this week you were introduced to the film industry and stages of film production you also learned about what happens when a film is made and what it takes to create interest and get it to the public for this assignment consider this week s readings v 1

This week, you were introduced to the film industry and stages of film production. You also learned about what happens when a film is made and what it takes to create interest and get it to the public. For this assignment, consider this week’s readings, videos, and the class discussion.Download and complete the Film Appreciation Worksheet attached.

Write 250-350 word answers to each of the following 3 sections in the matrix (750 words minimum total for the assignment). Fill out this worksheet, save it, and submit your completed worksheet. Make sure you have saved it as a Microsoft Word .doc or .docx file.

NOTE that in all assignments, if you mention the title of a film, film titles must always be properly formatted and cited as if they are appearing in an essay. See “Film Title and Citation Format” under “Course Resources” 1 for reference.

visual art submit assignment

1. In this activity I want you to apply some of the formalistic elements we learned from the previous Module. Look at the image below and discuss what you see using formalistic analysis. Also, does the image evoke any emotional response, if so what and how do you think that emotion is being evoked?

2. In the 19th and twentieth century many artists experimented with artistic style and technique and rebelled against “traditional” attempts to create the “illusion of reality” in art.

In a short essay of no less than 300 words, discuss examples of how this rebellion manifested its in some artists’ work? You may discuss Van Gogh and/or Rothko but I would like to see some reference to other artists describe from the reading as well.

3.In a short essay of no more than about 200 words, talk to me about this work. What is the name? Who is it by? The really important aspects I want you to tell me are, what are some important formalistic elements of the work and some important contextual aspects related specifically to the Italian Renaissance. One thing in particular I’d like to do in the short essay is that I’d like you describe linear perspective in the work and discuss why it is important to understand this innovation of linear perspective.

write a 10 12 page paper on any criminal justice organization below

It is a 10-page paper which includes cover page, content page, abstract, bibliography page.

Must provide appropriate APA citations for all external sources. NO PLAGARISM

Choose one organization:

1. Basic Concepts for Understanding Criminal Justice Organizations.

2. Structure of Criminal Justice Organizations.

3. The Criminal Justice System in Its Environment. Part II: INDIVIDUALS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS.

4. Problems of Communication.

5. Motivation of Personnel.

6. Job Design.

7. Leadership.

8. Personnel Evaluation and Supervision. Part III: GROUP BEHAVIOR IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE ORGANIZATIONS.

9. Occupational Socialization.

10. Power and Political Behavior.


12. Decision Making.

13. Organizational Effectiveness

historical timeline

In this assignment you will demonstrate your understanding of the learning objectives: Analyze the relevant historical timeline of landmark cases that have influenced special education and the education and treatment of individuals with exceptional needs in the school setting and Identify federal legislation that guides the foundations of special education in the public schools.

The history of special education has included a long and arduous path for parents, teachers, and children as exemplified in Celebrating 35 Years of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (Links to an external site.) but this process also has generated some very positive outcomes. Beginning in 1954 with the landmark civil rights case Brown v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court ruled that separate is not equal and therefore educating children with special needs in isolated environments does not provide an identical education to that of their non-disabled peers (Expanding Civil Rights, n.d.). Since the passage of this groundbreaking legislation, other individuals and activist groups have followed suit, fighting for the legal rights of children with disabilities.

You will select three landmark cases to summarize and analyze using a timeline format. Pick one of these (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.), and (Links to an external site.) are recommended as being user-friendly. The use of your text and the aforementioned video are strong resources for this assignment. Upload a Word document in waypoint that includes a link to your online timeline. An important point is that you must make your website “public” in order for the instructor to access your work.

Here is an example of a timeline:

Timeline Content

  • Identify, by name and date, at least three influential landmark cases specific to 21st century special education beginning in 1960, using (Links to an external site.), (Links to an external site.), or (Links to an external site.), or an online timeline creation tool of your choice.
  • Paraphrase in 2-3 sentences a description of each party’s stance for each of the three selected cases.
  • Restate in your own words, a 2–3 sentence summary of the final court ruling for each of the three selected cases.
  • Explain in 2-3 sentences, using your own words, how the historical legal rulings you selected have supported the needs of students with disabilities.
  • Embed into your timeline a relevant link to a website or video that describes each selected case in user-friendly terms.

Written Communication

  • APA Formatting: Use APA 6th edition formatting consistently throughout the timeline.
  • Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar.
  • Source Requirement: Reference the website or video selected at the conclusion of each case’s narrative.

econ 162 macroeconomics

I need this assignment very soon. Thank you!

1.This first question asks you to view Trump’s State of the Union Address on February 4, 2020.You can complete this question once the State of the Union Address has been delivered.

First, go to

and search for “State of the Union Address”.

You can either watch the video or read the transcript.

Second, answer the following questions:

  • How does the president characterize the current state of the US economy?What evidence does he offer to support his arguments?
  • What macroeconomic variables are considered in the speech?
  • What proposals are offered to improve the condition of the American economy?
  • What proposals are offered to improve the U.S. financial system?

e.From the president’s speech in question 1, find a

i.normative, macroeconomic statement.

ii.positive, microeconomic statement.

iii. normative, microeconomic statement.

iv.. positive, macroeconomic statement.

rephrasing of old report

Please rephrase the engineering report attached below that the new one should not look like the old one when comparing paragraphs. So please rephrase every paragraph and sentence. Using the rephrasing tool is not accepted since it is a report so it needs to be clear and understandable. So it would help to read it first then rephrase it. I highlighted some of the words that does not need to change. Obviusly, graphs, equations, numbers, etc should stay the same.

ch 13 part 2

Ch.13, pp. 480, DQ 13.4-part A (3 qs)

Responses must be substantive and fully address the topic. This may include text, formulas or charts. Assignment length will vary from one to two pages depending on the required response.

Please submit your responses in APA format via a word document

Each chapter needs to be in a separate word document.

compare and contrast review

Compare and contrast review needed for this essay. Kindly check and open the attached reviewed document and re-write the essay.

case study on netflix for business technology class

My assignment is to do a case study on netflix I have all the attachments and the guildlines I will provide you!

conduct research and write a paper on either collaborative technologies or the internet of things in your paper address the following 1

  • Briefly define the technologies you chose (collaborative technologies or IoT technologies).
  • How and why are organizations using these technologies? Provide one real-world example.
  • What are the benefits these technologies provide to organizations? Are there any cost savings organizations might realize by utilizing such technologies? Explain.
  • How do these technologies benefit internal and/or external users?
  • What are some challenges or potential problems of using such technologies? Do the benefits outweigh these concerns? Explain.

Your well-written report should be 4-5 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing at least two references as appropriate.