discussion 3433

1. Name at least three significant health challenges facing members of the LGBQT community. 2. What assessment model(s) would be effective in identifying effective approaches in providing culturally sensitive care to members of this population. 3. What services and supports do you believe would be most effective in combatting these risks. Explain why you suggest them and any challenges you would see implementing them

identify an organization that is using at least one online search technology 1

You may use an organization you know from your personal experience or one that you discover while doing research. Briefly describe the organization, and then answer the following questions:

  • Of the various types of search technologies, which ones is the organization utilizing?
  • Why is the organization using these technologies? What are the benefits?
  • What are some metrics the organization could use to evaluate how effective these technologies are in supporting organizational objectives? Explain.
  • Identify areas in which the organization could expand or improve upon using the search technology. Explain what they could do and why they should do it.

Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references, as appropriate. Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

Chapter 6: Search, Semantic, and Recommendation Technology in Information technology for management: On-Demand strategies for performance, growth, and sustainability

200 word discussion homeland security class

200 word discussion all the instructions are attached as well as the book details.

HOMELAND SECURITY: An introduction to Principles and


Author: Charles P. Nemeth

Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis

Group ISBN: 978-1-4987-4910-7




150 words reply leah

no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use the references below. Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would like the author to explore further.

There are many things that can hamper the building of an effective volunteer training program such as; the manner, flow, and clarity in which the content is delivered; not taking into consideration the audience of volunteers being trained; content that does not relate to the tasks and requirements necessary for the success of the program; the setting and environment in which the training is taking place; and not taking into consideration the different learning styles of the volunteers. Training is necessary to build a learning organization in order to; achieve superior performance; provide and constantly work to improve quality services, build competitive advantages, and manage change (Connors, 2011). In order to design a meaningful program, it is important to consider; what are the necessary skills needed by the volunteers to effectively perform their assignments; what knowledge should the training provider, and which types of learning styles should be implemented in the training? When creating a program, it is important to remember the three types of learners; Audio learners, visual learners, and experimental learners. Age and life experiences can affect the way the content received and understood by volunteers, and will influence how much of the information that would be retained. It can be helpful to break up the training time into segments and provide breaks; have the content of the training flow with a beginning, middle and end; and allow adequate time for debriefing so that volunteers are able to solidify the knowledge they have gained in training (Conners, 2011). An effective training program will increase organizational success.

I have attended some training programs in my current position that I have found very effective. Many of our training are all-day training from 9 am-4 pm, and originally my first thought was how long and boring the day would be. I was honestly presently surprised when beginning training because our trainer uses different techniques than I have previously experienced. When we enter the room, she usually has coffee, tea, and snacks prepared for us. She decorates each table with stress balls, and colorful stress-relieving toys because she understands that this may improve the ability to focus. For some. She begins the training by telling us about herself and asking us to introduce ourselves to increase the comfort level of the room. She then explains what the day will entail, what times we will stop for breaks and lunch, and why it is important for us to have knowledge of the information that is being presented and how it will improve our work performance. Training is often very interactive, and everyone is encouraged to asked lots of questions, and share any personal experiences that relate to the training content. I also love that our trainer is very experienced in the field, shares stories of her experiences and mistakes that she has made in the past, and frequently ask if there is anything we need clarification on before advancing to another subject. Our trainer also implements methods that address all the different learning styles by; giving brief and informative lectures; showing videos and photos that relate to the topic, and having hands-on interactive exercises that allow us to learn through experience. I found the training to be fun, beneficial, engaging, and they provide an effective learning experience.


Connors, T. D. (2011). Wiley nonprofit law, finance, and management series: volunteer management handbook: leadership strategies for success (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 9780470604533.

business communication 79

Persuasive Memo

As a leader, there will be times when you will need to convince your audience about your point of view, whether you are selling a product or relaying information. Knowing how to convince people of your perspective is a valuable skill. In order to do this effectively, you must learn the art of persuasion and communication.

For this, you will apply key concepts from Week 5 to write a persuasive Memo. Think about how you will convince your executive leadership team to buy into your point-of-view on your topic.

The office dress code at your company is strictly business attire and the employees feel that business casual is more appropriate for your company culture. You have been designated as the spokesperson to approach the executive leadership team about this proposed change. How will you persuade them to buy in to your recommendation?


• Review your Week 5 readings • Create a Memo of 2 to 3 pages, addressed to the executive leadership team.• Use the Outline below to structure your Memo: 1. Write a “Hook” to get your audience’s attention (1-2 paragraphs) 2. Tell the story/create a connection (1-2 paragraphs) 3. Identify the benefits of your point-of-view (1-2 paragraphs) 4. Back it up with facts and data (1-2 paragraphs) 5. The Ask: State clearly what you are asking for (1-2 paragraphs) 6. Closing: Describe the proposed next steps (1-2 paragraphs)

Your assignment should follow these formatting requirements:

• Typed, single spaced, with a blank line between paragraphs, professional font (size 10-12)

• Includes headings and subheadings (to identify main topics and subtopics), with one-inch margins on all sides

• Do NOT include a standard Cover page.Instead, on the first page, start your Memo with the following headings aligned to the left:

TO: Fill in Decision Maker’s Name

FROM:Fill in Your Name

DATE:Fill in the Due Date

RE:Insert a Subject Line to Capture the Reader’s Interest

• Application of course material or other resources is needed. References must be included and provide appropriate information that enables the reader to locate the original source. Use the Writing Standards Guide in Course Documents to guide you in the formatting of your citations.

• The length of 2 to 3 pages does not include your References page

communication for engineers 3

Hi, First open file named (Draft of Information Design Project) see the requirements. The other attached are files required. The (Revision Planning) will be when I got the feedback on the work. I will extend the days for (Revision Planning) until the feedback is ready.

students will develop a professional resume and cover letter suitable for submitting to potential employers a grading rubric will be posted for this assignment below is a rubric that describes how the resume assignment will be graded by using four leve

Students will develop a professional resume and cover letter suitable for submitting to potential employers. A grading rubric will be posted for this assignment. Below is a rubric that describes how the resume assignment will be graded by using four levels of quality from excellent to below average. You WILL NOT BE GRADED on the amount or type of experiences you have had.

please read the filecoin case study see hbs coursepack and answer the following questions with substantive answers in a cohesive essay your paper should be at least 3 pages in length

1. How did Filecoin conduct its ICO?

2. How is Filecoin’s ICO similar to and different from:

a) an equity IPO?

b) a crowdfunding initiative on, for example, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe?

3. What are the pros and cons of Filecoin conducting a fundraising through an ICO?

4. Why should investors be attracted to Filecoin?

5. Why should be wary of Filecoin?

6. Why are regulators encouraging or opposing ICOs?

7. What have some regulators done in response to ICOs?

Material LInks ::::



just one sentence

I put 2 worksheets please answer just one sentence and I put the chapter

Please make it short and use simple words. I’m i

analysis of a figure from an article


Can you please analyze figure 2A from the attached article?

And write me the goal of the article and what interest you from the aticle and what concerns or questions you have about the article?

Thank you,