performance indicators 2

Define Key Performance Indicators? How it help companies to manage existing risks?

Words Required: 350 words, No plagiarism Please, 2 APA refrences

rstudio homework

I need help with my rstudio homework. I have attached two files, and 20200224homework is the assignment I need to submit today, and 20200210homework is the past assignment I did. You need to be familiar with Rstudio and able to download it in order to do this assignment

self identifying essay

1. Hello Professor I will send you all the steps for this essay and please follow the steps that I’m going to send you because I want to get a good grade on it, and I also don’t need any plagiarism.

2. I want you to do it introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.

3. I will attacked the paper and I want you to do it like he wants it please.


This essay assignment will allow you to locate, evaluate, and synthesize information from sources representing diverse perspectives in order to construct an argument about how you self-identify. Writing about the assumptions we make and forming arguments about our own connections to a culture will help us access larger ideas that will take us into more complex reading and writing this semester.


The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills that are essential to your success in navigating arguments you’ll encounter in your academic, professional, and personal lives. In this assignment you will:

  • Demonstrate your current understanding of what an argument is, specifically the “Classical/Aristotelian” argument structure)
  • Avoid problems in logic through your argument
  • Incorporate sources of value to you
  • Compose an argument relevant to your own life


This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content knowledge in critical thinking and reasoning:

  • The relationship between what you observe/consume, the decisions you make, and your own expressions in writing
  • Specific rhetorical approaches to reach an audience via the Classical style of argument


To complete this assignment you should:

  1. Before you start writing, make a list of subcultures you feel connected to. Go over that list carefully, and think about the role you play in various communities. Doing so will help you craft a clear definition of how you see yourself, and the role you play in a specific context
  2. When you’ve drafted a clear statement about how you see yourself, and the role you play in a specific context, you can begin to work on an introduction where you make a statement about how you contribute to a specific community. One example might be something like this: “As a poet in San Diego, it’s my responsibility to promote and attend literary events in the area.”
  3. In body paragraphs, makes points that help you elaborate on the statement you’ve made (the statement is your argument/thesis). If we go with the example above, one point might be about what makes San Diego unique to other cities in terms of literary arts, another paragraph about the responsibility I feel writers have (this could be a couple of paragraphs), another paragraph about what attendance does, another about promotion, and then a paragraph about how these points build a case that my role is necessary
  4. Incorporate sources/evidence as needed and incorporate those in MLA format. Use at least two sources in your paper.
  5. In a conclusion, attempt to end in a different place than where you began, remembering that a paper is about a progression, where you move to a new place by the end of it, rather than merely restating the initial thesis.
  6. Cite all sources in a Work Cited page at the end of the paper
  7. Submit the final paper as a document here in Canvas

Criteria for Success:

You’ve written a paper about how you see yourself, and the contributions you make to a specific community; a heading is on the first page, along with a title; there’s a clear introduction that makes a statement/argument/thesis; body paragraphs are clearly structured to advance that point; a conclusion helps the reader end in a different place from where they began; sources/evidence are incorporated where necessary; MLA format is used both in text and also in a Work Cited page at the end; paper is double-spaced and follows other format criteria on the syllabus; you attend class on 2/12 to write a Reflection on this process; the paper is submitted by 11:59pm on 2/12.

This assignment is due on our last day of class, 2/12.

Two points are deducted from the final score for each day late. The paper is no longer accepted after the Sunday following the due date.

nursing discussion post with through paragraphs apa citations

Think of a client you took care of that was compliant with self- management of their diabetes and one who was noncompliant.

1.Compare and contrast the 2 in respect to their outlook on life, daily blood sugars, A1C, medications, exercise, and weight control.

2.Discuss how the core drug knowledge and core patient variables impact treatment for these patients.

3.Include critical nursing assessments for a diabetic patient, appropriate nursing interventions and the rationale for each.

At least 5-6 through paragraphs long. Written in APA format. Do not use real name as the patient’s

future of existing cloud and address new cloud technology

Discuss the future of Microsoft Azure Cloud, AWS Cloud, or Google Cloud Services . Address atleast two (2) new cloud technologies in the works, not fully in use as of today. The technology can be SaaS, PaaS, or IaaS. Support your discussion with Citation/Reference, includ URL if available.

Posting to be between 200-to-300 words. Posts must contain a properly formatted in-text APA citation and scholarly reference. You need an intext citation (e.g., author, year) as well as a References list to the end.

apa format writing assignment

Read the attached case study (PDF document) and respond to the questions below.

  • Copy the questions and write your responses below each question.

It will be necessary for you to research CRM strategies and/or implementation in Russia to formulate your responses.

HINT: see the articles listed under References in the attached document.


Assume you are James Williams developing a presentation on CRM in Russia for the Board of Directors of AMIR limited:

  1. Identify strategies for the CRM project implementation.
  2. Identify reasons contributing to the failure of the CRM implementation at Mashkin.
  3. Discuss the current state of CRM practice in emerging markets using the example in Russia.
  4. What additional challenges might companies in Russia face in implementing CRM projects?

health study lab report

Generally speaking, for any good study, the subjects should be as uniform as possible (age, gender, size….) to try to eliminate the potential for other influential variables. These subjects then need to be randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups; there can be no bias in assigning certain individuals to the experimental group.

When observations confirming a hypothesis accumulate through repeated experimentation, conducted by different researchers, the hypothesis becomes a theory. When a theory is consistently supported by experiments and remains unchallenged over many years, it is called a law. It is important to remember that the scientific method rarely, if ever, establishes irrefutable truths. The factual basis of science is limited to the circumstances under which the experiments were conducted.

Also, science cannot prove that something does not exist or that there is never a certain effect. For example, the scientific method cannot prove that there is never an adverse effect of a particular drug; it can only be used to assess the probability that there is no adverse effect of a drug.

These are the basic steps of the scientific method:

Make an Observation

Form a Hypothesis

Design experiment and test hypothesis

Interpret results (determine if data are biased, accept or reject hypothesis)

Refine experiment and/or repeat experiment, modify hypothesis if necessary

Accept repeatable results as theory

Lab Report – The Scientific Method

Before proceeding, carefully read through the lab exercise. It would be best if you study from it and take the quiz as well. You should also read the section on the scientific method in the first chapter in your lecture textbook so that you have a solid background in the subject matter.

Based on observations that you have made in the past, or relationships that you might have heard about, you will develop and test your own hypothesis. Your challenge is to hypothesize a relationship between certain populations of people and some quantifiable (numerical) anatomical or physiological feature.

Make sure that your hypothesis is testable and that you will be able to collect relevant data. Remember to control as many other variables as possible. All of your subjects should be in good health, the same gender and as close to the same age and height as possible.

Suggested Studies

The following examples are worded as null hypotheses, meaning that the statement predicts no difference between groups. If, in fact, there seems to be a difference, the null hypothesis will be rejected.

  • Regular exercise has no effect on results of cardiovascular fitness assessments (described in the Cardiovascular Fitness exercise). You can use one of those tests and compare subjects with sedentary vs. active lifestyles.
  • Blood pressure (using either the first, systolic, or the second, diastolic number) is not influenced by age, body weight, gender, etc. Example: “People in their forties have similar BPs to people in their twenties.” You can take advantage of the free monitors in drug stores and supermarkets.
  • Smoking has no effect on resting pulse. Example: “People smoking a minimum of three cigarettes a day for a minimum of two years have similar resting pulse rates to non-smokers.” You would need to be careful to keep other variables, such as age and general health, constant.
  • Athletes playing different positions are sized similarly, reflecting comparable body composition. Example: “Body Mass Indices (BMIs) are the same for NFL guards as for kickers.” BMIs can be determined from public record of heights and weights.
  • These are merely a few of countless comparisons that can be done. Your instructor will work with you to refine your hypothesis and help you set up your study. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DISCUSS THIS STUDY WITH YOUR INSTRUCTOR BEFORE BEGINNING WORK ON IT. THERE WILL BE POINT DEDUCTIONS IF YOUR STUDY IS NOT SET UP WELL AS A RESULT OF NOT SEEKING GUIDANCE!

    General Instructions

    You will need a total of twenty subjects. Ten will be in each group.

    All twenty individuals should be as similar to each other as possible regarding variables that might mask the one being studied.

    For example, if you were interested in the relationship between age and blood pressure you would not want to include a subject who was anemic, lowering BP due to a medical condition not related to age.

    You will collect the relevant data, display results in a table, and perform a statistical test to determine if you can reject the null hypothesis.

    Lab Report

    The following are required sections to be included in your report. Grading preference will be given to concise and well-structured sentences that do not stray off topic:

    Introduction – This will include your hypothesis and how you decided upon it.

    Methods – How you selected your subjects and gathered data.

    Results – A description of your findings which includes a table displaying the data.

    Analysis – A brief description of your statistical review, using the student’s t test described below. You should report the mean (average) and sample variance for each group, as well as the calculated t value. Please show your work.

    Discussion – Does your t value allow you to accept or reject your null hypothesis? What are your thoughts regarding this?

    Conclusions – Suggest a follow up study for further investigation. What would you have done differently this time?

    Instructions for performing a student’s t test

    This statistical test will allow you to assign confidence to a statement that you make regarding your null hypothesis. You will only be able to reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that your two groups are different, if the t value that you calculate is greater than 1.833.

    In order to determine the t value you will need to calculate the mean (average) for each of your two groups. (The “x” with the bar over it is the symbol for mean.) After calculating the two means, designate the group with the higher mean as group 1. The group with the lower mean will be group 2; otherwise you can wind up with a negative t value.


    Measures of Dispersion represent how widely spread observations are relative to the mean. It’s more difficult to demonstrate difference between two groups when there is great dispersion.

    One measure of dispersion is variance. Variance is measure of how much variation exists in the population. You will need to calculate sample variance for each group to determine the t value.

    This is done by subtracting the mean from each data value and then squaring that value as depicted by the equation below. These values are then added up and divided by n-1, which will be 9.

    s2 = sample variance

    Once you know the sample variance and mean for each group you can calculate the t value:

    The numerator is the difference between the group means. The denominator is the square of the sum of the sample variances divided by n-1, which is 9.

    As you can see, the t value will be larger with a bigger difference between the group averages and with less variance within each group, making the numerator larger than the denominator.

    This means that even if the group averages are very different, if there’s also a lot of variation (scientists sometimes refer to this is “slop”) the t value will be small and the groups will not be significantly different.


    If your calculated t value is at least 1.833 you can reject the null hypothesis and you would be at least 95% certain that the two groups are different. If the t value is less than 1.833, you cannot reject the null hypothesis; the two groups are not significantly different.

    i need an essay written 5

    (1) Maintain a food diary for three days using MyFitnessPal, or a similar diet app. A list of common diet apps can be downloaded in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left.

    (2) Write a nutritional self-assessment paper. In your paper, you will analyze your eating habits, food patterns, and nutrition intake.

    I weight 130 pounds and my height is 5’2

    Maintaining your diary:

    You will use the MyFitnessPal food diary app to record everything that goes into your digestive system over the course of three days. Record everything you eat and drink, and record the name and dosage of any medications that you take, including vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements.

    It is preferable to record your food intake for at least one non-school day or one non-weekday (for example, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, Monday, Tuesday). This way, you will see how your eating habits change with your schedule.

    It is important that you take time each day to record your food, drink, and drug intake rather than relying on your memory. An honest, detailed diary will help you gain a better understanding of yourself personally and professionally.

    Click for more options

    Take screenshots of your MyFitnessPal food diary to include in your analysis paper. At the end of the three days, print the final report in MyFitnessPal to include with your written paper.

    1. Download/view the following files in the Worksheets, Forms, and Templates area at left:
      • MyFitnessPal Assignment Instructions
      • Nutrient Spreadsheet
      • Guidelines for the Nutritional Self-assessment Paper
      • Sample Nutritional Self-assessment Paper

    Follow the instructions to get started with your food diary with MyFitnessPal.

    1. Complete and submit your Nutritional Self-assessment Paper:
      • Your paper should be 5–8 pages in length including the screenshots.
      • Attach a copy of your final report from MyFitnessPal along with your completed nutrient spreadsheet with your paper.
      • Use APA and include a title and reference page.

    Click for more options

    Be sure to review the rubric for specific information on how the assignment is graded.

    Points: 200

    Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)

    smart car kit program writing technical reports presentation which is posted to bb above and under course documents but something that easy

    Make the robot move in a prescribed pattern 1. Using one or more of the motion sketches as a guide (forward_back, left_turn_pf, right_ turn_pf ), write a sketch to make the robot move in a circle with a diameter between 1 and 3 feet 2. 3. Using one or more of the motion sketches as a basis (forward_back, left_wheel_rotation, right_ wheel_rotation), write a sketch to make the robot move in the pattern shown below: Pattern: (1) North for 2 feet, (2) East for 2 feet, (3) North for 2 feet, (4) Southwest for about 2.8 feet, (5) South for 2 feet

    —i already finish it —

    , Each team member should write a short technical report on the individual robot task. Form and contents of the report should follow Robot Task Report guidelines shown in the Writing Technical Reports presentation, which is posted to BB above and under Course Documents. but something that easy

    This is an individual assignment.

    300 word watch videos and answer questions

    Since we will be participating in a Peer Review Workshop this week, I want us to think and write about the process. Peer review is super important for writers. Writing is truly a process, and it can always be revised and improved. Peer review, then, gives you the opportunity to help each other in become better writers! The videos below give you a little bit of information on why and how the peer review process is helpful.

    Step 1: View the following Videos

    Peer Review: What is Peer Review

    Peer Review: Commenting Strategies

    No One Writes Alone: Peer Review in the Classroom

    Step 2: Respond to the following prompt in 300-400 words

    How will you use this information to review your partner’s paper this week? What new things did you learn and are excited to try? What will parts of the review will challenge you the most? Do you have any further concerns about the process?