sociology reading journal easy a


ASA format. 12 point font double spaced. 1 page for each reading minimum.

4 total readings. 4 pages. 4 separate quotes. Each reading on separate page.

Reading theory is challenging, to say the least. It often requires multiple readings, “googling” terms you do not understand, and a general tenacity that can be difficult to muster. Journaling will help with this.


  1. Read the requiring readings:

    1.) Durkheim – Mechanical and Organic Solidarity

    2.) Durkheim – What is a Social Fact?

    3.) Durkheim – Anomic Suicide

    4.) Durkheim- The Human Meaning of Religion

  2. After you have read the piece, identify with a quote that you believe best summarizes the main argument, or one of the main arguments, of each piece.
  3. Title your journal entry with the author and title of the reading.
  4. Type the quote you chose at the top.
  5. Explain why you think this quote best summarizes the argument. This means you will write—in your own words— a paragraph or two on how you understand the piece and how the quote reflects that understanding.

case study executive project healthcare model

With all of the conversation and controversy surrounding healthcare structures and governance, healthcare leaders must articulate a thoughtful position regarding an optimal model of health care that is based on sound research, best practices, and one’s personal philosophy of health care. The model must optimize the quality of care while also balancing financial requirements and organizational sustainability. In this assignment, you will articulate such a model.

The Executive Project requires each student to create a healthcare program centered on enhancing the quality and reducing the cost of care. You should prepare your executive project in a PowerPoint Presentation (ppt) format. Your ppt. should meet these requirements:

  • At least 12 slides in length, not including title, references, table of contents slides. The ideal ppt. content slides length is between 12-18 slides.
  • Include detailed speaker notes of 100 – 150 words impeded in the content slides. The speaker notes are used to assure the presentation is fully documented and self-explanatory.
  • You should utilize a minimum of 10 current and high quality references, five (5) of them are from peer-reviewed articles. References should be published within five years.
  • You should include relevant images, visuals, Voice-over-Powerpoint (VoP), and table/chats to enhance the relevance and content of your ppt.
  • The ppt. should be formatted to meet professional standards and expectations. The use of proper APA formatting and citations is required.
  • Ensure the entire project ppt. content is meeting the academic integrity and writing policy. SafeAssign score should be less 20% not including the references slide.

The Executive Project should include:

Part I:

Goals, Objectives, Scope (organization type, type of services, employees, target market, etc.), Structure, Policy and procedure, etc.).You can choose any healthcare organization and topic as long as you have access to its data and information to help you create this project.

Part II:

Articulate a model of healthcare structure and governance that optimizes the quality of healthcare while also balancing financial and operational requirements and the sustainability of the organization in the long run. Include the following in your model:

  1. A brief statement of your personal philosophy of healthcare.
  2. An articulation of an optimal model of healthcare structure and governance.
  3. A brief rationale for the healthcare model presented above. The rationale should describe how the model optimizes the quality of care and balances that with financial requirements and organizational sustainability.
  4. Assess how best practices in delivering medical care in international healthcare delivery systems can be benchmarked and adapted into the U.S. healthcare delivery system.
  5. A proposal of how the healthcare model articulated above can be operationalized in a real-world setting

Ideas for an Executive Project include:

  • Leadership Development Program
  • Continuous Quality Improvement Program
  • Organizational Effectiveness Program
  • Physician Engagement Program
  • Clinical Innovative Program
  • Patient Satisfaction Program
  • Information Management Systems and Data Analytics Program

This assignment will be graded based on rubrics that integrate the following:

  1. Organization and Formatting (20%).
  2. PPT. Content Coverage (40%)
  3. Speaker Notes (20%)
  4. Grammar & APA Writing Style (20%)

book link:…

discussion operational excellence 2

Here is an assessment on Leadership Style. Please take this assessment and provide an analysis of the results. How does this relate to you? How does your style impact the technological tools that you will use as a leader? How would you use your style to lead your organization?

Your main post must be two to three substantive paragraphs (350+ total words) and include at least one APA-formatted external citation/reference.

Your posts should be substantive, demonstrate independent thought relevant to the topic, and encourage continued discussion. Please avoid simply repeating previous posts and agreeing. Provide supporting evidence for your ideas and opinions through the use of personal or work examples, relevant articles or websites, or concepts covered in the week’s readings.

history of medicine questions 3

Hi. These are the questions that I need answers for. All of the questions should be answered using the sources provided. Thanks!

  1. According to Lock and Kaufert, in their study, what are the variables taken into consideration when defining “menopause”? What do they mean by “local biologies”? What are the differences in understanding menopause between Japanese (Chinese, Thai) and North American (the US, Canada) societies?
  2. Do you consider Cobb’s article a primary or secondary source for understanding the Tuskegee syphilis study? Why? According to the author, what made the study possible and what terminated the study? What did the study add to the medical knowledge of syphilis?
  3. In “Materials on the Trial of Former Servicemen of the Japanese Army,” what were the crimes committed by these servicemen of the Japanese army? What are the similarities and differences of the implemented human experimentations between Japanese army and the Tuskegee syphilis study?

ged 216 intro to sociology 4 essays

Hello, I am requesting assistance with writing four (4) essays that are 400-500 words each, APA Style with one reference. Below you will see the essay choices under each unit. Any other questions I can answer or the following are instructions. Thanks.

Four Writing Assignments

Each unit examination includes a written component. The writing assignments give students the opportunity to demonstrate a level of subject mastery beyond the objective unit examinations, which re ects his/her ability to analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply his/ her knowledge.

Writing assignments are judged on the quality of the response. Word count is NOT one of the criteria that is used in assigning points to writing assignments. However, students who are successful in earning the maximum number of points tend to submit writing assignments that are each 400-500 words (1-2 pages) per question.


All work must be free of any form of plagiarism. Put written answers into your own words. Do not simply cut and paste your answers from the Internet and do not copy your answers from the textbook.

Plagiarism consists of taking and using the ideas, writings or inventions of another, without giving credit to that person and presenting it as one’s own. This is an offense that the university takes very seriously. An example of a correctly prepared written response may be found by visiting the Coast Connection student portal. You can nd this in the portal by clicking on Student Resources and thenWriting Basics.

Citation Styles

The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. However, students may also use outside materials if applicable. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your work:

•Sources are listed in two places.

The first, a citation, is briefly listed within your answer. This includes identifying information that directs the reader to your list of references at the end of your writing assignment.

The second, a reference, is at the end of your work in the list of references section.

All sources cited should follow APA style and provide enough identifying information so that the reader can access the original material.

Please utilize/reference the following textbook:

Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials

Diana Kendall, 2018


ISBN.13: 978-1-337-10965-9


You only need to select one question from the list below:

  1. Compare and contrast the perspectives of Durkheim, Marx, and Weber regarding conflict and social change.
  2. Compare and contrast the functionalist perspectives on culture with the conflict perspectives.
  3. Explain the process of gender socialization and racial socialization, including when they occur and the types and forms of messages that are involved.


You only need to select one question from the list below:

  1. How is global poverty related to key human development issues such as life expectancy, health, education, and literacy? Elaborate on your answer.
  2. Describe the four major goals of punishment: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Analyze how the term “punishment” differs from the term “corrections” in terms of how criminal behavior is handled.
  3. Erik Wright has written on Marx’s view of social stratification. Examine Wright’s criticisms of Marx. Identify and describe Wright’s model of stratification based on the work of Marx.


You only need to select one question from the list below:

  1. Describe the frustration-aggression hypothesis and the symbolic interactionist theory of prejudice.
  2. Describe the unique historical experiences of Native Americans and Alaska Natives and examine how these experiences have shaped their life in contemporary America.
  3. Describe recent patterns in cohabitation, including the prevalence of cohabitation, the relative impact of cohabitation on marital success, and which people are most likely to cohabit. Define the term “domestic partnership” as part of your response.


You only need to select one question from the list below:

  1. Describe the political opportunity theory of social movements. Identify its limitations and highlight its significance in the study of social movements.
  2. Examine the symbolic interactionist perspective on the social construction of illness.
  3. Compare and contrast the following political systems in global perspective: monarchy, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and democracy.

reading research literature rrl worksheet 2

Week 6 Assignment: Reading Research Literature (RRL) Worksheet (graded)

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a file upload

Updated 11/19

Reading, understanding, and appreciating original nursing research literature is essential for evidence-based practice (AACN, 2008; QSEN, 2018).


This assignment provides a learning activity for students to read an original research study and complete a worksheet to demonstrate understanding of the study purpose, design, sample, data collection, analysis, limitations, conclusions, and the importance of reading research literature.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.

CO1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO 7)

CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs 4 & 8)

CO4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and significance related to evidence-based practice. (POs 4, 8)

CO5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (POs 7 & 8)

Due Date

Submit the completed RRL Worksheet by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.


This assignment is worth 200 points.

Assignment Directions:

    1. Read over each of the following directions, the required Reading Research Literature worksheet, and grading rubric.
    2. Review the following link which contains a tutorial for your Week 6 Assignment. Click here for transcript. (Links to an external site.)
    3. Download and complete the required Reading Research Literature (RRL) worksheet (Links to an external site.).
    4. Download or access the required article. The required article must be used. de Araujo, D. D., Silva, D. V. A., Rodrigues, C. A. O., Silva, P. O., Macieira, T. G. R., & Chianca, T. C. M. (2019). Effectiveness of nursing interventions to prevent dry eye in critically ill patients. American Journal of Critical Care, 28(4), 299–306. Retrieved from direct=true&db=ccm&AN=137294247&site=eds-live&scope=site (Links to an external site.)
    5. You must use the grading rubric to ensure you are meeting all grading criteria of the worksheet.
    6. You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
    7. Use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and in-text APA formatting.
    8. Submit the completed Reading Research Literature Worksheet to the Week 6 Assignment.

there is four questions you must answer them and write an essay

To summarize our lesson on the biology of the mind in a quote: “everything psychological is rooted in biology.” The brain is an organ in the same way that your heart and lungs are organs. Thus, just as your lungs provide the capacity to breathe, your brain provides the capacity for mental activity and behavior. However, the above quote begs the larger question: to what extent is our behavior the result of biological forces, such as our genetic makeup, and to what extent is our behavior the result of culture and socialization, such as from parents, peers, and media? The answer to this question leads us to a familiar debate in psychology: the nature vs. nurture debate.

The nature vs. nurture debate is perhaps no better encapsulated than in discussions of gender differences. That is, how different are men and women, and among the differences that do exist, are they a product of nature, nurture, or both? The resounding conclusion that your textbook authors make is that both are important and influence each other in dynamic ways. Nevertheless, in some facets of life, differences between people, and in our case men and women, seem more heavily derived from nature as opposed to nurture (and vice versa).

Gender differences fascinate us, and studying them is potentially beneficial. For example, many researchers have observed that women carry on conversations more readily to build relationships, while men talk more to give information and advice (Tannen, 2001). But again, psychologically as well as biologically, women and men are overwhelmingly similar. Whether female or male, we learn to walk at about the same age. We experience the same sensations of light and sound. We feel the same pangs of hunger, desire, and fear. We exhibit similar overall intelligence and well-being.

For this written assignment, I want you to take a stance on many big questions surrounding gender differences. First, do you believe men and women are more similar or different? Provide examples to build your case. Second, to what extent do these similarities and differences derive from nature, nurture, or both? Provide examples to build your case. Finally, how does learning gender roles (e.g., from parents, peers, media, or others) shape the opportunities men and women have to resist acting in line with their gender roles? When constructing your response incorporate at least 1 of the following gender theories we discussed in our lecture slides: social learning theory, social exchange theory, or gender-schema theory. Please complete your response in accordance with the guidelines in the syllabus.

parenting today part 3

Describe your action plan for dealing with your Lot in Life. As part of your solution you should explain how your research on the topic has guided your plan of action. Contact at least two local community agencies (not just Web sites) that can help provide information, training, or support for the problem. Include specifics on how to contact the agency, what services they have available, and how much these services cost. If you include WWW sources for your background research on this topic, review the guidelines about evaluating Web sources given earlier.

Describe any obstacles or challenges that may prevent your plan of action from being successful.

Conclude your paper with a reflection of why you chose this particular Lot in Life to study and how your research of the topic has influenced your views of parenting.

Your paper should have a cover sheet that lists your name, the BEHS 343 section number, and the scenario you have chosen. Your paper should be double-spaced and use a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt). Be sure to include a reference list at the end of your Part 3 assignment.

The other two papers (Setting the Scene and Research) should be pasted in at the end of your solution paper.

soc300 week 6 discussion and response 2


Class, in the interest of completing your written assignment “Comparing factors that lead to underdevelopment” or the Week 8 Assignment, I am providing the following changes for the Week 6 Discussion:


O If you are conducting literature searches and gathering sound academic information on the Week 8 written assignment, I want you to continue these efforts. You need not answer the Week 6 Discussion questions, instead you will do the following: 1) Provide DETAILED COMMENTS on the progress you are making, including sources that you are checking (Strayer library, Webtext, World Bank reports etc.); and 2) DISCUSS at least THREE FACTORS that you chose from the Week 8 Assignment List of Factors 3) How are these factors associated with the two developing countries you have selected?

CAUTION! Post your own comments class, do not simply copy someone else’s comments or research strategies concerning your Week 8 assignment. DO YOU OWN WORK!


OPTION 2: NO EXTRA TIME NEEDED FOR WEEK 8 ASSGN. YOUR RESEARCH IS ON POINT!!! If you are comfortable with where you are in terms of researching/drafting your Week 8 assignment, please proceed to READ and ANSWER substantively the following Discussion question (once you have read the Webtext and viewed the lecture information).


“Education.” Please respond to the following:

Based on the lecture and Webtext materials, address the following:

Outline the most significant obstacles to obtaining an education in developing countries. Suggest at least Two (2) reasons why education should be a priority in the developing world. Next, discuss in DETAIL significant overall strategies – aside from building more schools – that those in leadership positions in developing countries may use in order to help their people escape poverty through education. NOTE! Students who choose OPTION 2 should provide substantive comments in the Week 6 discussion. A few sentences are not sufficient, please provide ample content in your responses.


3) Please respond to at least one (1) post from your peers (regardless of OPTION you choose ).

4) WEEK 6 INSTRUCTOR INSGHTS OPTIONAL: it is fine if you review and comment.

Education is one of the most crucial aspects of human survival, growth and development in developing and developed nations. Although educational opportunities have improved significantly in many developing countries over the past three decades, much, much more must be done. The education of girls impacts every aspect of the growth of a nation, yet too many girls are still subject to under education, early marriage or forced labor well before adulthood–denying their chances for independent and a sustainable quality of life. Please REVIEW this short video, discuss the key points and, post your comments (if you like).

Professor G. Royal-Smith

Watch VideoGirl’s Education in Developing Countries

User: n/a – Added: 3/9/15

YouTube URL:

AND respond to this post directly:


RE: Week 6 Discussion

Professor and class,

I have just completed 8 chapters of this week’s Web text and listened to the lecture. Reading about things like how a fifth grader cannot read any better than a first grader is obviously not a good thing. Things like teachers not showing up for work, or children saying that they are bored going to school.

In my opinion, a parent should never allow a kid to make certain decisions, such as whether or not to stay in school.

I am glad that I got to the 8th chapter in the Web Text. It reads that in Taiwan, it is mandatory that children complete 9 years of school. Less chance of having illiterate people. It gave us a reminder that this can lower the mortality rate.

In my opinion, the government can have an influence in what education decisions a parent makes when a child is under 18. Which now leads me into the video I just watched, which states that 70% of people in poverty are women and girls.

I think that it is horrible that a girl of say 16, is forced to marry a guy who is say 30.

In my opinion, someone who is still a kid should not have a kid of her own. Obviously some governments do not agree with that opinion.

I also think that a guy who is 30 years old has no business being with a girl who is still a girl.

I agree with that video, education can help stop certain things from happening.

using three 3 sociological theories of racism from chapter 4 see theory handout for the options explain a contemporary issue related to race racism

3 page paper double spaced. Please refer to the rubric! It requires you to choose a current event topic that relates to racism. Thank you