week 2 discussion 1 24

Consider an organizational change that you are familiar with. Provide an evaluation of the change initiative, and then respond to the following questions:

  1. What is the rationale presented for the change?
  2. What are the internal and external pressures considered in the change?
  3. To what extent are single versus multiple rationales utilized?

assignment 2042

Search online for a news report about an artifact from the humanities involved in a religious controversy, and answer the following questions. Consider searching the religion section of CNN or similar sources.

  1. Provide a link to the news story and write a short (2- to 3-sentence) summary of each side’s position.
  2. How do you think the controversy was impacted by each party’s interpretation of this artifact?

fix grammatical errors and improve vocabulary and language used in two pss to made them more touching

fix grammatical errors and improve vocabulary and language used in two PSs to made them more touching

following the lab report grading rubric and based on our lab data writing the lab report conclusion 9






V(charge)=0.64 Vpp=2.52V τ(charge)=5.2μs

V(discharge)=0.37 Vpp=1.48V τ(discharge)=5.8μs

The images that I post is the data. (show all equations and data in calculation part)

Using line to show all Vpp,and △t in every image, and calculate C(capacitance) charge and C discharge with all equations and data. Calculate the %error with τ(charge)and τ(discharge)with the τ(exp) and make a conclusion


  1. Includes a summary of the results of the experiment and the % error involved.
  2. Addresses the experimental objective and EXPLAINS if it was accomplished or not based on experimental results and % error involved.
  3. Provides and explains one systematic error involved in the experiment and explains how it affected the outcome of the experiment and the % error involved.
  4. Provides and explains one random error involved in the experiment and explains how it affected the outcome of the experiment and the % error involved.

need help finishing my power point presentation on how to assist adult patients with end stage hiv aids

My half completed PowerPoint needs help. I have roughly 12 slides that need to be answered. I can handle the design portion. Speaker notes must be added- Roughly 150-200 words per

Textbook chapter 7 attached to assist in answering questions as outlined on the PowerPoint attached.

discussion 1 233

Define and compare the change management concept with the contingency approach. Drawing from this week’s lecture and readings, provide a specific example for either the change management concept or the contingency approach. How might cultural barriers and communication constraints affect the change process?

assignment on national heart foundation of new zealand about 1500 words

Please check the attached questions. Please cover all the points with maximum headings and example related to organization

question about business law 1

QUESTION #1 (50%): You know that every contract must have an offer, acceptance, consideration and a meeting of the minds. (1) Explain these four terms IN YOUR OWN WORDS (graded at one point per term) AND (2) Provide an example of how each of the four elements may be seen in sports (graded at one point per example).

QUESTION #2 (20%): Look again at the NFL Standard Player Contract. In your opinion, what TWO specific provisions should be added to the NFL Standard Player Contract — and WHY? Be sure to include any cited research to support your assertions that the clauses should be included in the contract.

QUESTION #3 (20 %): What is the difference between a license and a bailment? (1 points). Give one example of each from the sports industry (1 point).

Ten percent for format/language usage.
The report must be between 500-1,000 words and is to be submitted in typed, double-spaced form. This project is 15% (15/100 points) of your overall grade.

international hr training program

When we discuss a company’s decision to go international—for instance, whether to build a manufacturing plant in another country—we often must consider how to train/develop a foreign staff to adapt to the culture and practices of the company. As a human resource professional, discuss how designing a training program domestically differs from designing one internationally. In particular, what changes to the content, presentation and evaluation of a training program would you propose to a training program that you create for another country rather you’re the domestic country. (Hint—think about the use of technology in regard to employee training.)

300 words and a reference please.

modify jogl fourlights java

Modify jogl/FourLights.java found in the week 5 readings to make a unique, lighted scene of your choice.

You should modify the light sources and the object. Post your new code as well as the resulting image(s).

