosen decision-making strategy

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


  • Latham, G. P. (2018). Becoming the evidence-based manager: Making the Science of Management Work for You. Hachette UK. ISBN: 978-1-4736-7697-8
  • Marr, B. (2010). The Intelligent Company: Five Steps to Success with Evidence-Based Management. West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN: 978-0-470-68595-2

week 6 discussion 70

Please respond to the following discussion with 250 words 2 references each

#1 Family and Decision-Making in nursing

Choose a topic from the chapter reading and/or related peer-reviewed article journal to present an reflective scholarly discussion.

week 1 discussion 62

Our guest speaker, Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga, speaks to enterprise system implementations within her company, ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company (INF220 Week One Information Systems – The Big Picture Part One (Links to an external site.) and INF220 Week One Information Systems – The Big Picture Part Two (Links to an external site.)). Describe one measurement dimension of the “A Priori Model” using the dimension measurements in the “A Priori Model” diagram (See the Instructor Guidance). For example, data accuracy is a measurement of system quality. A system with good system quality integrates data input validation rules to allow only certain types of data input in specific fields. Identify how Dr. Gonzaga’s IT organization provided enterprise systems that addressed the “A Priori” measurement dimension you identified: system quality, information quality, satisfaction, individual impact, or organizational impact. Give examples to illustrate your answer. Provide justification and citations for your points. Use the provided news report template for your post: INF220 Week 1 Hot Topics Enterprise Systems News Report.

the project manager s dilemma

The genesis of this assignment is an anecdote recounted in Chapter 13 of our Highsmith text. Highsmith relates how Helen Pukszta reported in a Cutter Business-IT Strategies report, “I recently asked a colleague whether he would prefer to deliver a project somewhat late and over-budget but rich with business benefits, or one that is on time and under budget but of scant value to the business. He thought it was a tough call, and then went for the on-time scenario. Delivering on time and within budget is part of his IT department’s performance metrics. Chasing after the elusive business value, over which he thought he had little control anyway, is not.”

A dilemma is a situation which requires one to make a choice between two alternatives, neither of which is ideal. Pukszta describes what we will call “the project manager’s dilemma.” While it may not be the only dilemma project managers will ever face, the choice between staying within budget and schedule constraints and taking more time to “get something right” is all too common.

For this assignment, you will write a two to four page paper on this topic. In it, you will analyze the tradeoffs between the two choices and provide your own personal answer to the dilemma.

You may relate any similar situations which you may have encountered in your own career, any previous course you’ve taken, or even integrate sources selected from a trade journal, newspaper or magazine article, book or web-based source. You should describe assumptions and any background information about such situations in your paper. If you do reference a third-party source, please be sure to list its name and provide a link to it if it is available on the Internet or in the Bobst Library’s digital archives.

The wonderful thing about dilemmas is that there are no single answers to them. Your grade will be based on the depth and clarity of your analysis as well as how well you express your own opinion and justify it.

module 3 a conflict about gestures how words were spoken or some other nonverbal cue s and gender roles or gender issues chapters 3 and 4 1

Label and compose the 3 parts as shown. Follow these content and organization directions carefully.

Outline for Standard Modules use for Module


This is a detailed description. Open this section with a sentence or two to provide context and set the scene (how did you come to know of it? when did it happen? who was involved? etc.) Then provide a concise description of what happened. Make sure you include a word-for-word, (as accurately as possible; no need to censor) line-by-line transcription of the conversation to the best of your recollection. Do not just do a summary of what was said and done. For example, this is a summary: “They had a big fight, called each other names, and he stormed out of the apartment.” A proper “transcript” of the conversation would include verbal & nonverbal details as to who said what, where, when, in what order, and how. Example: She shouted, red-faced and bursting into tears: “Then go!” He took a breath and then yelled, jerking open the door to his room, “OK, but first I’m getting my stuff and you can just stay out of my face!”


In this section, employ at least 2 concepts from each of the assigned chapters we are studying for the current module, using the selected concepts to label and explain what happened. Labeling is giving an appropriate name to a behavior using our textbooks’ terminology. Explaining is exploring beneath the surface of the behavior to provide a reasonable answer to this question: WHY DID THIS HAPPEN? Sometimes an explanation for what someone else does is mainly speculative, (that’s where the theories in the chapters help). But if you are talking about your own behavior, the WHY question may be easier to answer and using the textbook can also be of use. In this module section, concisely label and explain the behavior of all persons involved in the Incident you described in part 1. Boldface the text concepts you have drawn from the chapter and cite the textbook page # in parentheses, e.g., (p. 217) next to the boldfaced term or phrase, indicating where the concept can be found in our main textbook. A total of 4 concepts, minimum, shall be employed.


Provide evaluation and some prescriptions. Here you pass a judgment: how well did this conflict go? Was it creative, destructive, or both? What could you and/or each the persons involved have said or done differently to help prevent or reduce the severity of the conflict? If you were involved in the conflict, focus on your own choices, but also make specific suggestions for changes in words and actions of the other(s), too. If you were just an observer and not directly involved, you can still make prescriptions for how the people who you observed could have spoken or could have behaved differently if they’d been thinking and communicating more creatively.

do the following 2

Anth 130: it’s once of week. there will assignments (like discussion and etc) , quiz and exams (that are not online (i try lol) ) Also you have to study for the exam and quizzes. Also you have to keep up with the class i recommend to do everything before the date due. there is alot of reading to do.

Geog 130: there will be assignments, quizzes and exams. the some quizzes require to watch videos and the othere you have to read. also recommend to finish everything be fore date due

you Have to get An A or B- to the the money for both classes

for this week you need to do for:

Anth130:4.1 untill 4.6 there will be some reading and also discussion and one quiz and the dead line will be feb 22.

Geog 130: week 4 and week 5 the dead line will be the same feb 22

assignment 1 discussion questions

  1. Prototyping requires many tools that can differ in nature and purpose. Discuss three tools associated with prototyping. In which context, would you use each of these tools and why? Provide a context for the three tools you have identified, where these tools can be used ideally.
  2. The DECIDE framework provides a good plan for product evaluation. Evaluate any personal device, such as a TV’s remote control, using the DECIDE framework. Discuss the usability of this framework in the device. What challenges did you face while applying the framework to the device?

algebra ii quick fun problem 1

Full Problem Attached below in picture……..

– write a poem describing the translation of the parent function……..

– then explain the transformations of the function

Full question in attachment below.

reply to post below just half page homeland security w2

The Spanish in 2005 created the Military Emergency Unit or the Unidad Militar de Emergencias (UME); it is comprised of all of their military branches. Their assistance in critical emergency and catastrophe situations involves the use of military capabilities and personnel for maximum coordination and effectiveness in supporting civil emergency plans and Civil Protection in catastrophic situations in national or foreign territory. This also includes fighting fires, aiding in natural or ecological/environmental disasters (either natural or provoked), and situations of dire need. Support will be primarily focused on sanitation, supply distribution, the establishment of infrastructures, surveillance of areas susceptible to environmental aggressions or ecological harm, and possible clean-up and recovery. The military capabilities may also be used to support Civil Protection and Autonomous Community authorities in the event of NBCR threats to the population. The Government opted for the establishment of a unit of rapid intervention, full availability, military presence throughout the national territory, and who respond in an agile and effective way to the needs of Spanish society. Thus, the unit received the mission to act in those emergencies that have their origin in natural hazards: floods, earthquakes, heavy snowfall, forest fires as well as those derived from technological risks.