Last time,the summary paper you wrote for the final research paper was good, but we just need to be more specific,we do not need general points. Here is feedback basic on your summary :
It’s great that you’ve done so much reading and thinking about your topic. But the assignment was to summarize a single paper’s main points in depth then talk about how it affected your thoughts on your topic (you did do this second part).
For example,you may want to say “Which two countries ?â€â€œ Which trade policy?â€â€œ How does the trade policy impact the household ? “ Which household ? Are they working-class ? “ â€Investmenter ? “ You also say both advantage and disadvantage sides on the summary paper, which is good. But, we just need to talk about 1 side, either advantage or disadvantage. One trade policy is ok, but please go deep, be more specific.
Please follow the instruction above,write 2 pages proposal for presentation. In this paper,I want to see you put instruction background,summary the topic right way and clear thesis on first paragraph. And use some DATA to support your opinion in body paragraph, also the conclusion will be the last paragraph. 16:33:282021-03-28 16:33:282 pages proposal paper 16:31:312021-03-28 16:31:31aha paper 1
Respond in a essay questions with a total of AT Least 300 words minimum for the entire assignment with the word count being evenly balanced so each has at least 4 full comprehensive sentences (minimum) – This will assist you in responding to possible questions on your final when it comes to understanding the words of important foundation US documents such as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist papers #10 by Madison, the White House tour by President Obama and First Lady and the National Anthem. Take a moment to answer these and see how you do. Rewrite the segments of the following document in your own words and explain what each means and the intent. Please note this may be submitted to to ensure these are your words in what you believe these documents mean even today. Also, remember to state which segments are from which document first. For help and background on a couple, please view video below as well as the documents in the back of your text:
1. ” Liberty is to faction what air is to fire, an aliment without which it instantly expires.” What is being said here sentence by sentence in your own words as it applies to the document and from what document?
2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” What is being said here sentence by sentence and from what document
3. “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” What is being said here sentence by sentence and from what document
4. Look at the 360 tours of the White House by President Obama and the First Lady. Discuss one thing that President Obama valued on the tour that encompasses the spirit of the tour and the story behind it and one thing that the First Lady Michelle Obama values in her part of the tour. Was there anything you found interesting or surprising as you move the video around in a 360 motion. (if you have any type of “VR gear” for 3D there is also an app that shows this and you can actually move around in the picture (very cool).
(enlarge this to full screen and crank up the resolution to experience a 3D tour through the White House.
5. Whose broad stripes and bright stars, Through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched, Were so gallantly streaming. And the rocket’s red glare, The bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night, That our flag was still there. Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, For the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Describe the scene as to what this refers to and in what war and the scene it was writing about. (Click on Video (Links to an external site.) to know who sewed the flag, who wrote the lyrics, what battle was fought in which War. Make sure this is all part of your description.) Audio is a little bad but this Smithsonian video who is also holding the actual flag holds the answers to the questions.
Each question should be answered in two or three paragraphs in APA format. Definitions should not be copied directly from any website; they should be put in your own words. Your paper should be between 2- 3 pages excluding title and reference pages.
Describe the role of a technical workstream lead along with the required and desired skills to be successful in this position. As part of your description include an example of an actual position.
Define in detail the terms science and technology. How are these terms different, similar and what is the connection between them?
Define in detail the terms invention and innovation. Are there any differences, similarities and connection between them? Why? As part of your description include an example of each type.
Describe the objective and components of a technology roadmap. As part of your description develop an example of a three to five year roadmap for a specific technology or application. 15:50:182021-03-28 15:50:18general ed
This assignment requires you to create a PowerPoint presentation to explain the two-party political system used in the United States and to describe both the Democratic and Republican parties’ actions and functions during a presidential election.
You should discuss each party and its respective process to select a nominee for president, identifying each step of the process. It may be helpful to choose a particular presidential election and follow the candidates, from announcing their candidacy to their selection as the party nominee.
Your PowerPoint presentation must consist of 10 to 14 slides, not counting the title and reference slides.
Your presentation must include the items listed below.
Include a title slide with your name, date, course, and assignment.
List the presentation’s objective(s), a table of contents, or an introductory paragraph/slide.
Provide information about each political party’s structure and composition.
Include a definition of superdelegates and an example of their impact on an election.
Include information about how media acts as a political socializing agent during an election.
Provide information about how each party uses the media.
Include a few bullets describing whether the two-party system remains as a fair and viable process. Be sure to include information about the positives and negatives of the two-party system.
Provide 3 to 4 pictures, maps, or graphs that will illustrate important points in your presentation. These should be used on a slide and not put on a slide separately without explanation.
Your slides should elaborate on the points above. You may include additional information that you feel is relevant, but do not create more than 14 slides. Use your creativity, and organize the material in a logical and understandable manner.
Use APA formatting for all references used on each slide. You must use at least 3 outside source, at least one of which should come from the CSU Online Library. Focus on using academic and scholarly sources.
Please refrain from utilizing the speaker notes function within PowerPoint. Cite on each slide when sources are used to support your points.
Use pictures on slides to help convey the meaning of the material being reviewed and presented in the presentation.
If you have never created a PowerPoint, or if you want to brush up on your skills, click here to access a tutorial created by the CSU Writing Center to learn tips and best practices for creating a PowerPoint. The transcript for this resource can be found within the “Notes” tab to the right of the presentation.
I have attached examples just for viewing purposes if interested. 15:45:302021-03-28 15:45:30political party systems presentation powerpoint
Hello! I am looking for someone to log into my Canvas portal and do all math assignments with a due date of March 9th 2020. Each assignment ranges from 10-30 questions and questions will add up or be decreased depending on whether you get the answer correct or not. There is about 20 different assignments that I need finished in a week and a half. Please ask me any questions, I will provide my login credentials as well! 15:27:452021-03-28 15:27:45math assignments due march 9th
2.Install the R Package faraway. Consider the esdcomp data that were recorded on 44 doctors working in an emergency service at a hospital to study the factors affecting the number of complaints received. Build a model for the number of complaints received and report your conclusions. 3. The bootstrap is a general tool for assessing statistical accuracy. Describe the bootstrap in general and then for a particular example of your choosing. 4. Cross validation is probably the simplest and most widely used method for estimating prediction error. Ideally if we had enough data, we would set aside a validation set and use it to assess the performance of our model. Since data are sometimes scarce, this may not always be possible. We finesse this problem by using K-fold cross-validation. Explain. 5. For the analysis of count data most statistical software packages now offer models designed to deal with the situation where there is an excessive number of 0 counts. (a) Discuss the various potential sources of zeros. (b) Describe mixture and two-part models and how they each deal with the different types of zeros.
1. Explain the difference between Compatibilism and Incompatibilism.
2. Select any ONE of the following schools of thought: Soft Determinism, Hard Determinism, Libertarianism. Explain what this school of thought believes. Do you personally agree with this philosophy? Explain your answer
3. Which metaphysical school of thought do you think Minority Report subscribes to the most, based on what happens in the film and everything we discussed in class today? Explain your answer 15:00:412021-03-28 15:00:41free will determinism moral responsibility and minority report
Watch the following video discussing how Core Values and Corporate Culture drive Customer Service and Employee Engagement at Zappos.
Discussion posts should relate the video to the subject matter BY provide information, opinions or questions about that subject matter . A substantive initial post should be at 200-250 words. Where its appropriate, please support your assertions with outside sources.
A high-quality Discussion posting should be clear, well-written, and free of typos or sentence fragments. One good way to help with spelling and grammar is to write your post(s) in Word, Google Docs, or another word processing app and then run a spelling and grammar check before copying and pasting it into Canvas. 14:44:062021-03-28 14:44:06post should be at 200 250 words watch the following video discussing how core values and corporate culture drive customer service and employee engagement at zappos 14:04:532021-03-28 14:04:53write by requirement