philosophy journal 2

For this journal assignment, determine if each of following arguments validity (valid or invalid) and soundness (sound or unsound). In addition, explain WHY each argument is valid or invalid, sound or unsound. Here is an example:

1. No mammals are birds. Some penguins are mammals. Therefore, some penguins are not birds.

This argument is valid, because the form, if all premises are true, guarantees that the conclusion is also true. However, this argument is unsound, because one of the premises (some penguins are mammals) is not true.

Each question below will be worth two points each; one point if you correctly identify the validity/soundness, and one point if you correctly explain why. Partial credit will be given only one of the two criteria is correctly identified.


  1. Some twins are sisters. All twins are siblings. Therefore, some siblings are sisters.
  2. All students are dormitory residents. No dormitory residents are birds. Therefore, no birds are students.
  3. All millionaires are rich people. Some Australians are not rich people. Therefore, some Australians are not millionaires.
  4. No spider monkeys are elephants. All elephants are animals. Therefore, no spider monkeys are animals.
  5. Some tacos have cheese. Some tacos have lettuce. Therefore, some tacos are burritos.


1.part one (should be 2 pages)

3 goals. next write how you believe you achieved those goals during this semesters class. be sure to mention which specific allowed you to achieve those goal. and those goal are.

a. Develop ideas and synthesize primary and secondary sources within focused academic arguments, including one or more research-based essays.

b. Analyze, interpret, and evaluate a variety of texts for the ethical and logical uses of evidence.

c. . Write in a style that clearly communicates meaning, builds credibility, and inspires belief or action.

2. part two (should be 2 pages)

the second is your analysis of a quotes related to our semester in the theme of “killer fiction”. and as a part of your answer, be sure that you specifically reference at least 3 literary works/authors that we studied this semester/

a. “Murder is born of love, and love attains the greatest intensity in murder” -Octave Mirbeau

b.’kill a man ,and you are a murderer.kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill everyone, and you are a god”.-Jean Rostand


1) Peer Discussion Post:? 

Research is a systematic investigation of phenomena for the purposes of generalizing findings to a population. Researchers aim to add to the current body of knowledge about a particular subject, and results are often published in academic journals whereas, quality improvement aims to improve care, processes, or outcomes within an organization (Is it quality improvement or research, 2015). The main difference between the two is the targeted audience. Research is aimed at getting information across to a large group and quality improvement is focused within an organization.

Last month I was part of an audit team that got to go to Ohio to help improve their clinic processes. The staff and I concocted an experiment to see if having two nurses give insulin to 116 inmates was more efficient than only using one. The hypothesis was that by using more staff would cut down on the amount of patients each nurse had to see and we were looking to see if it was not only more efficient timewise but if it was going to be safe and effective for the nurses to have so many inmates in one area at one time. In prison there are a lot of protocols in place so processes take a lot longer than they would in a hospital. For example all syringes and lancets need to be account for by writing down each inmate’s name and number that received a lancet and needle. The quantitative research revealed that using two nurses cut down on time by 56 minutes. This was determined by me timing the activity. For qualitative research, I went back and asked the nurses how they felt during the process. All 4 of the nurses that participated stated they felt safe, effective and were happy because they were able to get of work on time and didn’t feel rushed. The research was presented to the quality control committee which included the warden and director of nursing but they refused to change their processes because using one nurse was “the way they ALWAYS did it.”

Is it quality improvement or research? (2015, April). Retrieved from

2) Peer Discussion Post:? 

“Research is a systematic investigation of phenomena for the purposes of generalizing findings to a population. Researchers aim to add to the current body of knowledge about a particular subject, and results are often published in academic journals. Researchers must follow strict policies, obtain consent from subjects, and report any deviation from the protocol. An Institutional Review Board (IRB) must approve the research project before it starts, and a hospital’s administrative personnel must support the project” (Merrill, 2015).

“QI (also called quality assurance) is also systematic, but it aims to improve care, processes, or outcomes within an organization. The purpose of QI is to test a new process using the plan, do, study, act process. This cycle is repeated, and new changes are made to continue to improve the outcome.

Typically, QI results are shared within the organization and might be implemented in other departments. The processes and lessons learned from QI activities can be published; however, it must be clear to the reader that the project was QI and not research. Data published from QI activities are usually aggregated and represented in control charts, histograms, and line graphs.

The hospital should support or approve QI. Some organizations have QI committees that approve and coordinate activities, and some organizations require articles to be approved before submitting for publication.

Some helpful questions to ask to determine if your project is QI include:

  • Has the intervention been used in other healthcare settings or reported in the literature?
  • Will the results of this project directly improve patient care or processes at your hospital?
  • Is the hospital supportive of the project and willing to dedicate employee time and supplies to complete the project?” (Merrill, 2015).

“Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to fulfill a given quota” (DeFranzo, 2011).

“Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Quantitative Research uses measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data collection methods are much more structured than Qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative data collection methods include various forms of surveys – online surveys, paper surveys, mobile surveys and kiosk surveys, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, longitudinal studies, website interceptors, online polls, and systematic observations” (DeFranzo, 2011).

An example of quantitative research in healthcare would be things like catheter associated blood stream infections, catheter associated urinary tract infections and the effects of proper and repeated cleaning of these items. These studies provide exact numbers and measurable outcomes. They also help improve outcomes and health. In my facility we practice cleaning foley with special wipes every 4 hours to decrease infection rates and we only use foley when absolutely necessary. We also clean central line dressings with a sterile technique every 7 days, keep curos on the hubs, and only use central lines when necessary.

An example of qualitative research is patient satisfaction surveys. These surveys are exploratory research to understand the opinions, experiences, and view points of our patients we have cared for. It helps to identify trends of how we care for patients and where we can improve. My hospital utilizes patient satisfaction surveys as do many hospitals around the US.


DeFranzo. (2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Retrieved from…

Merrill. (2015). Is this quality improvement or research? Retrieved from…

3) Peer Discussion Post:? 

Describe the difference between research and quality improvement. Provide a workplace example where qualitative and quantitative research is applied and how it was used within your organization. When replying to peers, discuss how these research findings might be incorporated into another health care setting.

According to the American Nurse today, a research is said to be a systematic investigation, with the goal of generalizing the results to a population. When conducting a research, the individual conducting the researcher should ensure that a consent is obtained from the subjects participating. While quality on the other hand, aims to improve care, processes or outcomes within a facility or organization (American Nurse today, 2015). Quality improvement results are shared among workers in hopes with helping to improve and implement changes. Research investigates methods and standards. While quality uses evidence-base standards to make changes in the facility.

June Helbig stated that, quantitative research focuses on numbers and numerical values that is measurable. However, qualitative research involves evaluating the variables that are not numerical, data is collected through observation, questions or by using interviews (Helbig, 2018). Example of utilizing quantitative research method in my working facility is, using surveys to improve the care provided and evaluating the experience of patients when receiving care from our facility. All patients receive a questionnaire survey when they first check in, then after being treated they evaluate the care received throughout their visit. Patient who don’t have the capability of completing the questionnaire have the option of using the smiley face survey kiosk. The results are then monitored and evaluated closely to improve the quality of care. Based on the numerical value of what the majority is requiring, the facility then tries to make changes accordingly.

Qualitative research on the other hand involves monitoring on the job incidents and near misses to avoid them from reoccurring. I currently work in an urgent care, few days ago at our employee meeting all employees will be required to have all patient complete a PHQ 9. By asking the two questions which involves: In the past two weeks have you been having difficulty enjoying activities that are pleasurable and feeling down depress or hopeless. All nurses triaging patients must ask these questions, due to high suicide rate, increase alcohols and drug usage. These protocols are in place to assist with lowering suicide and making sure patients suffering from other contributing factors, receive the care that they need. The results are then closely monitored and based on patient improvement; the facility tries to implement changes that will help more patients.


American Nurse today. (2015). Is this quality improvement or research. Retrieved from

Helbig, J. (2018). Statistical Analysis. Retrieved from

4) INSTRUCTOR Participation Post:? 

Are statistically significant differences clinically important? What makes statistics clinically important, how can we tell if we should change our normal practices after reading recent publications? What proof in the form of statistics would make you change your day to day practices that you have been practicing for years? If you have changed practices in the past, please describe how you came to this conclusion.


Question: In a UN press release from 2017, Bangladesh proposed “safe zones” for refugees, citing the influx of Rohingya Muslims from Myanmar. What are the synergies created in ongoing peacekeeping missions that would support “safe zones”? What are the drawbacks? What lessons from PKO history might suggest the success of the “safe zone” concept?

Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Please respond with three follow-ups to other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words. The initial required post should be supported by course readings using parenthetical references. Click here for a copy of the discussion rubric.

Follow the Turabian Quick Guide style for author/date. Click on the tab in the middle of the page.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:55pm ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm ET


(Due 28 May PST)

Topic: explore and analyze the gender symmetries that are involved in domestic violence against women. It is important to understand this aspect because men too can be victims of domestic violence.

Length: 4-5 pages

Format: APA format

Title: Include an informative, interesting, provocative and/or creative title

The Literature Review consists of an introduction, summary of scholarly sources, a discussion

and evaluation of the sources (including disputes and disagreements), and a conclusion in which

you put forth your own potential original research questions that will contribute something new

to the conversation.

A minimum of five scholarly sources (not the same ones you used in the Background Essay) are required for this essay. These can be either academic peer-reviewed journal articles from a database such as Academic Search Premier or a chapter from a scholarly book.

The Literature Review in the Research Process

A literature review is a section of a final research report, and can also be a stand-alone essay;

both are required for your topic in this class. “Literature” refers to the scholarly writing,

published (original) research study results, and other important analyses on a particular aspect of

a topic.

A scholarly literature review is part of any final research study or report since it demonstrates

that you are familiar with what other scholars have already studied and published on your

subject, and allows you then to map out what new arena or question you would like to pursue.

There is, after all, no point in reinventing the wheel, i.e., undertaking a study that someone else

has already done or trying to answer a question that has already been adequately explored.

There’s also no point in reaching your own interpretive conclusions without taking into account

what others have already studied and argued. You would lack credibility and appear naive and

uninformed if your analysis has already been convincingly put forth or refuted.

The purpose of a literature review is fourfold:

  • The first is to summarize and assess the state of existing knowledge on your narrowed topic. What knowledge exists and is generally accepted with regard to your topic? Are there important differences or disagreements among scholars? Are there significant problems or limitations with any of the research studies? Which research methods were employed in the various research studies, which were not, and with what consequences? What questions remain unanswered? What aspects or approaches seem relatively unexplored?
  • Through the process of reviewing existing knowledge you will also develop a more nuanced understanding of your topic, the second reason for conducting a literature review.
  • This new understanding leads to the third reason, to raise questions for further research. In other words, what are you left wondering? What questions or aspects of the issue do you find have been unanswered, underexplored or overlooked? How would our understanding be improved by pursuing those questions or angles? At the end of this process, you will hopefully find that you can identify several potential research questions.
  • The final purpose of the literature review, based on the sources that have been assessed and the new questions that have been raised, is to identify one specific and significant research question. This research question will drive your research from this point forward as you build towards the Final Research Article, in which you present an argument that attempts to answer your own research question.

Required Elements of the Literature Review

Required Sources:

  • At least five scholarly articles (must be different from those you used in the BE). Use an electronic database such as Academic Search Premier (select “peer-reviewed” from the search screens of these databases) or Google Scholar ( or find a chapter in an edited scholarly book.
  • At least two of the sources must be no older than three years. The sources should be diverse; you should not have more than two (of the five) articles from the same author or journal; if you do have more than two from the same author or journal, then you should have more than the minimum five sources. Ideally, your collection of scholarly sources should include a variety of research methods as well.

Introduction: (1-2 paragraphs)

The introduction presents your narrowed topic or area of inquiry, whether from

the conclusion of your Background Essay or based on a later formulation, its significance, and an

overview statement of how researchers have studied this narrowed area (covering the topic

sentences of your summary paragraphs). Also include a thesis statement that provides your

evaluation of the state of current knowledge and of what needs further study, which should

anticipate the specific research question you will arrive at in the end. Here is an example from a

former student’s research project on domestic violence in the case of mail-order brides in the


“Although there have been many studies of domestic violence against women and programs adopted to reduce it, there are virtually no statistics documenting instances of abuse in the immigrant bride population. Beyond the normal range of factors that abused women who are citizens face, there are other factors of culture, class, racism, and sexism that further expose immigrant women who have chosen to become mail-order brides.”

Summary (include section heading): (2-3 pages)

This section has no opinion – you are explaining the content of the literature. The summary-of-sources section presents the research, knowledge, and analysis that the literature offers concerning your narrowed research topic. This section should be organized according to the issues or aspects studied, the accepted interpretations or theories, the disputed claims, and any unanswered questions. Do not simply summarize each source in separate paragraphs. The paragraphs in your summary should focus on specific issues, not necessarily on individual authors.

For example, if you were studying prison reform, one paragraph might present what three scholars have reported regarding education programs in prison, even though one or more of those authors might show up again in another paragraph on visitation rights. If a paragraph happens to focus on only one author or article, make sure this is for a good reason, for example, the article represents the authoritative discussion of a particular issue; in such a case, the content of that paragraph should be limited to the issue and not turn into a general summary of the article.

Discussion and Evaluation (include section heading): (2-3 pages)

This section is your discussion and evaluation of the articles from your summary section and not your discussion of the issues themselves. Instead, you are interpreting and evaluating the knowledge presented in the summary section in order to raise questions for further research. You may discuss and evaluate the significance of various conclusions and arguments, the completeness of individual studies, the research methods used, substantial areas of disagreement, debates over definitions of terms, and/or the consistency of the results with each other. As you present your evaluation, do so cautiously with thorough analysis and explanation. Challenging the results of a professional study with nothing but one isolated observation or opinion will reveal your naiveté more than any real weakness in the study. Share your evaluation without using the first person (I, me, my, mine); doing so will shift the reader’s focus away from the subject and onto you, the writer. As you discuss and evaluate the knowledge and issues with regard to your narrowed topic, raise questions for further study along the way. Do not introduce new articles in this section that you haven’t already covered in the Summary section.

Please note that even though you may take issue with aspects of the research and findings in your

sources, it is very rare for the discussion to include a complete dismissal of any one source. If

you read a source and find that it has nothing or little of value to offer on your topic and research

question, then do not include it in the literature review in the first place. By choosing to include

sources in your literature review, you imply that you have already judged them to offer

something that is worth consideration.

Conclusion: Proposed Research Question and Significance (include section heading): The

conclusion synthesizes the knowledge confirmed through the discussion and evaluation section

while identifying areas for further research. After reviewing the literature, what do we know?

What don’t we know? There should be an apparent connection between the new areas of inquiry

and the summary of existing knowledge. Bring your conclusion to a close by identifying and

discussing the significance of a specific research question that will drive the rest of your research


Note: The specific research question you present in your conclusion should be somewhat

original. It should NOT be a yes/no, good/bad, for/against, pro/con, either/or, right/wrong, or

moral/immoral kind of question. Rather the research question should attempt to advance the

already-existing knowledge and understanding around your narrowed topic. This can include an

inquiry into causes and effects; the evaluation of already-existing policies, programs or

proposals; unforeseen or non-obvious connections and consequences; etc. Hint: Try coming up

with a single sentence answer (hypothesis) to your own research question in order to assess its

viability and originality. Note that your Final Research Article will ask you to present your

further investigation of your research question, and will ask you to develop an academic

argument based on your best possible answer to it (the hypothesis).

References and In-text Citations: An APA-style References page, with all of the sources

referred to in your literature review, must be included at the end of your essay. All quoting,

paraphrasing, and summarizing must also follow APA guidelines. In your presentation and

analysis of sources, avoid heavy reliance on quotations to present the ideas of others. Excessive

quoting can turn your literature review into a cacophony of different voices that frustrates the

reader’s ability to find cohesion between the distinct ideas. In most cases, you are better off

paraphrasing or summarizing, which you must do carefully to avoid plagiarism. Quote other

authors sparingly and with purpose: to convey an idea that cannot be paraphrased without losing

meaning or to convey the power of the original language.

Outline requirement (Due 27 May noon PST)

1. Define your organization structure with each subsection you will be using. For example, if you your using a Geographical structure, list that plus the areas you’ll be using, like this:

Geographical Structure

    • Washington State (subtopic 1)
    • Oregon State (subtopic 2)
    • California (subtopic 3)

2. Place each of your sources under each section you believe you will be using it. Make it very clear which sources you will be using, at least at this point, under each section, like this:

Geographical Structure

    • Washington State (subtopic 1)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
    • Oregon State (subtopic 2)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 5, Source 6
    • California (subtopic 3)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 2, Source 3, Source 4

3. When taken all together, what do the sources say about the subsection you put them under? Write a short paragraph, or summary, of what the sources say, AS A WHOLE, under each subtopic.

Geographical Structure

    • Washington State (subtopic 1)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
      • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)
    • Oregon State (subtopic 2)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 5, Source 6
      • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)
      • California (subtopic 3)
        • Sources I’ll be using: Source 2, Source 3, Source 4
        • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)

4. When taken all together, what is the analysis of this subtopic? What does this summary actually MEAN – what, when you take all of the above themes and sources, does thismean? It will look like this:

Geographical Structure

    • Washington State (subtopic 1)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
      • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)
      • What does this summary actually MEAN – what, when you take all of the above themes and sources,does thismean? What are the contributions of this literature to the field? What are the overall strengths? What are the overall weaknesses?What might be missing? Is there bias? How should the audience take this summary and move forward?
    • Oregon State (subtopic 2)
      • Sources I’ll be using: Source 1, Source 5, Source 6
      • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)
      • What does this summary actually MEAN – what, when you take all of the above themes and sources,does thismean? What are the contributions of this literature to the field? What are the overall strengths? What are the overall weaknesses?What might be missing? Is there bias? How should the audience take this summary and move forward?
      • California (subtopic 3)
        • Sources I’ll be using: Source 2, Source 3, Source 4
        • Summary of sources as a whole: Bla bla bla (This should be a nice solid paragraph of what the sources say as a whole about this topic)
        • What does this summary actually MEAN – what, when you take all of the above themes andsources, does thismean? What are the contributions of this literature to the field? What are the overall strengths? What are the overall weaknesses?What might be missing? Is there bias? How should the audience take this summary and move forward?


The IEP is the primary vehicle for communicating the district’s commitment to address the unique educational needs of students with disabilities. As early as possible, and no later than 16 years of age, according to IDEA (2004), the IEP team must include transition planning as part of the IEP process. This is often referred to as Transition IEP, which is considered an addition to the content requirement for an IEP. In fact, it is an IEP, and must include all the required components of an IEP. Your school district may provide a supplemental form to be used in conjunction with the development and documentation of the transition IEP.

Ask permission to sit in on an IEP meeting in which transition services are to be discussed. No personal or sensitive information should be included in this report. Assure the school administrators and the parents of the student that your presence at the meeting is for training purposes only. It is best if you know the parents/guardians of the child who have the right to invite guests to their child’s IEP meeting. Again, assure the parents and administrators that the child’s real name will not be included in your report, nor will any information that will identify him/her

A. Prior to the meeting, create an information packet to give to the family members during the IEP meetings to include a clarification of educational jargon, information on their right as the parents or guardians of the child, an explanation of the IEP process, contact information about the school personnel, and any additional information you think the parents would need before the meeting. Include this information with your field experience report. (7 points)

B. Take notes during the meeting, especially when the members of the committee start discussing the transition services for this student, and gather the information needed to answer the following questions related to the following four areas of concern. (7 points)

1. Desired postsecondary outcome: What is the vision of the student and his/her family of where the student will live, be employed, spend leisure time, and engage in social relationships? What instructional procedures for teaching adaptive life skills to this child?

2. Instruction: What academic, vocational, or nonacademic courses are recommended for this student? What are some of the methods for evaluating and documenting the student’s progress in acquiring, generalizing, and maintaining skills related to interpersonal interactions and participation in activities in school at home, and in the community?

3. Community experiences: What leisure, domestic, community access, and vocational activities are recommended and are available for this student?

4. Employment: What community-based employment, supported employment, on the- job training, occupational training, and exploratory coursework are recommended for this student? What are the necessary skills that this student needs to engage in self-determination and self-advocacy?

C. Your field experience report should conclude with a summary and your impressions of the meeting. Your final thoughts should address the following questions. (6 points) ESE 680 Page 17 of 45 September 2015

1. Did the parents get what they wanted for their child?

2. Was someone at the meeting there to advocate for the student?

3. Was the student invited to the meeting? If not, why not?

4. Who did most of the talking at the meeting, and what was the extent of the

parents/guardians’ participation?

5. Were the decisions made at the meeting for the best interest of the


6. Did everyone seem to agree with the transition services suggested for this

student? How realistic were the transition goals for this student?

7. What did you learn from this experience? How optimistic are you about

this student’s future?

the following video describes auctions as price discovery mechanisms https www youtube com watch v 4kwuxfvbiau use the video on auctions and at least 3 academic and or high quality business publications see definitions below to answer the following q

Case Study 1: Auctions-Spring 2019

The following video describes auctions as price discovery mechanisms

Use the video on auctions and at least 3 academic and/or high-quality business publications, see definitions below, to answer the following questions in 5-7 pages:

1. There are many types of auctions each with strengths and weakness at uncovering the real price/value of an item. Compare and contrast:

a) the English and Dutch auctions; and,

b) the sealed bid first price auction and the Vickery Auction.

2. Concierge Auctions Limited sells very high end and unique properties worldwide using an English style auction, selling to the highest bidder. They have been embroiled in multiple law suits, see the link to the Wall Street Journal. Advise Concierge as to the weakness that an English auction may have in uncovering a property’s value. Provide a recommendation for at least one other auction type which may better uncover the value of unique real estate properties.

3. Auctions are widely used in finance, e-commerce and in e-games. Identify 3 uses of auctions by firms in finance, e-commerce and/or e-games. Explain the:

a) need for an auction in the product/service; and

b) what type of auction is used and why that type of auction is appropriate for the product/service.

4. Auctions are also widely used to generate revenue for not-for-profit organizations. What are the advantages/disadvantages of auctions as revenue generators for not-for-profit organizations?

5. Suggest ways in which the company you work for, or the company which you aspire to work for, can use auctions to better uncover value and increase revenue.

Assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12) with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA format. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment length.

Acceptable Types of Publications

The definition of a high-quality professional business publication is one which is primarily a publication directed to reporting and/or analysis of the workings of business. Examples are: Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters…etc. Avoid general news publications such as USA Today, Washington Post, NY Times.


The idea of “diseases peculiar to the place” brings an interesting topic. What kind of disease is more frequent in your town, city, state, and what do you thing are the reasons for it? Please elaborate your answer and provide references.


This question is based on the reading that we read in class, and we need to read the essays first and then write a 1000 words essay about the essay. Need to answer the first question fully.Then present a thesis that directly answers the second question. Then use three detailed examples to support your thesis.

answer the following multiple choice questions 1

choose the best answer from the list of possible answers which are lettered