Three Final Essays:
1- Interview a smoker to learn firsthand how the smoker started and when, why they continue, whether they have tried to quit and how that has worked, any health issues, etc? Summarize the interview in half of a page and relate your findings to the literature, how is your interviewee similar and dissimilar to the literature? Some suggested questions: When did you start smoking and why? Have you tried to quit, how, how successful were each of these attempts? Why do you think you smoke? Do you think smoking is bad for you? Why do you think you haven’t been able to quit?
2- You are working in a health care setting. You are referred a patient, Thomas, for noncompliance with medical recommendations. You read the medical chart and find out that Thomas is a 59-year-old patient with Type II diabetes. Thomas is overweight, eats mostly high fat processed foods, and never exercises (all risk factors for type II diabetes by the way). His blood sugar levels are dangerously high and have stayed that way in spite of the doctor’s repeated attempts to get them down. Thomas is married and has 3 grown children. He works as a janitor at a nearby office building. Thomas’ doctor complains that his patient does not do a good job checking his insulin level and taking the right doses of insulin. He also complains that Thomas makes no attempt to lose weight, eat a low fat no sugar diet, or maintain a regular exercise program. You are asked to design an intervention to help Thomas comply with medical recommendations.
Use the various theories of health behaviors for:
- Identification of the problem (here you can imagine reasons why Thomas is engaging in these behaviors based on the information provided above and the knowledge from the literature)
- Plan of intervention (be detailed, what do you want Thomas to do, how will you guide him, based on what theory, etc.)
3-You are working in a medical/educational setting. Specifically, you work for a university hospital and medical center in beautiful, sunny, Southern California. Recently, the dermatologists at the university health center are referring an unusually high number of students to the oncology units for melanoma, the worst type of skin cancer that usually begins in a mole. Not only is the number of melanoma cases high, but students are coming in to see the dermatologists when the melanoma has already spread to the lymph nodes, and therefore chances for survival from this deadly disease decrease dramatically. You are asked to design an intervention that will promote skin cancer prevention techniques across the campus community.
- Design a ‘community’ intervention, you should make sure to target groups at various levels of awareness and interest in skin cancer. Also, you should promote prevention at various stages, from prevention of skin cancer to early recognition of symptoms