discussion 3379

Consider the following three scenarios:

1. Suppose you work for an organization that runs tests for life-threatening diseases and then discusses the results with their patients. You have just tested a 45 year old male patient, father of six, and according to the test he is terminally ill. Statistics shows that the man has seven months to live.

2. Your 31 year old daughter, who for five years has been underemployed and unemployed, announces she has secured a stable and high paying job as Director of Operations for a Colorado Marijuana facility.

3. You are working for a foreign government that has had a disease epidemic in a certain region of their country which has led to the deaths of three million children. The disease is spread by mosquitos, and the only quick and sure way to stop the epidemic is to spray Chemical H on the jungle environments where the mosquitos live. Spraying the chemical will lead to environmental issues for 20 years.

Pick one of the above scenarios and in that context, explain how your knowledge of biostatistics might inform how you address the situation and how you might advance a Biblical worldview. Fell free to add details or assumptions left ambiguous in the prompt.

Integrate at least one scholarly source on each thread pertaining to this topic and cite in AMA format.

discussion a what are the predisposing factors that lead to domestic abuse what is the role of the public health nurse to prevent domestic abuse discussion b what are the ethical and moral issues that present themselves when communities cities s

Discussion A

What are the predisposing factors that lead to domestic abuse? What is the role of the public health nurse to prevent domestic abuse?

Discussion B

What are the ethical and moral issues that present themselves when communities/cities/states choose to address or not address the health needs of the underserved populations? Choose one of these populations and discuss what resources may be available to them.

This discussions should be 300 words, with in-text citation and references. in APA format

6 1 discussion interrupts 1

Outline the process that occurs when a hardware interrupt is generated by a disk controller. Set the context for the interrupt (disk read or write) and describe how an interrupt handler would address the event.

After your initial post, respond constructively to two of your peers’ posts. In your first response post, identify a student who presented an outline that aligns with your thinking and explain why you are in agreement. In your second response post, identify a student whose outline was different than yours and respectfully recommend at least one idea for them to consider that would enhance their approach.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

using network sockets write a c program called client that receives three command line arguments in the form no plagiarism 1

Lab L3 involves creating an HTTP client program and a separate HTTP server program. This is a networking assignment. I would highly recommend to start with the csapp echo client and echo server programs, and modify them to implement HTTP networking instead. Do not use Unix I/O or standard I/O for this assignment. Use csapp Rio instead, it’s better equipped for reading and writing to networks.

HTTP Client:

Example client usage: ./client www.google.com 80 /index.html ; would print the entire response from google.com (including headers and index.html contents) to stdout.

This would run the request specified in the assignment. Note that the default HTTP port (the well-known port) is port 80. You would send the header message specified in the assignment with the correct host and file filled in. You should not implement support for HTTPS, that is not an assignment requirement.

Note, the HTTP server will send back a response containing headers, followed by rnrn, then the body message which contains the actual file contents. One option for reading is to continually read until the number of bytes received is zero. This option is a bit risky, it requires the server to terminate the client connection, which is not a hard requirement for an HTTP server, and ultimately is an unreliable dependency. If the HTTP server does not close the client connection, then your program will loop indefinitely on read() and never terminate.

In general, network I/O is less reliable than file I/O. My suggestion would be to properly implement HTTP protocol parsing. In particular, Mozilla has a good writeup here on HTTP: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Overview#HTTP_flow. Note that the list of headers is terminated with the byte sequence rnrn, and one of the headers lists the size of the body message. Similar to the ICE “counter” example, you can parse and use this information to calculate how much your client needs to read in. Then, the client can terminate the connection once it is finished reading.

Note: google.com uses chunked transfer to send HTTP responses. It is not difficult to implement support for, but is not a hard requirement. Test on another website (such as your Tux website) if you do not want to deal with chunked transfer encoding. An example of parsing chunked transfer is located here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chunked_transfer_encoding#Example. Each HTTP response will either have the Transfer-Encoding or Content-Length header, so, parse it out appropriately and use the header information to appropriately read the body message.

HTTP Server:

Example server usage: ./server 80 ; will host the server locally (host on port 80.

Similarly, your server needs to implement HTTP. So, you will read in the client headers and send back response headers along with the correct file contents. See the Mozilla example above for appropriate HTTP response headers. In particular, send back “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” and the “Content-Length” header for the body message. Follow the protocol exactly, use rnrn to terminate the header message and then follow it with the body message. The server will continuously run and listen for client connections, and will read each client message and send back an appropriate HTTP response.

Once your client program is finished, you can write your server program and use your client program to test your server (have the client call the server at host, with the appropriate port and file).

If an invalid HTTP message is sent, or the file requested does not exist, send back an appropriate HTTP error. So, like HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found or HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden. Read up on the HTTP return codes, use appropriate codes. The server should always relay problems back to the client, it should never quit on an error.


A zipfile is fine. In particular, include the two C files (client and server), a README, a Makefile that lets us compile both programs (ideally a target for client and a target for server).

The README needs to explain how you ran and tested your code. If it does not sufficiently explain this, you might not get full credit.

To ensure that we can correctly run and verify your program, you can write in the README some test cases, which give example command line usage of your code and detail the expected output. We will be looking for meeting the required specifications and for following proper HTTP implementation.

Test your code out part-by-part, do not try to write it all in one-go. Maybe write the network read/write loop first, then write an HTTP writer/parser, then implement that into the network logic. Do not over-complicate the problem.
