discussion about data design

Olivia is the database manager at Tip Top Toys, a relatively small division of Worldwide Enterprises. Worldwide has nine other divisions, which include insurance, health care products, and financial planning services, to name a few.

Riccardo, corporate marketing director for Worldwide, has requested Tip Top’s customer shopping data to target people who might be likely to purchase items or services from other Worldwide divisions. Olivia is not totally comfortable with this, and pointed out Tip Top’s Web privacy policy, which states that “Tip Top Toys, a division of Worldwide Enterprises, will not share personal data with other companies without a customer’s consent.”

Riccardo replied that the statement only applies to outside companies – not other Worldwide divisions. He said he checked with the corporate legal department, and they agreed. Emily responded “Even if it is legally OK, it’s not the right thing to do. Many people take our statement to mean that their data does not leave Tip Top.At the very least, we should give customers a choice, and share the data only with their consent.”

Do you agree with Olivia? Why or why not?

Please do not plagiarize. If u use any sources please leave the link.

psyc 2314 discussion board

Write a paragraph for each qu
You have viewed the videos: “Born a boy, brought up as a girl” and “The Secrets of the Wild Child.” You will need to:

1. What is your reaction to both videos? What would you have done in these situations if you were the parents?

2. Why developmental theories/principles are most relevant in these two cases?

3. How did both stories relate to the notion of nature vs. nurture?

4. What did you used to think about gender development? What do you think about it now after viewing Born a Boy, Brought up as a Girl?

5. What did you used to think about language development? What do you think about it now after viewing The Secrets of the Wild Child?

6. What did you learn as a result of these videos (in terms of how your learning relates to the course)? Therefore, saying, “I learned a lot; I learned that you can’t do that to kids” etc. are not appropriate responses.

complete 6 page case study val

MGMT 4199 Summer

Case Evaluation Rubric

Each of the ten criteria, below, is graded on a scale of 0 to 100 times the weight of that criterion; e. g. if student earns a 94 on her/his Company Background section, this counts 94 X .05 or 4.7.

Use the information you provided in you case summary. Your formal company case analysis must cover each of the topics below. You should refer to the question number when using information from your case question analyses, each numbered item should be a side heading in your paper.

1. Company Background (.05)

2. Executive Summary (.05)

3. Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of external analysis** (.20)

4. Thoroughness, accuracy, and depth of internal analysis** (.20)

5. Identification and evaluation of alternative strategies based on SWOT analysis (.10)

6. Quality, quantity, feasibility, and relevance of recommendations (.15)

7. Justification and support for recommendations (.10)

8. Implementation Plan (.05)

9. Audit and evaluation of implementation (.05)

10. Exhibits Should include the formal EFE, IFE, CPM, and SWOT matrices (.05)

**Must include data-based, detailed responses to ten opportunities/ten threats on EFE including PESTEL, industry analysis based on Porter’s Five forces and CPM; ten strengths and ten weaknesses on IFE; and SWOT matrix emphasis on O’s and S’s for recommendations.

collection for a book

There are seven opportunities to turn in Collections. Everyone must turn in the first one, on The Epic of Gilgamesh. Then, you must choose three more across the semester, from Collections 2-7, and turn them in by the due date, for a total of four Collections across the semester. You will not be able to submit after the due date, so make sure to follow up with the texts you’ve liked working with the most and find most interesting as you move through the course. Don’t get caught at the end of the semester with less than four Collections because you’ll get zeros for missing ones! The Collection is the summation of your experience of the text, including reading alone (notes) and class activities and discussions, and your own creative responses. I’d also like to note that you have three “late days” (total) for the Collection assignment. Just email me ahead of time and let me know you’re taking a “late” and you’ll automatically get the extension.

For Collections: The Collection is a place to bring together your experience of the text in our class. It includes the following pieces:

1)A unique and interesting title that reflects your take on the work (check your keywords from your notes!) and invites us to read your work.

2) Four items, either from your daily notes or class notes or our discussions that best reflect your interests regarding the text at hand. At least two items must be from your Daily Notes. Include them, and include a bit of further reflection on them or introduction to them, considering where you are now relative to when you were reading alone. If you choose a class discussion, be sure to both describe it and elaborate your own thoughts on it. Make sure to take notes in class, or even sketch or draw in class (totally welcome) as these notes may be useful here. You may include one item or include extra items from previous texts if you wish–particularly if you’ve skipped a post for a text and now feel that such items have relevance to your discussion of the current text. Don’t forget you may do creative portions of this! You need to demonstrate your class prep, notes, and class engagement. So, for example, for prep notes, include thoughtful and thorough notes, and discuss them further or respond to them. If your item is a class activity or discussion, include it and respond to it. An item could also be a further discussion of a notes question and/or a creative response to it or a class discussion. You may also include reflections on The Daodejing. You bring the items that bring your Collection to life.

3)A paragraph or so that describes the thought of the author: Be very clear about the main concepts you take away. Not a summary, but a distillation of the big ideas conveyed. Be thorough here–this is where you demonstrate your analysis. Creative responses welcome in this section.

4) A paragraph or so that describes how YOU think about what the authors are saying, doing. This personal response should go in depth regarding your own thought about the issues at hand. You may agree, disagree, elaborate, provide examples, extend, etc. Creative responses welcome in this section. Make sure your reflections are distinct from the discussion of the author’s ideas.

You may draw, provide relevant links, write a poem, include a photo (of your own), whatever you like to create your mini-book of your reading of the text. Just be very sure to include all the pieces.

I will be looking for the following in your posts: Thoughtful notes preparation and in-class participation (listening counts–I’ll notice that you noticed), thorough analysis and reflection with good delineation of ideas within the text and thoughtful response. I’ll also be looking for your intellectual creativity: surprise us with the ideas you bring to the post. I expect everyone to have their own readings of the texts.

linguistic305 profiles interview

Hi, this is an essay about profile interview. You can come up with any business major professor in SDSU, the marketing major is better. All the requirements and rubric are down here. Let me know if you have any questions.

unit 6 discussion responses

There are 2 responses. Write a 100 word response for each.

Response 1:

Our ineffective leader displayed an influential role in which she’s grandfather into position without having any knowledge of the company. Confuse within the office by not being able to effectively through training. Therefore, she became intimidated by anyone who demonstrated expertise or skills. Her actions would make her look and feel some way. Training is also a degree of learning for leader and staff to gain a better understanding of company policies and procedures. This leader, in my opinion, displays a Level I because she does not want to grow. She relies on policies and regulations to control the staff. A manager who overuses punishment or misuses it creates a climate of fear in the workplace (Bateman and Snell, 2015). Since she does not feel the need to further herself into the needed skill set, the negative energy rolls onto the staff, stealing our joy and motivation. I think to some degree, and internal promotions should give to the most qualified individual rather than a best friend, family member, or just owning someone a favor. Yes, all who want to live a good life in Christ Jesus will be troubled by other people (2 Timothy 3:12). However, we still have faith that God will send an influential Servant leader to guide His sheep. Someone who will display a positive outlook for the people, staff, and self, so show respect and receiving it gracefully. No matter what position a person holds, there is still a place for honesty and trust within the workplace. Always put God first and move forward in all asked of you by any leader.

Bateman, T., and Snell, S. (2015). Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, 11th Ed. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780077862541

The Holy Bible

Response 2:

From the learning of the Bible words from Jesus Christ, it is an inspiration saying to respect people by immoral actions. It is essential to follow God’s commandment. Jesus declares, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” He spoke prophets on how to treat the people. It should be an everyday norm for people. It seems like in today’s society to be rumor and mean rather be kind and useful. We all, at a time, have been there one time or mistreating others. The commandment of God is hard but fair if applied. So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 7:12). We must follow the Golden Rule of God’s wisdom and self-control that teaches kindness to others who cross our path on this Christian and educational journey. In my opinion, based on the scripture of Luke 6:37-42, in the workplace, we should not try to correct people, but ourselves, which cannot happen with the grace of God. Many of the Golden rules have instilled by parenting and church assembly. We as Christian people we should think before we speak so we will not offend others by tones or words.

Similarly, we should stop and think before we act to avoid conduct we will regret. These rules, too, will ring true in the workplace. We can take these same principles and apply them within the workplace. The action of the Golden rule will be displayed for all to see when used correctly in the eyesight of God.

The Holy Bible

sjsu sportswear 1

This is like we open a business at SJSU.

A) Activity List: you need to lay out your major activity list. See the sample activity list on slide 50 of chapter 3.

-Project Objectives

-Project deliverables


-Major Technical requirements (major product or service features)

-Limits and exclusions (optional)

Check sample related assignment under File/Homework Samples (by assignment names).

create a proposal

As a leader, you must be able to present your management plans and leadership strategies to inform stakeholders and gain buy-in. For this assignment, you’ll practice this by developing a proposal for a professional development training program. The program centers on motivational strategies and how an emotional intelligence management approach would benefit department managers.

Continue with the same organization you selected in Assignment 1. Imagine that the CEO has charged you, the task force leader, with researching emotional intelligence (EI) in order to propose a professional development program. Your proposal should detail how a new incentive program, based on an EI management approach, will foster teamwork, strengthen interpersonal relationships, enhance communication, and increase overall performance. You need to help the CEO gain approval for this initiative. Your program’s proposal must include supporting research concerning how motivational strategies enhance job satisfaction and team output. Prepare for this assignment by identifying the resources you’ll use to create your proposal.

You will need to provide at least two quality resources such as the course textbook, company website, business websites (CNBC, Bloomberg, etc.), resources from the Strayer Library, and/or outside sources. Note: Wikipedia and web-based blogs do not qualify as credible resources.

INSTRUCTIONS Create a proposal (five to seven pages) that includes the following components:

1. EI and Motivation Which of the EI building blocks would impact management’s ability to enhance employee performance and job satisfaction? Based on your research on motivational theory, describe how your task force would utilize positive or negative reinforcement to influence the members of the organization and resolve the issue. Provide examples to support your solution.

2. EI and Social Skills and Decision Making Explain how the core concepts of emotional intelligence would enhance the social skills and the decision-making efficacy of the management team.

3. Effective Teams Describe the core attributes of an effective team and the strategies you would implement to develop team dynamics that will benefit the organization.

4. Reward Systems Create an effective reward system for this organization. Determine the strategies you would incorporate to motivate your employees and influence behavior.

5. Executive Summary Prepare a one-page executive summary that you will present to the CEO in an upcoming executive meeting. Note: An executive summary is a condensed version of your full report. It should summarize briefly all the main points in concise paragraphs. It should be written clearly and should use language appropriate for the audience.

ethics and ethnicity 11

https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/30/us/tm-landry-college-prep-black-students.html (Links to an external site.)

The prompt in this assignment is based on the video or the article. Either may be used for this essay.

In one to two well reasoned, good length paragraph(s), discuss the possible racial discrimination, if any, you find that exists at the school. If you find no discrimination, discuss why you don’t believe there is any. Your discussion must be supported by at least one text reference. The text reference must be to page number and edition. You may present your opinion but there must be some support from the material in this class. This is not about YOUR college campus but the Landry’s school.

Do not approach this assignment thinking that there is one chapter in the text that you can use in your discussion. It is wide opened! If you believe there is discrimination, describe it. But, you describe/discuss it in the context you choose. Is there an ethical issue? Or, maybe a tort or crime? It could possibly be a violation of the Civil Rights Act or the Constitution? It is possible you don’t see anything with the Landrys that raise any issues. Then go with that and, using any legal concept, say why not. Just remember to support your opinion with a text reference that is a page number and textbook edition.

There is no right or wrong answer. Can you follow instructions and use your critical thinking skill to produce a credible answer is the goal:)

If you use a resource that is not the text, it will be counted as using no text reference.

link for the text: https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=jg9EDwAAQB…

lab report 393

please write a full lab report on the experiment that i will upload and data i will upload it.