patient safety 2

Use the Institute for Health Care Improvement Open School resources for the following assignment ( (Links to an external site.)). Note that you will need to create a free student account in order to access the material.

  1. Complete PS 101, Introduction to Patient Safety and PS 102, Error to Harm. Upload your certificate to Canvas.
  2. Review one of the short patient stories of harm (with video) on the IHI website, or find another story in the industry press that describes a case of patient harm.

In a short (2-page) paper, summarize the facts of the case. What happened to the patient? Apply James Reason’s model for classifying unsafe acts to the story; which is the best category for describing the incident in your story? What actions could the organization take to prevent a similar situation from occurring in future?

i page double spaced comment opinion on ticket scalping and how it relates to each of the following demand supply amp market equilibrium

By tacket scalping, it is referring to the resale of tickets. This is for a Microeconomics Intro course, so it should sound not to complex or use terms that someone in Intro to Microeconomics wouldn’t know yet. Thanks

assignment 2048


Discussion: What practical applications can you see from this course?

Course: Analyzing & Visualizing Data (ITS-530-20) – Full Term

Determine a specific topic you have studied in this course that is practical for use in your personal life, work life, or a future work environment you can envision yourself in.

Describe the specific topic, why it is practical, and whether the use is in your personal life, work life, or a future work environment you can envision yourself in.

When replying to peers, state whether the specific topic your peer selected is or is not practical in your life and why.

Note: Your answer must be 300 words

two parts 1 product innovation using stage gate 2 market research and innovation

First Part.

1. Use the Stage-Gate model (Links to an external site.) to develop a theoretical new product or service. Some of your businesses might be service-based, so you may have to be creative in thinking about a new project. While you will not actually be creating a new product, you can still detail the requirements for each stage as well as the metrics you will use to make a decision to continue to the next stage or stop the project. Since this is a theoretical exercise, you can make assumptions while completing each phase.

In short, the Stage-Gate model has the following six phases:

Stage 0: Discover. In this phase, you think of a new product or service idea.

Stage 1: Scoping. This is where you evaluate the idea on its viability and marketability. A SWOT analysis is often used for this phase.

Stage 2: Building a Business Case. Further define the product, the manufacturing requirements, a project plan, and estimated revenues.

Stage 3: Development. A prototype or prototypes are developed.

Stage 4: Testing and Validation. The prototype is tested. If there is a problem, the team goes back to the development stage. If it works, the product can be prepared for Stage 5.

Stage 5: Launch. A marketing strategy is developed and the product is made available to customers.

2. Create a 5 slide presentation that outlines the different kinds of innovations described in the supplemental reading (product, process, and business model). You can supplement your description using chapter 9 from the Entrepreneurship e-book. On the fourth slide, provide a real-world example of each innovation type. On the fifth slide, describe how market research can be integrated in the Stage-Gate model.

Second part

Find an article that discusses the two topics of market research and innovation.

  • Summarize the article, noting examples and key points.
  • Next, analyze the article. What do you think about what is discussed? Are there key considerations missing or other issues?
  • Finally, how do you see market research evolving in the future, specifically considering online/social factors and the dramatic increase in available data?
  • Please include a link to the article.

The essay should be at least 300 words.

psc 309 state politics research updates 5

You will participate in a series of “research updates” throughout the semester. We will be periodically reading the most up-to-date research within state politics, and you must review the research question, methods, and findings in your own words, along with providing original insights of your own. You will follow the CREATE method to help you do this.

All papers must be three full pages with 12 point, times new roman font and one inch margins (double-spaced). You must attach a memo showing your CREATE notes. This does not count towards your overall page count.

reading: for research updates choose one:

VanderMolen and Swift. “Marginalization and Mobilization: The Roots of Female Legislators’ Collaborative Advantage in the States” Manuscript under review at Legislative Studies Quarterly.


Hankins, William. 2019. “Finally, Nebraska: A Synthetic Control Analysis of Legislative Structure.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly

pol sci 7 week 6 discussion is globalization good or bad

Question: Is globalization a good thing or bad? Is it making the world richer or poorer? Does globalization promote international understanding and tolerance or does it threaten local cultures? Post a thread in either the Globalization Is Good or Globalization Is Bad folder, and defend your position with factual, economic examples.

Required Readings and Sources:

Textbook: Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas, 6th ed (Links to an external site.). — Henry R. Nau, Sage/CQ Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-1506396224.

Chapter 8: Realist and Liberal Perspectives on Globalization Security, Domestic Economy, Trade, Investment, and Finance

Chapter 9: Identity Perspectives on Globalization Development and Environment

***Associated Powerpoints are attached below for Chapter 8 and 9***

*******Need citations to outside sources, provide economic examples, and refer to the textbook*******

Grading Guidelines:

(1) A clear introduction that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor;
(2) A body of factual examples that support your thesis; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned readings or footnoted sources researched independently by the student; Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays;
(3) A coherent paragraph structure that highlights your main points; and
(4) Appropriate citations for materials drawn from the works of others; plagiarized threads will be penalized.

(5) Should be approximately 600 words in length.

hosp project 3 2

Part 3, OBF Chart, Proposal Letter, Estimated Cost, Reflection 3A. The Estimated Cost for the entire event. This is an estimated cost of everything that will be on the group’s hotel master account, based on the expected number of guests. (See Page 1 for information about which types of charges the company is paying for.) A guide and example are in ULearn. 3B. OBF Chart Create an OBF chart for the Green Organics group, using at least two customer objectives from “Background Information” (page 1 of this document) and features from your hotel/resort. 3C. Proposal Letter. Write a proposal letter to Mark Jenkins. Use at least two “OBF” paragraphs in the letter, based on the OBF’s in your chart. Use business letter format for the letter. Although this section is at the end of your project, it would have been written long before the BEO’s and the resume, because it is a proposal. Date the letter January 2, 2020. 3D. Reflection. What did you learn from this project? How would you handle it if you had to do it all over again? What did you like least about it? Were there any parts that you particularly enjoyed? Be honest, but write professionally.

mkt315 week 7 discussion 2 and response

Week 7 Discussion 2

“Logistics” Please respond to the following:

  • Examine the role of logistics in marketing channels and factors that can make the task of logistics complex and expensive.
  • Examine the components of logistics systems and propose ways to cut costs for each component.



RE: Week 7 Discussion 2

Professor and Classmates,

Just like shipping any good from its manufacture to the consumer shelf, marketing channels buy and take

possession of physical items which must be moved. To explain the logistics components and how each effect

each other in terms of costs, channel member selection is crucial. The example that comes to mind which

involves every aspect of a logistics system is the actions behind the scenes which enable a consumer to go

online, order an item, and it be delivered to the destination of their choice; when they want it.

Using this example, of the aspects involved in the logistical system, order processing starts the journey that encompasses the intermediaries who are tasked specific to physically move a desired object from one place to another after a transaction has been completed. In the event an order is fulfilled by a company like Amazon, they are responsible for inventory control, i.e, ensuring they have the item within their enterprise resource system to meet the end goal of that items’ timely delivery to its destination.

“Fulfilled by Amazon” is acting as both wholesaler who holds goods, and the retailer who has sold the goods. This capability saves negotiation efforts and shortens the marketing supply channel. From an order processing perspective, at this point the cost savings to Amazon are in searching their inventory using the ERP to find a product whose physical whereabouts are closest to the address on the shipping label. Once located in a warehouse, and packaged, material handling costs are saved because the item is in house and does not have to be outsourced to have the item prepared and protected for shipping. To complete the logistics supply chain, transportation selection is the next cost savings due to the physical location of the item demanded, to its consumer, and its predetermined expected date of delivery. As most transportation costs are the most expensive incurred along a logistics supply chain, the shortest route to meet customer expectations probably is.

However, when a company takes into consideration the total cost savings incurred logistically between the order

processing stage and delivery, that shorter route ensures a consumer is happy, and is more cost effective


week 7 discussion 60

Week 7 Discussion

Part 1: Post a Response

By the early 1950s, the US was a world super-power militarily and economically. The Great Depression was no more. But, two major rival powers were developing, rivals ideologically and militarily: The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients would be the dominant international issue for the next four decades. Domestically, in the 1950s and the 1960s, the US would begin grappling head-on with major Civil Rights and economic issues, as well as a divisive conflict in Vietnam—and widespread demonstrations and some high profile assassinations.

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the period from the late 1940s and through the 1960s.

  1. Discuss America’s Cold War policy or strategy aimed at dealing with communism and the Soviet threat, and an example of a Cold War conflict or crisis.
    • Identify one or two Cold War strategies of the US. Describe a specific example of a conflict or crisis that was part of this Cold War strategy, and compare or contrast this to the international situation today.
    • Identify the source(s) where you read about these Cold War issues.
  2. Discuss the Civil Rights advances and struggles that took place in the 1950s and 1960s along with relevant legal developments.
    • Identify two key specific events of the Civil Rights struggle and at least one major piece of legislation or court decision.
    • Explain the historical significance of your examples and ways they have impacted our own time.
    • Identify the source(s) where you read these Civil Rights issues.

Part 2: Respond to a Peer

Read a post by one of your peers and respond, making sure to extend the conversation by asking questions, offering rich ideas, or sharing personal connections.

Reference Material

Chapters 24 and 25

Week 7 Learn materials

Week 7 Primary Sources

For guidance, view this short video:

Click here to watch the video


Below is a Peer’s Post, in which I’ll need a response too.

Stephanie Rishel

RE: Week 7 Discussion

Discuss the Civil Rights advances and struggles that took place in the 1950s and 1960s along with relevant legal developments.

  • Identify two key specific events of the Civil Rights struggle and at least one major piece of legislation or court decision.
  • Explain the historical significance of your examples and ways they have impacted our own time. Identify the source(s) where you read these Civil Rights issues.

The civil advances throughout the 50’s and the 60’s brought about change in the voting laws, change in the seating on buses due to the Montgomery Bus Boycott for the arrest of Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat to a white person.

Two major events of the civil rights struggle, was in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas and Federal troops enforce desegregation of a high school. Brown v. Board of Education, the unlawful segregation of schools. The major peice of legislation that affected these events is the Civil Rights Act of 1965 (Schultz, K. M., 2018,2016, HIST 5, Vol 2. U.S. History Since 1865, pg. 483.

The historical significance of the Federal troops having to enforce desegregation of a high school in Little Rock, Ak is expounded on with the case Brown v. Board of Education, that ruled that school segregation was unlawful. That meant that all those individuals that wanted equal education opportunities at college and universities could now get them without having to drive long distances from their homes. It also meant that the books that they would have access to learn from would be the same books that their white counterparts were actively learning from, instead of being thirty year old hand me down books (How to sound smart learn materials video).

Stephanie Rishel


How to Sound Smart Learn Video (Brown v. Board of Education.

Text Book, Schultz, K. M. 2018, 2016., HIST 5, Volume 2. U. S. History since 1865., pg. 483.

critical thinking case study disney in asia 1

Critical Thinking Case Study: Disney in Asia

This week you were introduced to several decision-making tools in the course content. Using the Decision Matrix Analysis along with the Decision Matrix Analysis video, make the following decisions relative to the case study: Disney in Asia.

  1. First, list all of the cultural challenges posed by Disney’s expansion into Asia. (Side of matrix.)
  2. Next, list cultural variables that influenced these challenges. (Top of matrix.)
  3. Decide on a score (1-5) for each of these challenges according to the relative importance of the factors. Multiply each of these scores by 2 to find the weighted scores for each option/factor combination.
  4. The first section of your paper should be an explanation of this process and how you decided on each of the factors in the matrix.

Next, respond to the following questions:

  1. How were the challenges you chose different than the challenges of Euro Disney?
  2. What role does culture play in the location choice of Disney theme parks?
  3. Why was the Disney Shanghai park controversial? What were the risks and benefits of the project?
  4. As a conclusion, reflect on your overall thoughts on this case.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.