enterprise risk management 52

Questions cover chapters 3, 5, 6, 9, and 12.

– Please focus on Question 4 carefully.

-Please ignore the selected answers in question 1 and question 2.

i need a write 25

Everything in the file, you can check all work in the file. if you have any question please tell me.

this assignment provides a learning activity for students to read an original research study and complete a worksheet to demonstrate understanding of the study purpose design sample data collection analysis limitations conclusions and the importanc 1

This article must be used prior to answering the assigned questions. They would like paraphrasing and citation instead of quotations. You are able to use outside sources to support information if needed. Attached is the assigned worksheet- you must use this worksheet. If you do not find this worksheet, please let me know

de Araujo, D. D., Silva, D. V. A., Rodrigues, C. A. O., Silva, P. O., Macieira, T. G. R., & Chianca, T. C. M. (2019). Effectiveness of nursing interventions to prevent dry eye in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 28(4), 299–306. Retrieved from https://chamberlainuniversity.idm.oclc.org/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct=true&db=ccm&AN=137294247&site=eds-live&scope=site

Criteria Below:

Criteria Ratings Pts

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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose of the Study _5702Using information from the required article and mostly your words, thoroughly summarize the purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Provide details.

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threshold: pts

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30.0 to >26.0 pts

Thoroughly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Excellent details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

26.0 to >24.0 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details.


Edit ratingDelete rating

24.0 to >11.0 pts

Minimally summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria is missing. Fair details provided.


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11.0 to >0.0 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Vague details provided.


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0.0 to >0 pts

All criteria from the first column are missing.


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/ 30.0 pts

Additional Comments

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Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the description of the type of research and the design of the study. Include how it supports the purpose (aim or intent) of the study. Provide details.

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threshold: pts

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20.0 to >18.0 pts

Thoroughly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Excellent details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

18.0 to >16.0 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details.


Edit ratingDelete rating

16.0 to >8.0 pts

Minimally summarizes the criteria in the first column one criteria is missing. Fair details provided.


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8.0 to >0.0 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Vague details are provided.


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0.0 to >0 pts

All criteria from the first column are missing.


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/ 20.0 pts

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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSample _3313Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the population (sample) for the study; include key characteristics, sample size, sampling technique. Provide details.

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threshold: pts

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20.0 to >18.0 pts

Thoroughly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Excellent details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

18.0 to >16.0 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details.


Edit ratingDelete rating

16.0 to >8.0 pts

Minimally summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria is missing. Fair details provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

8.0 to >0.0 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Vague details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

0.0 to >0 pts

All criteria from the first column are missing.


This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.


/ 20.0 pts

Additional Comments

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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Collection _9951Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one data that was collected and how the data was collected from the study. Provide details.

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threshold: pts

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20.0 to >18.0 pts

Thoroughly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Excellent details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

18.0 to >16.0 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details


Edit ratingDelete rating

16.0 to >8.0 pts

Minimally summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria is missing. Fair details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

8.0 to >0.0 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Vague details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

0.0 to >0 pts

All criteria from the first column are missing.


This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.


/ 20.0 pts

Additional Comments

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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeData Analysis _9023Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the data analysis/ tests performed or one method of data analysis from the study; include what you know/learned about the descriptive or statistical test or data analysis method. Provide details.

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threshold: pts

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20.0 to >18.0 pts

Thoroughly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Excellent details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

18.0 to >16.0 pts

Mostly summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria lacks details.


Edit ratingDelete rating

16.0 to >8.0 pts

Minimally summarizes the criteria in the first column or one criteria is missing. Fair details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

8.0 to >0.0 pts

Poorly summarizes the criteria in the first column. Vague details are provided.


Edit ratingDelete rating

0.0 to >0 pts

All criteria from the first column are missing.


This area will be used by the assessor to leave comments related to this criterion.


/ 20.0 pts

Additional Comments

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This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLimitations _2921Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one limitation reported in the study. Provide details.

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