reply response

Reply response to another classmates post: Min 150 words

1. The effects of imperialism and colonialism were both negative and positive for the people who lived in the countries being taken. The Europeans felt a moral obligation to the people that were identified as lower classes in India and Africa. In “The Black Man’s Burden” Edward Moren states, “In hewing out for himself a fixed abode in Africa, the white man has massacred the African in heaps.” The native people of India and Africa dreamed of a life of freedom and family. According to Rudyard Kipling, the people were to “seek another’s profit and work another’s gain.” The control of the Europeans over their lands brought opportunities for advancement and a better class of living until the people realized they had lost control over their own lands. The Black man struggles to find gratitude for the opportunities meant for improvement because he feels he is dying from exhaustion and abuse. The climate in Africa and the feeling of labor without fruit created a hopeless resentment for the Europeans and a sense of no relief for the African.

The invasion by the Europeans powers and the physical exhaustion imposed on the black man by work and abuse left the African man feeling like his soul was dying along with his body. The effects of imperialism and colonialism were viewed both negative and positive. The Europeans believed they were giving the “lower class” an opportunity for a better civilization and Christianity. The negative impacts of imperialism were not deliberate by the Europeans. They saw an opportunity to gain access to new resources and improve the lives of other people. The Europeans created opportunities for communication across long distances, transportation for goods and military personnel across millions of miles and relief from potentially fatal diseases such as Yellow Fever and Malaria.

2. I believe the primary motivator for imperialism centered around superiority and gaining control over countries that would give the Europeans to the most resources to increase their power and wealth. The Europeans were not selfish in their need to gain control over these territories. They brought opportunities for education for both men and women, the Quinine to relieve permanent symptoms from deadly illnesses and the steam-pump to filter water from swampy areas to other areas so they can clear the swampy areas.

3. The Europeans sought wealth and superiority through the control of the countries that would gain them the most access to to popular resources. This connects to Unit 2 because the Europeans control of India and Africa would increase the progress of these countries through the wealth and capitalism their access to these new resources would bring.

Hints of Social Darwinism from Unit 3 came into focus as the European powers were placed into positions of superiority as they gained control of Africa. The Europeans view the Africans as a lower class of people because of color and material wealth and access. The Europeans believed they needed to expose the lower classes to a better civilization to improve society.

managing performance for results 2

  • Review the vision and mission statements of any large Saudi company in the food, beverage or dairy industry.Provide a critique on its mission statement based on whether it complies with an ideal statement. Compare the mission statement with that of any of its competitors and identify the key differences between the two statements that could impact their performance.Assess the dangers of having a flawed mission statement. Critically evaluate how these gaps or flaws may affect performance in the case of your selected company.Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
    • Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not include the title page, abstract, or required reference page, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
    • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
    • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
    • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.

journalism journal

Paragraph one will summarize the class readings Chapter 2&3.

Paragraph two will summarize an article chosen by the student that relates to the student’s topic for their research paper. Topic: the relationship between Japanese media and Japanese government

Paragraph three will explain in a single sentence the opinion angle taken by the article that was summarized for paragraph two. The web links to the relevant article(s) should be included at the end of each journal, allowing retrieval of the article.

12 points, 1 inch

managing change 7

CAHIIM Competency Assessed:

Subdomain VI.B. Change Management

  1. Interpret concepts of change management theories, techniques and leadership (Blooms 5)


After interviewing Dave, the night phlebotomist, Lotta individually briefed the other team members on what she and Tom had discovered. Now, it’s time for the next team meeting. In case you’ve forgotten, the players are:

  • Lotta Paper, Assistant Administrator: Team Leader
  • Tom Trotter, Transport Supervisor: Quality Advisor
  • Beth Harrast, Floor Secretary: 3A
  • Harry Hiteck, Day Supervisor: Lab
  • Sam Drawit, Day Phlebotomist
  • Steve Spinner, Evening Lab Tech
  • Cathy Filer, HIM Supervisor
  • New Member: Dave, Night Phlebotomist

——–CURTAIN UP—————-

Lotta: Thanks for coming. And thanks for being on time. This is the only meeting I get to go to that starts on time!

Beth: It’s the only meeting I go to where people actually get something done!

Lotta: I wish every meeting had a set of rules like ours. Our only agenda item for today is to see if we can come up with some potential solutions for our turnaround time problem. Our analysis suggested that there was something different about night draws and I passed on to you the information Tom and I got from Dave. We’re pleased to have Dave with us now as a member of our team.

Tom: I think the team is ready to do some brainstorming now on possible solutions.

Sam: Good: but, maybe you should go over the brainstorming technique for us. It’s been a while.

Dave: I’ve never done brainstorming. How does it work?

Tom: There are three simple steps. First, everyone on the team takes a few minutes to siltently think about their own ideas and write them down on a sheet of paper. The question is this – what are all the possible solutions to reduce the turnaround time for doing the draws on nights?

Harry: Why should we confine it to nights? I’m not sure that just fixing the night process will get us to our improvement target.

Steve: Why not stick with the question about nights for openers? Then, when we evaluate the ideas, we can look for ones that would help overall.

Tom: Good point. Everyone OK with that?

Everyone: (nods all around the table)

Tom: After we’ve written down our ideas, we do the round robin. Each person gets to offer one of their ideas in turn. Remember – no criticism or discussion of ideas during the round robin. Finally, when we have all the ideas listed, we can discuss and evaluate them. Now, let’s be creative and unconstrained. Ready to go?

Everyone: (more nods)

Assume some time has gone by for silent generation…..

Lotta: Time to collet our ideas. Dave, we’ll start with you. What’s the first item on your list?

The scribe would be responsible for writing all of the ideas on a flip chart………..

Dave: (impatiently) Like I said when we met the other day, we need to hire an additional phlebotomist!! Then we could pick up the urgents just list STATs.

Lotta: (encouragingly) Thanks Dave. Sam, how about one from you?

Sam: Well, I think we should collect the urgent specimens on nights the same way we do the STATs – make an individual trep to the unit right after getting the call. But, maybe we have to do it without adding people. Administration has been very reluctant to hire more staff lately.

Dave: (angrily) Look, I walk over ten miles on each shift as it is now! I simply do not have time to run up to the floor every time they have another test. I just barely have time to draw all the STATs as it is. Do I look like “The Flash”?

Tom: Let’s not judge the ideas yet. Hold back on the editorial comment. We’ll have plenty of time for evaluation later.

Lotta; Cathy, it’s your turn.

Cathy: I think we need to add the Order Entry function to the EHR system so that orders and results can be entered into the system. And then the requests will pop up on the screen. Nobody will have to pick up requests, or make sure that written results get delivered. They can be seen on any monitor.

Beth: My turn? Well, the phlebotomy team on days makes routine sweeps through the hospital, stopping to do the draws in each unit. The entire sweep takes less than an hour. Maybe we coud do the same thing at night. I’ll bet that regular sweeps would even reduce the number of STAT tests. They seem to have increased lately.

Sam: but, the night phlebotomist would still have to make trips beck to the lab immediately for STATs, then again at the end of each hourly sweep.

Lotta: Steve, you’ve been quiet. What ideas have you come up with?

Steve: Well, the last hospital I I worked at had a pheumatic tube system that ran between the Lab and all the patient floors. Maybe we could get the Quality Council to put one in here. The specimen goes into a special container, then ppphhffffftt – right down to the Lab.

Lotta: Who draws the blood?

Steve: The nurses do it.

Dave: Boy, I can hear them now.

Harry: I don’t know – sounds expensive to me. We couldn’t get the new Coulter Counter we needed into the budget last year. What makes you think Administration would approve a tube system? Besides, those systems are always breaking down.

Sam: we could get some quotes, couldn’t we? I think they have one over at Illusion Valley, maybe we could get some info from them.

Tom: OK, we’re evaluating again. Let’s get back on track. Any other ideas?

Beth: I was thinking about Dave running up and down the halls at night. Maybe we could use the paging system to dispatch the phlebotomist at night. Then Dave wouldn’t have to go back to the lab only to find out there’s been a STAT request on some other unit.

Cathy: Well, that’s what the order system in the EHR can be used for too. Dave could just check the system before he leaves each unit, to see if there are other requests for patients on that unit.

Harry: I like that idea, but, again, we’d have to figure out the cost.

Cathy: There really wouldn’t be a cost – it is already part of the software, we just aren’t using it. It would just be a matter of writing up the procedures and training everyone how to use it.


The alternatives mentioned in the scenario are:

  1. Hire an additional phlebotomist for nights
  2. Make immediate trips for all STATs and urgents
  3. Make immediate trips for all STATs and urgents, using the paging system for dispatch
  4. Make immediate trips for all STATs and urgents, using the EHR order entry system for alerts
  5. Make routine sweeps to each patient unit
  6. Install a pneumatic tube system

The next step for the team is to select a solution from among the alternatives. They may want to get some more information about costs, availability, expenses, etc. The impact on improving the current situation, patient care and customer satisfaction should always be considered. Other criteria may include cost, ease of implementation, reliability, impact on morale, time to implement, etc.

Here is what the team did next:

Lotta obtained some more information about the proposed alternatives. The next step for your team is to consider the alternatives and pick the one that you feel is “best”. That means you’d better take a few minutes to decide what “best” means. A decision matrix could be used to sort everything out.

Following are 2 memo’s that were sent regarding this PI project.


TO: Lotta Paper, Assistant Administrator

FROM: Dan Tight, Finance Manager

DATE: February 10, 2010

SUBJECT: Preliminary Cost Benefit Analysis

The incremental average annual cost for each alternative you identified follows.

Alt 1 – Hire additional phlebotomist $25,000

Alt 2 – Immediate Pickup, no added FTE 0

Alt 3 – Utilize Order Entry 0 This is a time cost rather than a monetary cost.

Alt 4 – Hourly sweeps, no added FTE 0

Alt 5 – Tube System $(20,000) (see note)

Note: the tube system savings is based on the following:

$5000 a year for ongoing maintenance

($25,000)/year – 1 less FTE (phlebotomist)

This assumes no added nursing staff required.


TO: Dan Tight, Finance Manager

FROM: Fred Fixer, Facilities Manager

DATE: February 12, 2010

SUBJECT: Projected Tube System Costs

I have checked on the various costs associated with the installation of a pneumatic tube system to link the various patient units with the lab. After checking references and bid information, I feel confident that we could have a system in place with a capital expenditure of $300,000. The vendor, SUIT, Inc. has an excellent reputation and also has the best bid for the system. These types of pneumatic tube systems are generally considered to have a serviceable life of 15 years.


The Performance Improvement team decided on putting the Order Entry system into use, and to purchase the pneumatic tube system. After 30 days of construction and installation and training, the new process has been in place for the past two months and the team made sure that a data collection scheme was in place. The following graph shows the results of the new process.

Final Assignment:

  1. Summarize what this graphs shows.
  2. Were benchmarks met?
  3. Has the team met its objective? (Look back at the team charter and the goal) In looking at the graph, what more could be done?
  4. Discuss how change management needed to be addressed throughout this process to minimize stress and anxiety for the team members who are directly involved with the phlebotomy lab process. Interpret how change management techniques would be used in the planning and initiation stages of this type of project. Think of all of the staff members who would be affected by the changes this project brings.

essay multinational corporation

Assessment Question:

Critically discuss the relationship between an MNC’s strategy and its selection of entry mode.

The approach to the essay

You should demonstrate the breadth of their reading in their essays with reference to original peer-reviewed academic articles, additional to those journal articles.

*** Words count = 2900 words.

*** Type of assessment is “Formative”.

*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.

use the pp to answer the following questions 3

  1. Distinguish between a grievance and a dispute.
  2. Discuss the stages of a dispute.
  3. What are various ways in which individuals may respond to a dispute?

complete literacy 500 word discussion 1

A literacy plan is critical for supporting student literacy. If student achievement gaps are to be effectively reduced, it will require literacy to be a cross curricular mindset. Curriculum must be designed to include effective practices and strategies that can be implemented in content area classrooms with the discipline area teachers understanding their role in the literacy process.

Design a 500-750 word literacy action plan to meet the needs of two students (one of whom has been diagnosed with dyslexia) that are described in the “Class Profile.”

Address the following:

  • Explain your literacy goals for each of the students.
  • Describe the steps of the plan.
  • Include at least three evidence-based resources and at least three strategies that develop language comprehension, strategic knowledge, and reading-writing connections when teaching disciplinary literacy for the selected students.
  • Provide 2-3 examples of how technology can be incorporated when teaching disciplinary literacy to ensure accessibility and relevance for the selected students.
  • Describe 2-3 specific strategies of how reading/literacy specialists may assist struggling readers, as well as the student with dyslexia through compassion and care.
  • Identify how you will continue to assess and modify the plan.

Support your literacy action plan with 3-5 scholarly resources.

discuss ways organizations have built a csirt what are the components to building an effective and successful csirt team 1

Search “” or your textbook.Discuss ways organizations have built a CSIRT. What are the components to building an effective and successful CSIRT team?

Add 1 or 2 references in APA format. Should have 300-350 Words

•Provide concrete examples, perhaps from your own experience or cited from the reading

• Identify consequences or implications

• Challenge something that has been posted – perhaps by playing devil’s advocate in a professional way

• Pose a related question or issue

• Suggest a different perspective or interpretation

• Pull in related information from other sources with proper citation – books, articles, websites, courses, etc.

blood pressure report expectations sp2020 blood pressure report rubric sp2020 library article search


Title page correctly laid out

1” margins

12pt, times new roman

double spaced

page numbers on top right

single sided

Section headers on their own line, centered above their section (headers are below)

– Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, References


2. Introduction

Definition of blood pressure

Explain how blood pressure is an indicator for health.

Define systolic pressure.

Explain what causes systolic pressure

Define diastolic pressure

Explain what causes systolic pressure

List the normal rage for BP (including units)

State the range for hypertension

Explain the risks of hypertension

State the range for hypotension

Explain the risks of hypotension

What does the acronym MAP stand for.

Explain how it is calculated.

Explain why MAP is important

State the purpose of this project/experiment

correct usage of citations

correct usage of quotations

correct grammar and sentence structures.

organized thought flow. Facts/statements in their correct sections.

3. Methods:

Describe how blood pressure was collected

Describe the equipment you used using proper terms

Describe how you got your readings. (did a computer spit them out, did you calculate

them etc)

Describe proper body position for collecting BP.

Indicate how often blood pressure was collected.

correct grammar and sentence structures.

organized thought flow. Facts/statements in their correct sections.

physical security 101

Case Study: Physical Security

Read the article titled, “Enterprise Information Security Management Based on Context-Aware RBAC and Communication Monitoring Technology,” located at Use the Internet to research organizations that have experienced problems and challenges similar to the ones in the article.

Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

  1. Examine the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year
  2. Compare and contrast the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other organization who experienced similar issues. Speculate as to whether or not the environment of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced
  3. Evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Provide a rationale for your response
  4. Compare and contrast the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) other researched organization’s physical security program. Give your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security. Provide a rationale for your response
  5. Use at least four (4) quality references within the past [1] year in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Examine the challenges of computer security, including different threats and types of attacks
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in cryptography
  • Write clearly and concisely about cryptography using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.

Points: 110

Case Study 4: Physical Security



Below 70% F


70-79% C


80-89% B


90-100% A

1. Examine the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year.

Weight: 15%

Did not submit or incompletely examined the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year.

Partially examined the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year.

Satisfactorily examined the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year.

Thoroughly examined the security problems and challenges that organizations experienced in the past year.

2. Compare and contrast the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other company who experienced similar issues. Speculate as to whether or not the environments of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely compared and contrasted the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other company who experienced similar issues. Did not submit or incompletely speculated as to whether or not the environments of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced.

Partially compared and contrasted the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other company who experienced similar issues. Partially speculated as to whether or not the environments of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced.

Satisfactorily compared and contrasted the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other company who experienced similar issues. Satisfactorily speculated as to whether or not the environments of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced.

Thoroughly compared and contrasted the environment at the organization you researched when it experienced these security problems and challenges to the environment of at least one (1) other company who experienced similar issues. Thoroughly speculated as to whether or not the environments of the companies had anything to do with the problems and issues that they experienced.

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Provide a rationale for your response.

Weight: 20%

Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response.

Partially evaluated the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Partially provided a rationale for your response.

Satisfactorily evaluated the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response.

Thoroughly evaluated the effectiveness of two (2) of the solutions that the organization implemented in order to overcome the security problems and challenges that they experienced. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.

4. Compare and contrast the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) of the researched organizations’ physical security programs. Give your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security program. Provide a rationale for your response.

Weight: 25%

Did not submit or incompletely compared and contrasted the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) of the researched organizations’ physical security programs. Did not submit or incompletely gave your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security program. Did not submit or incompletely provided a rationale for your response.

Partially compared and contrasted the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) of the researched organizations’ physical security programs. Partially gave your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security program. Partially provided a rationale for your response.

Satisfactorily compared and contrasted the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) of the researched organizations’ physical security programs. Satisfactorily gave your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security program. Satisfactorily provided a rationale for your response.

Thoroughly compared and contrasted the physical security program of the organization you researched with one (1) of the researched organizations’ physical security programs. Thoroughly gave your opinion as to which of the organizations has a more effective and successful physical security program. Thoroughly provided a rationale for your response.

5. Provide three (3) references.

Weight: 5%

No references provided.

Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references poor quality choices. Uses Internet references not published within the past [1] year.

Meets number of required references; all references high quality choices. Uses Internet references published within the past [1] year.

Exceeds number of required references; all references high quality choices. Uses Internet references published within the past [1] year.

6. Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Weight: 10%

More than 6 errors present.

5-6 errors present.

3-4 errors present

0-2 errors present.